» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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but I didn’t care. I needed to be clean so I could see what was wrong with Libby. I knew, most likely, I’d have to get involved somehow with the gods and I didn’t know when I would be able to shower next. Once I got to the shower area I stripped my clothes and quickly submerged in the water, not stopping until all of my body was absorbed in the water. It burned my face slightly, the water was warm enough so that it wasn’t uncomfortable to be on but it was still new to my face. I stayed under until my lungs hurt, which took quite a while, and came up. I pushed the hair out of my face and blinked the water out of my eyes before taking out the soap and working on cleaning myself.



                My hair was still very much wet but I didn’t care. I walked through the halls, ignoring the very adamant stares, until I got to the infirmary cave. My mother still sat there, her hair more frazzled than it was the last time I saw her. Dad sat next to her, his face rugged and filled with so much emotion it hurt my hurt. They were clutching each other’s hands, mom’s knuckles were white and it looked like they’d been that way for a while. Mom’s hand was holding Libby’s, but not nearly as tight as she was holding his. Her eyes were rimmed with red and she looked like she hadn’t slept since I went to sleep. Taking a deep breath I walked closer until my legs bumped into the bed that Libby was on. I put down my towel and sat on the bed, being careful to not sit on Libby.

“You know what’s happening don’t you?” I asked softly, my voice a raspy whisper. I wouldn’t touch my sister, I didn’t want to feel how cold she’d become.

“My wolf is telling me, I won’t believe it though. She’s my daughter, Luna, I won’t accept that.” Her voice wasn’t soft anymore, it was hard and scared. I looked at her then, my mind working overdrive trying to think through the fog of the sleep.

“You won’t ask me, but I know what you want me to do.” I looked back at Libby and took another deep breath. I nodded before putting my hand on her forehead, ignoring the cold, and willed myself to focus on both of us. My body wasn’t a part of it anymore, we were two souls and I focused on dragging hers into Eternal with me. The blinding light that surrounded us was, for once, comforting. I closed my eyes and focused on Libby and called her to me, watching as she came closer until she stood in front of me. I opened them and peered into my little sister’s eyes.

“Why are we here?”

“Mom’s asked me to make a case for you.”

“What do you mean?” I blinked before turning on my heel and walking in the direction of the animal pantheon. She walked behind me, keeping a distance, but I could feel her mind at work. Her thoughts flew through me and I sensed all the control and anger and fear that was flowing through her and I let her have it. I wouldn’t take it for my own because I was done fighting. We were too close to war time for me to be picking fights with the Gods at this time. I needed to be level headed and all the emotions that I was feeling needed to be mine and mine alone. I walked until I was in front of a silver door that looked to be larger than life. Rolling my shoulders I knocked twice then waited before knocking again. The door groaned open after a moment of silence and led view to a grand hallway that was lined with jewels and glamor. I walked down the hall, letting my clothes change into the common white toga dress that most females wore when in the court of the Gods. Libby’s clothes changed too, if her soft was gasp was any indication. The Gods sat at the end of the hall, all of them sitting up and at attention. This wasn’t training ground, this was the Court. The formal gathering of the Gods and Goddesses of the animal pantheon, where cases were made and judgements were passed. Every shifter that died went through the court to have judgement passed and their lives certified. I stood in the middle and kept my gaze from their eyes. Here they weren’t the size as me, they were larger than life and they sat on thrones carved from the finest marble.

“LunaRosa Green, why have you come today?” Mother Moon asked, her voice soft and strong. I looked to her chin, not willing to look directly in her eyes just yet.

“I’ve come to make a case for Elizabeth Anne Green.” I felt Libby want to object, but knew that she knew better to say anything or do anything bold.

“Elizabeth Anne Green, step forward.” My instinct was to shield her from them, but she would have to be brave and I would have to be strong. She walked passed me, stopping three steps away from where I was. They analyzed her, weighing all of her sins and her life line.

“You bring a nearly dead child here, why?” Leo asked, I knew he was fighting a smirk and that made me angry but I swallowed it down.

“I wish for her to be granted immortality.” Libby sucked in a breath of air and her spine went stiff but she, otherwise, did nothing.

“You bring an omega sickly child here and ask us to immortalize her? I hate to ask it, but has the war finally broken you child?” Mother Moon asked, incredulity clear in her voice.

“This child is strong, though she is omega. She’s recovered from the sickness that you laid claim on her and she grows stronger every day.”

“A demon took hold of her, that doesn’t seem very strong to me.” Felis purred out, her cat eyes large and watching.

