» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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so-called Jews -- the Pollacks and Litvaks and Litzianers -- they weren't Jews, as I just explained to you. They were Eastern Europeans who'd been converted to Talmudism. There was no such thing as Judaism. Judaism was a name given in recent years to this religion known in Bible history as Torah [inaudible]. No Jew or no educated person ever heard of Judaism. It didn't exist. They pulled it out of the air. . . a meaningless word”, Benjamin Freedman, 1961.

People will link Jews to the Hebrews that fled Egypt in the story of Moses. But is this story true and did Moses exist? Well not according to author Ashraf Ezzat and the book he wrote titled ‘Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites’.

Below is a description of the book.

“What if the whole story of the Exodus from Egypt was a fake story, and what if we could prove that it is? Whenever we say ‘the Exodus’ everybody unconsciously and instantly recognizes the story as the fleeing of the Israelites headed by Moses from the grip of Egypt’s ruthless Pharaoh. Thanks to the Church, the Synagogue, the Mosque and of course Hollywood films this Exodus story has sunk deep in the collective subconscious of the masses, so deep that the story of Moses and Pharaoh has turned into an almost unshakable historical truth that once took place in Ancient Egypt. But actually nothing in the ‘milieu of that story’ indicates that it happened in Egypt, except maybe the mistaken association between ‘Pharaoh’ and ‘King’ of Egypt. Likewise, nothing in ancient Egyptian records or its oral tradition say or even allude to the fact that this tale of Moses really happened in Egypt. Even more shocking is the fact that the ancient Egyptian records do not refer to the Kings of Egypt as Pharaohs. Yes, Pharaoh was never a title for Egypt’s king. Linking Pharaoh to Ancient Egypt is merely a myth propagated by centuries of falsehood brought about by misleading interpretation of Biblical history. The only reason we know the story of the Exodus happened in Egypt is because the Bible says so”.

Another question is why are there no pyramid carvings in Egypt depicting the Exodus of half the population and the loss of the army nor the deaths of Egypt's first- born nor no carvings illustrating the devastating plague?

"The undeniable evidence of this has become clear with the advent of DNA research. In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim and her team at Tel Aviv University released their study which found that the “Jews” were mainly Khazars, from Khazaria, a Caucasus country which is now called Kazakhstan, Georgia, and other names. The Khazarians converted from pagan religions to talmudic Judaism after the 8th century, but of course, racially they remain Khazars." – Researcher Texe Marrs.

DNA evidence proves without a doubt that the "Jews" are Khazarian Mongoloids (DNA results and Shlomo Sand as well as other historians have proven this) who converted to Judaism in the centuries after Christ. After their Empire collapsed, the Khazars spread throughout the capital cities of Europe and soon became the most reviled people in history. Despite not being from the Middle East, they claimed that they were the direct descendants of the Pharisees, and eventually became known as 'Jews', the short word for Judea. One of their many lies was that the Biblical 'Jesus' was a Jew, when in fact, he was labelled the King of Judea, an ironic title because he was actually from the neighbouring state of Galilee. Since that time, they have spread havoc and evil wherever they have gone, and it is not hard to see why they have been banned from more or less every country that they have ever lived in, especially Europe. From day one, they have planned and schemed to take over the planet (Protocols of Zion); after all these are the direct descendants of the New World Order, the Khazarian Mafia as mentioned earlier. Through their usury, they gained humongous wealth and influence, which led directly to the spread of the evil conspiracy that is Zionism.

After they took control of France, Britain and Germany (until Hitler removed them), they started their plans for the takeover of the Middle East. Slowly and surely, they interfered, campaigned, bribed and murdered until their plans were accepted. Over the last hundred years, they and their pawns have carved up the Middle East in a way that suited them, and in the process, stolen the land from the Palestinian people. It is one thing to invade a country and rape it of its culture, but it is preposterous to pretend that you are the descendants of the people that originally lived there.

Ironically, those who consider themselves Jewish are not Semitic, whereas Palestinians and other Middle Easterners are. Those referred to as Jewish are not even a race, they are simply mixed race descendants of the Khazars and they had never set foot in what is now Israel until the 1800's.

“The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books. The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal. The Rothschilds are the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia. We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995”, - excerpt from the ‘The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia’ by Preston James and Mike Harris. Full link to the history of this Khazarian Mafia is below.

