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of terrorism which have so prepped the US government to wage a war on its own citizenry.  The many Jewish traitors know they have nowhere to run but Israel when these truths are generally known, so they have locked the whole place down until their next big move. See: INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE CONFIRMS: 9/11 was both an “Inside Job” and “Mossad Job”

The massive and ever-growing Military-Industrial Complex is fundamentally a Jewish bankster creation headquartered in Chicago which systematically starts forever wars in order to maintain and/or increase the enormous revenues streams taken (read: stolen) from the U.S. Treasury.  The MIC, in collusion with the National Security State, represents the most powerful force and multi-corporate entity in the world today.  The Military-Industrial Complex is truly the 800-pound gorilla that sits wherever it wants to throughout the world community of nations.  Wherever it throws its weight around is left with a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland.  The forever wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, Somalia, etc. are just a few egregious examples of transparent MIC warmongering.

The many “ISMs” that plague American society today, which are purposefully used to contrive wedge issues that are driven deeply into the heart of the body politic, have been manufactured by Jewish intellectuals, academics, writers, philosophers, thought leaders, social scientists and political reformers. For example, the most societally destructive of these ISMs is Cultural Marxism, a highly divisive and devastating social theory and critical philosophy painstakingly developed by the Frankfurt School which was associated with the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. This extremely deceptive and perfidious movement was populated exclusively by Jewish intellectuals whose primary purpose was to construct a blueprint for the complete takeover of Western civilization, which they have practically done. Other repugnant philosophies, movements and ISMs originated by similar groups of Jewish intellectuals and thinkers include Communism, Fascism, Bolshevism, Socialism, Capitalism, Feminism, Trangenderism, as well as the prevailing worldwide regime of Political Correctness that’s currently destroying societies everywhere.  The same groups are also the most aggressive in strategically hurling slurs and slanders of racism, sexism, homophobicism, ageism and, of course, their favorite calculated aspersion—anti-Semitism.

Even the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change scam have been carefully coordinated across the planet by the same Ashkenazi banksters.  For it is only by the financial means provided by the International Banking Cartel that such an immense scheme of mass deception could have ever been initiated in the first place.  That IBC-controlled project is by far the largest commercial venture of all time, dwarfing even World War II which was another extraordinary boon to the Zionist war profiteers.  The preceding Great Depression was also the pet project of the biggest banking crime syndicates located in both IBC headquarters of London and New York City.  Now these same banksters are looking to collapse the entire planetary civilization via climate fear-mongering prior to enforcing their New World Order in the interest of making more money than ever.  Conducting such a controlled demolition of the GE&FS will also allow them to eliminate hard money in favor of a digital or crypto-currency.  The banksters enormous debt loads will also be erased.  See: CLIMATECHANGEgate: The Global Criminal Conspiracy Hatched by the International Banking Cartel to Rule the World

The truth of the matter is that virtually the entire US government, especially the U.S. Congress, is inordinately beholden to Israel.  Both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives demonstrate more loyalty to an apartheid state in the Middle East than to upholding the U.S. Constitution.  Not only are many Congressmen dual US-Israeli citizens, numerous elected representatives are voted into office solely because of their zeal in sustaining their Pro-Israel Loyalty Oath.  Truly, virtually every organization inside the Beltway is controlled directly or indirectly by the rich and powerful Jewish Lobby and/or numerous Israeli pressure groups.  The vastly disproportionate influence in the affairs of the United States exerted by International Jewry is the single greatest reason for the U.S. Military starting so many unprovoked wars of naked aggression.  Which is also why the USA is so hated worldwide by nations large and small.  That so much American blood and treasure is sacrificed and wasted, respectively, for a recklessly rogue nation and terrorist state is simply beyond comprehension … … … unless you follow the money!

Of all the ISMs created by International Jewry, clearly the most dangerous is communism, which eventually transmogrifies into bolshevism wherever it’s set loose.  However, it is the International Banking Cartel that funds all the operations that create so much chaos through regime changes and color revolutions, civil wars and warmongering worldwide.  The enforcement arm of the IBC has always been the exceedingly violent Khazarian Mafia. The KHAZARIAN MAFIA: You Don’t Know, What You Don’t Know!

The whole world watched last century as Russia was morphed into the communist Soviet Union for over 70 years where the nation was transformed into the largest concentration camp in the world as described in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago.  That national catastrophe was then followed by the transformation of China into the communist state of the People’s Republic of China.  How could such a rapid takeover of a country the size of China — from within — take place except by way of a highly organized communist plot.

Two of the largest nations on Earth were conquered so easily by Bolshevik movements only because they were funded and financed, armed and supplied, recognized and legitimized by the International Banking Cartel.