“It was an old one whose magick was ingrained in its body. Even I couldn’t stop such a possession.”

“And what are you?”

“I’m a demi-god.” I said plainly, looking at her then in the eyes.

“My sister has survived trial after trial, she’s only grown strong from it-“

“And bitter, she denied her mate. You only get one of those and she so blatantly passes that up.” Mother Moon preened, sticking her nose in the air.

“If I may.” Libby said, her voice so soft and fragile. Mother Moon looked to her and nodded once.

“I denied my mate because he was not a perfect match for me. He tore me down instead of building me up and, when I needed him, he wasn’t there. Wounds left gaping because of him, and hard sores on my body for times when I only needed him and he wasn’t there. I did not do it to spite the Gods, I’m fighting in this war for the Gods.” She never looked up, but her voice got stronger and stronger. I closed my eyes and took a step towards my sister.

“I not only ask as one of your children, I ask as a warrior of the Gods and descendant-“


“Of Lupa, Wolf Goddess. Please grant Elizabeth an appearance in front of the High Court of Gaia.” Mother Moon looked at me, her gaze calculating before she looked to Elizabeth.

“You seem like immortality would suit you well. I approve the case, you may go.” Relief spread through me and I grabbed Libby’s elbow, pulling her gently to come to me. The room melted around us and the Gods vanished until we were in the blinding light that was Eternal.

“What was that back there?”

“I’m sure you heard mom speaking to you, your body isn’t responding but your mind has been running wild. You knew she would appeal to me-“

“But I thought you would ask me, first! What I wanted and not what mom wanted of me.” She tore her elbow away from me and her eyes flashed angrily at me.

“Look, Elizabeth, I’m only looking out for you.”

“Then ask me what I want instead of just doing things and hoping you get something right! I’m so done with people micromanaging me and everything I’ve got going on. I can take care of myself.”

“You just turned fourteen Elizabeth, you’ve gone through heat twice. In the eyes of me, mom, and the whole fucked up Pantheon we belong to you’re still a cub. I’m not going to sit here and debate with you what you think is best because, not to hurt your feelings, I’ve got more important things to do. You don’t want to be immortal? Fine, fuck it. I don’t care. You’re dying Elizabeth that possession took more out of you than you think. You’ve been dying for days, since I went to sleep. If you choose to not be immortal then you don’t come back from here. Once you’re dead, it’s Eternal everlasting for you. Sorry to have to be the one to burst your bubble. I’ll let you be the one to make the ultimate decision, but don’t let your stubborn attitude get in the way and choose life.” I stepped back away from her and left Eternal and slowly pulled my hands from her head. I took a deep breath and stood, stretching and listening to my joints crack.

“Well? When will she wake up?” I looked to my dad and shrugged, scrunching up my mouth.

“I made the case for her, now she’s got a hearing.” My mother glared at me before standing slowly, anger clear in her eyes.

“What the hell happened Luna? I asked for you to do this one thing for me and you couldn’t even do that.” She brought out her wolf and instinct wanted me to look away and apologize for my stupidity. But it was war time, and my mother wasn’t as much a priority as she once was. Pulling my wolf to the surface, I let my scent out more and stared my mother directly in her eyes.

“Firstly, rude. I did everything I could. It’s not my fault you raise the most stubborn minded pups. Secondly, I’m trying very hard here and she isn’t giving me much to work with. She wants to decide, so I left the decision to her. Whenever I’m pulled back in is when she’s made the decisions and her case will be heard then.” I shrugged and rolled out my shoulders, pulling my wolf back with it.

“You shouldn’t be here, we need your help. The guns and armory will be coming in tomorrow, we need all the help we can get with training them with that.”

“My daughter is dying and could very well choose to die… and you want me to help you in some stupid war? To train kids, because that’s all they are Luna, to die? I’m sorry, not that sorry, I can’t do that. I won’t.” She was sincere, her eyes teared up and her wolf backed down. This was her, and it was raw.

“Mom, please. I understand this is hard for you, but-“

“No, you honestly don’t. Ever since you were a baby you never let yourself get too attached to any of us, the only reason you tolerated Jesse and Alissa was because I made you. You don’t care about Elizabeth, you don’t care who lives or who dies in this. Ever since you came out of me you’ve had the mentality of a human General, instead of the wolf. Get the hell out of here and ask somebody to help you prepare those children for death, because I won’t do that. Not now, not ever.” She stepped back away from Libby and her body geared up. I furrowed my brow and took a step back, bracing myself for whatever.

“Calm down. Don’t do something you’ll regret.”

“I’m not going to fight you Luna, you should know I would never lay a

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