» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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of power in the world.

“Wherever one goes – Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States – there is a well-organized and funded Jewish lobby ready, willing and able to go to war to protect Israel. Most of the organizations involved take at least some direction from officials in Tel Aviv. Their goal is to spread propaganda and influence the public in their respective countries of residence to either hew to the line coming out of Tel Aviv or to confuse the narrative and stifle debate when potential Israeli crimes are being discussed”, - Philip Giraldi - former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States CIA.

“The Jews wield decisive power, not just over foreign policy, as we see in the case of the AMIA, but over our media, banking, government, universities, NGO’s, cultural and social life. Yet, official Jewish sources indicate that there are a mere 200,000 Jews living in Argentina - just 0.5% of our population of 40 million people. Either they are truly a superior ethnic group, which would warrant their being so very heavily over-represented in Argentina’s social life, or maybe - just maybe - they are abusing their well-known economic wealth and international support from Zionist organizations and the global power network to which I have I referred, which is fully aligned to Zionist objectives and interests” Adrian Salbuchi of Argentina, founder of the Argentine Second Republic Movement He is author of several books on geopolitics, that include (“The World’s Mastermind: The Hidden Face of Globalization”).

“As in the United States (where Jews contribute much larger percentages of money in federal elections), Jewish money exerts a dominating influence over Australian politics, which practically guarantees that both sides of politics are willing to put the Australian Defense Forces (and Australian taxpayers) to the service of Israel an ethno-nationalist state in which Australia has no economic or strategic interest. Former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr recently confirmed that this is indeed the case, observing that Australia’s foreign policy (particularly with regard to the Middle East) was being virtually dictated by organized Jewry. Carr, Australia’s Labor Party foreign minister from March 2012 to September 2013, made his comments while promoting his new book Bob Carr: Diary of a Foreign Minister. Speaking to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Carr hit out at the “pro-Israel lobby in Melbourne,” saying it wielded “extraordinary influence” on Australia’s foreign policy during his time in Julia Gillard’s cabinet”, -

Pro-Israel lobbying in Australia has three powerful organisations: the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA), the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) and the Australian Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC). Since 2002, AIJAC has hosted more than 500 Australian journalists, politicians and senior public servants on guided tours of Israel. Some politicians privately deride the tours as propaganda exercises. Yet they are a powerful advocacy tool used by the organisation to build political support and sympathy for Israel.

“Canada’s Israel lobby is every bit as powerful as America’s,” says John Mearsheimer, co-author of the controversial book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

In 2003 author Pascal Boniface wrote a book titled ’Is it permissible to criticize Israel?’ It is about the influence of the domestic Israel lobby on French politics and French society more broadly. Boniface claims that one can criticize any government in the world (one can even mercilessly attack the reigning French President), but not that of Israel. The book got banned by 14 publishers.

Israel’s Nuclear Weapons

“Israel and its overseas network in the US….(threatens) not only the oppressed people of Palestine (and Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and any other state Israel takes aim at) but the rights of people throughout the world. We have mass public opinion on our side nearly everywhere outside the US, and it’s gaining resonance here as well. It sees Israel and our actions in support of the Israeli state as the greatest of all threats to world peace and stability”, - James Petras, from the book’ The Power of Israel in the United States’.

Israel possesses a sizable nuclear arsenal but no one really knows how big that arsenal is. In 2008, President Jimmy Carter said that Israel probably has a minimum of 150 weapons in stock ready to use if the direst circumstances warrant it.  Six years later, the former President revised that estimate and put the figure in the 300 range, which based on Carter’s calculations would mean that Israel doubled its arsenal from the 2008-2014 time-period. The truth is Israel wants to control the Middle East and it can only do that if it is the only country in the Middle East which has Nuclear weapons and that’s why it puts pressure on other countries to stop Iran from having a nuclear arsenal. Again this is just lies because Iran only wants to have a cheaper form of energy, nuclear energy.

How is a terrorist state like Israel allowed to have Nuclear weapons anyway? In the 1950s and early 1960s, the Israeli Government repeatedly lied to the U.S and its Allies about requests for information on possible weapons development. Israel said its nuclear research plant at Dimona was a ‘metallurgic research installation’ which was a lie. Foreign minister Shimon Peres assured President John F. Kennedy in a 1963 meeting in the Oval Office that Israel would “not introduce nuclear weapons to the Middle East. Israel lied about its Nuclear weapons program and the U.S and Britain turned a blind eye. But now Israel says Iran is lying about their nuclear research and forces the world to impose sanctions on Iran. Yet Israel resists any attempts by international bodies to inspect its own nuclear facilities and Israel is one of the few countries who has nuclear weapons who refuses to sign up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

An agreement between Iran and China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and Germany was finally signed in 2015 and it appears that Iran will continue its nuclear program for peaceful purposes, which it has always stated was its intent. This agreement was welcomed throughout most of the world, with the most notable exceptions being Israel who have always throughout history suspects that someone wants to annihilate them. President Obama might well have signed this nuclear treaty with Iran against Israel’s wishes but I would not trust Donald Trump to keep this treaty as he is very Pro-Israel and would jump at the chance to start a war with Iran.

