» Health & Fitness » Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels In 7 Days, Georg Erich Winter [golden son ebook .TXT] 📗

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and even for those who do achieve success, the weight loss is almost entirely because they shed water. Moreover, weight lost in this way never stays away for the long term, so you need to think about this particular aspect of your program to increase energy levels in more depth.
In short, if you have obvious factors that are going to limit the likelihood of you feeling full of beans, energetic and vital every day, you must include specific measures to combat these limiting factors in your own seven-day energy increase program. If this is losing weight or reducing the amount of stress that you consciously feel, then you may want to focus on some aspects of what you are going to read in this book more than on others.
However, whatever the reason is that you are currently lacking in energy, you will find a solution to your problem in the following chapters which will deal with your lack of energy in both a physical and psychological manner.

The physical side of getting more energy

It is an oft bandied cliché that is nevertheless true that you are what you eat. In short, the physical ‘you’ that you see staring back at you from the mirror in the morning is the sum total of every morsel of food and every liquid ounce of fluid you have ever consumed, which, taken to its logical conclusion, should tell you one thing.
If you don’t have the energy that you think you should have, then the food and drink that you have consumed thus far has not been capable of providing that energy for one reason or another. What you therefore need to do is start making dietary changes that will turn the picture around so that in future, the ‘you’ that stares back in the morning is made up of a very different ‘mix’ to what you are made of now.
There are two ways that you should approach this problem, doing so in a macro-manner and also by managing your dietary intake on a micro-level as well.
Exactly what this means will become clearer as you continue reading, but your starting point is to view your daily food and drink consumption on a macro-basis by considering your diet as a whole.

Macro-managing your diet

If you are what you eat and you don’t have enough energy, then your diet and lifestyle is either not providing the energy or not enabling you to release it as efficiently as you should. You therefore need to start making changes but before doing so, there is another vital factor to appreciate.
The evolution of mankind is a relatively slow thing, which means that to all intents and purposes, our bodies and more importantly our metabolisms are still pretty much the way they were 1000 years ago. Sure, there have been some changes as we have (for example) gradually become taller, but the fact is that our internal ‘workings’ have not changed a great deal.
However, our daily diet has changed by a massive amount, perhaps far more than you might ever have imagined. For example, whereas before the turn of the 20th century (in 1890), the average US citizen consumed 5 lbs of sugar a year, the figure is now 135 lbs per annum, and that is up from 26 lbs a little over 20 years ago!
Furthermore, as the diet of most citizens of developed nations has become increasingly focused on processed and convenience foods, our consumption of processed white flour, meat products of no determinable origin and the like have also skyrocketed.
The results of these dietary changes have unfortunately been overwhelmingly negative in a huge number of different ways, most of which do us no favors. And the starting point for all these negative effects is the fact that the human digestive system has not adapted quickly enough to accept these changes and still be as efficient as it should be.
What this means is that for most of us, our digestion is struggling to process the food that we feed into our system every day and whilst our digestive tract does a remarkably good job everything considered, it is unfortunately fighting a battle that it can never win.
As a result of these changes, your gut or colon has gradually built up a store of toxic and noxious substances over the years that your digestive system does not have the ability to push through. Most of these substances come from tour diet, with others contributed by the environment (from the air you breathe), medical drugs and so on.
As these materials congregate in your colon, it naturally becomes less effective which in turn means that the buildup rate of toxic substances accelerates. It’s a classic vicious circle because the more accumulated rubbish there is, the less efficient your system becomes so even more is acquired. Perhaps not surprisingly, all of this toxic material buildup inevitably slows you down and reduces your energy levels.
For instance, many millions of people in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and the like regularly suffer constipation and/or diarrhea which are both classic signs that your colon is not in tiptop condition.
Although to some people these symptoms are indicative of a recognized medical condition (e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome), for most it is highlighting the fact that you are not feeding your digestive system the foods and nutrients it needs. And whilst constipation and/or diarrhea might be unpleasant but no more, you should understand that they could indicate that you are more susceptible to far more serious medical problems such as colon cancer, which is one of the biggest killers in the Western world.
In short, your digestive system, colon and bowel are clogged up with toxic materials that are draining your energy in more ways than one.
For instance, you could be eating the most nutritious foods in the world but if your digestive system does not have the capability of processing them to extract all the nutrients, you are naturally enough not getting all of the benefits. There is therefore an immediate loss of energy and health here.
This is further exacerbated by the fact that because your digestive system is packed with toxic materials, your body expends a significant amount of energy keeping the worst effects of these toxins in check. This is energy that your body is ‘stealing’ from you in an effort to keep you healthy but it is nevertheless energy that you do not have access to.
To put this into some kind of perspective, a healthy colon should weigh around 4 lbs whereas some autopsy reports carried out on individuals who clearly lived a less than healthy life reported a 40 lb colon! Not only would this have added a significant extra complication to any weight problems these individuals suffered, it is clear that their digestive system would have been all but incapable of doing its job.
When it comes to macro-managing your diet, there are therefore several considerations to take into account.
The first thing that you must do if you want to increase your energy levels is to reduce the level of toxins (and other ‘nasties’ like parasites) that are currently putting a significant drain on your energy resources.
To do this, you might choose a commercially produced colon cleansing product, but this is not necessary, nor does it make a great deal of sense either when compared to natural dietary changes that will do the same thing.
The beauty of adopting a natural approach to getting rid of this accumulated junk from your colon and bowels is that by doing so, you make changes that will help to minimize the future buildup of these toxic materials as well. Getting rid of this accumulated toxic mélange in a natural manner and making sure that it doesn’t return is one of the easiest and most effective ways of improving your energy levels.
Now, I am not going to pretend that you can remove this toxic mix from your body immediately, because it has taken years to accumulate so it is going to take a little time to shift it.
Even so, the changes take weeks rather than years and you will start to feel the benefits within days because optimum nutrition allows your system to rejuvenate itself extremely quickly and to extract the maximum amount of energy and vitality from the foods you consume.Let us therefore start to look at exactly what you should and what you should not be consuming if you want to increase your energy levels as quickly as possible.

