» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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Post, Times of Israel, The Forward, Haaretz, the JTA and others.

And who’s leading the fight against impeachment on Trump’s behalf? Chabad-Lubavitcher Jared Kushner. Seriously, you couldn’t make this stuff up!

Now that I’ve recovered my composure let me make a few points and ask a few questions. First, why are ‘the Jews’ doing everything in their power to take down Trump given that his support for Israel has been almost embarrassingly one sided? And why does he keep appointing people who hate him to top positions in his Administration? People who stabbed him in the back at the first suitable opportunity? And now Kushner – ‘one of them’ – is leading his defence?

I just don’t get it.

Next question: Have Jews any idea of this plot’s ramifications? I ask because it plays right into the stereotype of the scheming and subversive Jew and thus has the potential to expose the ZOG in a way previously unimaginable. Yet they seem blind to the risks. Does this again illustrate their legendary habit of pushing too far, of never knowing when to stop? Surely, despite the controlled media, the identity of who’s behind the coup will become apparent? If so there will be millions of angry White Trump supporters out there, thirsting for revenge. But today the country is split down the middle, between Traditional America on one side and a rancid stew of leftist Whites and ethnic minorities on the other. How could this play out?

Well I leave you with this thought: The parallels between 1917 Russia and the USA today are chilling. Having fomented conditions of severe social and political instability the Jewish Bolsheviks eventually seized control of the whole Russian Empire after a dreadful civil war. Thereafter they instituted a regime that killed directly or indirectly tens of millions of Christian Russians. Churches were burned down or converted to warehouses while ‘anti-Semitic’ acts incurred the death penalty. A crazy comparison? Maybe. But remember that Jews in Russia back then had little power having been for many years severely constrained by the Czars. Contrast that with America today where they control politics, finance, media, academia and – crucially – Big Tech.

Final thought: As with Russia in 1917 and America today somebody named Schiff was/is masterminding the project.”

The Irish Savant – A Very Jewish Coup

Many people have lost their jobs or been sent to prison because they dare criticize the Jewish control of our countries. You can criticize and slate Christianity, Islam, God, Jesus, and any President but criticize Jews or Israel and you will be in big trouble. Just look at James Traficant who was sent to prison for 7 long years on trumped up Zionist charges and he was a U.S congressman.

In 2010, Helen Thomas, a White House correspondent was forced out of her job because she made a statement which said Israel should get out of Palestinian land. She was forced out of her job because of pressure from the Anti-Defamation League (Jewish Lobby).

“We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that.
Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists.
No question in my opinion. They put their money where their mouth is…We’re
being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.” Helen Thomas.

In a 2011 interview Helen Thomas stated:

“The Jews are using their power, and they have power in every direction. Power over the White House, power over Congress … Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There’s total control … It isn’t the 2 percent. Its real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion”.

Patricia McAllister was a teacher at a school in Los Angeles and she was sacked because she criticized the Jews. On a live video in 2011 she said, “The Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and our federal reserve, which is not run by the federal government, they need to be run out of this country.” In a statement soon after the Anti-Defamation league applauded her sacking. I guess that shows who rules over us.

Republican Keith Ellison has been classed as an enemy of Israel and anti-Semite by the Anti-Defamation League for criticizing Israel’s policies against the Palestinians.

Australian Brendon O'Connell was a political prisoner in Western Australia who served a 3-year prison sentence in a maximum security prison because he dared to criticize a Zionist Jew. He did not harm the hair on a Jewish head but he committed a really dangerous thought crime in criticizing Jewish control.

Another person who lost her job was Cynthia McKinney, a former U.S. Congresswoman from the state of Georgia, was railroaded out of office by the Zionist lobby (AIPAC) due to her sympathies for the oppressed Palestinians. Cynthia McKinney wrote a book “Ain’t Nothing like Freedom,” in which she describes just a few of the tactics that were used against her by the pro-Israel Lobby to destroy her career in Congress.

The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the Western world. In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed to outlaw such activism. In the U.S., governors compete with one another over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal. On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace.

But now, a group of 43 senators — 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats — wants to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel, which was launched in protest of that country’s decades-old occupation of Palestine. One of the primary sponsors of the bill is Democrat Ben Cardin (Jewish) of Maryland. Perhaps the most shocking aspect is the punishment: Anyone guilty of violating the prohibitions will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison.

So in theory if Israel attacks Palestinians and kills 2000 as they did in 2014 and you wanted to Boycott Israel or Israeli goods in protest then you could go to prison for 20 years, this is madness and just shows how the Jews control America.

