» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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adviser to the Rothschild Group in South Africa.

"Rothschild is pleased to announce the appointment of Trevor Manuel as a senior adviser to the group world-wide and deputy chairperson of Rothschild in South Africa with effect from 1st October 2014," Chairperson David de Rothschild said in a statement.

Four mega- corporations, mainly mining companies, controlled 82% of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), which represented almost the entire GNP of the country. The Jewish Oppenheimer's (including De Beers mining which he owns) by itself, controlled over 52% of the JSE, however the gold mining companies paid a mere 2.9% of the taxes. Although White individuals constituted only 15% of the population, they contributed 77% of the taxes. The state then spent 45% of all taxes on the Black population, 5% on the Colored’s (mixed race), and 5% on the Indians, but only 38% on Whites.

Nathan Kirsh is a state-less billionaire Jew who funds radical, anti-White socialist ‘opposition’ causes, such as South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) lead by Julius Malema, while Kirsh and his family also exerts enormous control over Primedia, the largest media company in South Africa. Nathan Kirsh is also the director and owner of Israel’s Magal Security Systems which is complicit in the construction of Israel’s illegal apartheid wall.

So when Jewish Communists bring terror to South Africa under the disguise of the ANC they are called ‘freedom fighters’ or a ‘peoples revolution’ in the Jewish Media but when the Palestinians try the same thing against the Apartheid Israel state they are called terrorists by the same Jewish Media. We also have Mandela loved by the Jews … Verwoerd … hated by the Jews… and that should give you an idea of how things work in this world.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The Protocols of Zion are required reading for anyone who wishes to understand the world in which we live. They exhibit a pathological hatred for non-Jews, and a desire to undermine and exploit them. The Protocols were part of an "initiation" for 33 degree Masonic Jews. Most Jews are unaware of this agenda and therefore are easily manipulated.

Many people think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is anti-Semitic "hate literature" and a fraud. I believe the Protocols are genuine. All copies of the Protocols that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky (Jewish) regime in 1917, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owners of being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols.

Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York World, February 17th, 1921, "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW."

If you have read the Protocols then they describe exactly what is happening in the world today and what has happened in the world over the last 100 years, some fraud. America has succumbed to Zionism as mentioned earlier, the Black Plague of our times. The Conspiracy of Zion goes back many centuries. It is spelled out in the Protocols. The Protocols estimated a timetable of a century for its triumph which has proved amazingly accurate.

The claim of the Jews that the Protocols are forgeries is in itself an admission of their genuineness, for they never attempt to answer the facts corresponding to the threats which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence between prophecy and fulfilment is too glaring to be set aside as fake.

Below links to the Protocols.

Most of the major destructive events over the past 100 years have had the Zionist Jews behind it. If you have read all this book you will know that.

Let us recap what the Zionist Jews have brought to the world so far:

The Bolshevik Revolution was the Jewish Zionist plan to destroy Christian Russia which resulted in the deaths of over 40 million human beings.

The Balfour Declaration with a promise to Rothschild and the Jewish Zionists to bring America into WW1 so they could steal Palestine which slaughtered 150,000 Americans in World War I for World Zionism. This also brought the destruction of Germany (millions of deaths) through the Versailles treaty until one man came along to restore Germany’s honour and dignity and bring it from its knees.

World Zionism declared World War II on Germany in 1933 from New York, 70 million deaths resulted. Created the circumstances required for the Holocaust hoax to be fabricated and the false narrative disseminated worldwide. Generated immense profits via the arms trade and war profiteering whereby the International Banking Cartel greatly profited from both sides of the war. Set up the establishment of the United Nations which was necessary to green-light the outright theft of Palestinian lands to form Israel. The Seventh Protocol - "To each act of opposition we must be in a position to respond by bringing on war through the neighbours of any country that dares to oppose us, and if these neighbours should plan to stand collectively against us, we must let loose a world war."

Zionist Jews created the great evil, the nuclear bomb which has killed 250,000 so far.

Zionist Jews behind the removal of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land.

Behind the scenes Zionist Jews have involved America in all of the wars of the 20th century for World Zionism, World Oil and World Banking, all invisible Rothschild monopolies.

Zionist Jews had a hand in the assassination of JFK and RFK and the Jews will assassinate any leader who does not conform to Jewish Hegemony. The following people or leaders were assassinated by Jewish Zionists because they were a threat to Jewish power - JFK and his brother RFK, Russian Prime Minister Peter Stolypin, German Politicians Wilhelm Gustloff and Ernst Vom Rath, American General Patton, Lord Moyne (British minister in Palestine), Folke Bernadotte (U.N. Envoy), Canadian scientist Dr Gerald Bull and Pakistan President Benazir Bhutto. But this Jewish assassination list is much longer, these are just the well-known ones.

