» Health & Fitness » Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels In 7 Days, Georg Erich Winter [golden son ebook .TXT] 📗

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because the bedroom is not as dark as it should be. Even though this might sound like a relatively minor thing, it is in truth anything but because if there is too much light, it interferes with your brain’s ability to handle melatonin secretion which is the hormone that is responsible for your body clock.
From this it follows that the darker your bedroom is, the more relaxed your sleep is likely to be which in turn guarantees that you will wake up in the morning completely revitalized and full of energy. This is one reason why some people wear eye shades in bed as it ensures that they get the full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep which most people need to remain energetic and enthusiastic.
As mentioned before, foods that are rich in carbohydrates release serotonin which helps to relax and calm you down, so carbohydrate rich foods form an ideal pre-bedtime snack (in moderation). Some people also find that a warm bath, perhaps with an infusion of aromatic oils helps to calm and relax them before bed too, so this is something else that you could try if a lack of sleep seems to be causing energy problems during the day.
Dealing with stress
Stress is a terribly debilitating condition, one that literally drains you of the very last drop of energy and vitality, as well as playing an active role in causing many potentially fatal conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. Hence, whilst fighting against stress to combat the lack of energy that you feel is important, it is probably not the most important reason for doing so.
The basic idea behind most strategies for combating stress is that stress comes about because a situation or scenario prompts you to be psychologically unhappy or uncomfortable. It is often characterized as being the modern version of the ‘fight or flight’ reaction to danger or a threat that would have been understood by our caveman forbears.
This in turn means that if you could teach yourself or somehow learn to react to external stimuli in a more positive way, then stress and the negative effects it has on your psychological (and ultimately physical) well-being would be minimized or banished forever.
In essence therefore, dealing with stress is something that you have to learn, and there are several widely recognized ways of doing so.
The first strategy that you might consider using for dealing with stress is by using hypnotherapy, the medical version of hypnotism.
Whilst there is still a good degree of mystery attached to why hypnotism works in the way it does, it is generally believed that when someone is in a hypnotic trance, the hypnotist or hypnotherapist who has induced that trance is able to communicate directly with the hypnotized subjects subconscious mind.
The relevance of this is that by the time you reach adulthood, the way you react to specific situations is almost always a subconscious reaction, something that you don’t even think about.
To understand this concept better, think of it this way.
A newborn baby is a blank canvas as he or she has learned literally nothing about the world. Thus, if a axe wielding madman were to charge headlong at this newborn character, they would probably stare at this wild eyed onrushing figure with mild bemusement.
In contrast, you and I would prepare to fight or (more likely) run away because this is a conditioned reaction that we have learned over the years, and conditioned reactions come from the subconscious mind.
Hence, because a hypnotherapist has the ability to communicate directly with your subconscious, they can analyze why you react in a stressed way to certain situations and conditions before changing your beliefs and reactions by communicating directly with the root cause of them.
Many people over the years have found that hypnosis or hypnotherapy is extremely effective for dealing with a wide range of subconscious reflex reactions such as minimizing the worst effects of stress because hypnotherapy has the ability to remove the trigger that prompts the reaction.
Consequently, if you are a person who suffers stress which seems to be draining all of your energy, this is definitely an option to investigate.
To do so, the easiest way of finding a locally qualified professional is to use Google maps to run a search.
An alternative that you might want to consider is to investigate the idea of self hypnosis or using hypnosis products that you can buy on the net.
Although you may be a little skeptical when first introduced the concept of self hypnosis, there are lots of websites where there is plenty of information about it and more importantly, about how successful it can be.
For example, there are detailed, step-by-step instructions about how you can hypnotize yourself at wikiHow, whilst there is lots of free information available for download on the site.
Alternatively, try running a search for ‘hypnosis products’, because there are although 400,000 sites where you can buy hypnosis tapes,CDs, videos, books and everything you could think of that could be associated with hypnosis.
The basic idea of hypnosis as a way of dealing with stress is that through mastering your subconscious reactions, you learn how to relax instead of reacting in a stressed manner.
A similar thing can be associated with another strategy that many people use to conquer their tendency to react in a stressed manner, which is to use yoga together with the associated practices of meditation and deep breathing to learn to overcome their susceptibility to stress.
Once again, if you are a person who suffers stress and you therefore find that your general levels of energy are not as good as they could be, this is another option which you can either learn from others in a controlled environment or start the ball rolling in the comfort of your own home via the medium of the net.
Again, it really doesn’t matter where you live, there will be yoga glasses somewhere in the neighborhood and as before, you can find these quickly and easily by using Google maps. As the Google information includes the address, telephone number and of course the map, it enables you to contact them to establish whether they are in a position to help without stepping out of your front door.
The other way of doing things is to start learning yoga from the net from any one of a number of sites that are focused on both the physical and the mental side of learning about this ancient Eastern practice.
The basic idea of yoga is that by learning to control the way your mind reacts to situations and circumstances, you can achieve a far higher level of relaxation than you have previously managed. Consequently, as there is such a focus on mind control associated with yoga (primarily through meditation), it is an ideal pastime for anyone who suffers a lack of energy caused by reacting in a stressed manner to external stimuli.
The basic exercises attached to yoga are categorized by participants striking stationary poses that are designed to improve muscle flexibility and strength. These poses are known as asanas and they range in difficulty from being relatively easy to very hard.
Hence it is important that if you would like to start investigating whether yoga is for you from home, you should use a site where the degree of difficulty is noted so that you do not attempt something that may cause physical damage or injury.
As far as the spiritual side of yoga is concerned, there are many different types of meditation associated with different forms of yoga, most of which came from different religions. There are also resources like meditation CDs as well as meditation supplies which can help you to meditate successfully.
The final thing that is intrinsically linked to yoga is having the ability to breathe deeply and slowly on demand because once you can do this, you have the capacity to take control of even the most stress inducing situation by forcing yourself to breathe properly.
The importance of this can be demonstrated by the fact that most people in a stressful situation will breathe quickly and shallowly, which immediately limits the supply of oxygen to the brain and to the body. This in turn makes a situation that was already becoming difficult considerably more so.
In this scenario, by starving your brain of oxygen, you have naturally limited your capacity to make well reasoned, logical decisions, hence rapid breathing always exacerbates an already stressful situation.
Almost everyone who learns the art of deep breathing reports that as part of the learning process, they acquire the ability to be conscious of when stress is starting to happen and the fact that their breath is becoming quicker and more shallow at the same time. Once they acquire this level of consciousness, it becomes far easier to control their breathing, thereby bringing stress under control as well.
As there is with meditation, there are many different ways of learning deep breathing but using the Pavlov method is one that you should definitely consider because it is again focused on conditioning your subconscious mind which as established earlier is where stress comes from.
If you can use any of these methods to successfully conquer your susceptibility to stress, you are immediately going to see a marked improvement in your energy levels as far less of your energy is wasted on futile stressful situations that you could nor previously control.
And of course, it should go without saying that as a part of your seven-day program to increase your energy levels, the sooner you start to control the stress you feel, the quicker you are going to start enjoying increased energy.