The Global Criminal Conspiracy Hatched by the International Banking Cartel to Rule the World

The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say.

The Cabal is now in panic mode after planning to institute global idiocracy featuring diminished mental capacity and population reduction through a series of vaccines.

This is because proof has been sent to the world’s military and intelligence agencies that the entire “Covid-19” Plandemic is a fraud designed to trick the global population into being injected with experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that will alter their DNA in order to permanently enslave them.

The CDC essentially admit Covid-19 is at most a seasonal cold or flu, and are illegally shutting down society and imposing an agenda to vaccinate people with gene-altering CRISPR technology.

Here, for example, is a link to a scientific report admitting CRISPR is used in “Covid-19” vaccines.


The Khazarian Mafia and the Media

Jewish scholar Benjamin Ginsberg maintains similar views in his book The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the States. On the first page of the book, Ginsberg states that Jews have dominated the intellectual, economic, and political infrastructure of America. He writes:

“Since the 1960s, Jews have come to wield considerable influence in American economic, cultural, intellectual, and political life. Jews played a central role in American finance during the 1980s, and they were among the chief beneficiaries of that decade’s corporate mergers and reorganizations. Today, though barely 2% of the nation’s population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews.

“The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation’s largest newspaper chain and most influential single newspaper, the New York Times. In the late 1960s, Jews already constituted 20% of the faculty of elite universities and 40% of the professors of elite law schools; today, these percentages doubtless are higher. The role and influence of Jews in American politics is equally marked. In 1993, ten members of the United States Senate and thirty-two members of the House of Representatives Were Jewish, three to four times their percentage of the general population.

“Jews are even more prominent in political organizations and in finance. One recent study found that in twenty-seven of thirty-six campaigns for the United State Senate, one or both candidates relied upon a Jewish campaign chairman or finance director. In the realm of lobbying and litigation, Jews organized what was for many years one of Washington’s most successful political action committees, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and they play leadership roles in such important public interest groups as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Common Cause…After the Democrats’ victory, President Clinton appointed a number of Jews to prominent positions in his administration. Their role in American economic, social, and political institutions has enabled Jews to wield considerable influence in the nation’s public life”.

One has to feel deeply sorry for America. It is no longer a sovereign country. It is now run almost entirely by Jews for Jewish interests. And Israel calls the shots.

The KHAZARIAN MAFIA: The Most Ruthless Enemy of Humanity

Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion

Khazarian Mafia’s system of Cartels

AIPAC: Enemy of America

The Long Planned & Highly Organized Communist Plot to Take Over the American Republic Proceeds with All Deliberate Speed - JOE BIDEN: A Zionist Puppet and Jesuit Agent Criminally Installed as POTUS to Destroy America:

In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was Jewish, published his novel, Coningsby, in which occurs this ominous passage:

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”, Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister Great Britain 1868-74

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, letter to Col. House, November 21, 1933

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Court Justice, 1952. Felix Frankfurter, a Jew, was a close personal friend and adviser of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed him to the Supreme Court in 1939.

“The modern face of this criminal cabal led by Zionist Jews has been exposed for some time. They no longer have to operate purely in the shadows. They have infiltrated positions of power and influence in every facet of cultural and government influence, through either direct or indirect authority, by either holding the positions themselves or having influence over those that do through nefarious or mutually beneficial means. The modern face and name of their criminal empire is the Bilderberg group. Here again my critics will try and claim this is a conspiracy theory, when less than a decade ago their very existence was claimed to be a conspiracy theory until they could no longer hide their existence from the public. The information below comes from their official website So we have a “secret society” comprised overwhelmingly of Jews with a Jewish surname that has existed in its current incarnation since the mid 1950’s, consisting of the most powerful political and industrial leaders of the world meeting in a “forum for informal discussion about megatrends and major issues facing the world”, where they are basically setting global “leftist” policy without its members and what is discussed having to be disclosed. These are the very people Eisenhower and Kennedy were warning the world about. Whether want to claim they didn’t specifically call out the Zionists by name or not, that is exactly what this is a Jewish secret society with token gentile puppets to carry out their agenda in their respective countries. However, it does not take much intelligence to know what they are doing and what they’re ultimate goal is when you have all of the information as I do. It is what they have always been planning, global domination under authoritarian Jewish rule where they (the state) own everything and we gentiles (non-Jews) are nothing more than livestock and property of the global state (communism)” – Daniel Estulin- 2015 Nobel Prize nominee and a multi award-winning investigative journalist, author of ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group’, Tavistock Institute and ‘In the Shadows of a Presidency’.


In the interview below, Dr. Lorraine Day discusses the covid lies. The show originally broadcast on March 26 2021, and is entitled, “They Want You Dead!”:

Topics discussed in the interview: the greatest

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