» Health & Fitness » The Global Elites Population Cull, Terence Smart [classic book list .txt] 📗

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not have glucose to nourish them, they die.

Way back in 1924 Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the main biochemical cause of cancer, or what differentiates a cancer cell from a normal, healthy cell. Dr. Otto Warburg was actually awarded the Nobel Prize for this big discovery. “Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic [i.e., oxygen-deficient] cell respiration”. -Dr. Otto Warburg

Normal cells need oxygen. Cancer cells despise oxygen. Cancer metabolizes through a process of fermentation and fermentation requires sugar. Warburg was the first to describe in detail the dependence of cancer cells on glucose and glycolysis.

Researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah were one of the first to discover that sugar “feeds” tumours. The research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences said, “It’s been known since 1923 that tumour cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells. Our research helps show how this process takes place, and how it might be stopped to control tumour growth,” says Don Ayer, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences at the University of Utah.

The cure for cancer is obtained by starving cancer cells so that they die while feeding the rest of the body so that it can grow stronger and use its natural immune system to resist cancer. Chemotherapy does not do this, it kills healthy cells and weakens the immune system so that the body cannot fight the cancer cells and that’s why the cancer returns to many patients who have had chemotherapy because there immune system has been compromised. It’s like using a poison to try and kill another poison.

“Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline.” DR. Otto Warburg.

So if you turn your body to an alkaline state then cancer cells cannot survive. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. I will go over what foods are acidic and what foods are alkaline later.

It just shows the ignorance to this research that cancer wards in hospitals and hospices have towards cancer patients were they feed them the exact foods that cancer thrives on. They feed them pasta, pastries, ice cream, cakes, custard, rice, red meat, white bread, biscuits, sugar etc. These are totally the wrong foods to give a cancer patient. The patient’s diet should consist of an alkaline diet meaning 80% of fresh vegetables and juice, green teas, whole grain seeds, little fruits, apricot seeds and nuts.

So if you are a cancer patient you should only eat foods that will oxygenate your cells or keep your cells in an alkaline state.

Orthodox Cancer Treatments

“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade. Yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumours. Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it.” - Alan Levin, M.D.

Research published in The Lancet Oncology showed that chemotherapy kills up to 50% of cancer patients in some hospitals. Almost 1,400 patients with either breast or lung cancer died in England in 2014 within a month of being given chemotherapy, A British study looked at more than 23,000 women with breast cancer and nearly 10,000 men with non-small cell lung cancer who underwent chemotherapy in 2014. Of those treated 1,383 died within 30 days.

The primary reason for this is that most of them currently in use are highly poisonous, not just to cancer but to the rest of the body as well. Generally, they are more deadly to healthy tissue than they are to the malignant cell. The cellular poisons used in orthodox cancer therapy today cannot distinguish between cancer and non-cancer cells.

The immune system is hit particularly hard by chemotherapy and often does not recuperate enough to adequately protect from common illnesses, which can then lead to death. Some 67 percent of people who die during cancer treatment do so through opportunistic infections arising as a direct result of the immune system failing because of the aggressive and toxic nature of the drugs.

Chemotherapy can cause side effects such as: nausea, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, cramps, and progressive weakness. Other Effects on the body, Hair cells are fast growing, so the hair falls out during treatment, reproductive organs are affected causing sterility. The brain becomes fatigued, eyesight and hearing are impaired.

Every conceivable function is disrupted with such agony for the patient that many of them elect to die of the cancer rather than to continue treatment.

You might be surprised to know that 75 percent of doctors surveyed in a 2013 report said they would refuse the cancer treatments (Chemo, Radiotherapy, Surgery) for themselves. That's three out of four. That’s nice of them they then try and persuade us gullible people to have it. Because they know of its devastating effects on the body and the immune system, and they are well aware that chemotherapy generally has a low overall success rate. And yet, this ineffective treatment is prescribed for just about every cancer there is.

Foods that fights Cancer

Cancer researchers Kim O'Neill, PhD, and Byron Murray, PhD. (The culmination of fifty years of study in the field), from there book ‘Power Plants’ "In our combined 53 years in biological research (much of it focused on studying cancer), it has become obvious that the answer to many of the human diseases has been staring us in the face for thousands of years — a diet based on fruits and vegetables. It is quite clear that the war against cancer will not be won only by molecular biology techniques in the near future. Eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables is the single greatest thing you can do to prevent disease and increase the quality of your life. Vegetarians have the lowest rates of chronic disease and the highest life expectancy of any population."

