» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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of clarity and light shone through the darkness. Taking a deep breath and hoping I didn’t fuck anything up I tugged until I was in control of my own feet and I stopped. Seamus stood away from me, slightly panting, his knees bent and his body ready to keep running if he needed to. Furrowing my brow I opened my mouth and knew I would have to sing, knew that was the only thing that would allow me to stay in control.

“I don’t like walking around this old and empty house.” The notes were so soft, there would be little to no damage and hopefully the others would know that this was the only way and would protect the wolves.

“So hold my hand and I’ll walk with you, my dear.” He sung back softly, his eyes so unsure as he watched me.

“The stairs creek as I sleep, and it’s keeping me awake.”

“It’s the house telling you to close your eyes.”

“Some days I can’t even trust myself.”

“It’s killing me to see you this way, ‘cuz though the truth may vary this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.” It was silent for a while and I just stared at him, willing my control to come over me.

“Don’t listen to a word I say, the screams all sound the same. Though the truth may vary this sip will carry our bodies safe to shore.” I swallowed once hard and blinked, raising my hand and putting it to my forehead. I could do this and I would do this.

“You’ve gone, gone, gone away I watched you disappear. All that’s left is a ghost of you, now we’re torn, torn, torn apart there’s nothing we can do; just let me go, we’ll meet again soon.” He sung softly, his voie carrying and lilting with his accent as the words calmed and soothed.

“Now wait, wait, wait for me. Please hang around. I’ll see you when I fall asleep.” He was closer now, but I couldn’t focus on that. My breathing was steady and my wolf was safely tucked into the back of my mind, my rage alongside her; both sour about me pulling them back.

“You feeling better, Luna?” He asked, tentatively steeping even closer to me, I nodded but kept my hand on my head. It was banging, and my stomach wasn’t doing much better.

“I think after a couple days of rest I should be fine.”

“Aye, I think that’ll do it.” I opened my eyes slowly and looked at him, he was sincere. I hadn’t come across many were-hyena in my days. They tried to stay in the more sunny and dry areas. With a soft smile he patted my shoulder and shook off the stress.

“How much damage did I cause?”

“Felicia is going to need a new face, and you gave everybody a right scare. Had to send all them inside their rooms for fear you might run them down in chasing me.”

“Smart move, running. How’s Vixie?” He narrowed his brow and cocked his head at me.

“The little one, how is she?”

“I don’t know, I was kind of busy keeping a homicidal werewolf busy.”

“Speaking of homicidal werewolf, where’s my mate?”

“Last I was told, the bird had him safe. Otherwise, I’m sure I’d be a dead heap of hyena. I can handle one wolf, but two mated wolves? Probably would’ve been safe to pretend dead, but even then you lot would slice into me for good measure after that. Just to be sure.”

“The more you talk the more Irish you get. Less Liam Nesson, more Uncle Bercelack.”

“I’ve no idea who that is, but I’m sure I’m offended.” I shrugged then instantly regretted it.

“Yeah I wouldn’t move around too much if I was you. You took quite a beating. From Felicia-“

“Call her Filly, she doesn’t like Felicia.”

“And a mini boulder.” I frowned, my deepest frown, and rubbed the shoulder that ached so fiercely.

“I should probably go collect my mate and head to bed, I’d hate a repeat.”

“I don’t think you’d be the only one in that statement.”




     As I walked through the halls and I felt the eyes of wariness peer at me from the rooms I felt my body slowly restoring itself, it hurt like all hell but it was getting somewhere. I would check on Vixie first, I only felt her pain and knew it wasn’t enough for her to handle. She’d passed out from it, but I knew her mother and father would be frantic. I walked into their room and saw Valerie running her hands over her daughter, nibbling slightly on her lips while her eyes remained glued to her daughters face. John was pacing the floor, his wolf out and ready to protect his mate and child. He looked at me briefly before continuing to pace, his muscles bunched up and ready for any fight if one were to break out. Isaac sat on his bed, his eyes hopelessly watching his sister while his adopted mother worked to do whatever she could.

“It’s just like her body shut down. I had purified mostly all of the magick, and the part she touched was already purified. She shouldn’t have this great a reaction to it.” Valerie said, her voice the softest of whispers.

“Why is she having any reaction at all? Isn’t she fae, shouldn’t she be welcoming the magick?” Isaac asked, standing to an obscene length and looming over his sister.

