» Health & Fitness » Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels In 7 Days, Georg Erich Winter [golden son ebook .TXT] 📗

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few people are actively aware of.
In many developed Western countries, it is increasingly common for commercial farmers to feed drugs to their livestock to make sure that the creatures they are breeding for meat gain the maximum amount of weight possible and that they stay disease-free.
The additional weight being ladled on to these poor animals is almost completely water, meaning that an increasingly large percentage of your meat shopping bill is buying you nothing more than plain water!
The fact is, farm animals are increasingly pumped full of (or fed) drugs such as antibiotics, hormones and steroids in an effort to keep them disease-free, maximize their weight and so on.
As a result, if you eat meat products without really knowing what is in them, the chances are that you are consuming an unknown amount of unidentified antibiotics and other drugs without even knowing it.
Nowadays, it is a recognized fact that the citizens of most developed Western countries are far too over-reliant on antibiotic drugs, primarily because for several decades, the first choice of most doctors when confronted with a sick patient has been to prescribe this particular form of drug.
Although doctors all the world are happy to prescribe antibiotics for a wide range of conditions (although there is some evidence that this may be becoming less common) including such things as influenza, these drugs are in fact only effective against bacteria, whereas influenza is caused by a virus, meaning that antibiotics will make no difference whatsoever.
However, because antibiotics have been so rashly overused for such an extended period of time and because bacteria mutate on a regular basis, there are now many strains of bacteria that are entirely resistant to most or all antibiotics drugs. MRSA, the so-called ‘flesh eating bug’ is just one example of a highly drug-resistant strain of the extremely common staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
The bottom line here is, irrespective of how careful you are about not taking antibiotic drugs unless it is absolutely necessary, you could inadvertently be ingesting antibiotics and other potentially harmful drugs every time you sit down to the dinner table.
The problem that you must therefore understand is that whilst you might be trying to eat a healthy diet that is theoretically capable of providing all of the energy you need, it does not follow that because all the food on the table appears to be nutritious that it really is. Consequently, it is a fact that many people who suffer a lack of energy every day could be falling foul of the ‘tricks’ of the food production industry.
And of course, if this is the case, the chemicals and drugs that you are taking on board could be exacerbating the problems that leave you feeling listless and fatigued because of problems like stress and a lack of sleep.

Western medicine

: As highlighted in the previous section, it is now widely accepted that for many decades, people have been far too willing to take a huge cocktail of prescription drugs that were given to them by their doctor or medical care professional, usually on the basis that ‘doctors always know best’.
And whilst there is no doubt that in the majority of cases, the drugs prescribed were entirely appropriate to the condition being treated, this has not always been the case.
Hence, you may have built up an internal residue of chemicals over the years that are at least partially responsible for your general feeling of ennui.
Furthermore, because Western medicine focuses on dealing with the symptoms of illness and disease rather than on getting to the root cause of the problem before dealing with it at that level, many conditions that people suffer from never leave them or allow them to return to or retain 100% good health. This lack of conditioning can be seen in many different ways, with a constant feeling of being tired one of the most common.
Your environment: The environment that surrounds you every day is likely to have a very significant effect on your general state of health and wellness as well for a wide variety of reasons.
For example, whilst air-pollution is perhaps not as endemic as it was 50 years ago, it is still a major problem if you happen to live in a large town or major city. If you’re surrounded by motor vehicles every day, the vast majority are still pumping out poisonous carbon monoxide fumes, which naturally means that you are breathing these potentially noxious substances every day.
Furthermore, whilst there are millions of people all over the world who might be termed ‘sun worshippers’, having the sun beating down on the top of your head every day is not always a good thing. There are many side-effects and potential illnesses associated with too much sunshine (e.g. skin cancer).
On the other hand, everyone needs sunshine on their skin from time to time because without it, you have no chance of creating vitamin D (which is produced by the effects of the sun on your skin) which is in turn responsible for regulating the ability of your body to absorb and use calcium efficiently. If your body is not using minerals and trace elements properly, this is extremely likely to contribute to your general feeling of tiredness.
There are also people who suffer a recognized form of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder that strikes people in the depths of winter when sunlight is at a premium. One of the most commonly reported effects of this condition is a lack of energy and a general disinterest in life, something that passes for 99% of sufferers once the spring arrives and the sun appears over the horizon once again.
Where you live, what season it is and everything that surrounds you can therefore have a significant role to play in dictating how much energy you have available.
Your physical condition

