» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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reminder that the whole US political class, CIA, law enforcement and media are complicit in mass murder and treason. 9-11 was one of a long series of Zionist false flags designed to foment opposition to Israel's enemy, i.e. Muslims, and promote a "war of civilizations" among the goyim. I am reposting this reminder that Zionists have used false flag attacks against Jews as well. In the 1950's, Naeim Giladi discovered that a campaign of anti-Semitism and bombings in Iraq was engineered by Zionists to dupe Iraqi Jews like himself into moving to Israel, much as the Nazis were used to establish Israel in the first place. Just as Zionists have always used terror to advance their political agenda, their agents today are behind such events as 9-11, 7-7, Sandy Hook, Boston, Ottawa, Orlando, Nice, Brussels, Paris etc. The Zionized West, including virtually the whole "alternative media," are only too happy to be manipulated like Iraqi Jews before them”, - Henry Makow Ph.D., Author -

The King David Hotel, 1946

The King David Hotel in Palestine was the home in 1946 of British military command and the British Criminal Investigation Division. It was bombed by the Israeli terrorists Irgun and the attack killed 92 people, most of them civilians. It was organised by Irgun leader, Menachem Begin, who went on to be twice prime minister of Israel. The Jewish motive was to destroy all evidence the British had gathered proving that the terrorist crime waves in Palestine were not merely the actions of “fringe” groups such as the Irgun and Stern Gang, but were committed in collusion with the Haganah and Palmach groups and under the direction of the highest political body of the Zionist establishment itself, namely the Jewish Agency. That so many innocent civilian lives were lost in the King David massacre is a normal part of the pattern of the history of Zionist outrages. In a 2002 BBC documentary called “Age of Terror,” the Zionist bombers admitted to disguising themselves as Arabs as they carried out the attack. Not that last sentence well because the Zionist Jews would do a similar thing on 9/11, that is carry out the attack themselves and blame Arabs.

Israel and the Lavon Affair, 1954

Israel initiated another false flag deception in 1954, this time in Egypt. Egyptian Jews who had been recruited by Israeli intelligence planted firebombs in British and American-owned cinemas and other buildings in Cairo and Alexandria. The attacks were designed to frame Egyptian Muslims and thereby poison relations between Egypt and the West. Codenamed “Operation Susannah,” the plot was foiled after one of the Zionists’ explosives detonated prematurely in his pocket, leading to the capture and confessions of all the Zionist conspirators. The incident was later dubbed the “Lavon Affair,” named after Israel’s then-Defence Minister Pinhas Lavon who was forced to resign as a result of the debacle. Instead of condemning this act of terrorism, Israeli President Moshe Katsav held a ceremony in 2005 honouring several of the surviving terrorists who took part in the operation with medals of appreciation.

The U.S.S Liberty 1967

In June 1967, Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 of its American crew and wounding 174.

Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, provide authoritative analysis. "I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity," Admiral Moorer has said. "What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they [the Israelis] could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry. I have to conclude that it was Israel's intent to sink the Liberty and leave as few survivors as possible."

The 1983 bombing of a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed 241 US service personnel. American, British and French soldiers were in Lebanon to keep the peace between Israel and Lebanon after Israel had invaded Lebanon. But Israel did not want peace so its Mossad planted this bomb in order to drive these Christian soldiers out and the blame was put on Hezbollah.

German Disco Bombing, 1986

In 1986, a bombing took place in Germany at a Berlin disco, the nightspot was visited frequently by U.S. military personnel stationed in the area. The explosion killed three people and injuring at least 120, including more than 40 Americans. Two of the dead were an American soldier and a Turkish woman of 28. The incident was immediately blamed on Libya, and was used by U.S. President Ronald Reagan as a pretext for a bombing campaign against the North African country. At least 60 people, including many children, were killed in the bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.

However on 25 August 1998, German TV exposed apparent CIA and Mossad links to the bombing of the disco La Belle. The German ZDF TV program Frontal provided evidence that several of the key suspects in the 1986 Berlin disco bombing were intelligence agents working for the USA and Israel. This was a Mossad ploy to demonize Libya and their leader Gaddafi.

Lockerbie, 1986

Pan Am Flight 103 was flying from Frankfurt to Detroit via London when a bomb on board the aircraft blew the plane out of the sky over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21 1988 killing 259 on board the plane and 11 on the ground. Suspicions were immediately pointed at Libya and Gaddafi as the guilty party. In 2001, Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset Al Megrahi was jailed for life after being found guilty of 270 counts of murder in connection with the bombing. However there was actually no evidence that Al Megrahi was guilty. Robert Black, the Scottish law professor who devised the format of the Netherlands-based trial, was quoted as saying he was "absolutely astounded" that Al Megrahi had been found guilty. Mr Black said he believed the prosecution had "a very, very weak circumstantial case" and he was reluctant to believe that Scottish judges would "convict anyone, even a Libyan" on such evidence. Gaddafi was an enemy of Israel and the Zionists. We must remember the Lockerbie bombing was used not only to demonize Coronel Gadaffi and to force sanctions on Libya but also to justify his assassination. Shortly before the commencement of NATO’s Libya 2011 bombing campaign, the Western media reaffirmed in chorus that “Evil Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddafi personally ordered the Lockerbie jet bombing”.