"In order to demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile governments of Europe, we shall show our power to one of them by crimes of violence, that is, by a reign of terror." (Protocol Seven). Zionist Jews were behind the events of 9/11, 7/7 and the collapse of the Twin Towers to get America and the Western nations to go to war against the Islamic nations, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria and they hope Iran. You can count the 1990 Gulf war into this list also. 9/11 also kick-started there fake ‘war on terror’ which never seems to end. Total deaths from these wars is 4 million Muslims plus about 10,000 young American men and 3000 civilians in the Twin Towers. The reason people don’t believe that these Jews were behind 9/11 is solely because they control the media as described in the earlier chapter. Not only was the USA completely locked down via the unconstitutional Patriot Act and the KGB-like Department of Homeland Security, the war on Christianity and the Constitution began in earnest. The fierce war on the Bill of Rights broke out into the open, especially the numerous attempts to gut the First and Second Amendments. 9/11 was especially used to demonize Muslims here at home as well as abroad so that Islamic nations in the Mideast could be ‘justifiably’ attacked and conquered for their lands and energy reserves.

Zionist Jews such as George Soros also behind the millions of non-refugees pouring into Europe Africa and the Middle East. In the next section on immigration you will see that Jews were also behind the immigration acts being introduced into the mainly White countries America and Britain, Canada, Australia and Ireland. Plainly a soft genocide of the ‘white race’.

Depressions and financial crises and panics transfer immense wealth to them as admitted in their Protocols. They cause it by a sudden coordinated withdrawal of immense amounts of money and/or credit like the Great Depression in America. They know it is coming (because they cause it) and safeguard their own wealth. When prices collapse, their wealth returns and buys valuable properties and assets at bargain prices. The history of the United States is dotted with depressions, recessions, financial crises and panics. The Sixth Protocol - "We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, colossal reservoirs of wealth, upon which even the big Gentile properties will be dependent to such an extent that they will all fall together with the government credit on the day following the political catastrophe. The economists here present must carefully weigh the significance of this combination. We must develop by every means the importance of our super-government, representing it as the protector and benefactor of all who voluntarily submit to us. The aristocracy of the Gentiles as a political force has passed away. We need not take them into consideration. But, as owners of the land, they are harmful to us in that they are independent in their sources of livelihood. Therefore, at all costs, we must deprive them of their land. The best means to attain this is to increase the taxes and mortgage indebtedness. These measures will keep land ownership in a state of unconditional subordination. Unable to satisfy their needs by small inheritances, the aristocrats among the Gentiles will burn themselves out rapidly. At the same time it is necessary to encourage trade and industry vigorously and especially speculation, the function of which is to act as a counterpoise to industry. Without speculation, industry will cause private capital to increase and tend to improve the condition of Agriculture by freeing the land from indebtedness for loans by the land banks. It is necessary for industry to deplete the land both of labourers and capital, and, through speculations, transfer all the money of the world into our hands, thereby throwing the Gentiles into the ranks of the proletariat. The Gentiles will then bow before us to obtain the right to existence”.

The Federal Reserve is undoubtedly their most destructive enterprise. It drains trillions of dollars from the American people for the Rothschild Banking Empire. It controls the money, finance, employment and entire economy of the American people and does not account for one cent.

The Protocols boast the mass media has "fallen into their hands". They control the entire industry in America and the Western World from television to book retailing including national newspapers and magazines. They have used it to brainwash and mislead the American people and advance the cause of Zionism. It filters all news through screens beneficial to Zionism. So let us see what was written in the Twelfth Protocol over 100 years ago to see if it matches the reality of today. The Twelfth Protocol - "We shall handle the Press in the following manner: We shall saddle it and keep tight reign upon it. We shall do the same also with other printed matter, for of what use is it to rid ourselves of attacks in the Press, if we remain exposed to criticism through pamphlets and books? Not one announcement will reach the people save under our supervision. We have attained this at the present time to the extent that all news is received through several agencies in which it is centralized from all parts of the world. Literature and journalism are two most important educational forces, and consequently our government will become the owner of most of the journals. If we permit ten private journals, we shall organize thirty of our own, and so on. This must not be suspected by the public, for which reason all the journals published by us will be externally of the most contrary opinions and tendencies thus evoking confidence in them and attracting our unsuspecting opponents, who thus will be caught in our trap and rendered harmless."

Zionists thrive on political corruption. Behind the scenes, they bribe and badger the government constantly. AIPAC, ADL etc. have been successful in installing their web throughout the government. They know in advance what every branch and department of government is doing. They have subverted American elections and culled the Senate of all opposition, producing near unanimous votes. They are doing the same in the House. They control both Republican

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