» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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brave people like Alison Chabloz, Monika Schaefer or Hervé Ryssen have to face ritual Talmudic inquisitions, which are disguised as pseudo legal constructs that serve justice. We better be warned for what is coming; today we see parasites like French Prime minister Macron calling for stricter anti-semite laws almost on a daily basis. Same trend, the same tribe, same outcome if we don’t wake up”. From

Jewish Communists and Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was the former President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 and he passed away aged 95 in 2013. The Jewish media constantly praise Mandela and he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 even though he was a former terrorist. Former American President Obama was also awarded the Nobel Peace prize but he propped up the wars in the Middle East and started a war against Libya where over two hundred thousand died. These Nobel prizes do not mean these people are bringing peace to the world it means they are bringing death and destruction to the enemies of the Jewish Zionists.

Did you know without Jews, White rule in South Africa would not have ended and nobody would have heard of Nelson Mandela? Mandela originally aligned himself with the African National Congress a Communist revolutionary group heavily influenced and financed by Zionist Jews. This organization would be responsible for all sorts of atrocities in South Africa which eventually led to Mandela’s time in jail. Mandela co-founded the militant wing of the ANC with various South African Communists including an Israeli Jew by the name of Arthur Goldreich.

In the 1960s the government of Hendrik Verwoerd took power and implemented the formal separate but equal policies in South Africa. These policies made South Africa the economically strongest nation in Africa, and gave the blacks in South Africa (and the whites) the highest standards of living of any African nation. Verwoerd’s policies had two main opponents. One was a Jew named Harry Oppenheimer, the other a Jew named Anton Ruppert. Both controlled banking monopolies in the country, and wanted “rights” extended to black South Africans for the purpose of extending their money lending business.

Oppenheimer had ties to the Rothschild banking family and to the US CIA, which throughout the 1970s through 1990s supported the overthrow of white South African rule, at the direction of the Jew Henry Kissinger. Oppenheimer lobbied the Rothschild’s to overthrow Verwoerd, who had publicly denounced the Jewish banking monopolies in Parliament. Again this is what Hitler did which was to not allow Jews to control his banks, but we now know if you do that the Jews find a way to overthrow you or have you assassinated.

This is what future Prime Minster Hendrik Verwoerd said about a possible solution to the Jewish ‘domination’ of the economy of South Africa in 1937:

“Below are the possible ways in which the state can help Afrikaners gain their necessary share of commerce and industry. The country's commerce and industry is still busy developing. In the first place this expansion must be placed at the disposal of the English- and Afrikaans-speaking parts of the population, presently being disadvantaged in these fields. Legislation must gradually but purposefully ensure that each white section of the population should, as far as practicable, enjoy a share of each of the major occupations, according to its proportion of the white population. This situation is called balanced distribution, but it has also been called a ‘quota system.' As Jews presently enjoy a disproportionate share of the wholesale and retail trade, such a balanced distribution can be achieved only by refusing them further trading licenses, until such a time as the other main population groups, such as English- and Afrikaans-speakers, have gained a proportion which (as far as practicable) corresponds to their percentage of the white population. When trading licenses held by Jews lapse due to special circumstances, they may not be allocated to compatriots, until all other population groups have achieved the above-mentioned equal privileges (gelyke bevoorregting) in this regard. However, this does not include the normal transfer of a business from father to son” - Hendrik Verwoerd Professor of applied psychology, sociology, and social science at the University of Stellenbosch

For opposing the Jewish banking interests in South Africa Verwoerd was assassinated which is an all too familiar scenario. He joined a long list of leaders who have been assassinated or even had their country destroyed for opposing the Jewish bankers. The list includes President Lincoln, President Kennedy and Adolf Hitler & Germany and many others.

On 6 September 1966, Verwoerd was assassinated in Cape Town, shortly after entering the House of Assembly at 14:15. A uniformed parliamentary messenger named Dimitri Tsafendas stabbed Verwoerd in the neck and chest four times before being subdued by other members of the Assembly. Verwoerd was stabbed to death, extremely expertly, in 14 seconds. Tsafendas knew what to do, so well, that all 4 stabs to Verwoerd, each alone, would have been fatal. He administered all 4 in 14 seconds, before anyone knew what happened. White politicians tackled him and brought him to the ground immediately.

Dimitri Tsafendas had formerly been in the South African Communist Party (SACP) and he had been banned from entering South Africa due to his Communist and anti-colonialist beliefs and activities in Mozambique in the 1930s, and those activities had also caused him to be thrown out of Mozambique and exiled for twelve years. Colonel van Wyk of the South African Police was sent to Mozambique and Rhodesia to look into Tsafendas’s past; in his report, he described him as ‘intensely anti-white.’ The Commission of Enquiry into Verwoerd’s death also uncovered the fact that while living in London, Tsafendas had attempted to ‘recruit people to take part in an up­rising in South Africa.

