» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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out. He didn’t have time to reach for his gun before I punched him straight in the nose. I hoped it wasn’t hard enough to actually do damage, but things needed to be done.

“Sorry, dude. It’s nothing personal.” I grabbed the key card from him and opened the door. I followed the route I had ran through my mind until I reached the only door that it could be. With a deep breath I reached up and knocked, knowing that there was nothing else I could do.





     I looked to the door and my blood ran cold. Agent Brown was right, I had gotten this far which wasn’t that far when I thought about it. I didn’t have a plan for what would actually happen.

“You’ve got a plan right, Luna? You didn’t just do this on a whim?” Filly asked, her voice very close to a growl.

“The document was correct, you are impulsive.” Without looking at him I continued to point the gun at him knowing my aim was still immaculate. The person knocked again, I sniffed but I couldn’t get a scent other than the thick metal of the door and Filly. Her emotions were making it hard for me to determine who it was. I tossed the gun to Filly and opened the door carefully, not wanting to open it too wide or be too close to it so the person could hurt me. A boy peeked through the crack I had created, his black hair falling over his eyes despite his baseball cap.

“I imagine you’re Luna?” His accent was thick and Irish and I rolled my eyes, they couldn’t send anyone from anywhere else besides the UK? Now that the door was open I sniffed and my anger rose.

“Of course they would send you.” I opened the door and grabbed him before closing it again.

“Oh uh, yeah. They told me you’d be expecting me, I was expecting a more welcoming expectation.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

“Take a whiff, then you’ll know why I’m not welcoming you with the widest of arms.” I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair but not fully. It was way too matted for that.

“I say we put aside our differences, seeing as you kinda need my help to get outta here.” He shrugged and I grit my teeth, glairng at him.

“Luna, he’s right. We can fight when we get out of here successfully.” Filly stopped me and I nodded.

“How do we get out?” I asked, starting to pace and nibble on my bottom lip.

“There’s no magick here, don’t you need magick for your little portal?” Brown asked condescendingly. I snarled and walked toward him, backing him into sitting down in the chair.

“There isn’t any magick here, but we’re not completely defenseless. You’re still inside of a cage with three wild animals. Wouldn’t test your luck by coming out of your mouth with snide shit. Try not to piss me off anymore than I already am.”

“Luna, we’re not completely defenseless!” Filly said excitedly, her face gaining color.

“Yeah, I just said that-“

“No, there’s still power!” She said before using water to grab the gun.

“You’re fucking brilliant.” I squeaked and backed away from Brown.

“Where are we, like the actual location?” I asked the boy.

“You’re dead smack in the middle of the pentagon. Under five levels of high security. This place is a fuckin’ maze, almost got lost a couple of times myself.” I just quietly seethed at him before letting my mind work.

“The only way to get out, is if you tear apart the pentagon.”

“The whole thing?” Filly asked, her eyes clouding over and her teeth set on nibbling her lip.

“Are any of you good with Earth?”

“The only one good with Earth out of us is Leo. We all have it but… he’s got the strongest affinity for it.”

“You’re talking about tearing the pentagon apart, do you know how crazy that sounds?” Brown scoffed, still not bothering to stand up.

“How about you just not talk at all? Huh? Maybe that’d be a good thing for you to do, buddy.” The boy said waving his hand towards Brown. I nodded in agreement and looked to Filly.

“You have to borrow his.” She looked to me and nodded slowly.

“It’ll make him weak.”

“Good thing he isn’t up here then, right?” I said lightly and she nodded. I looked to brown and put the handcuffs on him putting his arms behind the chair and locking his legs in.

“What happened to get far away from here?”

“You’ll be safe, it’s bad press if they kill you for something you couldn’t control. At most you’ll be dishonorably discharged and you’ll have to get a normal job. They’re not going after your family. I had to get out of here, surely you understand.” I didn’t care and blocked out anything he said after. I looked to Filly and the boy before gesturing to the door.


“No.” They both answered.





       With three sets of ears out for even the slightest movement, we ran through the maze. There were a couple of close corners, but we managed to get to the middle. I looked up at the ceiling and took several deep breaths, I was borrowing strength from my wolf but even she was weak. A couple of weeks of daily torture took its toll on me and I hated it. Filly was damn near hunched over, they had left the bullet in for about a week and she’d gotten some pretty bad silver poisoning. The boy looked at both of us with worry but otherwise said nothing. I knew he wanted to say something, but one look at my face and he shut up. I opened the pack link and shut out the many voices that flew in.

