» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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know how to utilize us. I will not be the play thing of some emotional girl. I suppose you are right, in one aspect, though. There need not be fighting today, and it certainly need not be us. I can keep the peace, tell her little boy toy to leave me alone from now on and there won’t be anymore nasty encounters, eh?” With a smirk the boiling rage simmered down and cooled in my body, bringing me to my knees and stripping me of air for a few seconds. Their powers left them too and they ran to me, surrounding me witht heir bodies and blocking out the blinding light.

“Are you ok?” Leo asked me, grabbing my cheeks and examining my face. I batted his hands away and scratched the back of my head.

“I’m fine, just a little disoriented.”

“What happened back there, I’ve never seen Ander so angry before. With or without help from your rage.” I bit my lip and looked down, I wouldn’t be able to lie to them as easily as I had with Ander.

“You won’t be able to lie at all so don’t even think about it.” Filly said, crossing her arms and staring at me.

“Azazil came back last night. He said Abaddon had been taken and that he required our assistance. I’d told him no, but I know that he’ll just keep coming back until he’s cause enough damage to force us into saying yes. I… I’m going to help, so I’m going back up to the surface.” I winced after I said it, awaiting the explosion that was sure to follow. It was silent, I looked to them to see they were looking at me with horror filled faces.

“You know that’s suicide, right? To actively go back up there is like being a red flag in front of a bull.” Leo said, his eyes searching my face.

“You weren’t going to go alone.” I looked to Filly then, begging her to understand with my eyes. She searched me until I let her find what I was hiding and her face went clear before she nodded.

“When were you going to leave?” She asked, standing up and dusting herself off to make herself look busy. She was scared, I knew she was, but she knew that fear was a low price to pay to keep the shifters safe down here.

“Tomorrow, at dawn.” She nodded before teleporting from Eternal. He looked at the spot where she was and looked at me.

“You’re taking her with you, aren’t you?”

“It’s not safe to go alone, we all know that. And it’s not safe having an angry demon seeking revenge after us either.” Was all I said, watching as he processed everything in his mind.

“You could die. They’re searching for any and all signs of shifter up there, you go now they’ll take you in and kill you.” I stood up and shrugged.

“Maybe I’ll be more useful as a martyr.” I teleported quickly before he could say anything and sat where I was. I hugged my knees to my chest and squeezed my eyes shut. I wouldn’t think about what could happen, I only had to think about what I needed to do. That was my purpose for being created, doing what needs to be done so that other people could live their lives happily. I couldn’t focus on ‘what if’s’ because then I would drag emotion into it, which wouldn’t be necessary. I took a deep breath and just listened to the sound of sleeping around me, the sound of acquired peace after a long time of fear and stress. I wouldn’t put them through whatever hell Azazil had planned if I didn’t go save Abaddon. With a brief head shake to myself, I got up and started planning.



                I had been up for most of the night, unable to sleep with the very clear oncoming threat. My hair was in a ponytail, but that didn’t stop the fly away hairs from escaping. I didn’t need coffee to energize myself, I was always in a state of constant energy. I knew my eyes would be wide and the circles under my eyes would probably be darker. I’d been staying up all night for the past month, this time I was actually applying myself. I had sent for Filly, she knew that the call was coming. I could feel the restlessness wafting from her through the link. She would be here soon. I looked at all the maps I had conjured up and ran the numbers and calculations through my mind again for the millionth time. I didn’t want to be right, because if I was this just got a whole lot more dangerous.

“You’ve been busy.” Her eyes were looking on the table where everything was laid out, I knew she was trying to figure out how bad this was going to be. I sighed inwardly at the fact that I didn’t even know how bad it could really be. I nodded and stood next to her, letting her take in the maps.

“They’ve been busy, too.” She said softly, her brain processing all the information.

“They’ve got biometric scanners all over the world, I’m pretty sure the whole world put money in the pot for that. As soon as we land, they’ll have us.”

“How does it work? Is it instant, or is it like sonar?”

“From the looks of it, it’s instant. Two little orange dots as soon as we step one foot up there.” She looked at me quickly before looking back down to the maps.

“What’s the plan?”

“Well, there are fae up there.”

“Those are dark fae, though. That’s dark magick.”

“If we use light magick we’ll be found instantly, they can sense it.”

“So you want to what? Steal magick from the dark fae to change ourselves? That’s suicide.”

“Not change ourselves, if we just cloak ourselves from any seeing eyes we should be good.”

