» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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and Democratic Parties and have marginalized all Independents and Third Parties. They watch the appointment of judges and have their media and their many labels ready for an appointment they do not approve. They routinely bribe the President and manipulate him like an organ grinder's monkey. Truman was paid two million dollars to approve the state of Israel to fund his re-election.

The Holocaust is venerated around the globe. Shrines are required at public expense in every locality. It is drummed into the heads of our children in school like a state religion. To investigate or deny it is called criminal. Almanacs state the world population of Jews as constant from 1938 to 1948, around fifteen million, the same as 1925. The Jewish population in Europe also remained the same, about nine million which could not be possible if 6 million had perished. The biggest "Holocaust" in Europe was the starvation, murder and torture of millions of Germans under the Morgenthau Plan and the extortion of nearly a quarter trillion dollars in a half century for "poor little" Israel. The generations of World War II are passing away but Holocaust "survivors" collecting reparations have tripled. It has proved a very profitable institution. Again the Jewish deaths are more important than the 70 million Christians who died during WW2. There is about 12 Holocaust museums for the Jews in America, a people who died thousands of miles away but for the 20 million American Indians who America wiped out there is no museum or memorial for them.

We should all strive to get to the truth. The 14 points above are all fact and not theories. Again this is not hate speech against all Jews just the ones who have caused all the destruction and death above and all the people who support them which includes freemasons such as George Bush, Blair, Clinton etc.

Henry Makow (Jewish Historian, Ph.D) – “It is forbidden to mention the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (1905) without the Disclaimer that, of course, they are a "forgery" of Maurice Joly's "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" (1864.)  The assumption is that since Protocols appeared some 40 years after Dialogue, it plagiarized the earlier work. But the Protocols actually predated Dialogue and Joly borrowed from it. In other words, far from being an anti-Semitic ruse, the "Protocols of Zion" are authentic. I have already argued that the two documents are neither similar nor derivative, although they have some lines and words in common. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is essentially a brilliant Master Plan for dispossession and tyranny, i.e. the New World Order. It is the key to understanding our present predicament. (This is not a condemnation of all Jews, only the nucleus of bankers and high-level Masons directing this diabolical war against the human race.) If your plan for World Domination leaked out, what would you do? Would you admit it? "No, you'd employ an army of ciphers to convince everyone the document is a hoax motivated by "prejudice" and "anti-Semitism." They have executed this "damage control" perfectly, a measure of their power to deceive even in the presence of the truth. This is the only Conspiracy that has prevailed in spite of the Blueprint being freely available. It demonstrates the credulity (or venality) of the intelligentsia and the masses.  They have colonized our minds first. We cannot name our oppressor for fear of being accused of "anti-Semitism." It's as though Black slaves working on cotton plantations were taught it was "racist" or "bigoted" to mention the White slave driver. Since the majority of Jews are ignorant of this plot, and are manipulated like everyone else, racism is a ploy to divert attention from a very dire problem. The Illuminati (top-rung Masonic Jews and their non-Jewish allies) have distributed some wealth and power to the masses (liberalism, socialism) as a way of securing ultimate power for themselves. According to the Protocols, they will eventually withdraw these benefits once their "invisible government" is invincible. The "war on terror" should be seen in this context. In my view, "Protocols Deniers" are complicit in this Conspiracy, which is responsible for most human suffering and will lead to a great deal more. As a Jew, I don't want this responsibility on my head, or on other innocent Jews or Masons”.

The above is from

“The rule of the Talmudic Jew in modern times is nearly one of an absolute monarch of a country. The Jews, through their complete domination of world finance and banking — through their malignant monopoly of the mass media of America, Britain, France, Canada and other Western powers — through their influential and vast network of subversive "lobby groups" — through their dominion over the courts and law profession in general — not to mention their pernicious presence inside the highest levels of government of the most powerful countries — have thus taken full control of the entire planet, as was foretold in ancient Jewish religious texts. As the former Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, explained: "The Jews rule this world by proxy, they get others to fight and die for them... They have now gained control of the most powerful countries”, - Zander C. Fuerza, Author’ Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax’.

“Personally I am more the ever inclined to believe that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are genuine. Without them I do not see how one could explain things that are happening today. More than ever, I think the Jews are at the bottom of all our troubles”, - Nesta Helen Webster, English author ‘Secret societies and subversive movements’ published in 1921

What are the Protocols?

Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

1) Banish God from the heavens and Christianity from the earth.

2) Allow no private ownership of property or business.

3) Abolish marriage, family and home. Encourage sexual promiscuity,

Homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.

4) Completely destroy the sovereignty of all nations and every feeling or expression of patriotism. The EU being a prime example.

