» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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“No, they would’ve started digging a long time ago-“

“What if they just figured out we were down here?” Leo said with a smirk, his bright eyes mocking.

“Even so, they’re not moving like they’re trying to find us. Their digging is diligent and it’s strategic. Why not dig everywhere, why only dig in these certain few places?” I nibbled on my lip and thought about it and looked at the pins. There were a handful in America, another handful in South America. Europe seemed to be where it was most concentrated.

“What else do you feel?” I asked, knowing there was probably more. It was no secret that Eva had the strongest affinity for Earth out of all of us, I knew she felt everything they were doing.

“It feels like they’re putting in some sort of radiowave technology. I can feel the currents, even here. It sends out this world wide ping, which is why I think they’re digging in the North and South poles.”

“They’re still trying to track us? Don’t they know the trackers are off?” Shay asked, slowly pacing but keeping his eyes on us.

“This is different than the tracker wave. The tracker wave was more consistent, this actually feels like a wave. Like it’s crushing and pulling, looking for something.” A thought came to me and I looked closer at the map.

“They don’t know where we are, nor where the war will be.”


“They’re taking shots in the dark.” Filly mumbled, glaring a hole through the map.

“The different digging sites are different towers, and is probably where the least population is in a given area. Most likely the wave is a paralyzing one, magick infused, which is why you can feel it even here. They’re probably ensuring that they’ll have the upper hand whenever and wherever the war is to take place.” Anger surged through me and I wanted to punch something but I had to keep my cool.

“They’ve got tanks, and they’re tearing apart the forests.” Eva sounded disgruntled but I knew she was pissed. She was like the poster child for environmental protection.

“They probably think we’re hiding in plain sight, or hiding behind a magick barrier.”

“Yeah but why-“

“You can run down anything in a tank, even if there’s magick involved.” Shay said, smirking at Eva as her face turned red.

“So now what? We can’t go up there because there’s 24/7 scanning and this time there’s no cloaking yourself. That’ll kill anything.” Filly said, mumbling that last part to herself. Taking a deep breath and puffing out my cheeks, I know they waited for me to answer. I was the war general, this time around, and they didn’t want to make any moves without consulting me. Granted they could do whatever they wanted, I had no actual hold over them. It’s more of a need for someone to lead.

“Eva, Leo, you two work together and take those towers down. Do as much damage as you can do from down here, and after they’re down seal up the Earth so that they’ll have to dig again. Buy as much time as possible.”

“I think they’re all working together. Typically, it takes them a couple of months to do this amount of work. I first started feeling it a week ago and they’ve got most of these pins actually in the Earth.” We were fucked, then, but I wouldn’t say it.

“Do as much damage as you can down here. Take down, seal, and strengthen. If we all have to do it daily, then we all have to do it daily. They’re just trying to keep us down here, and I’ll not let children be born under here and raised in a dirt cage.” With that I walked out, knowing they’d do what I told them and knowing that I needed to up the training, like yesterday.

                                By the end of the training day I’d deduced that they were all skilled in hand to hand combat, as much as we could hope for. That would’ve been all that was needed if we were fighting a rogue war. But we weren’t, we were fighting humans and they were not afraid to pull out their latest technology which happened to be guns. Lots and lots of guns. Everybody was eating but it was quiet, which made me uncomfortable. Had they really been whipped into shape so quick? I know it had been a month, but that was a lot for just a handful of leaders. I adjusted a little in my seat and my eyes flicked over to where the lycans sat closer to the food. They were the only ones being as loud as they should’ve been. I cleared my throat and looked around at my family. I’d decided to sit with them instead of the victors and I was starting to regret it. Anna and Jesse sat on the opposite of me and I knew that they’d mated. I didn’t even need to see the hint of her mark that peeked out from under the collar, but I felt the dynamic between them strengthen. Even with the link Jesse’s face was still rough and his jaw was clenched. I knew that their hands were held under the table, and I would catch Anna rubbing his thumb with hers and pushing out as much of her omega as she could on him without pushing too much to cause attention. Lena slammed her spoon into her bowl of soup and looked at me, her brown eyes almost cruel.

“Are you gonna let her die?” Alissa sucked in a breath between her teeth but all my siblings remained quiet, wanting to know the same. I put down my spoon and crossed my hands, placing them in my lap and looking directly at her.

“I’m not letting her do anything. I think she’s more than proven herself to the gods with her strength. This all falls on her.”

“And if she doesn’t choose life, if she’s tired of getting dealt shit without any sort of relief?”