Mossad strikes Argentine

The two worst terror attacks in Argentine history occurred in 1992 and 1994 which were the bombings of first the Israel’s Embassy and then the AMIA Jewish Mutual building. The first took place in March 17th 1992, and completely demolished the Israeli Embassy, with 29 people dead. The second one similarly brought down the headquarters of the AMIA Jewish Mutual Association in July 1994, and killed 86 people. Carried out by Mossad to try to remove the peaceful Israeli Labour government led by Yitzhak Rabin. This did not work but they later assassinated Rabin in November 1995 in order for the criminal Likud party to take control of Israel. Iran and Hezbollah were blamed by the Zionist Crime Network for this atrocity.

Jewish Mossad bombs own Embassy, London 1994

Israel’s Mossad blew up its own embassy in London and blamed Palestinians to get the U.K to sympathize with them against the Palestinians.

Port Arthur Massacre, Australia 1996

The Port Arthur massacre of 28–29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded. It occurred mainly at the historic Port Arthur former prison colony, a popular tourist site in south-eastern Tasmania, Australia. It was the deadliest mass shooting in Australian history. This might be a bit harder to prove that it was Mossad but what we do know is that it was impossible for the patsy Martyn Bryant who had an IQ of 63 to be the killer. We do know that Jewish Zionists are leading the calls for Americans to be stripped of their guns with these false flag school shootings and this is what happened in Australia after this shooting. Following the shooting spree, the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, introduced strict gun control laws within Australia.

Israel behind the East Africa Embassy Bombings, 1998

On 7th August 1998 two simultaneous truck bombs exploded at the U.S Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. We are told that 223 people are killed and over 4000 are injured in the joint attacks. However there is evidence that Mossad were involved in the bombings. Officially we are told that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were guilty but there is no real evidence of that. Serious investigators of 9/11 know that Bin Laden was framed for the events of 9/11 so we can assume he was for this also. These bombings and the USS Cole bombing would be used as propaganda to install in the minds of the public the name of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda as terrorists. Bin Laden is nothing more than a Patsie for the Mossad Zionist crime network. The bombings in East Africa were just part of the setup for Bin Laden to take the heat for the events of 9/11.

The U.S.S Cole, Yemen, 2000

In October 2000, the U.S.S Cole was allegedly attacked by suicide bombers, while in port in Aden, Yemen. The explosion ripped a hole in the hull of the ship, killing 17 U.S. sailors. Thirty-nine others were injured. The attack was attributed to Al Qaeda. However John O’Neill who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially-configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Probably the same type of missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine (Jewish) threw FBI investigator John O’Neill and his team out of Yemen because their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile. John O’Neill had been with the FBI for 20 years, and was involved in investigating a number of terrorist cases, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He was considered the FBI’s top man on terrorism. John O’Neill was given a job by the Jewish Larry Silverstein (Twin Towers owner) in security at the World Trade Centre for a Jewish security firm Kroll Associates and his first day on the job was 9/11/01 and unfortunately he was one of the victims. Was he intentionally given that job so that he would be silenced? Yes of course he was 100%. The reason for the Israeli attack was to further galvanize U.S. public opinion against Al Qaeda and it was also used to install the Al Qaeda group into the minds of the American public because a year later they would be blamed for 9/11.

The attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11.

The attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon was an Israeli Mossad operation 100% which led to the deaths of 2,996 people and injuring over 6,000 others.

This was used to kick start the Jewish Zionists war on terror and to start their destruction of Iraq, Libya and Syria with Iran next in their evil crosshairs. The Arab death toll in these Jewish inspired wars is about 3 million.

Spanish Train Bombings, 2004

At the peak of Madrid rush hour on the morning of Thursday 11th March 2004, ten explosions occurred aboard four commuter trains killing 191 people and injuring 2050. Strangely, there were exactly 911 days between the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington and the Madrid train bombings, a fact which was interpreted by prosecutor Olga Sánchez as evidence of orthodox Jewish Kabbalistic symbolism in the timing of the attacks. The train bombings occurred approximately one year after 1 million Spaniards joined up to 30 million other people around the world in protesting the imminent Iraq invasion and in the context of the Spanish people's overwhelming rejection of the presence of Spanish troops in Iraq. The Mossad planners were undoubtedly convinced that a bombing involving a high number of Spanish civilian casualties and attributed to "al-Qaeda" would not only effect a change among the Spanish public and force them into line behind the bogus war on terror and against the evil "Islamic terrorists".

London Underground Train bombings on 7/7/2005

In 2003 up to 2 million people took to the streets in London to voice their opposition to military action against Iraq. Tony Blair kept insisting there was this War on Terror but no terrorist atrocity had struck Britain, not yet. Mossad and MI5 used this in order to convince the British government and public that Islamic terrorism is real in order to convince Britain to go to war against Iraq with America on behalf of Israel. 52 innocent people killed plus 4 Muslim patsies who were blamed and over 600 injured.

Mossad Strikes Mumbai 2008

We are told the 2008 Mumbai attacks were a group of terrorist attacks that took place in November 2008, when 10 members of an Islamic terrorist organisation based in Pakistan, carried out

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