» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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the room with my sword.

“Well if it isn’t little Luna.” I groaned and stiffened, looking at him as he stood from one of the tables. He grew, immensely.


“Little Loud Luna.” I hopped off the table and regretted it immediately. If I’d stayed up there I would’ve been somewhat tallr than him. Down here, I was a kid.

“I’m gonna need you to not.” He leaned down, his brown eyes bright and searching as he smirked at me.

“What’s it been, 6 years?” I dind’t answer, merely looked at him. His nostrils flared and the monster behind those eyes swirled and stirred before they settled on a darker brown. His pupils were dilated and the brown was flecked with green and he looked at me, into me.

“Little Luna got mated, did she?” I still didn’t answer, only gripped my sword harder and kept my body calm.

“Who to? I hop to the Goddess it wasn’t that little shmuck that always hung around you, mopey little thing wasn’t he? What was his name, Andrew? Andre?” He knew what his name was, he was trying to goad me and I wouldn’t fall that deep into it.

“Where is little Andy?”

“He hates when you call him that.”

“She speaks!” That got rise from the others who chuckled and continued to eat their meal. I knew what type of crowd they were. So they were still paying attention.

“How’ve you been Luna?”

“Not talking to you until you pull back your beast.” He chuckled but stood up, his eyes returning to normal as he did. He nodded his head toward the direction of his table and walked to it. I rolled my eyes, but followed, pulling back my sword. I saw familiar faces and happiness swept through me.

“Hey Luna!” Rhonda squealed as she opened her arms. I gave her a hug and squealed with her as I was enveloped in her scent of vanilla and rain.

“How’ve you been?” I asked excitedly, turning my back completely to him and paying all of my attention to Rhonda.

“Great! Stupid humans didn’t even think that we could ever exist. They just know we’re big and we’re bad, so they keep their distance.” We laughed  and I looked to the rest of them. They were my friends once, all before he ruined it. Izzy barged in the dining hall and walked to where I stood, tapping me on the shoulder lightly. When I turned around she punched me in the jaw, disorienting me, before kicking the shit out of my shin.

“You little bitch!”

“Yeah well, remember that the next time you decide to take another vacation!” She growled out before looking to him.

“Good morning MattyPoo!” She said excitedly and I laughed at the name.

“I told you not to call me that Isebail.” She rolled her eyes and stood on her tippy toes and hugged him.

“Why are you so mean to me MattyPoo, all I ever do is give you the bestest hugs!” I snorted and he glared at me. I shrugged and backed up, rubbing my jaw.


“It’s Izzy.”

“It’s Matt.”

“But MattyPoo-“ He lifted her by the hips until they were eye to eye.

“But Isebail!” He said in the same tone and they stared at each other before laughing. He dropped her and she landed effortlessly before turning to me.

“Friends that won’t make me do their dirty work have finally arrived.”

“You love it.” I sneered at her and she reared her hand back. Matt caught it and threw her to the other side of the room, making her hit the wall with a painful sounding thud and sliding down. The group snortled as she stood and snarled.

“Never mind then!” She yelled before storming out, grumbling under her breath about dogs. I looked to Matt then and crossed my arms, he looked down at me and smirked before copying my stance.

“You’ve been staying away.”

“You were in Eternal, I know not to bother you.” He sounded sincere and I rolled my eyes again.

“How is Andy?”

“Please don’t call him that when he comes around. I don’t want to get in between you two, not again. That didn’t work well for me last time.”

“It’s not my fault the boy thought he could take me.”

“Ok, firstly, you’re the same age. Secondly, please don’t call him that either when he’s here. That’s racist also he will kill you. Thirdly you were way more trained than he could’ve been back then, but now-“

“You’re saying he could take me?” I could smell his interest peaking and I backed up into Rhonda.

“No, no. That’s not what I said-“

“Because it kinda sounds like you said he could take me, now.”

“Not at all what I said, why are you getting closer?”

“And if I could take him, doesn’t that mean I could take you?”

“Why did you bring your beast out, are you sniffing me?” I passed Rhonda and now my back was pressed against the wall.

“Ways of the wolf and all that?”

“Wait, what?” His hand raised and rested beside my head on the wall behind me as he leaned in close.

“Wouldn’t I be able to take him and you in one swoop? Because of the ways of the wolf?” I narrowed my eyes dangerously and stood up, pushing my face closer to his.

“Listen here, you enormously large lycan, I-“ Ander stormed in, his face dark and his eyes the darkest green I’d ever seen. I had full grip on my rage, so my eyes didn’t turn red but my wolf did come to the surface.

“Oh no.”

“Oh, hey Andy. We were just talking about you!” I groaned and looked to Rhonda who had the widest smile on her face. She scooched everyone down before scooching down herself and patting the seat next to her.