: I would suggest that it should be pretty obvious to most people that if you are badly out of shape, you are inevitably going to feel as if you lack energy and the ‘get up and go’ to do something about remedying the situation.
However, the fact that nearly 30% of the adult population of the USA is obese (a percentage which is exploding) tends to suggest that my assumption may not be completely accurate!
It is nevertheless a fact that if you are overweight or obese and you do not do any exercise, then without making significant lifestyle changes, your lack of energy is a problem that is never likely to be remedied.
Whilst carrying too much weight does not guarantee that you will lack energy per se (some of the most successful bodybuilders carry more weight than they should, but it is ‘good’ muscle weight), for the majority who have a weight problem, a lack of energy is pretty much a given byproduct of their condition.
101 combinations: The reasons that I have put forward for why you might suffer from a lack of energy so far could suggest that there is going to be one reason or another that you can readily identify that is entirely responsible for your condition.
However, the fact is that in the majority of cases, it will be a combination of circumstances or reasons which are causing the way you feel and not all of these reasons might be apparent or included in this list, mainly because every person who feels tired does so for different reasons (and more often than not because of a combination of them).
For instance, if you are stressed, then it is likely that you’re not sleeping very well and that you are probably not concentrating on eating a healthy diet quite as much as you should be. Hence, there are three factors that between them are causing you to feel the way you do, although it is probable that in this situation, one problem is leading to the others.
Nevertheless, if you understand that a problem like a lack of energy is likely to be caused by a combination of factors, the way that you deal with the situation should become that much clearer.

Start thinking about what changes you need

Begin at the beginning

Although the previous chapter is designed to help you identify some of the factors that might have a part to play in dictating how drained you feel every day, it is important to understand that these are only intended to be a general guidelines to get you started and definitely not a detailed medical opinion.
However, if you do suffer from a lack of energy that blights your life every day, perhaps the most important thing to do is find out exactly why you feel the way you do. And there is no sense in guessing here because you have to establish whether there is any specific reason why you feel the way you do before you can concentrate on increasing your energy levels in a more general, all round way.
In other words, the first thing that you should do if you feel that you lack energy or that each day is becoming increasingly difficult to get through is make an appointment with your doctor or other medical care professional to seek their advice to establish whether there is any genuine underlying medical condition causing you problems.
If you feel okay but would just like to become more energetic, then it it’s probably not necessary to seek the doctor’s advice but if on the other hand you feel constantly tired, there may be a specific medical reason for the condition that needs to be identified before deciding upon the most effective form of remedy.
For instance, it was highlighted earlier that the main causes of anemia include a lack of iron, folic acid and vitamins B12. If you therefore have an anemia problem that is making you feel constantly tired, remedying the situation may involve nothing more complex than introducing more foods that are rich in these nutrients to your diet or using supplements to make sure that you have sufficient iron and vitamins to overcome the problem.
If you genuinely feel that you consistently lack energy, having a word with your doctor seems to make a good deal of sense. At least in this way, you will either isolate the underlying problem so that it can be dealt with, or put your mind at rest that there is no such problem in the first place.

It’s about your lifestyle

Assuming that there is no underlying medical condition causing your lack of energy, you have arrived at the beginning of your seven-day program to increase your energy levels. This is the point from where you have to identify why you think you feel as if you lack energy because if you don’t do this, you cannot begin to make the necessary lifestyle changes that will see you rectifying the problem.
For instance, if you are a person who is always stressed, you probably have a major cause of your lack of energy pinned down already. A similar situation is likely to apply if you can see yourself in any of the ‘pen pictures’ in the previous chapter, because if you are badly out of shape or overweight, you cannot realistically expect to be super energetic.
You therefore need to start thinking about how you go about remedying the situation that is causing you to suffer a lack of energy before going any further. This is important because whilst this book is focused on increasing your energy levels over a relatively short period of time, if you have to make large-scale lifestyle changes, it is likely to take a little more time before you feel the biggest benefits of making these changes.
For example, despite adverts for commercial diet products that claim you can drop 10 lbs or one clothes size per week, this is not going to happen for most people

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