» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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of soup.

“Yeah, I had to demonstrate it.”

“How many times did you shoot him?”


“Oh.” Was all they said and went back to eating in peace. I waved my hands in frustration and glared at them.

“So he is half lightning dragon?” Filly looked at me and cocked her head.

“How do you not know? We got shock therapy when we captured.”

“I didn’t get shocked, I drowned one of them before they tried to make me stand in that bucket.”

“Hmm.” There was a moment of silence and I threw a fireball at her head.

“Can’t I just eat my soup in peace?”

“You’re not answering me!”

“”We can harness electricity! We can’t produce it or anything like that, but we can control it once we have some.”

“How did Shay know that?”

“He’s probably been struck my lightning once or twice.”

“Four, I’ve been struck by lightning four times. Those bullets are nothing compared to pure lightning.” He sat next to me and winked.

“You could’ve just asked yourself ya know?” I rolled my eyes and ate my soup before something sent a tingle down my back.

“I think I have to break up a fight.” I looked over to Filly to see she had stood up.

“So do I.” Using magick we teleported to where we were needed and I growled low in my throat. Lila was in my sister’s face and she looked cynical and angry, her fae tilted in the smallest of condescending smirk. Libby’s fists were curled and she looked like she was trembling a little.

“What’s going on here?” Filly asked stepping forward and in front of me slightly.

“I’m partitioning her of her immortality.” My brows raised and Filly’s body went still.

“You want to take life away from a girl that was practically dying?” Filly asked, her tone dead silent and lethal.

“It’s not taking her life if I partition it. It’s more of a ‘realizing that I was the better species fit of immortality’.” Her tone was entirely too filled with smugness and I stepped forward but a small snarl from Libby stopped me from punching her actual head off.

“Fine. You want to partition me of my immortality? Partition away.” She stood up straighter and my eyes widened as Filly stepped back. I gripped Lila’s forearm and forced her to look at me.

“Look, I don’t know what you’ve got against my sister or whatever is driving this stupidity, but you need to back down.”

“Awww, afraid I’m gonna hurt your wittle baby sister?” She pouted and ended with a small evil smile.

“Are you actually stupid? I trained my sister, I trained all of them actually. I gave a highly dangerous girl life, and you angered her and threatened to take that away. She will demolish you, and while I’m all up to watch a fight and show the rest of them how it’s done, I’d rather not have any more warriors out of commission.” She looked at me before leaning down and looking at me in the eyes.

“I’m calling your bluff.” She sounded so confident, looked so sure of herself. So, with absolute pleasure, I let her go and backed up.

“Partition away.”


                Lila tugged on her elemental and brought a sword made of fire and smirked at Libby. She rolled her eyes and pulled on her Earth element and forming her bow and arrow. Lila laughed and aimed her sword down.

“You’re trying to beat me with a bow and arrow, little girl?” Libby said nothing, just loaded her bow and aimed.

“You’ll have to hit me first for me to be scared of you.” Lila said as she walked forward, twisting and turning her sword in her hand. Everything happened too quickly for me to track, and that sent waves of pride through me. Libby took aim and shot an arrow first at her foot, then through the fist holding the sword. While Lila screamed in pain Libby’s bow disappeared and she ran toward her, reaching down and grabbing the little dagger she’d kept sheathed since we started training. Lila struck her fist out and Libby sliced it, not caring about the blood that spurted out, and punched Lila in the gut. She gripped Lila’s short hair and put her dagger to her throat, pushing only slightly. Lila tried to elbow her in the stomach. Libby growled and snatched her hair tighter, taking her dagger and stabbing her in the upper arm before snatching it out and pressing it back against her neck.

“The next time you partition someone, try to make sure they don’t have the potential to skin your ass.” My little sister threw Lila on the ground and wiped the blood from her blade on her pants and sheathed it again. I smelled the magick brewing from Susie and pushed it down, Lila would feel the pain as punishment from me for trying my sister. Libby turned to face the small group of people that had gathered and growled.

“Anybody else!?” Everyone stayed quiet and even jumped back slightly at the sound of her voice. She nodded and turned back to me and locked her arms behind her back.

“I’m ready for training.” With a small smile and keeping the pride down to the lowest I could keep it I stepped forward looking around to the shock of the others and the matched pride from my other siblings before looking at her.

“It’s best if you eat first, it’s still lunch time.”

