» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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of laughter and tugged on my arm until I faced him. Instinctively I put my arms around his waist as he stepped closer and cupped my chin and cheek. I looked up at him, into those blue eyes that seemed to soothe away anything I was feeling that I shouldn’t be.

“You can do it, I have faith in you.” The absolute truth in his words didn’t shock me because I knew that already. I knew that, no matter what, he’d have faith in me. I stood on my tippy toes and gently pecked his lips, smiling at how he leaned into me and followed my lips.

“Greedy.” I whispered through our link but relished the kiss, the soft and fun kiss that made my heart do backflips.

“Eww, gross.” Vixie scoffed as she stood in front of us, her violet eyes wide and teasing. Rolling my eyes I separated from him and looked to her. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and had changed into shorts and a shirt, her eyes looked determined.

“What do you want?”

“I want to train with the Olden.” I let out a shocked laughter before glaring at her.

“Don’t joke about stuff like that, your mother will hear you and lop your head off.” She cocked her head and stared at me.

“You know I’m not joking.”

“And you know I’m serious, you’ve been walking a thin line with her. If you so much as think too hard about it, she will kill you.” I stood and crossed my arms, hoping she’d drop it.

“I’m obviously an asset for you and the war, it doesn’t make sense to leave me untrained.”

“Untrained? Ha! You weren’t even going to be looking at the war line, never mind being trained! You’re a child Victoria, you would’ve stayed down here.”

“But now I’m a full-fledged fae. Face it, you need me.” She had a cocky little smirk on her face that, had she not been ten, I would’ve slapped off of her face.

“No, Victoria. We don’t need you. The fae are going to be coming soon and, listen to me, if you go near them I will kill you. With my own hands, then I’ll put your head on a stake so that other stupid little girls know not to piss me off and directly go against an alpha order.” I bought my wolf out then, knowing she was still enough wolf to be swayed by my word. Her wolf was bought to the surface and she worked her jaw and I smirked knowing I had her on something. With a small growl she pushed me back with magick, sending me into Ander who just went with me into the wall. I groaned and pulled myself from his grip and glared at the little girl.

“Isaac, you might want to come get your sister before I do something stupid. Like kill her.” I growled through the pack link and made a war path towards the little fae bitch. Before I could comprehend what happened an ice ball was sent in my direction. With a snarl I stopped it in its progression and glared at the dragon pup that threw it.

“You were a little hot headed.” He said with a shrug and a small smile on his lips. I narrowed my eyes dangerously and crushed the ice ball with air before looking back to Vixie. Isaac ran in just as I started walking toward her again and ran in front of his sister.

“What’d she do this time?” His hazel eyes looked me up and down and grabbed his sister’s shoulder, just in case he needed to make a run for it.

“She wants to train, but I’m telling her no. She threw me!” His brow crinkled before his nose flared in anger and he turned to his sister. He sat on his haunches and looked at her, grabbing her cheeks.

“Cut it out, dude.” He said softly, love lacing his voice. Her eyes grew colder and her stance got more stubborn. He growled slightly and tapped her nose, making her crinkle her brow.

“We get it, you’re tough. You don’t have to fight the whole human army to prove it. You’re bad ass enough, first you’re my sister now you’re a full fae and a shifter! You know how sick that is?! You might be a puppy, but you’re one of those German Shephard puppies that are wicked dangerous. I’m scared just thinking about having to sleep near you.” Her eyes started to water and her face scrunched up. She threw her arms around her big brother and sobbed. He shushed her while standing up, she automatically wrapped her legs around him and held on tighter. People stopped fighting and looked to the crying girl, everybody worried. I snarled at them.

“Got a problem?” I growled and they all went about their business. He sent me a look of appreciation before fleeing the scene with his sister clinging and crying to him for dear life. I looked to Ander before casting a longing look to where Isaac had ran through.

“Go, I’ll watch over the practice. You won’t be able to focus fully.” He sent me a small smile before rolling out his shoulders and stepping into the alpha power he kept hidden while he was with me. I saw the strength of both the wolf and the boy behind his eyes and gave a nod before kissing his chin.

“Later. I’ll pay you back for it later.” With a wink I went after Isaac, determined to know what got the little fairy so riled up.



                I followed slowly behind them, sniffing them out and making sure they knew I was following them. To my surprise he went to Alissa’s  room and I hid my smug smile and stopped at the doorway. He sat with her on his knee on Alissa’s bed, looking at Alissa with soft horror but otherwise protected her. She sobbed against his shoulder, I could feel her lungs trembling to take in the big gasps that she would take between tears.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Alissa sat on her knees between Isaac’s legs and rubbed her back softly.