                I looked to my old circle of friends, smiling at all the memories that I had stored of them. Lisa had grown her hair out longer and it fell in long black waves. I liked it when it was shorter because it framed her pixie face. Green eyes twinkled at me with the same mischief she had when we were younger.  Rick, Rhonda’s younger brother, sat next to her staring intently at me, his blond hair getting in his eyes but he didn’t seem to care. His eyes were entirely too intense, he was spending too much time with Matt and I’d be sure to tell his sister to watch out. Blake sat on the table, her ebony skin glowing and her hair with a life of its own framed her face and, with its coloring, served to make her freckles pop out.

“How’ve you been without us Luna?” She asked, her voice loud and demanding any and all attention.

“I survived before you-“


“And I made it pretty ok without you when you left.” My tone was a little too acidic and I bit my lip. She raised a brow and smirked at me.

“We know you missed us.” Lisa said snarkily, her voice tiny but still a presence. I rolled my eyes before a crash bought my attention back to the two bone heads fighting. They were making solid hits, all of them connecting, and they were both in pretty bad shape. They broke a table and had stirred up a group of  people that were eating that just moved to a different table, but continued to eat.

“Maybe you should stop that.” Rick said smoothly, nodding his head in that direction. I looked directly at him and took a deep sniff before narrowing my eyes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He stretched but still looked at me.

“Only that you can easily stop that.”

“Rick.” Rhonda spat out, her eyes boring into him but he kept his eyes on me.

“You all have way more strength and patience for that than I do.” He shrugged but in his eyes I saw everything. Standing slowly I placed my palms on the table and leaned forward. Blake watched me carefully, amusement and wariness in her eyes. She was ready to stop me should anything happen, but for now she’d enjoy just watching.

“If you’ve got something to say, I suggest you say it to my face instead of acting like a little bitch. Actually, I take that back. Bitches have more balls than you do.” The fighting stopped and everybody looked to me, they could feel the power pull. He looked up at me before he stood. He was entirely too tall to be younger than me, but I didn’t care. His full height was at least a foot and a half more than mine but he leaned down to my face. He brought his beast out and the intensity grew.

“I’d rather be a bitch than the whore that got between friends.” I heard Rhonda gasp and both Ander and Matt gasp. They moved to grab him but I held my hand up, stopping all movement.

“Oh you think you know what happened? You think you have any right to judge me, when you had just stopped pissing in your pants when you all left? You don’t fucking know me or anything that happened and I suggest, for your own safety, you don’t say the words whore or between to me again. Those two over there are willing to tear your fucking head off if I even looked remotely upset. I’ve got family. I’ve got fists. Say those words again and we’ll see how well a lycan will do his face caved in.” Standing I looked to Rhonda.

“See you around.” With that I walked past Ander and Matt and waited until I got outside the cafeteria before running back to my room to lick my wounds.


                After I’d run away I heard someone call my name, I couldn’t hear it though.  Blood was rushing through my ears and I ran, going fast until I was safe inside my room. I used the earth element to seal me inside and ran to the other side of the room. Resting my back I slid down the length of the wall until I sat on the ground and put my head between my knees. I knew what Rick said wasn’t actually right, but it wasn’t completely wrong either. I had done nothing close to getting in between them. They hadn’t liked each other anyway! Groaning I lifted my head and tilted it back. Suddenly Rhonda and Blake were in my room and surrounding me. They knew to keep a safe distance but were still close enough that I knew they were there.

“My brother is a complete penis burger.” Rhonda said softly, well as softly as she could, while leaning forward on the palms of her hands.

“I’ve wanted to fight him since he got his growth sprout. Always so moody and judgy. I feel like one good punch will put his fresh ass back in place.” Blake growled softly. I still looked up, but I could feel their eyes on me.

“We don’t blame you, you know? It wasn’t your fault.” I looked to Rhonda then and she looked sincere and her words were pure truth. I just stared at her and she sighed before rolling her eyes.

“We don’t. What Matthew did and you did was none of our business. It sucked that we had to go, but it wasn’t because of you.” My nose flared at the small lie and she winced.

“You’ve always sucked at lying.” Blake scolded before taking my hand. My eyes slowly moved to her and she smiled, crinkling up her nose and her teeth showing.

“We were needed back at the territory, it just happened to fall around the same time that shit hit the fan with you three. Was it convenient so we didn’t have to deal with the bullshit? Did it suck complete ass because Matt sulked around for three years? Yes to both of those things, absolutely. We didn’t leave because of you, you just gave us a better excuse to leave.” She was sincere and that’s all that mattered. My eyes started to burn and I snatched my hand away from Blake before cradling my face and hiding the tears.

“Oh honey.” Blake tsked softly and moved

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