» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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to each other since he’d claimed me.

                I felt my body come to life as he continued to enter me, not stopping until he was as far as he could get and I blessed him for it. He let me get accustomed to his size and his entrance before he started moving. I threw my head back and rolled my hips in time to his slow thrusts. He growled softly, his thrusts getting slightly harder as he continued. I could feel him holding back and I hated it. I brought my wolf out and grabbed his hair, pulling and tugging, as my legs wrapped around his waist. He smirked before bringing his wolf out too and gripping the  back of my neck and lifting. I had no choice but to look him in the eyes as his thrusts became punishing and quick. I could feel where he claimed me sting, a pain that felt too good for me to actually complain about it. I realized that he had nicked it so that the wound had reopened. I couldn’t look to see if there was blood, his eyes had captivated mine and made everything so much better. I could feel him tensing up and slowing down, he was close to his release and wanted to make it last.  With the softest of smiles I escaped his grasp on his neck, careful of his claws, and bit deep into his neck. He howled, loud and victorious, as his blood filled my mouth and we were linked. I felt all of him then, the deep emotional connection that was shared wasn’t missed. He was entirely in my head, filling me with such happiness and sorrow that it almost gave me whiplash. Lapping at my mark I looked at him and saw his blue eyes watching me so carefully. He thought this moment was going to break, he didn’t dare move and I smiled softly. Cupping his face I kissed his nose and brought our foreheads together.

“This is as real as you are to me, and I am to you.” I whispered and he closed his eyes, breathing deep and smelling the way we both smelled. It was the thick honey smoke and dirt from him and cinnamon and pine from me. We were together finally and, in this moment, that’s all we needed to be for it to work.



                I slept for the first time in about a month, it was only an hour or two because of the whole rescuing Abaddon thing. He knew fully about everything, we were too close for anything to be hidden unless I tried really hard. He’d been through enough and needed to know some of the truth. I slowly removed myself from his arms and he woke up, his eyes wide and blue as he pinned me with his gaze. I pleaded with him to understand that I had to do this. With a brief nod he kissed the back of my hand and let me go. I pulled on exercise leggings and a black breathe free shirt. I picked up the satchel I’d packed and transported to where Filly waited for me. Her hair was in a tight ponytail and her eyes were alert but pained. She and Leo had fought, that much was clear, and I had hoped it wasn’t because of the mission. She shook her head and grit her teeth, I wouldn’t ask her about it; there was more important things on both of our minds.

“Remember, when we get up there only take as much is needed to cloak yourself.”

“Where are we even transporting?” She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and encircled herself with magick.

“A bathroom.” Was all I said before we were there, all white surrounding us. I was expecting nothing less, considering where we were.  I pulled the clothes out of the bag and she looked at me then, anger bubbling inside of her.

“You’re fuckin’ kidding me?” She whisper yelled, grabbing the black material fro my hands.

“Don’t rip it, it would be too much magick if we pulled and made more.” I said, sliding on the white button down shirt before pulling on the slacks.

“Please don’t tell me where I think we are, Luna.” She said again, dropping her bag and doing the same.

“You were right, they’ve got anomaly scanners. So many people come in and out of this building, the scanner will think nothing of it.” She glared at me as she buttoned up her shirt carefully.

“Control your temper, too. The more you pull on it the more they’ll feel the pull.”

“Me? Me control my temper? The pot telling the kettle to not be black. Also, this feels wrong. Like, way wrong.” She pulled on the blazer and attached a fake clip to her breast.

“You are now Agent Sarah Borrow, and I am Melinda Field.” I put my hair into the tightest ponytail I could stand and nodded at her. I left the bathroom first, quickly walking down the hall and wiping my hands on my, now buttoned, blazer. I looked around, avoiding looking down at every chance because then that would make me look more suspicious. Men and women bustled around me, not one foot dragging and no stride anything but confident. They’d sent out a call to all humans, they needed more warriors and filed agents. They were trying to be ready for when the fight came. I turned a corner and saw an elevator and had to stop myself from running down the hall. Filly passed me, jogging to the elevator and I followed her. She pressed the button and I raised my hand.

