» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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since the '90s. The only donation higher than that of the Gates Foundation came from the United States government. One day after receiving funding from Bill Gates the W.H.O declared the Coronavirus a pandemic.

According to former World Bank geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig, about half of the WHO’s budget is derived from private sources — primarily pharmaceutical companies but also other corporate sectors including the telecommunication and agro-chemical industries. It also receives large donations from large philanthropic organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It is believed, according to Koenig, that the appointment of the WHO’s current Director General, Dr. Tedro Adhanom (former member of Communist party), was due to Gates’ influence. Tedros is the former Chairman of Gates funded GAVI Vaccine Alliance. GAVI’s sole mission is to vaccinate every child in the world. The WHO and the US and British governments are the primary partners and the largest funder is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

So let’s get this straight three of the people (Ferguson, Witty, Vallance) who are advising the government to lock us down, take away our freedoms and make us wear masks have vested interests in the vaccine industry and connections to Bill Gates who is going around the world advising us all to be vaccinated and we can’t come out of lockdown and get our freedom back until we do.

Global vaccination market revenue worldwide is projected to reach $59.2 billion by 2020; this number may well increase with the arrival of Covid-19. The British Government's investment in GAVI alongside vaccine promoter Bill Gates must, again, raise the issue of conflicts of interest. To what extent is the British Government protecting its own assets in forcing the lockdown upon its population? Vaccines are set to be a major source of income for the world's largest pharmaceutical corporations, and the British Government is invested in that lucrative future.

In 2009 the world went crazy after the WHO declared the H1N1 influenza pandemic. This resulted in billions being spent on very expensive H1N1 vaccines and antiviral treatments although it turned out the pandemic was indistinguishable from seasonal flu.

The only people who benefited from pointless vaccines and unnecessary medication were the manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Novartis. Each of these pharmaceutical corporations were among the largest voluntary contributors to the WHO in 2008/2009 financial year.

With an $84 million investment, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche were the largest single contributor into the WHO’s coffers that year. Luckily, as it turned out, they could afford it because sales of their unnecessary Tamiflu H1N1 medication rocketed to more than £3 billion following the WHO’s declared H1N1 pandemic. Which was just a coincidence right.

To say these huge investments made by pharmaceutical corporations and private foundations don’t buy influence is nonsense. The WHO is essentially a policy lobby group for the powerful globalists who own it and the ones who own it are the Banksters, the same ones that own Big Pharma.

It should already become obvious that the Big Pharmaceutical are going to benefit hugely from this lockdown of whole countries and we the people are the guinea pigs and the ones who suffer but the general population will not know this information because they are brainwashed by the MSM and the governments who support the vaccine industry.

How come most health organizations are taking the creator of Microsoft (Bill Gates) medical advice? Who the hell is pushing this guy to the front and for what reason? Is he a doctor? No. Virologist? No. Medical practitioner? No. He’s a computer programmer and everyone is just taking his word. It’s like having a gym teacher perform surgery on you.

I tell you what I will have this forced vaccination with this microchip and God knows what chemicals in if Bill Gates, George Soros, the Rothschild’s and other Globalist also have this vaccination?








But somehow I don’t see that happening.

Bill Gates is a eugenicist, like his father before him. He is devoted full-time to two projects:

1) Getting everybody "chipped" (i.e. trackable, dependent, enslaved), and

2) Reducing the world's population.

On March 24 2020, Bill Gates had a digital talk with Chris Anderson, Curator of TED, the nonprofit group that runs TED Talks, during which he gave his take on the handling of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. And during their conversation, Gates admitted that the purpose of these extreme lockdown and quarantine measures is to stop people from naturally catching the virus so that people like Gates can sell them more pharmaceuticals and vaccines later on down the road.

About halfway through their talk, Gates stated that “we don’t want to have a lot of recovered people” from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Instead, the goal is “to not get to one percent of the population infected,” Gates stated, because he’d rather the general population be forced into first getting tested, then vaccinated, for this novel virus.




Listen to these chilling words from Bill Gates during this talk.

“Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person,” Gates went on to explain. “Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly.”

“You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around,” he added. “So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”

If people want to return to “normal,” they’ll have to get vaccinated by Bill Gates.

If all goes according to plan, Gates plans to hold the world hostage until everyone – or at least everyone who wants to return back to a “normal” way of living – agrees to whatever he declares as the “remedy” for this coronavirus, which he’s already indicated will include mandatory vaccination.

The vaccines that Gates is planning to introduce will come with so-called quantum dot tattoos, a type of small microchip that will have to be inserted underneath the skin in order to function.