“IF she doesn’t choose life, then that is her choice and I say as her family we should respect that.”

“Don’t give me that utter horse shit and claim it’s steak. You know she won’t choose life, she’s tired.”

“Yes I do know that, what I don’t know is why everybody’s angry with me.” At that I looked to the rest of them, noticing how they all looked down except for Anna.

“I did what mom asked, I made a case for her. I would’ve done it whether or not mom demanded me to. So why is everybody being so hostile towards me?” I asked the question calmly and softly, keeping my body and tone patient.

“You’re just… there’s no particular reason.”

“Libby is going to choose life.” Jesse said as he looked up. His green eyes sparkled with confidence and anger as he glared at me.

“My baby sister is going to choose to live, of that I’m sure. Sometimes you just manage to superimpose your own will onto others.” I narrowed my eyes gently at the accusation and shook off the anger that threatened to rise.

“You think I want her to stay dead?”

“You don’t want her to fight.” I closed my mouth and grit my teeth gently.

“With immortality comes strength. Her choosing to live is also her choosing to fight, and you know you won’t be able to keep her from the war if she’s immortal.” I stared at him before looking to the rest of my siblings and seeing how they kept their eyes averted or at their food.

“They’re hostile because you told them to be.”

“They aren’t anything they don’t want to be.”

“They don’t like to be talked about like they aren’t here.” Cara growled gently under her breath but didn’t look up.

“Hmm. Again, I don’t see how any of this is my fault, or why you guys are angry. If she chooses life then she chooses life. If she, then, decides that she wants to fight then… I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Now, I’d appreciate it if you all go back to being your obnoxious selves.” When they were all silent I sighed and took up another spoonful of soup before getting up.

“Her case is being brought to attention tonight. If she chooses life, then she’ll be fine in the morning. Don’t tell mom though, it’s not a certainty that she’ll choose life.” With that I turned away from them and walked back to my room, getting ready to see what my sister would decide.



                The Gods were never one for being subtle, but Gaia was and I thanked her mentally for that. I knew Libby was nervous, I felt it in her essence as she paced back and forth in her mind. I appeared in front of her and she stopped, nibbling on her lip and watching me closely.

“She let me see.” I raised a brow and folded my hands in front of me, trying to appear as docile as I could.

“What it means, what would happen if…”

“If you choose immortality.” I finished for her gently, smiling softly. She nodded and gulped before looking down. She looked back at me and her eyes held slight water in them.

“I saw you fighting for me. For my voice, thank you. I also saw what Jesse said.” It didn’t surprise me, I had hoped that Mother Moon would let her see what was going on so she wasn’t bombarded.

“I know what I want, and it’s not to be a burden.” Her voice was a weird combination of strong and weak, and I felt my heart break. I nodded once and smiled reassuringly.

“Then, let’s go tell them that.” I put my hands on her shoulders and let my magick course through me and watched as our clothes changed back in to white toga dresses. I slid my hands down her arms and held her hands in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“They’re all bark and no bite, half the time it’s just a pissing contest between them. I’m sure Gaia won’t allow it for too long.” I reached up and wiped the one tear that fell off her cheek and led her deeper into Eternal.

“Now is not the time for tears Libby girl, now is the time to be strong.” We walked again until a grand door appeared in front of us.

“You’re sure about your decision, right? You won’t go back on it?” I asked her before pushing. She nodded, her shoulders were strong and she looked me directly in my eyes.

“I’m sure.” I nodded and pushed the door and let her go first. This was her claim to make, I was only there for support. She walked forward and I looked down, following her as she walked through. In that instant there seemed to be a change in her, it called to my wolf yet repelled it. Typically, with Libby, there was always a great need in me to protect her. But, now, it seemed I didn’t need to. I watched as she walked past, resolution sitting in her face as she looked nowhere but ahead.  I smirked, knowing everything would be ok, and looked back down. She opened the second door and walked to the center of the full circle of Gods. They all sat on high pedestal, but the only one that actually mattered stood on the ground with us. I knew she had her own throne, she stood in front of it, and I knew it was higher than the rest of the Gods. Her hands were folded in front of her and she smiled kindly at Elizabeth. I bowed and knew Libby did the same thing but she came up faster. There was an uproar from the Gods that even I winced from, but Libby remained calm.

“What is the meaning of this?” The Dragon God roared, I looked at no one but Libby and Gaia. I would protect Libby if any of them got too rowdy.

“Calm, calm everyone. I’m sure she meant no harm by it.” Gaia simply waved it

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