As stated previously 100 years ago only 1 in 24 people died of cancer compared with 1 in 3 people today. Back then foods were not made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), chemicals sprayed on crops, preservatives, junk food, McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza’s etc. Back in the past raw food was eaten in a purer state, the way nature made it.

Raw food is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and cancer fighting phytochemicals. Because the food isn’t cooked, these micronutrients are preserved, which enables the “body to function at an optimal level.” Raw food aids digestion, strengthens the immune system, assists with elimination and detoxification, and can even assist in memory retention.

Raw food diet helps to keep the body in an alkaline state, provides more fibre and overall energy, and reduces carcinogens and inflammation.

Dr. Ruby Lathon was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and she was afraid even of the thought of undergoing a surgeries and going through chemotherapy. She decided to avoid surgery and she tried to explore other alternative solutions.

“I decided to try an alternative, holistic approach to cure it rather than go through surgery and be on medications all my life,” said Lathon. She gave herself a year to beat the cancer by completely changing her lifestyle. First thing she did, was to eliminate all processed foods and stopped her dairy intake. Instead she decided to eat only raw foods and always made sure to consume plenty of fruits and veggies.

The effectiveness of these dietary shift proved positive because she was cancer-free even before her one-year frame. She said: “I’ve always had a firm belief that the body can heal itself.”

Dr. Lathon says, “It is found that diseases flourish and grow more readily in a slightly acid body than in a slightly alkaline body. The body likes to maintain an alkaline pH balance between 7.35 and 7.45”.

She is now involved in seminars and workshops that teach about the healing powers of whole, plant-based foods. Moreover, she provides healthy recipes on her YouTube channel, The Veggie Chest which is also on the

Many people have cured cancer using nothing but a massive change in their diet. I will add that a bad diet during a cancer treatment has destroyed many alternative cancer treatments. In fact, many scientific studies have proven that diet alone — meaning the foods that were eaten — caused cancer. So if you want to reverse cancer you must reverse your diet.

If you are a cancer sufferer or to help cancer prevention then you need to start consuming more alkaline-forming foods. Your daily ratio should be the 80/20. 80% alkaline foods to 20% acid-forming foods. This will be a good start to balancing your body’s PH.

The best alkaline foods include the following fruits and vegetables (organic if possible) : onions, beets, broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, spinach, kale, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, tomatoes, parsley, lemons, carrots, avocados, leeks, cayenne pepper, mangoes, asparagus, melons, sweet potatoes, garlic, purple grapes with seeds and skin, red raspberries with seeds, strawberries, blueberries, green tea, almonds and chia seeds, flax seeds, cumin, ginger, turmeric (a spice that is a potent anti-cancer food).

Drink lemon water every day with a spoon of sodium bicarbonate it is very high in alkaline. Lemons, grapefruit and limes are high alkaline-forming foods. Lemons are actually a required part of any cancer treatment because of their beneficial effect on the liver and because they get oxygen into the body.

Chlorophyll significantly raises the pH of foods so that they are more alkaline forming. Foods that are rich in chlorophyll (which give the plants their green colour) are asparagus, spinach, kale, barley leaf, cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers, peas, sprouts, parsley, coriander and all leafy greens.

The liver is the major organ in the body which deals with toxins. A person on an alternative cancer treatment releases a lot of toxins into the blood stream which ends up in the liver. Because of this, the liver must be detoxified or cleansed. There are some alternative treatments that contain liver detoxification elements in the treatment itself. These include Essiac Tea, Coffee Enemas, Milk Thistle and Barley Leaf.

Carrot Juice Cured Cancer

To some people the prospect of chemotherapy can be extremely off-putting and so some people are starting to take their health into their own hands. After undergoing surgery for colon cancer, Ann Cameron declined chemotherapy. When the cancer subsequently spread to her lungs, her doctor said her life expectancy was just two or three years. Cameron decided to research alternative therapies and she came across a story were a man had cured himself from cancer by drinking

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