» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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England” on Black Wednesday in 1992 and is one of the top thirty richest people in the world, and a political activist who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry, holds dual citizenship in Hungary and the United States, and self-proclaims as a philanthropist, while contributing massive funds to eugenics programs and population control through toxic food and toxic vaccines. Soros also funds ($33 million) race hate groups (to stir up racial unrest across America) such as the Ferguson protest movement, after the death of Michael Brown and BLM and Antifa.

It is the globalist bankers who are behind the Green Agenda, Climate Change, the Great Reset, Agenda30 and Covid-19.

The Great Reset is here: Follow the Money by F.William Engdahl – a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics

“The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a cabal of technocratic corporativists, led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum– the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030– is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus. The hottest investment area since onset of the coronavirus global lockdowns is something called ESG investing. This highly subjective and very controlled game is dramatically shifting global capital flows into a select group of “approved” corporate stocks and bonds. Notably it advances the dystopian UN Agenda 2030 or the WEF Great Reset agenda. The development is one of the most dangerous and least understood shifts in at least the past century”.


Media Propaganda and Who Owns it?

Media Propaganda and Who Owns it?

Covid-19 was a pandemic of fear driven by the media, a campaign of fear to create panic and terror in the population to make them compliant to the restrictions and lockdowns. A 24/7 of nonstop fearmongering where they had the running death counts of alleged covid deaths on the T.V constantly. But what they did not tell you was the 400 or 500 deaths per day that they were reporting were actually 400 or 500 deaths over a 28-day period. It definitely was not 500 people dying of covid in one day, but they didn’t tell you that. Also when the covid death count went into single figures in JuneJuly 2020 the media removed the death counts from the T.V as they did not want people to hear this good news instead they replaced it with the number of cases because millions more people were being tested with the fraudulent PCR testing and they used rising cases to justify the restrictions and lockdowns.

If there was no such thing as a television or radio would you have known there was a pandemic? No you would not because there was not masses of people dropping dead or dying in the street and there was not masses of funerals. If you worked in a care home, you might have noticed more elderly dying than normal but you that would have been down to a new variation of the flu rather than a deadly disease. Would you really of noticed it was a pandemic when the symptoms of covid are the same as the common cold and the flu? So it was a pandemic driven by the media and the governments use of the fraudulent PCR testing.

That is why lie upon lie is disseminated and the truth from thousands of medical professionals that is published on the Internet is removed as soon as it is discovered. Why does the media not allow any medical professional on T.V or on YouTube who has an opposing viewpoint about masks, lockdowns and vaccines? It is called brainwashing when you bombard the public with one side of the covid narrative 24/7. No wonder people drive around in cars with masks on and visors because they have believed every word the media has told them.

Sky News in the U.K Cuts Off Professor When He Exposes COVID Fear Mongering

When a prominent medical professor appears on a UK mainstream media news program and begins to expose the lies about the pandemic, he is quickly cut off for telling the truth.

Professor Tim Spector is senior professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College, London and was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2020 Birthday Honours for services to the Covid-19 response. Obviously, a big hitter in establishment science circles.

Yet despite his superb credentials to speak authoritatively on the pandemic Sky News cut him short the moment he begins to explain why he switches off when the government COVID19 briefings appears on screens.

It looks like Sky took media revenge as they switched him off for daring to reveal that government and the media have totally overblown the pandemic and fail to give any context and stoke up fear among the hard of thinking. A link to the sky news video is below.

Renowned epidemiologist Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski says YouTube removed his anti-lockdown video for violating 'community standards'

Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski said that a video he posted on YouTube questioning the effectiveness of widespread lockdowns amid the coronavirus pandemic was removed for violating “community standards.”

Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University, says there is no evidence coronavirus shutdowns had any impact.

This is how the media brainwash the people. Only one side of the Covid narrative is allowed. Any truth that steers away from the official covid story is removed, even if the information comes from the top doctors or epidemiologists in the world. This surely is very suspicious for any honest person who is seeking the truth.