“Vixie’s just had a hard time down here.” I said softly after she didn’t answer, shaking her head and nuzzling her nose closer to Isaac’s neck. Alissa looked to me, worry clear and present in her eyes as she looked to me.

“Mom’s been looking for you.”

“I settled what I had to settle.” Alissa stood and stepped in front of Isaac and the crying child, crossing her arms and her eyes going cold. It was a little off putting.

“You settled it? What does that mean?” I heard the unasked question, are you going to let Libby die? It made me more than a little upset. I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms too.

“I settled as much as I could. Sometimes I honestly feel like you guys forget that she can make her own decision. I made a case for her, and she can very well choose not to come back. You won’t put that on me, and I won’t let you.” I stood my ground and lifted my nose in the air, trying my hardest to look down at my little sister who got dad’s height gene. She narrowed her eyes dangerously before Vixie started to hiccup, then Alissa came back; the over protective mother wolf gone.

“How have you been having a hard time, honey?” She asked softly going back to being on her knees. I walked in slowly, but stayed away from the three knowing my presence would only make it worse. The room was silent, except the sft hiccups of Vixie. Sighing I sat on the ground, crossing my legs and putting my back against the wall.

“Vixie’s a hybrid.” I said softly as a reminder. Isaac snapped his head up, his eyes burning in to me. He hated when anybody brought up the fact that his sister was different, not wanting her to feel isolated. I lifted my hands in surrender.

“At least I didn’t say half-breed.” He narrowed his hair quickly before pressing a kiss to his sister’s golden hair. They still waited for her to say something. The hiccups had quieted down, now it was just breathing while we all waited.

“There’s something horrible inside of me. It just… it tears at me. It snaps at my wolf and it hurts. That’s why I needed Luna to bring the wolf out, because it was too scared. The magick in me, it’s not the same magick mommy has. It’s not the moon kissed magick of the wolf either. It’s churning and it’s scary and it’s powerful, it’s so powerful.” Her voice was a quiet tremble as she looked up at her brother.

“Remember Mom said that it was just because you had two different types of magick in you. Like hot and cool air, it makes a tornado-“

“But a pretty one. I know. I’ve thought about it, but there’s so much more fae magick in here. Hot air blowing all the time, burning and blowing and wiping away everything. There was a lot before I did what I did, and now there’s so much more.” He didn’t understand I saw in his face. But he was trying so hard and for that I applauded him.

“Vixie is a hybrid, but a special one. She’s so strong, even for a young one. Fae are more dominant, their blood more potent. Yes, she’s half wolf and half fae. But it’s more like she’s a third wolf and three thirds fae.”

“But she has a wolf.”

“Yes she has a wolf, she can even change when her time comes. I’m pretty sure. There’s just more fae in there. What she’s trying to tell you is there’s a constant power struggle inside of her. I’m surprised she hasn’t exploded or died from the shock and power of it all.” They all looked at Vixie then but she looked to her brother who just looked at her. His eyes were so hooded, and his emotions so closed off. He didn’t understand, still.

“There was already a power struggle when we were up there, surrounded by only a handful of shifters and humans. Now every shifter is down here along with other magical creatures. Every inch of her body must be screaming at the strain of it all. Her fae blood wanting to overthrow the wolf blood and the wolf blood trying to find its place in this hierarchy.” I looked at him too, then, the way that she looked at him, practically pleading for him to understand with his little sister. He grabbed her face and looked in to her eyes, seeing the purple for the first time.

“Are you… Is she right?” She nodded and her arms tightened around him.

“Now it’s worse. When she touched the demon she soaked in his purified magick. She’s got wolf, but that’s been amplified by the magick. She’s more than an average hybrid. She’s more than enough fae and more than enough wolf. There isn’t a dominance war inside of her, now it’s just the matter of space. I imagine it still hurts though, doesn’t it Vixie.” She nodded but kept her eyes on her brother. I stood and sighed, wiping the dirt from my butt and stepping closer.

“If you knew all this, why didn’t you help her out? Alissa asked and I could smell the emotional change in the room, and knew the anger was directed at me.

“I’m not allowed to interfere in any of the wolves lives until they ask for my help. If I would’ve helped the Gods would’ve punished her in some other way. I’ve seen it happen.”

“But she shares allegiance with Nimue and the Wolf Goddess.” Alissa practically growled out, her hand still rubbing slow circles on Vixie’s back.

“A God is a God. They don’t like being toyed with.” I ignored her and sat next to Isaac, looking at Vixie.

“I came to you when you were younger, you know that don’t you?” She looked to me slowly, her eyes so wide

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