» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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Orwellian mass surveillance state erected - the virus will then 'magically disappear' - I would say within two years or less. A neo-feudal global economic order will likely emerge from the ruins. I am not sure how people will buy food, medicine or supplies in the future - with most jobs today being totally non-existent. I have no idea where the money will come from to fund pensions - both public and private. I fear for those who are retired with their homes paid off - but who will have no pensions or investment income to pay for property taxes, etc. I am worried for people who have young families - who may not be able to find ANY work for many years. I grieve for those relying on government handouts such as welfare and disability - if the state no longer had the resources to pay for these things. Ditto for public healthcare and other social programs. I am concerned that banks and other financial institutions are going to begin to collapse in the months ahead - and take our life saving with them. Governments cannot just print money indefinitely without commerce and taxable revenue - regardless of the economic model in place - unless they are planning Weimar Germany levels of hyperinflation” – From


Henry Makow - “Communists always have a plausible excuse for their ruthless satanic agenda. Time to grow up and face reality. The West has been totally subverted by a satanist cult of pedophiles installed by the Rothschild banking cartel. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Our feckless ancestors handed over the national credit cards to our worse enemies, bankers who happen to be Freemasons (Cabalists, Satanists.) Most of our political and cultural leaders are witting or unwitting shills for the Rothschild’s. They are traitors. The Rothschild's goal is to extend their monopoly over credit creation (currency) to a worldwide monopoly over everything: Power, Wealth, Culture, Thought and Behavior. We're talking about total control. This is the essence of Communism and the NWO. The popular image of Communism as defender of the poor is nonsense. Communism was financed by the Rothschild’s to blackmail plunder and destroy their rivals. In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the central bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached. Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult that exercises tyrannical control over its members. It is the template for the totalitarian NWO. The Rothschild cartel consists of Cabalist Jews and Cabalist Freemasons who seek to enslave us. They turn reality upside down ('revolution.') Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Justice, are all inverted. Satan replaces God at the apex. See Satanism Explained. The Coronavirus panic was contrived by the media and fanned by politicians. Saying that millions could be infected is like yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre. Why should we trust these people? They covered up the murder of 3000 Americans on 9-11. (I'm including Trump here.) They have run regular mass shootings and false flags: Sandy Hook, Parkland, Las Vegas, Aurora CO. Remember the 2014 "terrorist" attack on Parliament in Ottawa? The government and media were complicit. Yet we still trust these people? They lied about JFK's assassination; Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and Al Assad gassing his people. Why do we believe anything they say? The average age of Norwegian coronavirus deaths is 89. 99% of Italians had other ailments. Our whole political and cultural edifice is rotten with these Satanists (i.e. Freemasons.) Justin Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro. Trump is a Cabalist Jew. Merkel, Macron, Johnson are all Freemasons. They were all handpicked by the Rothschild’s. Money - society's blood supply - is controlled by people who wish to bankrupt and enslave us. Our banks are promoting sodomy, migration and miscegenation. The banks control all corporations and media. This is key to understanding the current contrived panic. A naked grab for more power would meet with resistance. That is why it is disguised as a pandemic. But what is the difference between martial law and medical martial law based on a phoney pandemic? None. Yet medical martial law closely mirrors Communist/Orwellian tyranny. People are confined to their homes. They cannot travel or assemble to discuss their predicament. Mass surveillance to enforce "social distancing." Drones ensure no one even goes for a walk. Outside in France? Show your papers! Food becomes scarce. Empty shelves. Lineups at supermarkets. They snitch on each other if they hear coughing. They are carted away and confined. They lose their livelihood and must depend on government for handout. Convicts are freed. Borders are sealed except to migrants. Talk about total control. People can't even go to the cinema or sports events. They can't swim or play hockey because even recreation centers are closed. A man walking his dog in a park is fined $880. Everyone in Miami Beach must wear masks. Paris bans outdoor exercise during daylight hours. Stores cordon off aisles containing items deemed "non-essential." These include toys, entertainment, beauty supplies and sports equipment. A Director of WHO says police may break into your homes and take away anyone they deem infected. Cuomo urges the NYPD to be 'more aggressive' in breaking up funerals, large gatherings and people 'playing Frisbee in the park' as he raises fines to $1,000 for people who flout social distancing rules. Drones warn walkers to keep six feet apart. In Santa Monica, a lone surfer is led away in hand cuffs. In Pennsylvania a young woman was fined $200 for going for a drive, violating the governor's "stay-at-home" order. Church services are cancelled. Hotlines are set up so people can snitch on their neighbors. In Colorado, a father is handcuffed for playing softball with his daughter in a park. None of these edicts have anything to do with containing a virus -- real or imagined -- and everything to do with instilling the message: You Have No Rights. They have sent humanity to its room; destroyed the economy, our livelihoods and made everyone dependent on government handouts. It's time to call their bluff. This virus is fake news, much like Orson Welles' invasion of aliens. Like 9-11, and Saddam Hussein's "weapons of mass destruction." It is a media creation. As Bill Gates admits, the purpose is to vaccinate and chip the human race. We are not children. We will not be confined to our rooms. We will not have our property stolen from us. We will not have our human rights abrogated. We must say: we would rather be sick. Their "cure" is a hundred times worse than their fake pandemic which is nothing more than the seasonal flu. We cannot trust their numbers. They take them out of thin air like our "money." Clearly, the government has been subverted. It administers the ballooning debt which the central bankers create out of nothing. Anyone who legitimizes this coronahoax is a traitor. That tells you a lot about the current state of the world. This is a war against humanity waged by our "leaders" who are agents of the central bank cartel. They have no mandate to abrogate our fundamental human rights. If we don't defend them now, we will lose them forever. I am hopeful the coronavirus threat will soon be outed as the hoax it is. It has already passed its apex in China. We need to find ways to resist the encroachment on our liberty, values, livelihoods and way of life. One way is to avoid hoarding and unite with our fellow citizens in a spirit of fellowship. I don't think our politicians and media will have a shred of credibility when this is over. Human beings are resilient and can recover from this. But first we need to understand our predicament. Society is satanically possessed. We are under constant occult attack from people who wish to destroy our way of life”. Henry Makov Ph.D, Author of The Illuminati the Cult that Hijacked the World -