“Hold it!” I used a small voice, one that was still strong but hid my actual voice just in case. She threw back a look and put her hand on the door to prevent it from coming. As I walked in the door closed but we still didn’t talk to each other. I made a show of tugging on my arm sleeves. They kept the demons on the third level under the basement, I quickly pressed the third button under the big bold B and stood still. I kept my breathing even and looked ahead, I wouldn’t talk to Filly, I wouldn’t screw anything up. I walked out and watched as she got out behind me, walking the other way that I was going. We’d meet up again at the end, so I wasn’t worried about her. I walked down a narrow hallway that was pure white, a guard with a gun stood at the end of it. I picked up my nose and walked down the hall with assumed forced confidence. The male guard at the end smirked and adjusted his gun. I could tell he was heavily padded under that sit, he probably got paid a lot of money just to stand there. Jackass probably didn’t even know why.

“I would like access please.” I made my voice shake slightly, but still be strong enough to relay myself.

“Name, sweetheart?”

“Agent Field, new hire.” His brow raised and I smoothed out the front of my blazer and crossed my arms. I would have to pull on my inner mother and so much of me hated that.

“A newbie, jeez we get about a hundred a day. And you got assigned to this particular area?” He scanned me brazenly and I knew what he saw; it was exactly what I wanted him to see. I looked to be about twenty regularly, my face pale which made my freckles stand out. I was tiny, and new, and had red hair. He knew enough about my appearance to know that I wouldn’t last long. He calmed down and jerked his head toward the door.

“Have fun kid, when you come running and crying from out there know that I won’t judge you.” His elbow pushed the button to open the door and looked past me with a smirk. I inwardly shook my head, but otherwise continued through.

Chapter 25


There were rooms with windows into them, windows that were heavily guarded with so much black magick it almost made me hurl. The demons watched as I passed by, knowing smiles hitting there lips. Some of them, the insane ones, laughed maniacally as I passed. It was almost as if this was an insane asylum for the lost demons; demons that had been cast out of hell and had no way of escaping whatever the humans were doing. I sniffed slightly, keeping my head held high and my leg strokes confident. Any camera watching wouldn’t be able to detect I didn’t know where I was going or what I was doing for that matter. I let my nose lead the way, following the scent that was most familiar that wasn’t Felicia. After a couple of turns I was led to a heavy metal door guarded with a key pad, thankfully there wasn’t any identification scanners because then I would be boned. I typed in the password and giggled at the plainness of the human race, always resorting to religion. Her key code was the chapter that she popped up in the bible. The door opened to a dark cemented room, with nothing in it but Abaddon. She put her hands on her hips and looked at me, her lips was busted and her hair was matted but otherwise she looked okay.

“It’s about time you showed up.”

“You think it’s easy to break into the pentagon, because it’s not. Wanna know why, it’s the fucking pentagon. That’s why?” I said, keeping my temper in check and glaring at her.

“Help me take the chains out, apparently they’re bound with magick that I can’t control.” She said, tugging on her foot so I could hear the chains rattle against the floor. My heart dropped and I put my hand on my forehead.

“Of course they did, why wouldn’t they?” I growled, still keeping my rage under control and I looked at her. She looked forlorn, she knew I couldn’t touch those chains. She probably didn’t know that Azazil had sent for me to come get her, he probably wasn’t able to get past all of the spyware.

“As soon as I remove that, the spell is over. You know that, don’t you?” She stayed quiet and looked at the chain.

“I’ll owe you my life, and you know how much that means. They’re not planning anything pleasant for me… that I know.” I looked at her and groaned, knowing that none of this would end prettily and painlessly. I took off my blazer and kicked off the small heeled boots I’d put on and shook loose the charm. That wouldn’t be the problem though, it wasn’t that the fae would feel that magick had been taken, the scanners would go off immediately. I wouldn’t have long to high tail it out of here and get everybody to safety. So I’d have to make every second count, and I couldn’t waste time being bounded by the clothes I’d been forced to wear. Letting my wolf out I grabbed the chains, ignoring the sting of dark magick and tugged, easily breaking them with the brute force I applied. The cuff opened and let her ankle breathe, she sighed and leaned down to rub the sore

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