» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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U.S. through its intervention on behalf of the Syrian government in the Middle East. That Russia is described incessantly as a threat in those areas is largely a contrivance arranged by the media, the Democratic and Republican National Committees and by the White House. Candidate Donald Trump appeared to recognize that fact before he began listening to Michael Flynn, who has a rather different view. Hopefully, the old Trump will prevail, there is, however, another country that has interfered in U.S. elections, has endangered Americans living or working overseas and has corrupted America’s legislative and executive branches. It has exploited that corruption to initiate legislation favorable to itself, has promoted unnecessary and unwinnable wars and has stolen American technology and military secrets. Its ready access to the mainstream media to spread its own propaganda provides it with cover for its actions and it accomplishes all that and more through the agency of a powerful and well-funded domestic lobby that oddly is not subject to the accountability afforded by the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938 even though it manifestly works on behalf of a foreign government. That country is, of course, Israel,” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, who was awarded the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, said "The Israeli government is placed on a pedestal in the USA, and to criticize it is to be immediately dubbed anti-Semitic," he said. "People are scared in this country, to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful -- very powerful."

Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff (1970-1974), had this to say about the Jewish-Israeli hold on the United States:

"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on."

Jewish Zionist Harald Rosenthal stated in an interview in 1976:

“Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it (It is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another, and to get him to act upon it is another still. Truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in some way.) It is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America. We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo. However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control. We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it. We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours. It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication. This, we fear, is a sign of a coming pogrom that will take place in America soon. The American public has realized that we are in control, which is a fatal mistake on our part. This nation could never be the land of the free as long as it is the land of the Jew. (This is a concept most patriots cannot understand. Patriots have spent untold man-hours fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media, Congress or government in general. These things are merely tools which the Jew now uses against the detestable 'goyim'. The problem is not the tool or device, but the heathen in control of it.) This is the revelation that will be our undoing”.

"American politicians are scared stiff of the Jews because anybody who votes against the Jews will lose elections.  The Jews in America are supporting the Jews in Israel.  Israel and other Jews control the most powerful nation in the world.  And that is what I mean [about Jews controlling the world by proxy].  I stand by that view." - Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ex- prime-minister of Malaysia, to the UK Guardian in 2005.

“During the past 30 years, I have witnessed first-hand the extremely brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine and seen how Zionists operate to subjugate entire nations. My years in Palestine/Israel were my political awakening. Zionist control of the mass media and "Holocaust" propaganda serve to protect and promote their criminal agenda. I have watched how the people of America and Europe are deceived and forced to bear the yoke of the ruthless Zionists who control their political systems and media. Thousands of young Americans and Europeans have been maimed or lost their lives in fraudulent wars for Israel in Middle Eastern nations they know nothing about. Americans have become mercenaries of Zionism. Unfortunately, both presidential candidates (Obama and McCain) are pro-war and pro-Israel. These are the only candidates we have to choose from because both parties in the United States are political machines financed and run by Zionists. Zionist control of our political parties compels candidates from both parties to support Zionism, an utterly racist and un-American ideology based on a false and dangerous notion of Jewish supremacy. What kind of patriotic American could support that nonsense?” - Christopher Bollyn, American Author - 9/11 researcher.

“According to a recent report published by The Times of Israel, 5 of the top 10 wealthiest individuals in America are Jewish. That means that 50% of the richest people in the United States are ethnically Jewish, despite Jews representing less than 5% of the total U.S. population. Think about that for a moment. And think about why we are prevented from openly and honestly discussing these basic facts, despite them being reported in mainstream publications, including explicitly Jewish publications like The Times of Israel. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg leads the Jewish pack at number 4, with a net worth of $61 billion. He is followed by software giant Oracle’s Larry Ellison at #5 with $58.4b and Google co-founder Larry Page at #6 with $53.8b. Fellow co-founder Sergey Brin falls a bit behind with $52.4b, leaving him at #9. Finally, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg closes out the top 10 with a respectable $51.8b. The simple fact of the matter is that Jews do in fact largely run our country. They own and control the mass media, allowing them to essentially control the narrative, especially on key issues that are central to their insidious international agenda to subvert and destroy traditional Western civilization. They own and control our banking system and much of corporate America. They own and control some of the top internet giants, including top social media companies like Facebook. They play a huge role in American politics, and essentially control the U.S. Congress and executive branch, and thus American foreign and domestic policy. And it’s easy to demonstrate all of this. It’s not some crazy “conspiracy theory” – it’s openly reported and documented, often by explicitly Jewish media outlets. We’re just not allowed to honestly discuss this reality and what it means for our nation and world – that would be “anti-Semitic,” after all”, - John Friend - independent journalist –