“The magick the demon had was dark magick, old dark magick. I don’t even let her around the dark fae, nevertheless let them touch her. We’re light fae, their magick is a sickness to us… a disease that isn’t really a disease. It hurts for us to use it, but she shouldn’t have this great a reaction.” She seemed to branch off and talk to herself but it was enough to make Isaac angry.

“So then why was she around it?” At that Valerie and her mate looked at him, anger bright in their eyes.

“You were supposed to be watching her.”

“All you do is sleep-“

“I go to training!”

“And eat, I asked you to watch her when Luna called me.”

“She’s so fucking tiny, she slipped away!” Isaac explained, his hand jutting out as he stepped closer.

“Don’t talk to your mother that way.” John boomed, gearing himself and his wolf up for a fight.

“Yeah well, she ain’t my fucking mom now is she?”

“I’ve got half a mind to teach you some respect.”

“Do it, old man.”

“Enough!” I growled, making them all jump and make them look at me. I rolled my eyes and stepped in closer, brushing past Isaac and glaring at him quickly before kneeling on the floor beside Valerie.

“The dark magick that’s still in her is making you guys lash out at each other. The longer you bicker, the longer it stays inside of her and the stronger it gets.” Valerie gulped because she knew, as well as I did, the consequences of dark magick routed too deep inside a fae. She nodded and I called my magick to me, because I knew she wouldn’t be able to do this on her own. She was a powerful half fae, but she was still only a Halfling. For the old magick that was soaked in the demon for Lord knows how long, she would need my help. My hands went to Vixie’s head and I went to work only to be interrupted by the sound of Isaac’s leg tapping.

“Go to your mate, you’re entirely too anxious.” His eyes bore into me but I kept my eyes closed and kept my magick flowing into Vixie. I would let her mother direct the flow, I wasn’t skilled enough to properly do this, I would only be able to provide a steady stream.

“How did you-“

“Ugh please, do you even know who you’re talking to. She kept nagging me to tell her who it was that I just looked into it. Haven’t told her but, something tells me she knows. She’s just entirely too polite and patient to deal with your ass. If it was me, I definitely would’ve killed you by now.” I popped one eye open and smirked at him before closing my eyes and pouring more magick.

“Too moody for me.” Was all I said and waved my free hand at him, sending him away without actually saying anything or putting any power into it. He stared for a little while longer before he walked out and I snorted.

“Teenagers, am I right?”

Chapter 28


It took me us awhile to get it all out of her, and it drained the rest of my energy out of me. I slumped down against the bed that Vixie was on, my body so ready to give out at any minute. Finally Valerie opened her eyes, they were bright and blue and hopeful. Her hands moved off of her daughter slowly and I stopped letting the magick flow. Vixie seemed to breathe easier and her skin was a healthy tan again.

“She’ll be fine, thank you.” Valerie looked at me and her eyes widened, she looked tired but I imagined I looked exhausted.

“God Luna, go to sleep. Don’t wake up until it’s war time.” I snorted and dragged myself up, my legs slilghtly wobbly.

“I’ve got to go to my sister, I didn’t think this would take as long as it did.” My voice is soft and raspy, and my body is entirely too heavy for me to carry. I use my magick, even though it drains me more and more, and zip to the infirmary where my mother is glued to Libby. She squeezes her hand periodically while her fae scans her face. They look so alike. By the time my mother had Libby, the mark on her belly had faded. Libby was the most normal wolf in the family besides my parents. Her hair was more brown than red, and if her eyes were to be open her eyes would be a comforting hazel rather than a shocking green. Libby was, in a way, my mothers child. All the children older than her still had the markings, red hair and green eyes, of the Gods. But Libby was hers. It broke my heart that Libby kept getting hurt because I knew that meant that my mother was getting hurt too. My mother looked at me then, her eyes red from tears she cried a long time ago and her face so aged with pain and stress.

“Did you kill him? The others wouldn’t tell me. Did you kill the demon scum who decided to make my baby a play thing?” Her voice was strong, even though she looked anything but. Her brown hair was pulled in a messy bun and the lines in her face looked harsh from the low lighting.

“He’s healing. Mason ripped his head off and I punctured his lungs. When he’s awake though-“

“Let me know. I’m tired of people hurting her.” To get to you, was what I felt like she wanted to say but she kept her mouth shut and looked back to Libby. I watched my mother, I watched the emotions slide over her face. Anger, fear, sadness, grief, insanity, then back to anger. I didn’t know what she was thinking, I never violated my parents privacy with any of my powers before and I

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