» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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encourage protesters to overthrow the Obama or Trump administration!

The protests, which were funded by billionaire activist George Soros, ultimately led to the overthrow of the government and the installation of politicians handpicked by the U.S. State Department.

“Russia has received more than 2,500,000 refugees since the outbreak of the conflict in eastern Ukraine”, Yuri Vorobyov, Deputy Speaker of Russia's Federation Council.

The U.S government realised that 90% of the Ukrainians in Donbass (far-eastern region of Ukraine) where Pro Russia and in favour of the ousted President Yanukovych. So the U.S led Ukrainian government instituted an ethnic-cleansing campaign in Donbass to kill as many of them as possible and force as many as possible of those Donbass residents to flee into Russia. Getting rid of those voters was essential to the success of Obama's Ukrainian operation. That ethnic cleansing is the reason why 2.5 million former Ukrainians are now living in Russia.

A plebiscite was held in Crimea on 16 March 2014, and the vote to re-join Russia was over 90%. U.S. President Obama then imposed economic sanctions against Russia for accepting Crimea back into Russia.

Is this all part of the Illuminati’s plan to destroy and remove any leader that is an ally of Russia. All the following countries were allies of Russia and look at what has happened to them. Gaddafi and Libya, Saddam Hussein and Iraq, Bashar al-Assad and Syria, Ukraine and another huge ally of Russia is Iran and they are demonising that country as we speak so that they can destroy it. This is all done to weaken Russia for a future war with Russia as Putin and Russia are not controlled by the Rothschild Zionist regime.

This demonization of Putin and Russia as continued with the false flag event in the U.K about the alleged nerve agent poisoning of the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

The Skripal nerve agent case (March 2018) is just the latest in a long-running campaign to demonize Russia and Putin and stir up fear and loathing of Russia.

The Russian spy - Sergei Skripal - was a traitor who got arrested in 2004 for leaking state secrets to the UK. He was released in 2010 and sent to the UK as part of a spy-swap program. So Putin had 6 years to kill the guy in the Russian prison. But no! Putin would release him, wait for 8 more years, and then kill him in the most bizarre way possible with a nerve agent that could be traced to Russia (why not just shoot him) just before the World Cup and just before the Russian presidential election. My God! Who believes this nonsense? The U.K government are just reading from their Zionist script to demonize Putin without any evidence.

Considering Sergei Skripal and his daughter and the policeman that fell ill are still alive, either it was a very weak, ineffective nerve agent or the dose they received was very tiny indeed – we are told that a pinhead sized drop of VX, developed in the 1950s by the British, is sufficient to kill and that these Novichok things can be up to 8 times more deadly, so were the Skripals really poisoned with a nerve agent?

The only ones to benefit from this propaganda war are Putin's enemies. We must look at the motives and opportunities. The only ones to benefit from this are the West - US, UK, Israel and the globalists. These warmongers are just mad that Putin is helping Assad and ruining their psychotic plans for Middle East domination.

Days after this Skripal case Britain announced it will invest 48 million pounds ($67 million) in a new chemical warfare defense center at its Porton Down military research laboratory which is just 7 miles from where this incident took place.

The line that novichoks can only be produced by Russia is now proven to be a complete lie. In 2013 the OPCW scientific advisory committee note the evidence was sparse that novichoks had ever been successfully produced, and that was still the line being published by Porton Down in 2016.

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray stated:

“The line that novichoks can only be produced by Russia is now proven to be a complete lie. As I previously proved by referencing their publications, in 2013 the OPCW scientific advisory committee note the evidence was sparse that novichoks had ever been successfully produced, and that was still the line being published by Porton Down in 2016. I have now been sent the vital information that in late 2016, Iranian scientists set out to study whether novichoks really could be produced from commercially available ingredients. Iran succeeded in synthesizing a number of novichoks. Iran did this in full cooperation with the OPCW and immediately reported the results to the OPCW so they could be added to the chemical weapons database. This makes complete nonsense of the Theresa May’s “of a type developed by Russia” line, used to parliament and the UN Security Council. This explains why Porton Down have refused to cave in to governmental pressure to say the nerve agent was Russian. If Iran can make a novichok, so can a significant number of states. While Iran acted absolutely responsibly in cooperating with the OPCW, there are a handful of rogue states operating outside the rule of international law, like Israel, which refuses to ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention”.

North Korea

North Korea is often portrayed as a rogue state which endangers the region and according to some, the world. But North Korea has not engaged in a conflict since the ceasefire which ended the Korean War in 1953. There is little evidence that North Korea is actually as menacing as it often pretends to be, let alone as menacing as others claim it is.