5) Establish a one-world government through which the Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose.

6) Take the education of children completely away from the parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking that compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely necessary to prevent illiteracy and to prepare children for better positions and life's responsibilities. Then after the children are forced to attend the schools get control of normal schools and teacher's colleges and also the writing and selection of all text books.

7) Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If we can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can take that nation.

8) Completely destroy every thought of patriotism, national sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive enterprise system.

9) Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth.

10) Foment, precipitate and finance large scale wars to emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby force them into a one-world government.

11) Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities, labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic organizations, and governments.

12) The creation of a World Government.

The main objectives of the Protocols are the same objectives as the Bilderberg group and the CFR and that is a one world government controlled by them!

"The right place for the League of Nations is not Geneva or the Hague, Ascher Ginsberg has dreamed of a Temple on Mount Zion where the representatives of all nations should dedicate a Temple of Eternal Peace. Only when all peoples of the earth shall go to this temple as pilgrims is eternal peace to become a fact." (Ascher Ginsberg, in The German Jewish paper Judisch Rundschu, No. 83, 1921)

"If you have never read the Protocols, you know nothing about the Jewish question." (Henry Hamilton Beamish, October 30, 1937)

"My dear questioner, you are too curious, and want to know too much. We are not permitted to talk about these things. I am not allowed to say anything, and you are not supposed to know anything about the Protocols. For God's sake be careful, or you will be putting your life in danger." (Rabbi Arbbi Grunfeld (1975), in a reply to Rabbi Fleishman regarding the validity of the Protocols)

"Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press? The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know. I participated with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was the most prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world." (Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden, 1924)

"Whosoever was the mind that conceived them possessed a knowledge of human nature, of history, and of statecraft which is dazzling in its brilliant completeness, and terrible in the objects to which it turns its power. It is too terribly real for fiction, too well sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery." - The Dearborn Independent, July 10th, 1920.

“In fact, even if the people being addressed were a group of high-level Jewish Freemasons, there is no reason why what is said should be blamed on all Jews. This is like blaming all British people for the deliberations of the British Government or all Chinese people for the minutes of a meeting of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The research I've done since I first became interested in the Protocols has convinced me that a plot to establish a New World Order definitely exists and that a disproportionate number of Jews might well be involved. It is clear, though, that blaming the plan for world domination only on Jews, and for that matter, on all Jews is overly simplistic. Claiming that the Protocols reveal a Jewish plot is very different from saying that they are a plot involving a group of Jews. A century after their publication, The Protocols remains an indispensable text for anyone seeking to understand the world we live in. If you read them carefully, you will realize just how much of what they predicted has already come true. It appears that we are in the final stages of a diabolical plan to impose a one world government – From the book The Protocols of Zion Centenary Edition by Sergei Nilus Edited and Updated by Simon Harris

The amazing admissions made by an arrogant, 29 year old Zionist Jew named Harold Wallace Rosenthal, administrative assistant to Jewish Senator Jacob Javits of New York, in a paid interview with conservative Christian editor Walter White Jr. in a single day in July of 1976, has probably done more public relations damage to the world domination plans of International Jewry than all of the books, pamphlets, and lectures exposing the dire subversive threat of the World Conquerors. At last, we have the singular rarity of a Zionist insider spilling the beans on Zionism’s most carefully guarded agenda, exactly as they were elucidated in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, taught to the Zionist elect in French Masonic lodges more than 100 years ago.

Before reading this interview, it is very important to be aware that there are three types of people who call themselves Jews:

1. True Torah [Sephardic] Jews: these are the descendants of Prophet Jacob-Israel (Jacobites or Israelites) (about 5%-10% of all Jews)

2. Khazarian or Ashkenazi Jews: these are the descendants of a Turkic idol/phallic worshiping tribe who migrated to Russia in the 7th Century A.C. and whose nobility converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.C. and now inhabit mostly Europe. (about 90%-95% of all Jews)

3. Zionist Jews: these are the ones from the 2 above who are pretending to be Jews for political reasons but who’re are actually Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists as Harold Wallace Rosenthal admits in this interview.

Rosenthal was murdered at the EL Al terminal of the Istanbul airport on August 11, 1976 on his way to Israel (2 weeks after the interview), in what Walter White (conducted the interview with Mr Rosenthal) describes as a Mossad arranged hijacking blamed on the PLO, designed to take out Rosenthal for revealing too much about the Jewish Bankers ‘New World Order’.

Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew learned in the Jewish ways and involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., explained the Jewish involvement and cause of the major problems we face today.

In the highly confidential interview with a Jewish administrative assistant to one of this nation's ranking senators, he said, "It is a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every JEW out of this

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