» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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torture us alone some times, but most times we were together. We were good at staying quiet, and we were good at keeping the link shut because otherwise our mental screams would’ve served to haunt everyone else. Agent Brown knew we wouldn’t give him anything but still tortured us. The door opened and I didn’t look up, I just focused on how much I would need to break my hands to get them out. Brown walked in, whistling the star spangled banner, coming to me and unchaining my feet. I would go alone today, which was kind of unsettling. With Filly there I could hang on a little better, my pride acting stronger with her around. But by myself, it was easy to let the smallest of whimpers out.

“Good morning, Luna dear. It’ll just be you and me.” He’d said good morning to us about twenty times, we’d been here for close to a month. I knew that us being gone would just be a fuel to a burning forest fire, but forest fires burn too greatly grow too large before it does any damage. I didn’t want them to ruin everything we worked for because their anger blinded them. I looked to Filly before he pushed me out and she gave me the tiniest of smiles, her eyes was still black from yesterday. They’d managed to slow down our healing to almost human capacity, it was still fast but even the smallest of things could take a couple of hours. I bit on my lip and walked, I knew where we were going so I walked there, careful not to go too fast because I knew he’d tug on my chains which is not something that I readily wanted.

“You can end this all, you know.” He started on his normal spiel and I blocked him out, knowing that he knew I would. I formed fists and knew I could do what I planned, it was just a matter of how we would get out of the actual prison. There wasn’t any magick. We weren’t strong enough to fight off an entire horde of humans out for our heads. The door opened to the room I would be in and I knew this one would be watched by everyone. I walked past the table of tools and sat in the chair, much like the one in our home cell. My ankles were gripped in cold iron and I rolled my eyes before glaring at him.

“Really? What’s with the theatrics? I’m assuming this one’s for the big guy?” He glared back at me and I just smirked and sat back, not even looking at him while he picked out the instruments. I looked to a corner and shook my head.

“You guys aren’t even goo at hiding the cameras, you might be acting out but I’m not gonna play along.” He picked up a gun and cocked it, pointing it directly at my head.

“Not asking nicely anymore, Luna. You’re going to tell me where the rest of you are, and you’re going to tell me right now.” A short laugh of surprise escaped my lips before I looked at him.

“I’ve kept my temper, you know.” I said through clenched teeth, grabbing my hand and squeezing tight. I didn’t even blink when all of my fingers broke. I slid my hand through the silver and waited for my hand to heal before doing it again. My wolf was rearing her head and I knew my rage wouldn’t be far behind. It was the only thing giving me strength.

“And I’ve kept my patience. I know you’re stalling, giving them time, and I get it; ok? Remember, we’re the same people.” With that my rage took over and I let it, I had to find a way out of this.

“The last time someone tried to compare me to them, I beat their face in. They were victors, so they healed. Do you think you’ll heal from that agent?” My eyes turned red and I heard his heart skip a beat, that was unsettling to him but he wouldn’t be frightened so easily.

“You won’t be able to do that Luna, empty threats will do nothing but anger me more.” The gun in his hand was steady and aimed directly at my forehead.

“Do you know what the mistake was that you made?”

“There’s no mistake in this room, Luna, so don’t even try it.”

“There goes that human ego again, everything you do is so perfect and there can’t ever be anything wrong with it? Big tip, super human, I can break through cold iron. The Fey can’t touch it, but I very much can.” His eyes flitted down to where my ankles were still cuffed and swallowed. I could smell the sweat gather up on his forehead and I smiled.

“Now, do you think you could put the gun down? That’s just gonna make me angry and, not to sound cliché, you won’t like me when I’m angry.”

“I am an agent for the Federal Bureau-“

“And I am a fairly pissed off teenage girl. You haven’t had the pleasure of having a girl, but let me tell you,” I leaned closer, placing my forehead on the gun “we’re fucking crazy.” He stared at me before pushing the gun deeper into my skull.

“Your eye color changing trick doesn’t scare me, your threats don’t scare me. I’m worried about the safety of my people, of my pack Luna.” I looked at him then, he was genuine. He didn’t think that any of this was bad, he was doing what needed to be done. I sniffed lightly and confirmed my thoughts.

“Your sincerity is the only thing that’s gonna save you. Get your family somewhere safe, don’t even think about fighting in the battle. Call it an early Christmas gift from me to you. Remove the gun, and I swear on my life, you will be safe.” I saw the mental battle that was waging in his mind, I saw the fear and the love that he had for his family flicker across his face. I felt the slight tremor in his hands through the gun.