The dietary don’ts…

As suggested, the average citizen of most Western countries consumes a massive amount of processed sugar, which is just about the worst thing you can do for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are directly related to decreased energy levels, whereas others are more related to medical or physical problems that excessive sugar might cause which can also lead to low energy.
Most people probably understand that sucrose or processed white sugar is essentially pure energy, so they might therefore imagine that if you feel that your energy levels are low, eating sugar rich foods like candies, cookies, cakes and the like should be the perfect answer.
Unfortunately, this is the exact opposite of the truth because whilst a sugar rich food (or a soft drink which is how most people consume the majority of their daily sugar intake) will give you an immediate ‘sugar high’, it will also increase insulin levels which will bring you down again just as quickly.
Sadly, many people find that after coming down from the sugar rush, they are even less energized and more tired than they were before, explaining exactly why consuming processed sugar is a transitory and relatively ineffective energy booster.
The potential problems caused by overconsumption of processed sugar do not however stop here. For example, most people are aware that vitamin C is an essential nutrient for continued good health but they may not be aware that one of the purposes it serves is to reduce the chances of cancer cells developing.
Unfortunately however, to do this, vitamin C must gain access to the white blood cells that combat cancer, and in this respect, they are in competition with sugar cells. Consequently, the more sugar you take on board, the less efficient vitamin C is able to be at preventing cancerous cells developing.
There is also evidence that too much sugar damages your immune system’s ability to control your body efficiently and as it is believed that 80% of your immune system is focused on your digestion (where all the toxic rubbish is, remember?), it should be clear that processed sugar is not a healthy source of energy by any stretch of the imagination.
In a similar way, all other processed foods tend to have had most of the nutrients stripped from them. Sadly, the levels of more harmful substances like saturated fats (in burgers for example) have usually not been reduced whereas additional sugar has been introduced to enhance the flavor.
Once again, eating processed foods is not going to help to increase your energy levels, instead helping to pile up more of the toxic mountain lodged in your digestive tract that slows you down and steals your energy.
The bottom line here is, if you eat a diet that is rich in processed foods, sugar, saturated fats and the like, you are only encouraging the development of the noxious energy drain lodged in your digestive tract.
Do this and you cannot realistically hope to increase your energy levels, so don’t do it. There is also the question of piling on the extra pounds to be considered as well, because most overweight people (apart from those with a clinical reason for their condition) know that it is a processed food diet that is most likely to make it ever more difficult to get into their

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