I will repeat what I said in the first paragraph and that is in the 1960’s the KGB did some psychological experiments. They realized if you bombard humans with messages of fear, nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false message. To the point that no amount of clear information or evidence they are shown could change their minds. The mainstream media and government have bombarded the people for over 11 months (not just 2 months) with fear and propaganda so that they can maintain the Covid lockdown’s and restrictions which makes people more fearful so that they will line up for the Covid vaccine.

CBS News has admitted that alarming footage of an overflowing ward used during a report on the coronavirus crisis in New York hospitals was actually shot in Italy. CBS’ breakfast show, “This Morning,” used the footage of a packed ward after saying the pandemic’s epicenter was “found right here” in New York. The same footage had been aired earlier by Sky News — which correctly identified it as one of Europe’s “most hard-hit” hospitals located in Bergamo, Lombardy.

“Independent media is under attack. Censorship is now routinely applied. Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Those who say the truth are tagged as “conspiracy theorists”. In relation to the corona crisis, the media is involved in sustaining a Worldwide fear campaign. Several medical doctors who have spoken out against the official Coronavirus narrative have been fired. has been tagged by Canada’s media as a source of disinformation. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down. They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”. The Lie becomes the Truth. One area of routine distortion is the use of fake videos and images by the mainstream media” - Professor Michel Chossudovsky, October 26, 2020

Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images


The photo below is hundreds of coffins of dead migrants who died when their boat sank of the coast of Italy in 2013 but the media used this photo and claimed the coffins where dead bodies from Covid victims in Italy in March 2020.





In the photo below the media claimed a New York hospital was swamped with Covid patients but the picture was actually from a hospital in Italy.













A photo of a boy was distributed by news agencies all over the world, but with conflicting coverage. The Daily Mail claimed: 'A Portuguese boy of 14 is Europe's youngest patient to die of Corona.' The same photo was distributed by the Daily Express with the text: 'A 12-year-old girl from Belgium dies of corona'. Another agency used the same photo and stated: 'A 13-year-old boy from England died of corona'.

The same happened to another picture of a boy who died in 2017 due to a dangerous 'suicide' game. Three years later his photo is used to claim in the mainstream media that he was the youngest victim of covid19 in England.

Here is another example of the propaganda the media pump out to keep us in fear. This time it was the New York Post who claimed that people where dying or dropping in the streets from Covid in India in April 2021. But this was a lie because the picture was from a gas leak from a chemical plant in India in May 2020 where at least nine people died and collapsed in the streets.

Below is the picture from the gas leak in India in May 2020 and you can see it is the same woman in both pictures. The mainstream media are liars and you cannot trust them. They use fake images to manipulate your mind, to keep you in fear so as to keep up the illusion of a pandemic so that you will accept the restrictions and take the covid vaccine.



The reality of large scale media deception was exposed by German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte who was an editor for one of Europe's largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). He wrote the book 'Bought Journalists' in which he confesses how he and his colleagues were bribed for decades by American billionaires, the CIA, the German secret service and various shadow governments to write nothing but lies. In the video below he makes the following confession:

‘I've been a journalist for 25 years. I was taught to lie, to betray and to never tell the truth to the public. ... I was bribed by American billionaires to report... not exactly the truth.’ - Journalist Udo Ulfkotte.

The mainstream media are lying about Covid-19 and this proves it. The MSM are propaganda outlets for the globalists covid agenda.

If the media has been purposely distorting and twisting the truth, even lying about Covid-19 then we need to know who owns the media and who influences them. I have mentioned this before but we know that the media and governments lied about the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq was supposed to have in 2003 to justify an invasion of Iraq and I say once a liar, always a liar. When there is a worldwide agenda that needs pushing by the globalists we know the media will be on their side.

The Daily Mail newspaper in the U.K ran the headline, ‘Terrifying new TV ads’ are being promoted by the Government (23 Jan 2021).

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