Since the inception of the state of Israel in 1948, and especially since 1967, Israel has relentlessly, brutally, and uncompromisingly expanded their borders into Palestinian land. These Jewish usurpers have seized land, stolen farms, and demolished Palestinian homes with unrelenting ruthlessness and unforgiving vindictiveness. They have reduced the Palestinian nation to nothing more than the wretched, pitiful strip of dessert – the Gaza strip, effectively making the Palestinians prisoners in their own land, and they will stop at nothing until they have either removed or annihilated all Palestinians.

These Jewish usurpers believe they have a right to this land as they are Gods chosen people. They profess to be of the lineage of Abraham so therefore have an ancestral entitlement to displace its present inhabitants, and replace them with their own. They claim the ancient land of Canaan (now Palestine) as their legacy because they are descendants of the 12 tribes. This is their God given birth right, based upon their ancestry.

Yet this is a monumental lie.

80% of the inhabitants of modern day Israel are not descendants of Abraham, or any other biblical predecessor. In fact they have next to no Middle Eastern blood in their veins. Ashkenazi Jews have no hereditary right whatsoever to the land they now inhabit. They have stolen this territory from its rightful inhabitants and are now obliterating them.

Palestinians are the rightful heirs to the land called Israel (Palestine) because they are descendants from Abraham’s first son called Ishmael.

Watch the Youtube video below by an American Youtuber called EndTimesNewsReport or now called Jake Morphonios which describes pretty well that 80% of the Jews in the world are from Khazaria and not Palestine.

Palestinian Slaughter

“Today, Israel is a formidable settler-colonialist state, unwilling to transform or compromise, and eager to crush by whatever means necessary any resistance to its control and rule in historical Palestine. Beginning with the ethnic cleansing of 80 percent of Palestine in 1948, and Israel’s occupation of the remaining 20 percent of the land in 1967, Palestinians in Israel are now enclaved in mega-prisons, bantustans, and besieged cantons, and singled out through discriminatory policies. Meanwhile, millions of Palestinian refugees around the world have no way to return home, and time has only weakened, if not annihilated, all internal challenges to this ideological infrastructure. Even as I write, the Israeli settler state continues to further colonize and uproot the indigenous people of Palestine”, - Israeli, Jewish Historian Ilan Pappe from his book ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’.

Once upon a time there was a place called Palestine, a land of milk & honey written about in a book called The Bible. This ended in 1948 when David Ben-Gurion (with Britain’s help) declared the creation of the State of Israel. Palestine was then flooded with Jews from Europe, later USA and other countries. These Jewish immigrants kicked the Palestinians out of their homes, off their farms and out of Palestine. Since 1948 750,000 Palestinians have been forced from their lands and homes by Jewish Terrorists were the Palestinians had lived for at least 1200 years and many of them slaughtered and raped along the way. Now Adolf Hitler did far less than this in trying to recover land from Poland which had been stolen from Germany after World War 1. World War 2 was started because of this. Yet no one has come to the aid of the Palestinians were Genocide has been carried out against them by the Jews. The western leaders in America, Britain and France etc. don’t even condemn this because they are the puppets of Rothschild and the Israeli Zionists. If any other country in the world did this to a neighbouring country it would not be allowed but Israel is allowed to get away with it, why? Saddam Hussein went into Kuwait in 1990 and immediately America sent in its troops to remove him, is Israel going into Palestine any different, no it is not. If Palestinians fight back against this theft of their land and murdering of their civilians then it is called terrorism by Israel and the pathetic Jewish media in America.

Below the photo shows the Palestinian loss of land since 1948.

Prime Minister David Ben Gurion earlier said after Israel brutally expelled the Palestinians from their homes and land in the 1948 war establishing the state of Israel: "We have come and we have stolen their country....We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return”.

“The Palestinians would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls”, Israeli Prime Minister (Yitzhak Shamir) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988.

“When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle”, Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969.

“Suppose three million Mexicans came into Texas and drove the six million Texans into the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico. Suppose these Mexicans were slipped in there armed -- the Texans were disarmed -- and one night they drove them all out of Texas and declared themselves the Republic of the Alamo. What would the United States say? Would we say it's aggression for these Texans to try to get their homes back from the Mexican thieves? Suppose the Negroes in Alabama were secretly armed by the Soviets and overnight they rose up and drove all the whites into the swamps of Mississippi and Georgia and Florida. . . drove them out completely, and declared themselves the Republic of Ham, or the Republic of something-or-other. Would we call it aggression if these people, the whites of Alabama, tried to go back to their homes? Would we. . . what would we think if the soviet Union said, "No, those Negroes now occupy them! Leave them there!", or "No, those Mexicans are in Texas. They declared themselves a sovereign state. Leave them there.

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