Chapter 33


I had finally settled down and managed to get something in my mouth before I felt a presence behind me and I groaned internally while settling my still full bowl on the table before looking behind me. Matty glared down at me with his gigantic tree trunk arms crossed and his legs spread wide.

“Is there any particular reason you’re trying to be domineering to me?” He just stared at me and I looked in his eyes to see I was dealing with the beast and not the man. With an outward groan I stood up and got on the chair I was sitting on. There were only a little shifters remaining in the dining area because it had taken me an hour to even begin to eat my soup, so I didn’t have to worry about that much embarrassment.

“What do you want?” I said simply, matching his stance and cocking a brow.

“I grow tired of your games, wolf.” I blinked. Then blinked again.

“I’m sorry?”

“You’ve been tantalizing me with that damn scent of yours, but have held on the precipice of mating so I can’t mate you but I also can’t not mate you.” My eyes widened before a giggle tore through me.

“Are you serious, right now? You’ve gone beastly just to tell me that you want me? That’s so pathetic it’s hilarious.” I shook my head and moved to sit back down. I should’ve known I wouldn’t get away with saying that without getting hurt. Before I could process he moved, he yanked my arm and threw me to the wall adjacent the dining room. My body flung against the wall and my knee shattered. With a growl I looked at him to see him still standing there and smirking. I stood up, limping slightly because he fucking shattered my knee and glared at him for a couple of seconds before deciding to flip him off and limp away. I heard an angered sigh and I knew he was coming after me. I wouldn’t run because I’d done something stupid already and my knee screamed at me not to do anything else.

“Luna, we’re not done talking.”

“Oh, you call that talking? Did you happen to move to Russia or some other planet when you left? Some place where throwing people is an acceptable form of communication?” I continued my sad limping and ignored all the shifters that casted me side glances.

“You were being mean.”

“So you threw me?” I looked back at him to see him shrug, he was maintaining the distance.

“I’ve never liked mean people.”

That would explain the self hatred that you spew at everyone a lot.”

“I’m not mean.”

“Tell that to my knee!” We hit one of the main training rooms and I felt the bones in my knee reconnect and I growled softly before returning to my regular walking. He was quiet and I looked up to see Ander standing at the other side, his nostrils flared as he looked at me then his eyes shifted to behind me where Matt was there looking stupid. He walked toward us and I stepped forward bracing my hands and trying my best to get into his head, but he had it sealed off and that terrified me. All I knew is that he smelled my injury and my anger and Matt and none of those things were good.

“Ander, whatever you’re about to do just think about it.” I felt Matt move closer to me and my temper flared higher but I forced as much calm as I could. I didn’t see any emotion on Ander’s face and my heart wouldn’t calm down.

“No, no Luna. Let Ander release some of the pent up energy, it’ll be good for us. He’ll finally learn his place and I can finally be rid of him.” Matty snarled low in his throat and moved to step around me, brushing my arm in the process. Ander stopped at the touch and looked at me then, his eyes pleading. With a sigh, and being more disgusted in Matt than I’d ever been I stepped back and nodded. Wincing at the damage I was about to let loose onto Matt. With a relieved and sort of cynical smile, one that I would not admit turned me on, he turned his eyes on Matt and his eyes turned their dark green and he shifted into his uber wolf.

~5 years ago~

                We stood in a semi circle, a naked Ander in the middle as he looked at us seemingly without a care in the world, under the full moon.

“We haven’t got all night.” Anna’s voice was a soft whisper and I knew she was trying to sound brave but it was just pissing me off.

“We do, we have tomorrow and the next day. But the sooner we do this the better.” With that being said my eyes floated to Ander’s to find his on mine. With a small nod and the smallest reassuring smile I could manage his eyes turned green. He spread out his arms and legs, letting the change take over him. Pain crossed his face, forcing it to scrunch up. We watched as his muscles grew and contracted, stretching and shrinking in his legs and arms. I furrowed my brow and stepped forward, my heart suddenly beating eight times as fast.

“What’s wrong? What’s happening right now?” Jesse asked, noticing everything and ready to help.

“Why is he in pain? Should that be happening?” Anna asked, her voice so low my ears struggled to hear it but I didn’t care. Ander bowed over, gripping his abdomen before he threw up blood and his dinner. I uncrossed my arms and surged forward, only to be stopped by Jesse’s arm.

“If you touch him it’ll hurt him even more.” He whispered into my hair. When Ander roared in pain and that roar slowly diminished into a scream that held the same amount of pain my knees buckled. I let

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