» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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the large majority of people in the world still have no idea who is really behind the rise of ISIS.

The USA have even gave Isis a matching set of nice Toyota pickup trucks. Yes, the jihadist militant group has been receiving a fleet of Toyota pick-up trucks from the U.S. and Canada. As a matter of fact, a plumber from Texas discovered that his truck is being used by ISIS, with the name of his business still clearly seen labelled on the door.

You see the Zionists could not overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria through people uprisings such has happened in the ‘Arab Spring’ in Tunisia and Egypt. Basically because Gaddafi and Assad were popular leaders in their country and the people had a good standard of living. America and Israel could not attack these countries themselves for no reason unless they wanted to pull of another 9/11 and blame it on Libya and Syria and so the only other option to destroy these countries is to fund and arm a proxy army to do it i.e. ISIS.

America and Europe are using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East or should I say Israel’s enemies, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat. Every terrorist incident gets blamed on Isis which is then used to justify the expansion of invasive domestic surveillance, more troops on the street and laws brought in to watch all off our online activities which of course we are told is to keep us safe but they never do keep us safe because these terror events keep happening.

Arabs and Jews generally don’t like each other but we are supposed to believe that these Arab ISIS fighters want only to kill Arabs and they don’t even set foot in Israel. Another point is ISIS are only attacking what Israel classes as its enemies Iraq and Syria. You need to know that ISIS stands for ‘Israel Secret Intelligence Service’. Click on the link were two authors admit that the acronym ISIS = Mossad.

If ISIS was a genuine and independent uprising that was not orchestrated by the US and Israel, why would they not try to attack the Zionist Israel regime, which has attacked almost of all of its Muslim neighbours ever since it was created in 1948? Israel has attacked Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, and of course has decimated Palestine. Yet, when ISIS comes on the scene as the bloody and barbaric killers of Islamic terrorism, it finds no fault with Israel and it only wants to attack Muslim countries. This stretches credibility just a little bit.

Before Russia militarily entered Syria, the US claims it was “attacking” ISIS, yet Russia was able to do in a few months what the US has been unable to do for years. Why? Is the US military that incompetent, or this is further proof that the US has been funding and supporting ISIS all this time?

No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism and Israel.

Mossad and other organizations could be responsible for the terrorist acts falsely attributed to Al Qaeda and ISIS. Those who say they are “Al Qaeda spokesmen” are Israeli actors.

Adam Gadahn, pictured above, is the so called Al Qaida spokesperson who released videos of himself preaching Al Qaeda goals and ideology on numerous occasions. The FBI even has him on their most wanted terrorists list. It turns out he is a Jew named Adam Pearlman, from California. Adam's grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a prominent surgeon and on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League.

Another Jew who as disguised himself as a Muslim to convince the world that Muslims and Al Qaeda are a threat was Joseph Cohen (from a Jewish New York family). He named himself Yousef al-Khattab, and he made the fake radical ‘Islamist’ website called Revolution Muslim.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called ”Caliph,” the head of ISIS is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative. Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent. The so-called “Elliot” was recruited by the Israeli Mossad and was trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic societies.

Below photos of Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi with former U.S presidential candidate John McCain.

This information was attributed to Edward Snowden and published by newspapers and other Web sites

In 2002 the Palestinian Authorities accused the Israeli Intelligence Service, Mossad of setting up a fake Al Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said Israel had set up the mock cell to justify attacks in Palestinian territory. Funny isn’t it because Mossad did the same thing in America before 9/11, which is setting up fake terrorist cells to be blamed for 9/11.

The Isis beheadings allegedly done in the desert in Syria are fake and are used for propaganda purposes. James Foley was an American journalist and video reporter and while working as a freelance war correspondent during the Syrian Civil War, he was abducted on November 22, 2012, and we are told he was beheaded in August 2014 in the desert on camera with an orange jump suit on for the world to see. However according to a report in the Telegraph newspaper the video of James Foley’s execution may have been staged, with the actual murder taking place off-camera or even at some other location, he was probably shot. The video clip, which apparently depicts Mr Foley’s brutal beheading, has been widely seen as a propaganda coup for the Islamic State militant group. But a study of the four-minute 40-second clip, carried out by an international forensic science company which has worked for police forces across Britain, suggested camera trickery and slick post-production techniques appear to have been used. A forensic analyst told the newspaper that no blood can be seen, even though the knife is drawn across the neck area at least six times. “After enhancements, the knife can be seen to be drawn across the upper neck at least six times, with no blood evidence to the point the picture fades to black,” the analysis said. One expert commissioned to examine the footage was reported as saying: “I think it has been staged. My feeling is that the execution may have happened after the camera was stopped.”