The proposed measure, called the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720), was introduced by the Jew Cardin on March 23. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that the bill “was drafted with the assistance of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.” Indeed, AIPAC, in its 2017 lobbying agenda, identified passage of this bill as one of its top lobbying priorities for the year.

Another bill has surfaced in the House of Representatives that will require the United States to “consult” with Israel regarding any prospective arms sales to Arab countries in the Middle East. In other words, Israel will have a say, backed up undoubtedly by Congress and the media, over what the United States does in terms of its weapons sales abroad.

In Dickinson, Texas, in a case which actually made national news, if only briefly, the city is requiring anyone who applies for disaster relief to sign a document that reads “Verification not to Boycott Israel: By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement.” Dickinson was half destroyed by hurricane Harvey last month and urgently needs assistance, but, in the opinion of Texas lawmakers and local officials, deference to Israel comes first. The ACLU is also contesting the Texas legislation. Which is quite unbelievable, if you’re an American and your city has suffered some catastrophe you can’t get any help until a document has been signed forcing you not to boycott Israel. So Israel comes first not Americans. This is what happens when you let Jews have too much power. This is one of the reasons Hitler would not let them have this power in Germany and he removed them so the Jews brought down a war on to Germany and destroyed it.

As you can see the Jews and their lobbies totally control America. I am sure that if Israel murdered half the population of the world they would enact laws to stop people criticizing them. The sad thing is the politicians would go along with it. Look at the way the Whites in South Africa supposedly treat the black people and many countries around the world boycotted South Africa before Mandela became President. South Africa did not make laws in other countries around the world to try and criminalise anyone who boycotted South Africa but the Jews can do it and get away with it.

It is illegal in 17 countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland and Romania.) to even investigate the alleged Holocaust. Name one other race that is allowed to throw you in prison for simply examining its history. There is none. The Jews regard themselves as the chosen people that is why they are the only ones who can enforce these pathetic laws on mainly ‘White’ countries. Hundreds of Christians in Europe have been thrown into prison for not believing in the Jewish Holocaust.

Attorney Sylvia Stolz made it her mission to show up the Government of Germany and stated in court during Ernst Zundels trial that Germany is a vassal state of Israel and does not serve the interests of the German people. In a separate trial, she was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. Her licence to practice law was revoked for 5 years. Stolz was accused again with Holocaust thought crimes and has to attend a German court in January 2018. Monika Schaefer travelled from her home in Canada to Germany to witness the trial of Stolz but she was promptly arrested in the courtroom on behalf of the Jews. The reason she was arrested was because Monika Schaefer had made a Youtube video titled ‘Sorry mom I was wrong about the Holocaust’. The Jewish lobby in Canada tipped of the German authorities that Schaefer would be entering Germany and of course it is against the law in Germany to deny the alleged Holocaust and she was arrested and maybe incarcerated for 5 years alongside murderers and rapists and terrorists because she is a threat to uncovering Jewish lies.

These Jewish lobby groups also pressure courts and governments (mainly in white countries) to send to prison anyone who dares questions the Holocaust even if you are 89 years old such as German citizen Ursula Haverbeck who was recently sent to prison because she does not believe in the Holocaust. What a disgrace to humanity these people are sending an 89 year old woman to prison with thieves, murderers, rapists and terrorists just because she does not believe that a part of history happened the way we are told it happened over 70 years ago.

Below Ursula Haverbeck being escorted by the German Police to prison.

This is a total injustice, were is democracy, were is the freedom of speech. European governments need to stand up to these Jews and remove these evil Holocaust laws that do nothing but sustain Jewish lies. People are being imprisoned for thought crimes, not for hurting anyone or committing a real crime but for believing a certain event did not happen the way we have been told it happened 70 years ago.

“Anyone who thinks that the government in the United States at all levels does not consistently and almost obsessively defer to Israeli and Jewish interests has been asleep. The requirement to sign a document relating to one views of any foreign government to obtain a job or disaster relief is an abomination. Protecting Israel and going on a worldwide search for anti-Semitism or Holocaust deniers are not the responsibility of the American government and they are not what state legislators and congressmen are supposed to be doing to serve the public interest. Israel is sometimes referred to as the “51st State,” but that is hardly true as it contributes nothing to the United States, collects billions of dollars a year from the U.S. Treasury and is totally unaccountable in terms of the actual damage it does to American interests. The American people are being hoodwinked by their own elected leaders and laws are being passed to make it impossible for them to even complain. Well, enough is enough. It is past time to shut the door on the Israeli influence machine and take back what remains of truly responsive and representational government”, - Philip M. Giraldi, Former CIA, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest.

“Russian actions on its own doorstep in Eastern Europe do not, in fact, threaten the United States or any actual vital interest. Nor does Moscow threaten the

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