The importance of exercise

One of the ironies of feeling that you have no energy is that fact that it discourages you from taking regular exercise.
However, commencing a program of regular exercise is probably one of the best things you can do in terms of boosting your energy levels because the fact that exercise burns energy makes your body far more efficient at processing energy in the future.
Viewed from the opposite angle, if you do not do exercise of some description, you are encouraging your body to be an inefficient machine for processing energy, which it will more than gladly do.
But when you don’t allow this to happen (i.e. when you exercise at least four times a week), your body gradually becomes fitter, healthier and a far more efficient energy processing plant, which of course means that if you exercise in this way on a regular basis, you will naturally feel more energetic, lively and vital.
What you really need is four sessions of cardiovascular or aerobic exercise every week as a minimum, something that works your heart, lungs, leg and arm muscles so that your whole body gets a workout.
Now, we are not talking about being an Olympic athlete here, nor am I suggesting that you go from doing no exercise whatsoever to trying to run a half marathon.
Indeed, starting off with something as simple as 15 minutes of brisk walking every day is a good idea because it is essential that you start off slowly and gradually build up, rather than going crazy from the beginning which is highly likely to cause injury.
Of course, the exercise program that you instigate will be dictated by your age and present physical condition, but you must nevertheless understand that if you want to feel more energetic and lively, taking up cardiovascular exercise is possibly the most important factor of them all.
Exercise encourages your metabolism to speed up so that all of the energy from the food you consume is channeled in the right directions as an example of why this is so.
At the same time, the fact that cardiovascular exercise involves movement will help every other process you have learned in this

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