“If the Zionist controlled Congress succeeds once again in destroying the negotiations between the US and Iran via new war-like resolutions, we, the American people, will have to pay an enormous price in lives and treasure. The time to act is now. It is time to stand up and expose the role played by the Israeli PACs, Super PACs and the 52 Major American Jewish Organization in corrupting Congress and turning “our” elected representatives into flunkeys for Israel’s wars. There has been a deafening silence from our noted critics –few alternative media critics have attacked Israel’s power over the US Congress. The evidence is openly available, the crimes are undeniable. The American people need real political leaders with the courage to root out the corrupted and corruptors and force their elected members in the House and Senate to represent the interest of the American people”, - James Petras, from the book’ The Power of Israel in the United States’.

“The current situation in the United States is the result of an awesome deployment of Jewish power and influence. One must contemplate the fact that American Jews have managed to maintain unquestioned support for Israel over the last thirty-five years despite Israel’s seizing land and engaging in a brutal occupation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories—an occupation that will most likely end with expulsion or complete subjugation, degradation, and apartheid. During this same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force—in my view the main force—for erecting a state dedicated to suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging massive multi-ethnic immigration into the U.S., and for erecting a legal system and cultural ideology that is obsessively sensitive to the complaints and interests of ethnic minorities: the culture of the Holocaust”, - Kevin MacDonald, was Professor of Psychology, California State University

"The most logical explanation for the Jewish hegemony in the United States is the simple truth that an organized minority with a given amount of intelligence can obtain supremacy over a disorganized majority of equal intelligence. A race-conscious population group is far more effective and successful in most forms of endeavor than a race-unconscious population group. Racial spirit, like team spirit, stimulates victory in all types of competition, athletic or political, intellectual or social. If the Majority [European Americans] were as race-conscious as the Jewish minority and had half as many organizations working for it, Jewish predominance in America would disappear overnight." - Wilmot Robertson, American writer from his 1981 book [The Dispossessed Majority]

Once before in 1776 America was under foreign control and they started a revolution to remove themselves of the British control and I would say another revolution needs to take place in America to remove the control that the Zionist Jews have over America before they destroy it. The Jews had this same control in Germany in the 1920s but then Hitler came along and removed them from the grip they had on his country. But the Jews then declared war on Germany in 1933 and pulled the strings of both Roosevelt and Churchill to get them to destroy Germany. What America needs is someone strong enough to remove the Jews from power. Don’t allow any foreign country to have lobby groups, make them illegal. So that would be the influence of AIPAC, ADL, and JINSA etc. gone. Don’t allow any dual IsraelAmerican citizen to become members of Congress whose main loyalty is to Israel and not the U.S. Don’t allow ethnic minority groups to have control of the media. Don’t give the $3 or is it $15 Billion to Israel, instead give it to organisations that support the American people. Stop illegal foreign wars that support Israel that will save billions and remove soldiers from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. That is the only way to make America great again.

Jewish Control in British Politics

The Jews in Great Britain make out only 0.2 percent of the total population but have an overwhelming grip on British politics and media which are completely out of proportion to their status as a minority. This Jewish influence is used for the goals of Zionism where Britain's foreign policies are made to coincide with the aims of Israel. The utterly fraudulent Zionist construct called the "War on Terror" and the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have all been designed and forced onto the American and British nations by Zionists who control the political systems of London, New York, and Washington.

Eighty per cent of the Tories (UK) are members of the pro-Israeli lobby, Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), and a similar percentage of Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs have vowed their allegiance to Israel through their respective Jewish lobby groups. The Jews are clearly a vital source of funding for British politicians.

No other lobbying organisation – and certainly not one that acts in the interests of a

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