» Health & Fitness » Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels In 7 Days, Georg Erich Winter [golden son ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels In 7 Days, Georg Erich Winter [golden son ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Georg Erich Winter

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What you should do

Okay, now we have looked at the ‘don’t’ side of a diet that will help to increase your energy levels, let us consider what you should be doing.
The first thing that you must do is drink lots of fresh water. The minimum recommended water intake for everyone is at least eight glasses a day but as long as you don’t go crazy, drinking more than this is a good idea, particularly during this first week when you’re trying to get the energy boost ball rolling.
Note that this is specifically water should be drinking (preferably alkaline water) and not other caffeine rich drinks like coffee or tea. Although some people find that caffeine gives them a boost, it is always a temporary one that needs replenishing on a regular basis, hence the idea of having a ‘coffee’ habit. In similar way to a sugar rush, coming down from a caffeine high can also reduce your energy levels still further, so try to drink water as opposed to anything else.
However, one alternative beverage that you might include, especially in the early days when you are trying to detoxify your system is green tea, as it is believed that the polyphenols in green tea help to detoxify your body as well as playing a hand in preventing diseases such as liver complaints and diabetes. There is plenty of evidence that green tea is good for you in many ways, so including three or four cups of green tea in your new dietary regime every day would help to clear out your system, thereby increasing your energy levels.
To get started with your ‘clean out’, buy in a good stock of organic fruits and vegetables that can be eaten raw. The idea of this is that for the first two or three days, the only foods that you should consume are raw fruits and vegetables to get your system ‘kickstarted’.
As these organic products are high in the nutrients, vitamins and trace minerals that your system has been missing, you should find that within this 48 to 72 hour period, you already start to feel the benefits of this lifestyle change. At the same time however, you should not overdo things by eating too much as the idea is that you minimize the strain on your digestive system whilst feeding it all the natural nutrients that help to normalize the balance in your colon and bowels.
To help take this one stage further, you should also include probiotic supplements in your new diet for this first week as these are the ‘good’ bacteria without which your digestive and immune system are immeasurably weakened. As a result of the buildup of toxic garbage in your gut, the balance between good and bad bacteria has significantly shifted in favor of the latter harmful variety, you need to start to redress the balance by feeding your system probiotic bacteria.
Incidentally, there are plenty of sites on the net where you can buy probiotic supplements, so all you need to do is run a standard Google search to find somewhere suitable, or go to your local health food shop as they wl have them too.
Next, you should add psyllium seeds or husks to your diet as well as flax seeds as the first of these helps to neutralize the toxic effects of the buildup of waste as well as loosen the built up materials, whereas flax seeds absorb moisture whilst expanding in your colon, thereby helping to remove noxious substances and toxins.
Another substance that is often recommended as part of a short term detoxification diet is bentonite in liquid, powder or tablet form. This is a type of edible clay that acts as a bulk laxative that forms a gel after absorbing water in your gut. As it does so, it also absorbs many of the toxic materials that you’re trying to shift, thereby accelerating the cleansing process.
If you stick to your ‘raw veggie’ fast for two or three days whilst taking the supplements shown, you should find that you feel a noticeable difference after you have finished.
And whilst there is no particular harm in continuing to use the probiotics, seeds and bentonite tablets for a short period of time to optimize the internal cleansing process, you should not do so over the longer term. If you were to do this, your system may come to depend upon these ‘artificial stimulants’ for good health, which is not something that you want to encourage.
However, fast for two or three days using only raw organic foods whilst also following this colon cleansing process and you will feel far more energetic and vital than you have felt in a long time.
Where to next?
After you have cleaned out your system and you are feeling better than you have felt in months (or perhaps even years), I would guess that you do not want to go back to the situation where even getting out of bed in the morning seemed like a major task.
If not, you cannot afford to go back to your old dietary habits either because as the results of your ‘clean out’ should have made obvious, it was those dietary habits that made you feel listless, fatigue and drained at the end of every day.
What you must therefore do is adopt a healthy balanced diet rather than going back to the ‘bad old days’, perhaps by following the guidelines of the ‘food pyramid’ as seen on the page:
As you can see from this screenshot, the two largest groups of foodstuffs that you should be consuming are the grains and vegetables on the left, whilst meat products and beans on the right-hand side are far less prominent.
However, you should also make sure that when you constructing a healthy balanced diet based on the information provided on the webpage highlighted earlier, you should do so using the most nutritious
alternatives possible.
For example, a significant percentage of the grain products that you eat should be whole grains such brown rice, whereas as suggested earlier, the most nutritious vegetables and fruits are almost always the organic variety. Moreover, if you are including meat in your diet, it would be best to look for organic but also non-antibiotic treated meat products.
Sure, there is no doubt that if you buy the best quality food available, you will have to pay a little more but in the long run, it may even work out cheaper. If for example you can save a few hundred dollars on medical bills every year because you (and perhaps your family) are healthier than you have ever been, then the extra outlay on better quality foods is more than justified.
One final factor to bear in mind is that it is your brain that controls how energetic you feel. Consequently, making sure that you include plenty of brain friendly foods in your diet, the kind of things that will help to keep your brain in tiptop condition such as oily fish like mackerel, salmon and anchovies (which are all rich in Omega-3 essential oils) plus plenty of dark, leafy vegetables is a very good choice.

