» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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political rights and make people afraid. The fools are already grabbing food in shops here. Millet, buckwheat, etc. The goal is to scare people. Once again, these are command-and-staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial liberal world powers with the aim of limiting the political rights that people are basically accustomed to having, especially in Western Europe. That’s their second goal. The first goal is to reduce the population numbers on Earth. That’s their Satanic goal. The second, political goal of the behind-the-scenes world powers is to seize power. The third goal is related to finances and power over the economy.

It’s a complete financial bubble. It needs to be deflated. FRS, the Federal Reserve System, literally some days ago, that was in February, I think – they introduced a zero percent interest on deposits. Now, in many countries, it’s even a negative interest rate – that is, you deposited 100 dollars and you get 90 or 95 dollars. But at least you’re still going to get it. So, we’re already getting negative interest rates on deposits. So, that wealth has to be deflated. How will it be deflated? Again, through this artificial international … we see the economy has crashed, it’s clear, accordingly – we can’t meet your domestic demand like we did before, you need to tighten your belts.

Now is a very important moment. Note, it allegedly started in China. Even though the Chinese are now adamant and report that the coronavirus was created artificially. It has an artificial origin – it’s been proven scientifically already. Of course, in every virus, seeing that it’s the simplest kind of microorganism – as far as I remember – mutations can happen, but they’re of an accidental nature. And when you take the RNA molecule, not DNA – they have RNA – and there’s a part of the genome that’s clearly been carved out and another one inserted in its place – and this happens 3 or 4 times … It is perfectly obvious that the Chinese scientists have figured this out – it was artificially created and purposely spread, initially in Wuhan. They had 2 kinds, 2 viral strains. Okay now. And what about Italy, what happened there? How come a strain that is even more dangerous that the Chinese one suddenly appears in Italy? I think now they have a few thousand infected and around 1000 have already died. But again, 100x more people die in Italy from flu, pneumonia, scrofula and hepatitis. But we don’t talk about that. Instead, we are being served special political information propaganda, psycho-informative propaganda. Special psycho-informative operation of the world globalist mass media that is serving the behind-the-scene Zionist liberal powers that are creating this terror right now. – Interview from Vladimir Kvachkov (Russia) is a Colonel of the GRU (Military Intelligence Officer).

Below is a link to the video.




Article below is titled ‘Lockdowns, Social Distancing and Global Economic Meltdown preparation for the Global Vaccination Agenda’ from Covid 19 from

The COVID-19 Plandemic is the New World Order's operation to accelerate its agenda to establish the World Technate of Sustainable Development: Judaeo-Freemasonry's gambit for the establishment of its "Ancient Hope" for a Masonic World Empire lorded over by its Masonic Christ.

Operation COVID-19 is largely psychological warfare, a global compliance test, the global social conditioning to create the Global Mind Virus, the Global Hive Mind.

The first of a series of planned bio-weapon assaults on humanity (i.e. COVID-19 is Gates' "Pandemic 1.") to bring about Hell on Earth.

Politicians have been given a programme, the Global Script, which they have been ordered to adhere to and follow. Using so-called "experts'" advice to justify the unfolding tyranny.

Advice that flies in the face of established medial practice, proper science and statistical treatment, historical precedent and common sense. Advice that is in truth Shameful Science and Statistical Misconduct supplied by Prostitute Scientists following a political agenda ... in support of the New World Order's Global Script.

To destroy Western Civilization, to de-industrialise the West, to roll-back 400 years of scientific and social progress, to plunge the world's peoples into perpetual austerity and absolute bondage in the World Panopticon called the New World Order.

Using the fear of "coronavirus" to do it; using fear of a virus to get the world's peoples to consent and surrender their God-given rights to freedom and liberty.

That is why New World Order stooges, career crooks and war criminals like Blair and Clinton call for total surveillance via "Contact Tracing."

Operation COVID-19 a multi-faceted battle plan with many sub-agendas and objectives running simultaneously. A masterful exercise in hybrid, asymmetric, psychological warfare that has been a stunning success.

Convincing 3.5 billion people to incarcerate themselves willingly in their own homes using a massive media blitz that told them to be afraid, be very afraid, of an unseen enemy, a "coronavirus," which is something akin to the common cold but, they were told, acts like the Black Death.

Hence, the hysterical headlines in ad nauseam and blanket coverage of TV programming with scaremongering and shamelessly false stories of people dropping dead in the streets and "hospital war zones."

Judaeo-Freemasonry's Dark Alchemy. The masterful manipulation of man's ancient basic instinct - the fear of death.

That the public have succumbed to the propaganda and manipulation and willingly surrendered hard-fought liberties and freedoms, to ridicule their ancestor's great sacrifices, and consent to their servitude, is a measure of how dumbed-down they have become to a point it is hard to comprehend. How they have become so unthinking and compliant, how they have become drone-like and Hive Minded.

That everything outside the Communitarian Hive Mind does not exist. There is only one narrative, one reality, that all right thinking citizens should know, believe and follow.

That any thought outside the narrow corridor of public opinion is heresy and anyone expressing it are heretics. Now, there is only one choice ... a Hobson's Choice ... no choice.

Keeping the dumbed-down public where they are meant to be in the "new paradigm," wallowing in a sea of ignorance ... and kept distracted and busy by supposed alternate arguments, plausible false arguments made by propagandists, gate-keepers and fools.

Operation COVID-19 a masterful exercise that within two months caused and created a World Dystopia and visited a living nightmare upon Humanity and inaugurated the Darkest Period in Human History.

A marvelous outcome for Communitarianism. A wonderful Judaeo-Freemasonry success. A spectacular defeat for human liberty.