FACT: Bill Gates Finances, Influences Nearly Every Major Institution Driving the ‘Global Pandemic’ Narrative

“At what point is a coincidence no longer just a coincidence? Whether it’s with generation grant funding for London’s Imperial College (Neil Ferguson’s employer), the London School of Hygiene (Chris Whitty’s former employer), or America’s Center for Disease Control (CDC), or Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), The Wellcome Trust, GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization – there’s one common denominator behind the scenes financing and exerting influence and control over all of these institutions which have been driving the ‘global pandemic’ narrative from day one of the crisis. The answer: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The notorious monopolist and his wife claim they only want to save the world from various and sundry deadly viruses, but it that really their true motivation? Does their extreme level of wealth provide for a dangerous level of power and influence over ‘global public health’ (a term now synonymous with mass vaccinations, pharmaceutical distribution, and population control)? Since day one of the crisis, and while half the world were being forced into lockdown over a supposed ‘novel’ coronavirus, Bill Gates has been on mainstream media and YouTube non-stop, advocating for even more draconian lockdowns, business closures, school closures, mandatory masks, and demanding public compliance for an unprecedented mass vaccination campaign, as well as pushing for the adoption of new Digital ID-Vaccine Passports to restrict movement of the ‘unvaccinated’ and to track & trace the world’s population. At this point, to say that this man is not driving a global agenda is patently ridiculous”. -


“Covid-19 threatens an imminent "new normal" of global health tyranny and unprecedented government control and surveillance. The SAGE team was very likely derailed by Cummings' political agenda and undue influence that he brought to bear upon the committee, which should have remained impartial and science-focused. The most influential members of the UK Government advisory team have demonstrated a blatant conflict of interest through their connections to the Bill Gates Empire, but the British Government itself has invested heavily in the global immunization concept that Gates is engineering through all manner of public and private sector initiatives. The WHO is the global health governing body and is heavily influenced and financed by Bill Gates. In January 2020, the WHO published its R&D blueprint prioritizing novel Coronavirus vaccine clinical trials. Bill Gates is demanding indemnity against lawsuits before he agrees to distribute vaccines. We are all being fast-tracked into a future where our medical self-determination is in serious jeopardy and where those who decide for us will, potentially, not be held accountable for any health-endangering side effects. We have already seen the devastating consequences of mass immunization during the H1N1 epidemic, with questionable Big Pharma transparency regarding risk, as found by those who were given a vaccination that left them brain damaged for life. Experts in the field have warned against rushing through a Covid-19 vaccine, bearing in mind it can usually take up to fifteen years of rigorous testing prior to approval. Any attempt to compress this process must carry risks. The H1N1 vaccine travesty must serve as a warning against precipitous vaccine development motivated by lockdown cabin fever, when the lockdown itself is looking more and more likely to be orchestrated to achieve precisely this outcome. At the same time, as the possibility of compulsory vaccination is under discussion, the government intends to roll out a surveillance apparatus that will ensure forever-control over an already politically weakened workforce pushed ever deeper into financial insecurity, first by austerity measures and now by Covid-19. It is very important to push back against the emotional triggering that is being generated by the state-aligned media and agencies. The behavioral insight experts are working hard to nudge us towards dependency on the state — but we must not surrender our individual and collective independence. We must determine the drivers behind this "crisis", identify the causes, and deal with the symptoms without succumbing to fear or panic. It is not easy; but our futures depend upon our ability to see what is really going on and to respond accordingly” – Vanessa Beeley, Researcher – Editor

Who Controls The UK Government Response to Covid–19?


Covid-19 – Follow the Money

DID YOU KNOW? The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan, Wuhan National Biosafety Lab, is owned by GlaxoSmithKline and George Soros.

Glaxo coincidentally also merged with and owns controlling stakes (68%) in the company Pfizer, which is currently developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer coincidentally manages the finances of a company called Black Rock. Black Rock coincidentally also owns stakes in both Pfizer (8%) AND AstraZeneca (6.8%), another company currently key in developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.

Laurence Douglas Fink is an American Jewish billionaire businessman. He is the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, an American multinational investment management corporation. BlackRock is the largest money-management firm in the world with more than $6.5 trillion in assets under management, giving the firm enormous power over the global financial system.

The CEO of Black Rock, coincidentally, has a strong commitment to re-shaping the future of finance in light of coming climate risk and policy, and has “joined with France, Germany, and global foundations to establish the Climate Finance Partnership”.

BlackRock, coincidentally, has a partnership with Thomson Reuters, a multi-million dollar multi-national media conglomerate.

Thomson Reuters, coincidentally, has created a branch within its editorial department to “Fact Check” information on social media.

Black Rock also coincidentally manages the finances and the Open Foundation Society of George Soros.

George Soros coincidentally manages the interests of the German branch of Swiss founded company Winterthur Group.

Coincidentally, Winterthur was bought out and merged with French multi-national insurance firm Axa in 2006.

Axa, as it happens, created The Axa Research Fund in 2008 and funds hundreds of research projects in research laboratories around the globe each year.

Winterthur, prior to Axa acquisition, built the Chinese research laboratory that was accidentally bought by the German company Allianz

It just so happens Allianz has had a

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