» Fiction » Mona and Faron, Dale McMurray [best books to read all time TXT] 📗

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sill. Her heart ached to see her child a prisoner and to know that she had helped put her there. She waited two nights and as the activity quieted down Krista climbed the trellis and squeezed inside. Mona laid on her bed, pale and not moving. Krista changed back into the terran form Mona knew.

“Mona, child?”
“Krista. How did you get in?”
“ I am like Faron. He is my God son.”
“They will not let me go unless I deny him. I cannot do it. I would rather die. Can you make me like Faron? I must be with him.”
“ Mona. I can give you a potion that will be like death. It puts the drinker in a very deep sleep so that others think you have died. I will get Faron and he will take you from the family mausoleum. You must trust me”
“ I love Faron so much. I trust that you will do as you say.” Mona took the small bottle from her hand.
“ Wait until they bring you food. Then take it. You will fall asleep quickly.” Then Krista changed back in to a cat and wiggled out the window. With one backward look she disappeared. Mona waited until she heard the door rattle then swallowed the contents and hid the bottle.
She could feel the effects. Her heart slowed down and her breathe was so soft that when her mother found her she wailed.
“ Our Daughter is DEAD!!!!” Jacob rushed into the room and sank to his knees. Seth Stared at his parents.
“ It is your fault! You said to use tolerance but you lied. Now Mona is dead!” He left the room and the house. As he walked aimlessly A cat seemed to follow him.
“ Go away I have nothing for you.” He muttered. Then the cat became Krista.
“ Seth. Be not sad she is only in a deep sleep. I have something to tell you.” Krista then told of his mother’s attempted to have another child after him. Finally she conceived. But when the time came the child died.
Krista had fallen in love with a Terran and had become pregnant. When the Terran found out she was from the other side he went away. When the baby died Jacob came to Krista and arranged for her baby to become theirs. As they were almost born on the same day Cora had no idea. Until later. Krista had given Mona a potion to disguise the catlike parts of her birth right. Seth stood there. He had just found out that Mona was not his sister. But How could that be. All this time she was not who she should be. He loved her as a sister of that he was sure.
“What can I do?”
“ Go to Faron tell him that Mona waits in the burial vault. But go after the funeral We do not want to raise suspicion.”

Part Seven

The funeral was small and private. Mona was dressed in her Gown from the Party . If you did not know better one would think that she would wake up any moment. Seth knew better and still felt a loss that reached to the depths of his soul. She was laid in the vault and the gates locked. That afternoon Seth left and went to find Faron. When get got there Puma told that Faron had heard of Mona’s death and had gone to see her .
‘NO. She is not dead. Krista gave her a potion to make it seem that way!” He rushed back as fast as he could he had to stop Faron before he did something that could not be undone. He prayed that Krista was there and would stop him.
Faron waited until all the guests had left the vault. Then he crept inside. There was the woman he loved.
“ I cannot go on with out you!!” he cried. Throwing himself across her still body. As he took a knife out of his coat Krista stopped him.
“ She is still alive.”
“Look she is dead”
“ No. I gave her a potion to make it seem that way. Take her home and PUMA will revive her. GO now before someone sees you.” Krista helped gather her up and watched as Faron carried her away. Seth entered the vault and found Krista.
“ Faron has taken her home. Now I must end this tragedy.” And she drank the contents of the small bottle in her hand. She died in Seth’s arms.
Seth laid her out in Mona’s place . He wrapped her in the scarf of cinnamon that she had made for her daughter.
“ Rest in peace. You have done your duty as a mother to your child and you can be proud of her. As I am proud of you.” Seth cried a long time. Then walked out of the vault.
Faron laid Mona on his Pallet and Puma poured a potion on to her lips. They waited.
“ Why does she not wake?” he cried.
“Please, Faron get off my arm” Mona whispered. He looked up and saw that she was smiling. Her eyes were some how different.
“ Your eyes My love. They are like mine.”
“ I know. I am part Cavior now.” Faron picked her up and walked to his favorite spot. A hill high above the land. There they sat and talked. They would come there every night just before sunset for the rest of their lives.
Sometimes Seth and Tristan would come and together they would watch their children play together. They were no longer Us and Them they were family.


Publication Date: 10-16-2011

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