Testimony of Russian ex-Military Intelligence Officer on Coronavirus Depopulation Agenda

The Coronavirus Agenda is exposed in this revealing interview with an ex-Russian military intelligence officer. The interview shows this was recorded on March 25th, 2020. Vladimir Kvachkov (Russia) is a Colonel of the GRU (Military Intelligence Officer), a public figure, with a PhD in military science and leading researcher for the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In the interview Kvachkov was asked, considering his expertise, what does he make of the coronavirus phenomenon? His reply was:

It’s exactly this perspective that you need to examine it from. Not from the public health perspective, nor epidemiology, etc. The coronavirus phenomenon that they falsely deem a pandemic needs to be examined from the perspective of global powers. Religious, political, financial, economic and national. The coronavirus phenomenon, the so-called pandemic – and let me tell you, there’s no pandemic, it’s all a lie – needs to be considered as a global, strategic special operation. This is exactly how you need to think of this thing. These are command and staff exercises of the world’s behind-the-scenes powers on controlling humanity. This is what the goal of this coronavirus is. I’ll repeat it once again. We have little faith in God and even less so in the existence of Satan, the enemy of the human race. So, the aim of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial powers is reducing the world’s population. It’s their idée fixe. They think there’s too many of us ordinary people in the world. There should be around 100 million of their kind and a maximum of 1 billion people on Earth to serve them. Then they’ll be living in abundance here on Earth. Because, us the people, the earthlings – there’s too many of us for the behind-the-scenes world powers. This is why the coronavirus and the financial crisis that has emerged almost immediately – they’re inextricably tied to one another. The aim is to stop people’s movement around the world, to curtail political freedoms. In political terms, it would be practically impossible to do all that. There are differences in constitutions. Whether they’re being implemented or not – that is a different question. However, there are some political rights that people are accustomed to and they believe they theirs to have forever. The first attempt to take away those rights from people happened on September 11th, 2001. Not many seem to remember that, after the so-called attack on WTC towers, Pentagon and White House in the USA, the global war on terrorism was declared. Let’s remember, in order to understand what the coronavirus is now, let’s analyze that first attempt – the declaration of war on humanity that was disguised as a war on terrorism. That was 19 years ago. The behind-the-scenes world powers created the events of September 11, 2001. Now they need another excuse for greater control and takeover of humanity. That’s how they came up with the coronavirus. Basically, to put it this way, that’s not a pandemic, not an epidemic. Even now, I literally looked at the data this morning, 300 people in the world die from it daily. You can imagine what kind of scale this is. Of course, I’m sorry about each person who dies, but 300 people across 7.5 billion people – that’s basically nothing. These command-and-staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes world powers have an aim to limit different

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