“Already, the dark forces were at work to destroy the Republic of South Africa. Tsafendas was described as “mentally deranged,” but intelligence agents around the world believed that he was programmed to commit the murder, knowing what we know today about intelligence agencies use of hypnotism. Tsafendas had never previously shown any signs of mental disorder before his attack on Dr. Verwoerd. The question is, “who gave the order to murder Verwoerd and who did the programming?” Only two intelligence agencies had the power at that time to carry out missions involving mind control; the CIA and the KGB. Nothing could be proved, but the consensus is that the murder was the work of the CIA” – from the book Diplomacy by Deception by John Coleman

“It was the Money Power at work, whose special interest is banking. The “winds of change” were not intended to liberate the people of Africa, but to replace one form of control which was honest with another form of power exercised dishonestly through puppet regimes. The colonial powers would save on the expense of having to subsidize and develop these colonies…while the international bankers led by the Rothschild syndicate would plunge these hapless territories into irredeemable and permanent debt. They would be ably assisted by the economic hit men of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.” – Stephen Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind & Inside the South African Reserve Bank Its Origins and Secrets Exposed - Director of the South African Reserve Bank (2003–12)

In his book Stephen Goodson traces connections that involved Anton Rupert in particular that implicate Johannes Vorster, Verwoerd’s successor, the CIA, and MI6, among others. Goodson draws on the evidence of Dr. A. Bird, a South African neurologist, who had been a mentor to Dr. Solly Jacobson, a Communist Party functionary. Jacobson had associations with both Pratt and Tsafendakis, and it is suggested that both had been brainwashed by Jacobson.

The writer, Stephen Goodson, worked for the Reserve Bank of South Africa, so he was in a position to understand the secret role that the bankers had in the opposition to Verwoerd. The killing of Verwoerd was a coup d’etat that replaced a legitimate and visionary White leader with others who were more sympathetic to the interests of the Jewish bankers.

Mr. Goodson believed that every war in the 20th century was driven by central bankers (Rothschild’s), and NOT by the false propaganda we were lead to believe (Germany and Japan are out to take over the world!).

You can find out more about Stephen Mitford Goodson at this link:

In order to understand who Mandela really was it is necessary to understand the real history of apartheid South Africa. The policies of apartheid or racial segregation were largely implemented starting in the late 1940s to early 1950s. These policies were originally intended to give the different races within South Africa an independent area of their own and it was not as nefarious as the media have made out. Verwoerd said that the Black African should not be subservient to the European, but rather that each racial group has the right to an education that prepares them to make a successful existence for themselves within their own communities, which will in turn enhance those communities.

The so-called apartheid South African government which was dominated by White Europeans had made South Africa a successful independent first world nation. This was the real reason why Jewish Communists sought to use the ANC as a way to demonize the White European leaders in power. South Africa represented an independent economic and military power that needed to be brought under Jewish influence.

In 1963 a group of Jews founded the “African” National Congress. The ANC was founded by Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Dennis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich, Hazel Goldreich and James Kantor, with a few African front men — Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki (father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed Kathrada. In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews established when they founded the NAACP in the United States, with the exception that the ANC was a much more violent and openly communist organization. These Jews and their African National Congress received funding and support from both the Soviet Union and the US CIA.

Just like with the American Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-Apartheid Movement was funded and coordinated by Jews who used a small group of Blacks as frontmen. Clearly, the Blacks did not have the power or organizing capabilities to make such sophisticated institutional changes, but the Jewish-controlled press has hidden the Jewish role in the destruction of White Rule in South Africa, focusing all the blame on Black communists, while failing to mention that all the Black communists were trained and funded and organized by the Jews. Jews were in total control of the anti-Apartheid movement from its inception and Jewish business interests benefited most when the nightmare that has become black rule became a reality.

The ANC would not only engage in acts of terror against Whites but they would also do the same against Blacks who they suspected of collaborating with Whites. Specifically they would execute and torture people by igniting a rubber tire filled with petrol that they forced over their chests and arms. The practice referred to as necklacing would typically take the victim over 15 minutes to die in certain cases. Hundreds of executions using this method were carried out by the ANC. Even Mandela’s one-time wife Winnie would implicitly endorse this method of torture and execution.

Early in his life Mandela was surrounded by Jews and was given his first job as a clerk by a Jewish lawyer named Lazar Sidelsky. He would associate himself with a large number of Jewish Communists including some of the ones mentioned previously. In fact during a sweep of the ANC in the early 1960s which resulted in his arrest and lengthy prison sentence, a significant number of Jews were also arrested. Enormous caches of weapons and explosives held by the ANC were also uncovered.

These were some of the Communist Jews behind Mandela.

Nat Bregman, a cousin of Lazar Sidelsky, became a clerk at Sidelsky’s firm the year before Mandela joined. The building had segregated elevators, but Bregman, a member of the Communist Party, rode with Mandela on the one reserved for blacks. In his memoir, Mandela describes Bregman—“Natie”—as his first white friend.

Arthur Goldreich was born in 1929 to a family proud to belong to the Anglo-Jewish elite. Arthur Goldreich, who died on

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