“That’s still pulling magick from them, they’ll sense it.” She leaned forward on the table now, moving around the maps and looking for better options; there was none.

“Not if we take a little bit at a time and just cloak ourselves. That takes little magick and, if done correctly, won’t be detectable.” She was silent for a while before she closed her eyes and put her head down. She knew I was right, this was better than just popping up out of the blue and just running around in circles until they found us.

“So we pop up, siphon magick from dark fae and then what? Any other suicidal plots you’re cooking up that I should know about?”

“We’ve gotta go in to town.”

“Hell no.” She pushed herself off the table and looked directly at me, her eyes meeting mine.

“If we pop up in the middle of the woods, human or not, they’re going to advance us. They’ve got programming to search for anomalies, what’s a bigger anomaly than two random humans randomly in the woods?”

“Two random humans popping up in a city! If they’ve got an anomaly detector, most likely they’ll have accounted for everything already. That includes population. Any population plus two is an anomaly.” She began pacing and rubbing her fists.

“It’ll be harder to find us there, if we stick close to the humans there’s a lower chance of us being found.” She was quiet for a while before she turned to look at me.

“Do you know where she is? Do you know where they take the demons, or any shifter that’s caught any time soon? The pentagon, Luna. The fortress of fucking solitude. You don’t just walk into the pentagon, even if you have clearance to get into the fucking pentagon you still gotta jump through hoops. Do you know how hard it will be to infiltrate that? We can’t be gone for too long, because then the fae will start to notice that their magick is going elsewhere. I don’t wanna be around when they realize that.” I bit my lip and winced slightly at her outburst.

“We have to break in.”

“To the fuckin’ pentagon? Are you outta your mind?” Her Brooklyn accent was coming out and I knew that her tiger would soon make an introduction.

“Have you seen the pentagon? Do you know what’s inside of there? Thousands upon thousands of armed humans there, ready and waiting with an itchy trigger finger. That might sound like a fun evening for you, but I don’t like that shit Luna. Agents make me itchy. I don’t like being itchy, Luna.” The thick Italian in her voice made the words sound threatening but I knew she was scared. I let her breath it out before talking again.

“It’s our best bet, you know it is.” She ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath.

“Yeah. Just… get me when you’re ready.”




                I had been packing the clothes needed when he grabbed me by my arm and twisted me around. His eyes were red, I’d been up for most of the night and he probably had too. It was stress on him, but to me hours sort of blended in together. He stared at me and I peered into his eyes, grabbing his face in my hands.

“It wasn’t your fault, you were just angry. You look horrible, you’ve got to get sleep Ander.” He pushed through my hands and kissed me hard, wrapping his arm around my body and holding me tighter against him. I moaned against the feel of his mouth and everything he was providing. He grabbed my leg and I picked up the que, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I laughed against his mouth as he cupped and squeezed my ass, before turning and sitting on the bed. I was pushed directly against his hardness then, and I growled at the feel of it. I grinded my hips slowly, moving my lips down his jaw and neck tasting every inch of him. We hadn’t completed the mating yet and he knew it.

                Things were slightly different than they were when our parents mated. There needed to be a mutual mating in order for it to be the real deal in the eyes of the gods. He had to bite me, and I him. Tonight I would bite him, I would do him that one good to make up for all the bad that I’d been serving him lately. It was only fair. He continued to stroke my bottom lovingly as I sucked and nibbled on his skin. I would bite him here, this one intimate place where only my lips would be. I only had basketball shorts and a workout shirt on. The shorts were loose enough to easily slide off, I jumped slightly at the sound and feel of the cloth ripping. I felt him chuckle before he rubbed my bare ass softly, his touch sent tingles up and down my spine and I nipped him harder. He growled and slid a finger inside of me, shocking me and sending waves of wetness to great him. His other hand gripped my hair and pulled until I had no choise but to leave his neck. He slammed his lips down onto mine, making me whimper and his finger slam inside of me. With the smallest of growls and in a fast movement he had twisted me onto my back, moving his finger deper into me. I arched my back into him and bit deeper into his skin.

“I need you, Luna.” He whispered and I nodded. I widened my legs to allow him to fit and looked up at him, I would let him take all that he needed from me tonight. He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead as he reached down to adjust himself. He ran his length up my slit and I groaned, arching into his body. He chuckled and slowly slid into me, hissing between his teeth as I moaned sweetly into the crook of his neck. It had been too long, we’d done nothing more intimate than laying next

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