» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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it with an infernal Masonic parody.

Thus, out of this desire to not accept the deception and thus to not want to take a position against it and against those who promote it, they take refuge in the convenient mainstream narrative, suspending judgment and letting others tell them what to think, even if it is irrational and contradictory.

Billions of people have voluntarily made themselves slaves, sacrificial victims to the globalist Moloch, allowing themselves to be persuaded of the inevitability of such a surreal and absurd situation.

There is, however, an element that the conspirators have not taken into account: human weakness on the one hand, and the power of God on the other... A little bit at a time, this clay-footed colossus will collapse, inexorably, on its own lies and its own crimes.

In the face of the evidence that there is no pandemic and that the deaths were deliberately caused to exaggerate the effects on the population, we must consider Covid as a scourge, not in itself, but for all that it has revealed: the plan of Satan for the establishment of the New World Order, which is meant to lead to the reign of the Antichrist.

The Lord shows us, with the severity of a Father, that He still wants to admonish His children and misled humanity about the consequences of sin. He shows us what world awaits us if we will not know how to convert, abandoning the way of perdition and returning to Him, to obedience to His holy Law, and to the life of Grace – by Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop March 25, 2021

Carlo Maria Viganò, (born 16 January 1941) is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for having exposed two major Vatican scandals. These were the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other Church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick.


Dr. Igor Shepherd - Horrors of the COVID Vaccine

Dr. Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of the COVID Vaccine: Partial Transcript, October 2020

Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor and is currently a readiness and countermeasures program manager at the Wyoming Department of Health Preparedness and Response Unit in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He’s been a public speaker at numerous preparedness conferences throughout the United States. So conferences that prepare for disasters, pandemics, epidemics, things like that. And with the Centers for Disease Control to help prepare and review emergency preparedness, cooperative agreement applications, strategic plans, progress reports, data, deliverables. He also provides monthly briefings for the State of Central Function Partners, and Health and Human Services representatives. And he was involved in technical research and development on national domestic preparedness and nuclear security for the Department of Justice Office for Domestic Preparedness, Department of Homeland Security, DOE and NSA, DOD, ETRA, FEMA, National Guard, tactical SWAT teams, law enforcement, first responders, medical professionals.

“I want to speak — that I want to tell you something very interesting that happened a few days ago when CDC decided not to count flu patient cases anymore for 2021. What that means, all flu cases go toward COVID numbers because they’re not high enough in the United States. We have a problem, we have a deception, and we have treason. I will speak about treason later. But treason at the highest level”. What I’m trying to say here. What I’m trying to say is that when probably health departments, HHS and CDC need to push up the numbers for whatever reason in the United States because it’s too low — it’s not enough mortality rates; the hospitals are empty — then something is wrong here, OK? Something is not right here.

I’ll tell you why we’re facing this. I go back to my Communist time. I was trained to destroy the United States of America. Forgive me for that, God. And forgive, you, me. Please forgive me for that. I trained during the Cold War to destroy the United States physically. Not spiritually, physically. When I say that, that’s how darkness works.

Some people say, oh, it cannot be so bad. I mean, come on, people are not that evil. Yes, there is a lot of evil people in the world. I met many. I worked with many.

So, speaking of vaccines, as you already understand, it’s kind of a strange and questionable situation about the COVID pandemic. It just came just on time. So, if I tell you the COVID pandemic was prepared for the last 19 years in the United States, are you OK with that?

Between 2000 to 2006, I worked in some projects, some classified projects at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site, city of Mercury, for NNSA, National Nuclear Security Agency.

We did some work with DTRA, Defense Threat Reduction Agency. They did some biological tests inside the test site and such things.

It’s a preparation. It’s a long, long wait. They know what they’re doing and they know how they’re doing it. It took a lot of years for them to prepare for this moment, today, in the United States. And globally. It’s a global mission to bring global Communism into every corner of this land. Not only the world, the United States.

The plan of the destruction of the United States right now is going with the full speed. And vaccines are playing a major role in this part.

And we have those today who are working for Big Pharma and those like Bill Gates who actually serve him. That man put so much money into so many things. All vaccine companies are controlled by him. All of them.

Do you know how many vaccines are actually built in the world today for COVID? Almost 200 modalities–200! Every nation is trying to build something. And only six are chosen for the United States, especially. And all those six, actually five of them, are Messenger RNA technology. Messenger RNA technology is unknown for human beings. It’s never been tested before.