The Memetic War waged upon mankind is Mass Psychology par excellence. Words, terms, phrases and behaviors have rapidly become deeply embedded in public consciousness. A masterly use of 20th century honed techniques whereby elites control the masses by Manufacturing Consent and repeatedly telling them Big Lies. Techniques greatly enhanced by a 5' x 4' flat-screen TV dominating the room they are installed and the people that stare into to it.

Operation COVID-19, like all operations and Live Exercises, is a dynamic, fluid, constantly changing event. It morphs daily into a different changed event. A very wicked agenda, evil to its core. Making people afraid of intimacy, afraid to touch, to even look into each other's eyes, for fear of catching a death-dealing disease.

"Social Distancing," "2 meters apart," "wear a mask," "new normal" "new paradigm" - memetic warfare - inculcated into public consciousness by the Mockingbird Media and Judaeo-Freemasonry enslaved governments and enforced by a coterie of power-crazed Bolshevik-Globalist politicians at both national and local levels.

The wholly synthetic COVID-19 Plandemic via Operation COVID-19 is being used to bring such devastation to the modern, industrialized world that it cannot recover. It is being used to de-industrialize the world, throw billions of people into abject poverty and perpetual austerity and to cower them into accepting the "coronavirus vaccine" so that their lives can return to "normal."

To manufacture mass consent to accept billionaire "philanthropist" Bill Gates' patented vaccine as cure for his patented virus, to convince them to "take the shot."

SquareandCompassesEmbroider11SARS-CoV-2 virus is a Bill Gates patented bio-weapon used in Operation COVID-19 as the pathogen causing the COVID-19 disease. A manufactured pandemic whose victims are invariably aged and suffering multiple morbidities that would have killed them anyway.

A seemingly damp squib of a bio-weapon.

Yet, one that the massive propaganda blitz has convinced the majority to believe that it is as deadly as The Plague: and that the world is in the same dire state as 14th century, Black Death ravaged Europe.

The Rockefeller Foundation, from its inception, was a vehicle of Evil. An Organized Evil invention to exploit a tax avoidance device - "philanthropy" and "charity" - and to use accumulated wealth to both maximize that wealth by avoiding tax and to transform society into its Dark Image.

This is the Tax-Exempt Foundation's primary role: to transform society, to subvert civilization, by turning Natural Moral Order on its head. The Rockefeller Foundation was one of the first and most powerful and its dark impress is felt everywhere societal chaos, deviancy and evil are seen.

So too, in Operation COVID-19, is the Rockefeller Foundation's baneful influence acutely felt, especially its 2010 paper entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

Where its 2010 paper (Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development) helpfully detailed the New World Order's Operation COVID-19's Stage 1, its 2020 paper (National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan) provides a helpful guide to its Stage 2.

The COVID-19 Plandemic has gifted the Judaeo-Freemasonry enslaved governments across the globe a superb excuse to expand their authority and increase their grip on power. A vast power grab, a world-wide Bolshevik usurpation of democratic government.

Operation COVID-19, a Live Exercise to destroy World Civilization, to de-industrialize the world, to destroy small business and the middle class, to imprison 3.5 billion people in their own homes and to gauge their response to it.

A Global Obedience Test.... with a marvelous outcome: barely a "push back" was observed. Such that now "THEY" are emboldened enough to roll-out Operation COVID-19's Stage 2:

Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing and Vaccination of Entire Populations as the "Only Way" to return to "Normalcy."

That is, Judaeo-Freemasonry enslaved world governments' are following the New World Order's Global Script and are preparing to use the Rockefeller Foundation's National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan as their State Terror template to transform their nations in preparation for their absorption into the New Economic World Order i.e. rebirthed Technocracy reformulated as the United Nations' "Sustainable Development."

Although in recent years the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has eclipsed the Rockefeller Foundation's role as Organized Evil's pre-eminent instrument to subvert society (c. 2005 AD, decrepit David "Mr New World Order" Rockefeller handed Gates the World Depopulation Agenda torch), its role is still significant.

Both have the same puppetmaster and read from the same Global Script. Hence in unison, Gates and Rockefeller, Gates in ad nauseam, declare that there can be no return to normalcy until everyone on Earth are tested, tracked, traced and vaccinated with a Gates' patented vaccine.

They also "predict" another wave, another pandemic ... "Pandemic 2."

Although the Rockefeller paper is USA focused, it is Judaeo-Freemasonry's blueprint for its Global Vaccination Agenda: all enslaved governments will readily adopt it while non-conforming nations will be severely punished until they do.

Integral to Stage 2's implied terror is the "testing" of everyone, everywhere.

The Plan's aims are to rapidly "test" every American.

Bill Gates and cohorts created in various laboratories a chimera, Gain-of-Function, "coronavirus," called it SARS-CoV-2, and patented it. Planning in their Plandemic to make a killing.

Gates and cohorts chose the "coronavirus" as their preferred bio-weapon for several reasons, primarily due to its ubiquitousness. Nearly everyone has "coronavirus" antibodies: it is the "common cold" and "seasonal flu."

Nearly everyone tested for "coronavirus" DNA fragments, "antibodies," not the actual virus itself, will test positive. Moreover, the proposed tests themselves are very problematic. Here are six serious deficiencies and concerns about them:

Initial batches of CDC endorsed tests were found to be contaminated with the coronavirus they proposed to test

Scientific studies found the error rate for false positives was 80%

Tests are based on the "RT-PCR" or "PCR" test, which isolates genetic RNA/DNA sequences and cannot prove the virus' existence (i.e. causation or tell if

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