» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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Loretta Alper and Jeremy Earp, Co-Directors Sut Jhally, Executive Producer.

Most of the world regards Israel's policies, and especially its oppression of Palestinians, as outrageous and criminal. This international consensus is reflected, for example, in numerous UN resolutions condemning Israel, which have been approved with overwhelming majorities.

"The whole world," United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan recently said, "is demanding that Israel withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories. I don't think the whole world ... can be wrong.

Israel’s 6-Day War and the Attack on the U.S.S Liberty

Israel is a warmongering nation hell-bent on killing as many Arabs as possible and stealing their land. As already mentioned Israel was behind the events of 9/11 and the lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction so that American Christian soldiers would go in and destroy Iraq for Israel. This subject is even more important today since President’s Trumps pathetic decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. East Jerusalem was stolen by Israel in 1967 in the 6-Day-War that Israel started. How can a part of land be classed as yours if you stole it and there is a UN resolution which says you stole it?

We need to go back to 1967 to see what happened in this Israel led 6-day war. Between June 5 and June 10, 1967 Israel started a premeditated war against Egypt, Jordan and Syria. In six days of conflict, Israel captured the Egyptian Sinai, the Syria Golan Heights, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Except for the Sinai, Israel still controls all of those territories which it stole. Following the 1948 ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians by Jews, Jerusalem was divided into two parts. West Jerusalem, populated by Jews, came under Israeli rule; while East Jerusalem, populated mainly by Palestinian Muslims and Christians, fell under Jordanian control. The world powers and the UN did not recognize the East Jerusalem annexation as well as other territorial gains made by Israel as a result of the war. The Soviet Union severed diplomatic ties with Israel over the issue and even the US opposed Israel’s actions, maintaining that the future of Jerusalem should be the subject of a negotiated settlement.

At the time Israel was proclaiming as justification for the war ‘Genocide of the Jews had been prevented; another Holocaust of the Jews was averted’, this was their claim. Of course this claim is complete fiction as we hear this many times by the Jews which they use to cover up their crimes.

“The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war,” declared Gen. Matituahu Peled, chief of logistical command during the war and one of 12 members of Israel’s General Staff.

Mordechai Bentov, a member of the wartime government and one of 37 people to sign Israel’s Declaration of Independence, had made a similar admission. “This whole story about the threat of extermination was totally contrived, and then elaborated upon, a posteriori, to justify the annexation of new Arab territories,” he said in April 1971.

Israel’s warmongering cost the lives of at least 18,000 people who died in the fighting: 10,000-15,000 Egyptians; 6000 Jordanians; 1000-2500 Syrians; and about 700 Israelis. By June 10th, the West Bank and Gaza had fallen, leaving the Israelis in possession of all of Palestine as well as Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights. 300,000 Palestinians were removed from their homes and ushered in a brutal military occupation for the million-odd Palestinians left behind.

Trump has now said the whole of Jerusalem belongs to Israel which is just a lie and not the case. If any other decent country did what Israel did they would not get away with it. The reason they get away with it is because they control America and the Jews own the media so they can easily brainwash people to believe that Israel is the victim in this and the Arabs the instigators. Trump’s Jerusalem decision has undone 70 years of American policy in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, undermining the status of the US as one of peace brokers in the region. How can a country such as the USA which is so controlled by Jews be a peace broker between Israel and the Palestinians?

Israel had a “doomsday” plan to detonate a nuclear bomb in Egypt’s Sinai desert if they felt they were in danger of losing the Six Day War in 1967, according to a report in the New York Times. The scheme was designed to frighten Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Jordan if Israel’s existence was threatened during the war. The idea, never before publicly disclosed, was told to Avner Cohen, an Israeli author, by Itzhak Yaakov, a retired Brigadier General responsible for the development of nuclear weapons. In 2001, Yaakov was given a two-year suspended sentence in Israel for a previous attempt to disclose the plan to an Israeli reporter. He died in 2013. So the plan is Israel starts an unprovoked war against the Arab countries but if they fight back to well and if it looks like the Arab countries might win Israel will nuke them.

In 1967, Israel occupied Syria’s Golan Heights, expelling most of the Syrian population. Approximately 130,000 Syrians were driven out and most of the Golan’s 200 villages destroyed.

The Golan Heights is an area of the Syria that has been illegally occupied by the Israeli's since they waged an unprovoked war of aggression in 1967. But Zionist stooge President Trump has come out and said the Golan Heights belong to Israel now. What?