So, tell me, please -– I just simply ask you a simple, simple question. It’s a logical question. Following the CDC, the recovery rate from COVID-19, is 99.8 percent. I will repeat myself, 99.8 percent recovery rate with this disease. Deadliest in the world disease. We’re all afraid of it. I’m still trying to find somebody to meet who actually had it. Three or four days and gone. HCQ and you take some zinc and you’re alright, OK? It’s a less mortality rate than the seasonal flu. In fact, the mortality rate {for Covid-10} is only 0.1, 0.5 percent. So, what is the problem? Please, tell me.

Now, stop yourself and think. With this doubtful situation, we need to vaccinate seven billion people on earth and very, very fast. What’s wrong with this picture? I want to ask you just a logical question. What’s wrong with this picture?

So, what the heck is that about? H1N1, swine flu, 2009, 67 million ill people in the United States. 67 million diagnosed with the swine flu, 2009. Any masks? Any lockdowns? Any distancing?

So, what’s the problem today in 2020 with the strange ghost virus–coronavirus? It’s so scary. There’s so much inside of me, I’m shaking. So, what’s the problem here? The problem is an agenda. This is a problem.

And let me tell you something else, if you were not sure before. I believe every public department in this nation is infiltrated with Communists today. I believe every state government and federal government is infiltrated with Communists today.

This is why you have a lockdown and mask wearing and all of that other stuff. They’re just following the Chinese style of response. Because the Chinese know what to do about it.

Have we become a Communistic country? Do we have any freedom left inside of us, if not outside? So, what is wrong with us as a nation, as a republic?

It’s an agenda! Please, understand. The message is urgent. And this is why I am talking today about these companies, like Pfizer

And now let’s talk about treason. All six companies are deeply connected to Chinese manufacturers and Chinese research companies. I’ll just give a few examples.

Pfizer. Yesterday, on the news, 90%, great results. Everybody, the savior has come, the savior has come to the world to save us, all right? Two injections, 21 days apart, no problem, OK?

So, what’s the problem then? I’ll tell you what the problem is. They forgot to tell us something very important. Pfizer is working with BioNTech, a German company. German company and Pfizer are working with Fosun Pharmaceuticals from Shanghai, China.

Oh, yeah! How do they work with them? They develop vaccines for us. Such a big deal. Chinese develop vaccines for us. So what?

Now, we’re talking about BIB a little bit more, Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, and Academy of Medical Military Science of China.

What I’m trying to tell you is that all companies who are trying to build billions of doses of vaccines in the United States are connected to the Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army. It means Chinese Military Biodefense.

And to prove that statement even more, I need to talk about Chen Wei. She’s a general. She is a one-star general in biodefense. It’s not biodefense. It’s the bioweaponry complex of China. She is the head of all vaccination projects in China–all. And she has direct access to all vaccination companies in connection with United States providers.

This is treason, people. Can you see what is coming to us? Do you think China loves you? Do you think the Chinese military will not take an opportunity?

Is that all of the examples? No, it’s not all examples. Clover, another company, Chinese, also working with BIB. They are all directly working with them. CanSino is another Chinese company also.

So, they all connected to AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson –- actually, it’s through Janssen, another company, not Chinese actually, but with very deep roots in China, since the ‘80s.

So, what I’m trying to tell you? I’m trying to tell you we have a problem. I’m trying to tell you that side effects, which were covered during the clinical trials — and it’s not very clear — they don’t even know what kind of side effects happen in two to three years from now.

A normal vaccination should take five, 10, 15 years to develop a new vaccine. Up to 15 years is a normal vaccine’s time. Now it’s squished into two or three months?

Secretly–it was not two or three months. It was ready a long time ago. Maybe years ago. I hate to tell you.

When I read a paper from Moderna, I almost choked when I found that they proclaimed on January 11 and 12, 2020, when for the first time the Chinese CDC (a world-trusted organization – right) –was sponsored and fed by Bill Gates directly, by the way. That organization {Chinese CDC} said: “We sent the gene sequence {SARS 2 CoV}, the first five genomes for the whole world to see.”

Oh, thank you very much, Chinese from Wuhan. It’s wonderful news. Then Moderna said they developed a vaccine after that, when they received the {Chinese} samples in three hours!

My expectation from all of these vaccines, ultra-cold-type vaccines, the problem is not just safety. They are unstable. For five, six, seven hours in the cold temperature — under the warm temperature, in the room temperature, they might start changing their structure.

I don’t even know if they are actually for the COVID disease at all. I’m kind of trying to push on you this idea a little bit. Are you sure this is what it’s all about, this so-called pandemic, with a 99.8% recovery rate? And the whole world needs to be vaccinated fast. Then we’re talking about digital I.D.s

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