But Israel is an apartheid nation, committing ongoing genocide against the Palestinians and the U.S is the only country to have used Nuclear weapons which killed over 200,000 people, so who are they to decide who or who should not have nuclear weapons.

Israel has such a grip on the American government and Congress that you can bet that Israel will try its hardest with propaganda and lies to demonise Iran and its leaders and then they will try and start a war against Iran with America’s help of course because Israel cannot defeat Iran on its own. Israel will have to use American and British Christian soldiers to defeat Iran as it did in Iraq.

Let us read the downright lies of the warmonger Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu which he spoke before the United Nations General Assembly, September 2017. He said Iran is devouring nations. Big Lie.

"Well as you know, I strongly disagreed. I warned that when the sanctions on Iran would be removed, Iran would behave like a hungry tiger unleashed, not joining the community of nations, but devouring nations, one after the other. And that's precisely what Iran is doing today”.

In reality, Iran occupies zero countries and has not occupied any country in its modern history. By contrast, Israel has occupied part of Syria, the Golan Heights, since 1967. This occupation is condemned by the United Nations and all five permanent members of the Security Council, including the United States. The other country on Netanyahu's list that has been occupied by Israel and not Iran is Lebanon. After invading Lebanon in 1982, Israel set up a permanent occupying force in southern Lebanon between 1985 and the year 2000.

Netanyahu went on “We will act to prevent Iran from establishing permanent military bases in Syria for its air, sea and ground forces"

The Iranian assistance provided to Syria during the conflict in the country has been done under a legal agreement with Damascus based on mutual friendship and a common cause against Salafist terrorism. If Syria invites Iran to establish some sort of permanent presence in the country, that is a matter which is strictly between Syria and Iran. To use this as a pretext for an act of war, is put simply, a war crime.

The next Netanyahu U.N statement is a big whopper of a lie.

"Syria has barrel-bombed, starved, gassed and murdered hundreds of thousands of its own citizens and wounded millions more, while Israel has provided lifesaving medical care to thousands of Syrian victims of that very same carnage. Yet who does the World Health Organization criticize? Israel".

First of all, prior to the conflict, not only were all Syrians fed, but food prices were subsidised by the government, making nutritious foodstuffs more affordable in Syria than in most parts of the region. Even today, Syrians are not starving, but due to western backed sanctions, food is more expensive and medicine is both more expensive and more scarce than they were prior to the conflict with Salafist terrorism. None of this has to do with the Syrian government nor its partners who continue to deliver aid. Syria has not possessed any chemical weapons since 2013. In a joint effort by both Russia and the US, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons certified that by early 2014, there were no chemical weapons left in the Syrian governments hands. In spite of this, Syria has never used chemical weapons, not on a foreign power and not internally. The only chemical weapons in Syria today, are those in the hands of terrorists who are fighting Syria.

Again we have more Netanyahu lies, "Two years ago, I stood here and explained why the Iranian nuclear deal not only doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb, Iran's nuclear program has what's called a sunset clause".

Not only does the JCPOA (aka Iran nuclear deal) prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, but Barack Obama's administration admitted this openly. The EU and Russia continue to express their support of the deal and the US State Department, EU and UN have all agreed that Iran is in full compliance with the deal.

The only country in the Middle East to develop and maintain nuclear weapons is Israel. Furthermore, Israel obtained its nuclear weapons without international sanction and to this day, refuses to admit to having nuclear weapons. As such, Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is one of only four nations in the world to have never signed the treaty.

Martin Van Creveld is a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and he says “We [Israel] possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force”.

The Israelis sold nuclear technology to the apartheid South African government in 1979, and subsequently the South Africans clandestinely developed and built as many as 11 nuclear bombs.

The South African government made a clandestine deal in 1991 to have their nuclear weapons taken out of the nation and to be "disposed" of by both the UK and the US... However, when that shipment of these weapons eventually arrived in the UK and under the guidance of none other than Dr Kelly (Yes the same Dr Kelly that was soon after murdered for the knowledge he knew about this and other shady UK government nuclear deals..) the crates that they were shipped were opened only to find 3 missing nuclear weapons!... What had happened was the Israeli Mossad was able to intercept the ship in transit in Dubai and had the nukes removed.

So there are still 3 rogue South African nuclear devices loose on the planet and in the hands of the criminal Israeli Mossad.... And with a life expectancy of some 30 years before the devices lose their usefulness and power, there is still the threat on this planet that these monsters would detonate one of these

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