The real reason the Syrians were driven out was because Israel and the Rothschild’s wanted to steal the Syrian oil that had been found there. The exploration companies who made the discovery (2015), Afek Oil and Gas of Israel, are a subsidiary of Genie Energy. Jacob Rothschild is a part-owner of Genie Energy which in 2013 was granted exclusive oil and gas exploration rights to a 150-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights by the Netanyahu government. Other owners of Genie Energy include Dick Cheney and James Woolsey who were both members of the infamous Project for a New American Century (PNAC) which advocated for wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran in the year 2000.

This ‘lucky’ lucrative find is estimated to contain billions of barrels of oil as well as millions of cubic meters of gas which rightfully belongs to Syria which has now been stolen by the thieves and bully boys of the Middle East, Israel.

The UN Security Council passed Resolution 242 which declared Israel must withdraw from all lands occupied in the 1967 war with Syria, including the Golan Heights. Israel seems to be able to ignore anything the UN says, it seems to work outside of international law.

Name me one other country that can steal land and oil from another country and get away with it, there is only one, Israel.

But the Jews did not just attack the Arabs in 1967 they attacked America as well in the form of an American state of the art ship, the USS Liberty.

In June 1967, Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 of its crew and wounding 174. The Liberty had been refitted by the NSA (National Security Agency) for use as a signals intelligence (SIGINT) platform, a floating listening ship. It had a very sophisticated system of radio antennae including a sonar-radio listening device with a clear capability range of over 500 miles. Up to that distance the Liberty could intercept virtually any form of wireless communication, including military and diplomatic traffic, telemetry data, rocket guidance and satellite control, among others. It could then decode and process the intercepted messages and relay them back to the NSA in the U.S. At the time, the ship was in international waters about 25 miles northwest of the Egyptian town of Arish. President Johnson gave the green light for Israel to start the 6-Day war against Egypt and made it clear that Israel could not move this war into Syria or Jordan for fear of reprisals from the Soviet Union. So the listening ship the USS Liberty was sent into Egyptians waters to listen into troop movements of the Israeli military.

Without any warning, Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on the USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking the USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began an attack and five torpedoes were launched with one hitting the Liberty. The torpedo boats then went up and down the ship firing on it with cannon fire and firing on the life boats. When the USS Liberty crew lowered their lifeboats into the water to evacuate their ship, the Israelis moved closer so they could gun down the Americans attempting to save their own lives.

A brief distress signal was sent by the Liberty which was picked up by the USS Saratoga and USS America and each launched aircraft to come to the aid of USS Liberty. Israeli attack helicopters then arrived on the scene with soldiers on board ready to board the Liberty but the Israeli’s knew these aircraft were heading in the direction of the Liberty so they called of their attacks. A 40 million dollar state of the art ship had now been destroyed with 34 Americans dead and 174 injured. Israel said it was mistaken identity even though there was a massive American flag flying on the Liberty and the incident was swept under the carpet by the US administration. Surviving crew members were later threatened with court-martial, imprisonment, or worse if they talked to anyone about what had happened to them; and were “abandoned by their own government.”

Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, provide authoritative analysis. "I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity," Admiral Moorer has said. "What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they [the Israelis] could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry. I have to conclude that it was Israel's intent to sink the Liberty and leave as few survivors as possible."

"Israel's premeditated, sneak attack, on the USS Liberty was a direct attack on America," says Phillip Tourney, a crewman wounded in the attack. Fifteen years after the attack an Israeli Pilot who was ordered to participate in the attack came forward, approaching Liberty survivors and former Congressman Paul N. McCloskey. The pilot relates that he identified the ship as American and informed his superiors, but was told to proceed with the attack. When he refused to do so, he was arrested on returning to base.

“Israeli messages intercepted on June 8, 1967, leave no doubt that sinking the USS Liberty was the mission assigned to the attacking Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats as the Six-Day War raged in the Middle East. Let me repeat: there is no doubt – none – that the mission of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) was to destroy the USS Liberty and kill its entire crew.” – former CIA analyst Ray McGovern.

“US military aid and technology transfers to Israel exceed $100 billion dollars over the past half century. US diplomatic and military intervention was crucial in rescuing Israel from defeat during the 1973 war. US President Lyndon Johnson’s refusal to defend the unarmed intelligence ship, the USS Liberty in 1967, after it had been bombed and napalmed by Israeli fighter planes and warships in international waters, constituted a tremendous victory for Israel thanks to Johnson’s Zionist advisers. Because of its impunity, even in killing American servicemen, Israel has been given a free hand to wage aggressive wars to dominate its neighbours, commit acts of terrorism and assassinate its adversaries throughout the world without fear of retaliation”, - James Petras, from the book’ The Power of Israel in the United States’.

“I don’t give a dam if everyone on the liberty sinks,

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