“You know they’ll kill me if I do.”

“The moment they saw my hands were free they already sent out people. Your family is probably already in their hands, I had really hoped it wouldn’t be like this.” I sighed and grabbed the gun, pointing it at him with one hand and snapping my ankle bracelets easily.

“Your little hunter pals forgot to tell you one thing: You don’t grab a mated alpha, and you especially don’t grab a mated alpha if that mated alpha is me.” I said with the slightest smile and stood up slowly. He raised his hands and I saw his eyes flicker to the table. I shrugged and waved a hand toward the table.

“Go ahead, pick up a gun and piss me off more if you want.” I growled, standing my ground. He quickly moved to grab something and I shot him in the palm. I rolled my eyes as he screamed in pain.

“You’ll never be faster than me, that’s all you need to know to survive this.” I walked to him and grabbed the scuff of his neck, pointing the gun into his spine.

“You know as well as I do that one shot here will kill you, do me a favor and don’t be stupid.” I walked him to the door and nudged him with the gun. He nodded as best as he could and opened the door. I pushed him down the corridor, borrowing some strength from my wolf to hear farther down. There were people waiting for us, that much I could tell, but I couldn’t tell where they were. Filly wouldn’t be able to get out without hurting herself because her ankle chains were still silver, so I would have to go in there and break her out. We walked quickly and quietly, I know they still had a tracker in me, so it was useless, but I could still be fast enough to escape them. I got to my cell and jabbed the gun deeper into his back until he hissed with pain and opened it. Filly looked at me and smiled widely and I nodded at her.

“Undo her cuffs. If you try anything I will be forced to shoot you in the fucking face.” I could smell the anger rising, it mixed with his fear nicely and appealed to my wolf who was out for blood at this point. He walked over and took out a pair of keys, I saw the relief on her face as she stood and stretched out. He reached down and undid her ankles and quickly raised his hands to show he was doing nothing. I nodded and quickly blinked the tears out of my eyes, we might actually make it out.

“Now what?” She asked, looking to me for a plan.

“I’ve got nothing.” Brown laughed and crossed his arms.

“You held me hostage with no plan whatsoever? You said it yourself, they’ve sent people here. I’ve been compromised, they’re going to try to righ that. That means automatic execution of all of us. There’s no magick here so none of your little tricks will work here.” He started laughing but it was broken up by a knock on the door.





     I had no idea how I’d gotten inside successfully, I’d been a bundle of nerves the entire time. It seemed like everybody was running somewhere, I don’t know what I’d been expecting. Probably layers and layers of security, not for it to be clear of agents. Without anyone manning the front desk I merely walked straight to the elevator, my brow still furrowing. I adjusted the baseball cap on my head and smoothed down my already wrinkled shirt. I felt very much the distressed teenager I was trying to portray. I had rememberd every detail and pressed the button I needed to. My heart leaped as the elevator jumped into action. I prepared my body to fight, need be. I shook the stress out of my shoulders as the door opened. A sole man stood at the end of the hall and that arose even more confusion. The quickest way to them was through them, I could go the other way but now that there was a complete magical void I’d have to rely on only my power. No magick to wipe the memories of the other guards. I walked straight down the hall, my long strides eating the ground as I walked closer to him. The guard there eyed me warily and adjusted his stance wider. He was asserting his dominance, I stopped myself from smirking at him. If only he knew.

“Yeah I was told to come see my dad here, the nice lady upstairs told me to come down here and he would be waiting for me here. Said somethin’ about her paging him or something.” I sniffed and rubbed my nose, knowing that I might be trying a bit too hard with the American accent but not caring.

“Who would your dad be, and why would she tell you to come down here?”

“Ricky Brown, and I don’t know. If you ask me, I’d think she’d been hittin’ a few cold ones. The smell of her breath would be enough to set fire to this place.” He raised one side of his lip before rolling his eyes.

“Agent Brown is busy at the moment. I would normally say you can wait here, but your dad’s doing important business and it’s very dangerous for untrained civilians to be here.” It sounded like a recorded spiel, I didn’t much care for recorded spiel.

“You think you could pull him out, I got a real important question for him?”

“Maybe I could ask him for you, and you go back upstairs?” There was forced kindness applied and it tickled my nose a bit.

“Exactly how long can you be unconscious before your body shuts down?” My eyes shifted and my hyena came

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