“Luna! Oh God, I’m gonna fucking kill you! Who the hell do you think you are just getting up and leaving? What the hell do you think you’re doing!? I didn’t suffer three months and eight fucking hours just for you to just run head forward into a fucking sword! You’re so fucking dead, don’t even come back because as soon as your little ass comes back here I’m going to wring your fucking neck and kill you myself, you ungrateful little brat!!” My mom yelled into my ear and I felt my eyes burn. I squeezed them tighter and laughed a little.

“Mom, we’re coming back. We’ll be there soon, Leo’s going to be weak and Ander is going to be angry. Just watch them, make sure they don’t kill each other.” Was all I said before closing the link again, I turned and faced Filly.

“I have faith in you.” She nodded at me and bit her lip before looking up. She pulled out her tigress, they were both weak in their own ways but together there was enough strength to pull it off. Her eyes shifted to the amber of her tigress before they shifted to the red of her power.

“Feel it coming in the air, and the screams from everywhere. I’m addicted to the thrill, it’s a dangerous love affair; can’t be scared when it goes down, got a problem tell me now. Only thing that’s on my mind is who’s gonna run this town tonight.” She growled at the end of it and threw her fists in the air and squeezed them tightly together. Slowly she pulled them apart, I could see the amount of concentration that she was pouring into it. A bullet flew past my head and I growled, I used my fire element to form two short swords.

“Protect her left, I’ll protect her right!” I yelled, moving my swords to protect my body as the bullets flew. I knew he would do as I asked, so I didn’t worry about it. As the bullets showered onto us my anger rose and my actions became quicker. I got close enough to punch one in the face and us his body against me.

“Life’s a game but it’s not fair, I break the rules so I don’t care. So I’ll keep doing my on thing, walking tall against the rain. Victory’s within the mile, almost there don’t give up now. Only thing that’s on my mind is who’s gonna run this town tonight!” I felt the ground shake and relief flew through me.

“Stop fucking shooting, or I swear to your God! Don’t even fucking test me.” Nobody moved, the building shook around us, but they wouldn’t dare take a shot unless they had a good shot on me and only me. I ripped the gun from my human shield’s hand and pointed it at them.

“I wouldn’t let my trigger finger get itchy right about now if I were you.” A loud thundering crack filled the air and our bodies jerked. I looked to Felicia and saw her hands moving faster and all of her muscles bunching.

“Hyena! Help her!” His affinity for earth would be strong too, not as strong as Leo’s but strong enough to help. I backed away from the human and aimed the gun directly at all of them. They noticed my shield slumped over and fired at me. I was fast at aiming, but not that fast. I had twelve of them all aimed at my heart or my head. Quickly a wall of Earth separated me from them.

“No offense,” the hyena grunted getting back to helping Filly “but get your shit together Luna.” I nodded and stood next to Filly, she was moving faster with the separation. Using air I surrounded us and lift us out. She kept pulling, and singing softly to herself.

“Where does the magick pick up again, hyena?” I asked, pushing away the rocks that full down.

“They set out a mile radius with the void, they couldn’t manage to get it farther.” He was struggling to hold on to his elements and talk to me at the same time. I felt slightly bad for him, but he needed to learn. I looked up and pushed the debris away.

“Does that count up there?” He looked up and smiled before looking at me.

“No, it doesn’t.” I nodded and tapped into Filly’s mental link.

“Just a little bit more, we have to get up there. We can access magick.” I knew she heard because I felt her pull more. I pushed us up higher with air, needing to move faster; I could hear the blades moving on the helicopters they were sending out.

“Hyena, you open a portal. We’ll need to leave through it as soon as possible. If we have it open we can run through it. I’ll tell you when.” He nodded and I moved us faster until we were through the wreckage and in the air.  My strength returned as magick coursed through my body. There were humans screaming and running away, as if three teenagers in an air bubble was the scariest thing to happen to them. Two helicopters were coming up behind  us, but I focused on the one that was coming straight at us. Partly because we wouldn’t be able to survive that if it continued to fly as fast as it was, but mainly because the President sat next to the pilot. I smirked and crossed my arms.

“Luna.” The hyena whispered, but I ignored him. This was a pivotal moment for the war, a pseudo war conference; time stressed. He unbuckled himself and moved to the back of the helicopter and the helicopter moved with him, angling to the side so I could see him in all his glory. He turned on his megaphone and cleared his throat.

“Luna, Felicia. It’s been all too long.”

“Nah, to me it seems like just yesterday we were oppressed.” I used air to create the same effect that his megaphone had so there would be no confusion.

“In what way were you oppressed, when we drew that treaty it was beneficial to both parties.”

“Hmm, not really, no. WE were put into specialized housing, like the diseased are put into a hospital.”

“To help them get better.”

“We aren’t

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