Why did the video not actually show the beheading, and cut away just when the guy started "cutting" the neck? Wouldn’t these jihads want to show the full gore in order to frighten the West? And notice that no blood came from the neck in the little bit of "cutting" that was shown. The video then next shows a still shot of a head on a body. But take a closer look at that body online. There is no hair on the forearms. Did ISIS shave James Foley's arms before killing him?

Hacker group Cyberkut allegedly extracted the photo below from John McCain, the longtime senior U.S. Senator and former U.S Presidential candidate who we saw earlier with Isis leader Al-Baghdadi. The photo, if real gives evidence that the beheading videos may have been produced in a studio.

Again we have the fake news outlets BBC and CNN etc. giving this beheading as real when it obviously is not and they even made a HBO documentary about the Foley beheading.

We also have the Rita Katz and the Jewish SITE Intelligence Group who brought us these beheading videos. SITE is just an IsraeliMossad front which gives fake news about Islamic terror and Isis.

Crisis Actors

If you look at the Boston Bombing were people were clearly faking their injuries people will naturally say how can they all be acting? It is very simple they worked for and got paid by a crisis management company. They were actors taking part in a staged drill but then this drill is passed off as real by the controlled mainstream media.

The Boston bombing photos can be seen on my website at The photos prove it was a fake event with crisis actors.

Two patsies (normally Muslims) are then set up to take the blame and then they are silenced by being shot. Obviously not all false flag events use these crisis actors, 9/11 and 7/7 London being two of them. Truth-seeker Ole Dammegard explains how these crisis actors work in false flag terror events in several of his Youtube videos.

Two Crisis management companies are and On the crisis cast website it states the following:

‘We dramatise events for emerging security needs in the UK, Middle East and worldwide. Our specialist role play actors – many with security clearance – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed in criminal and victim behaviour to help police, the army and the emergency services. We use state of the art British film industry techniques, props and special effects to help trainers deliver essential, hands-on, high octane crisis response and disaster management training’

Sometimes they use the same crisis actor for different false flag events.

Here is the same crisis actor who was supposedly a former classmate of the alleged Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza (Alexa Israel) and now she is posing as the sister of James Foley (Katie Foley) who was supposedly beheaded on the fake Isis video as mentioned above. It is the same person acting in two different roles which proves that both events were fake but given as real by the ‘fake news’ channels CNN and the BBC.

The unbelievable thing is that the media companies get away with this simply because people are dumbed down and have their faces stuck in their phone and T.V to even notice. Then they claim that people like me are ‘conspiracy theorists’ when that is obviously not the case, more like truth tellers. The word conspiracy theorists was coined by the CIA in 1963 to marginalize anyone who got too close to the truth about the JFK assassination.

The Sandy Hook Elementary School alleged shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza (we are told) fatally shot 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members.

David Wheeler and his wife Francine, went about making tearful claims about losing their son Benjamin to gun violence at Sandy Hook School. The Wheeler’s travelled with other families and gun control lobbyists on Air Force One with President Obama. David Wheeler spoke before panels and he and his wife also appeared on popular television shows, including Oprah Winfrey. These two made statements that only a scriptwriter could compose. Can anyone seriously believe that? Your child was shot so you get to fly around the world on Air Force One with the President of the USA speaking at events like you were some expert on gun control. Below Mr. Wheeler giving a speech on gun control no doubt.

But that’s not the only role David Wheeler played. Maybe he got a Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) bonus for his second role at Sandy Hook. You see, grieving father David Wheeler was also a military gun carrying, law enforcement officer on the day of the alleged shooting at Sandy Hook. See below, Mr Wheeler is in the middle.

Here’s a link to a video compilation of the supposed parents of Sandy Hook children who were killed. They smile a lot, they look rested, and have no tears and no red eyes.

You should also take a look at Robbie Parker, he allegedly lost a daughter at Sandy Hook school and on that same day he made a live statement on video but as he approached the camera he was laughing and smiling and then as he reached the microphone he changed his face to look all sombre and tearful. If you had lost

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