Micro-managing your diet

The idea behind micro-managing your diet is that even for people who would not necessarily agree that they are energy deficient all of the time, it may happen sometimes.
For instance, there are certain times of the day when you really need lots of energy, whilst other times, energy is far less essential. It therefore makes sense to feed your body with as much energy as it needs at the times when it most needs it, rather than doing so at times when energy is far less essential.
It is for this reason that many nutritional experts suggest that the most important meal of the day is breakfast, because a healthy, hearty breakfast sets you up for the day and provides you with the energy you need to get going. At the same time, most people who work a full-time job also need energy in the afternoon as well, so a reasonable lunch is also essential.
At the end of the day however, energy is far less important because after you have dealt with the rigors of the day, your body naturally starts to slow down as bedtime approaches. This is therefore the time of the day when the smallest amount of energy is needed.
And yet, most people grab an apple as they charge out of the door in the morning, race through lunch before eating a big dinner when they get home.
In other words, in terms of providing the necessary energy to keep you going, what you are doing is completely the wrong way round if this is what you do.
A healthy balanced breakfast provides you with the energy you need to get over or through what is usually the hardest part of the day, whilst following this with a balanced lunch should be sufficient to provide your body with the energy you need to get through the afternoon as well.
It is however a fact that some people feel an almost overwhelming urge to have a nap in the afternoon, and unfortunately, if you are the office or factory, this fact does not make this ‘I need a nap’ feeling go away.
Nowadays, there are some more enlightened companies who are beginning to recognize this fact. They have accepted that allowing employees to have a 15 to 20 minute nap is far better than having a drowsy employee who is incapable of achieving anything for an hour or two, but these organizations are not yet in the majority, and they probably never will be.
Hence, what you should do is eat a lunch that is designed to prevent you feeling sleepy afterwards. To do this, try to avoid carbohydrates at lunchtime, focusing instead on a lunch that is predominantly protein-based.
This works because proteins are broken down in your digestive system into amino acids, one of which is tyrosine which is known to keep you sharp and alert. Hence, instead of a carbohydrate packed lunch (which releases serotonin into your brain, a hormone that relaxes you), aim to eat something that is protein rich such as a tuna and boiled egg salad or steamed fish and vegetables.
Another idea that is very popular (but not scientifically proven) is that some herbal supplements can help to overcome a temporary energy deficit, with many people swearing by garlic capsules or tablets, gingko biloba or ginseng.
The fact that all of these 100% natural substances seem to be capable of reviving energy levels without reverting to potentially harmful substances like processed sugar and are convenient to carry and take makes this another option that you might like to consider.

The mental side is important too

As I highlighted at the beginning of the book, your psychological state can play a very significant role in dictating how energetic you feel. If for example you are under constant stress, it is far harder to maintain a positive attitude and without a positive attitude, most people would find it very difficult to be energetic and enthusiastic.
Hence, you need to decide whether there is a psychological reason why you don’t feel as if you have any energy, starting with the obvious ‘suspects’ such as stress and a lack of sleep.
What’s the root of the problem?
If you cannot sleep, it may because you are stressed, but if you haven’t had any sleep for a couple of days, it becomes far more likely that you will feel stressed as your temper and general demeanor suffers.
You therefore need to identify what is the root cause of your problem, because if you can do this, then it becomes relatively easy to deal with.
For example, it might seem almost too blindingly obvious but the reason why people sometimes cannot sleep is

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