Kim Jong-un understands what has happened in Iraq with the American and Jewish lies about Iraq’s non-existing weapons of mass destruction. He has seen the destruction of Iraq because of these lies and he does not want the same fate to happen to his country so he has a right to arm himself against these aggressive liars.

There is a great deal of propaganda and deliberate misinformation about North Korea, which the public should know. While Neocons, a cheering corporate media, and Deep State, rush to war with North Korea, information is the ultimate weapon.

For example, did you know that North Korea, China, and India, are the only three nations who have committed to a "no nuclear first" policy? They have pledged never to use nuclear weapons "first", but of course reserve the right to use them if attacked.

How many times has the U.S threatened to use nuclear weapons against North Korea?

Do you know that North Korea has repeatedly asked the US to engage in bilateral talks, to cool off the ever-escalating tension? The offer was flatly rejected by both Obama and Trump.

The Neocons, Deep State, and media argument, insist Kim Jong-un is irrational, and therefore you cannot negotiate with him.

A look back at recent history illustrates the US and its complicit media demonize anyone we do not like, and the demonizing usually ends up with a war. Manuel Noriega in Panama, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, and Syria's Assad, serve as recent examples.

But the demonizing of Kim Jong-un continues as we move towards another war, and once again the public buys into the myth.

This attitude of demonizing is akin to the Taliban's offer to turn over Osama Bin Laden so many years ago, and the US, then under Bush, flatly rejected the Taliban offer saying we don't talk to such people.

Sixteen years later America is still at war in Afghanistan with Trump still sending even more troops. War is the result of failed diplomacy, or the absence of diplomacy.

Do you know North Korea has agreed to suspend its nuclear tests if the US agrees to end the annual war games along the border of North Korea?

You may not know the US conducts war games that simulate the overthrow of the North Korean government, and this year (2017) there were almost 400,000 soldiers participating. Did you know that? Did you know, this year the games were given the name "Operation Decapitation" and were directed against North Korea, and were designed to simulate the attack and overthrow of North Korea?

The USA is more dangerous and aggressive than North Korea will ever be. Who is the only country that has used nuclear weapons? Since 1998 alone, the United States has conducted unprovoked, illegal, aggressive attacks on the following countries:

- Iraq

- Yugoslavia

- Afghanistan

- Iraq (again)

- Libya

- Sudan

- Somalia

- Yemen

- Syria

During this time, the US also funded and provoked an illegal coup in Ukraine.

If invading and overthrowing governments in countries that have not even attempted to invade the United States isn't a danger to world peace, I do not know what is.

America has more overseas military bases than any other nation: nearly 800 spread through more than 70 countries. America spends $550 billion per year on defence compared to Russia's $50 billion. So who is the real threat here?

Don’t be surprised if the Neocons or the Khazarian mafia which controls the USA decides to pull off another massive false flag attack akin to 9/11 and then blame it on North Korea. This might include Nuking a city such as Seattle which is within range of North Korea. Then of course they will have their war but it will more likely be a world war because Russia and China will not put up with an American puppet regime sitting right on their doorstep.


“9/11 was a false-flag terror atrocity carried out and covered-up by Israeli military intelligence and their "Fifth Column" (i.e. Zionist agents) in the United States. The attacks were designed to be blamed on Arab Muslims (i.e. "false-flag") in order to get U.S. public opinion to support an open-ended war in the Islamic lands of the Middle East. The U.S. invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq are the realization of the "War on Terror", a Zionist war strategy pushed by Benjamin Netanyahu since the 1980s in books, speeches, and articles. Like a chess game in which Iran is the ultimate target, the first move in the Zionist war plan was to bring U.S. forces into Afghanistan on the East, and then into Iraq on the West. The massive U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf on the South means Iran is surrounded on three sides. A U.S. war against Iran is the end game of the terror masterminds behind 9/11. We must do everything we can to prevent the Zionist warmongers from waging war against Iran. Demanding a criminal investigation of 9/11 is where we should start. It is the failure to investigate 9/11 which has allowed the criminals in high places to wage illegal wars and plunder our national wealth. This simply cannot be allowed to continue”, Christopher Bollyn, American author, 9/11 Researcher.

Iran is another peaceful nation that the Rothschild Jewish Zionists want to destroy and install a puppet government in which they can control just like they have done in Iraq, Libya, and Ukraine and are trying to do in Syria. How many countries has Iran bombed since World War 2? That would be zero. Now how many countries has the U.S.A bombed since World War 2? That would be at least 30 and counting. So who is bringing terror and destruction to the world?

“The United States should drop a nuclear bomb on Iran to spur the country to end its nuclear

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