» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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is one of the best known private security firms that was used by the CIA… as an outreach assassination organization.”

“They’re not trained in Syria,” she added. “They’re trained in Gaziantep in Turkey; and then they’re implanted into areas like east Aleppo, areas that are under heavy conflict.”

The full link from Vanessa Beeley can be seen at:

Conservative estimates put White Helmets funding at over $150 million so far, which is far more than any real NGO would ever require in a decade, much less 3 years.

Here’s one breakdown of officially disclosed White Helmets funding, as of October 2016. As you can see most of the funding comes from the U.S.A and the U.K.

“Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary has sung the praises of the White Helmet on more than one occasion. Johnson has funded them an estimated £65 million in NON-Humanitarian aid, as part of the £1bn “secret” Conflit, Stability and Security Fund. Johnson and the UK government, the UK corporate media & NATO aligned NGOs have promoted, supported, funded and iconized the White Helmets to an unprecedented level. Boris Johnson as Mayor of London was responsible for forcing through severe cuts within the London Fire Service. Cuts that have quite possibly resulted in an increase in deaths from fire related incidents across London since those cutbacks started to seriously affect the ability of the Fire Service to respond and react to emergencies. Without a doubt, and based on the testimony of the firefighters themselves, those same cuts, enforced by Boris Johnson, contributed directly to the huge loss of life during the Grenfell Tower tragedy. The question must be asked of Boris Johnson. How does he justify £65m expenditure on the White Helmets, an organization in Syria that is systematically participating in atrocities against the Syrian people and working alongside Al Qaeda & other terrorist organizations, while making savage cutbacks to the Fire Service in the UK, thus reducing their ability to save the lives of UK civilians in tragic and horrifying circumstances such as the Grenfell Tower blaze?” – Vanessa Beeley,

This video shows the White Helmets’ headquarters is right opposite that of Jabat Al-Nusra (Al Qaeda) in East Aleppo, across from the M10 Hospital the lying regime change media told us had been destroyed hundreds of times. That hospital was held by the White Helmets to treat their wounded and to fire mortars into governments held areas. Following the liberation of East Aleppo by the Syrian Arab Army and Russian military, independent journalist Pierre le Corf has filmed the aforementioned buildings along with the stocks of medicines provided by the international community, including UNICEF which were used to treat terrorists only – to patch them up so they could continue to imprison, kill, torture and even behead citizens.

“People like Eva Karene Bartlett Vanessa Beeley Andrew Ashdown Tim Anderson John Mesler, Lizzie Phelan and of course Pierre le Corf have been to Syria, to Aleppo and in many cases risked their lives to investigate what was really happening there, to speak to Syrian citizens, but the public prefers to believe fat, lazy mainstream media pundits (BBC, CNN, ABC) who advocate for terrorists. Jon Snow, Krishnan Guru-Murphy, Lyse Doucet, Ian Pannell, Cathy Newman, should be tried in the court of public opinion for lack of due diligence in investigating the authenticity of reports they disseminate and a deliberate campaign to vilify yet another non-aligned government and its officials in line with a regime change propaganda objective.” - Sheila Coombes of Frome Stop War.

“In reality the White Helmets is a project created by the UK and USA. Training of civilians in Turkey has been overseen by former British military officer and current contractor, James Le Mesurier. Promotion of the program is done by “The Syria Campaign” supported by the foundation of billionaire Ayman Asfari. The White Helmets is clearly a public relations project which has received glowing publicity from HuffPo to Nicholas Kristof at the NYT. White Helmets have been heavily promoted by the U.S. Institute of Peace (U.S.IP) whose leader began the press conference by declaring “U.S.IP has been working for the Syrian Revolution from the beginning.” - Rick Sterling, founding member of Syria Solidarity Movement.

The White Helmets, directed by Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara, took home an Academy Award for best documentary short which was shown on Netflix.

“The fact that a documentary about The White Helmets received an Oscar Award simply confirms what a glorious bubble the entertainment industry resides in, and how easy it is these days for a documentary film to be used for the purposes of propaganda (lies) and made to reinforce a mainly US-UK foreign policy project. To Hollywood, it’s a feel good documentary, designed to make us feel good about a dirty war in Syria. But this is a level of distortion and spin that would make even Joseph Goebbels’ head spin. The footage was provided by a terrorist-affiliated NGO based in Turkey, operating in Syria, and who is primarily funded by the US State Dept, the British Foreign Office, the Netherlands, and other NATO member and Gulf states to the tune of over $150 million and whose chief remit is producing US-led Coalition propaganda images for mass media consumption” - Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire.

In order to justify the war in Syria, a narrative has to be constructed and maintained. This requires a relentless negative public relations campaign demonizing the Syrian government and all of its agencies. The following talking points are therefore reinforced in the short Netflix movie:

Syria’s peaceful ‘Arab Spring’ uprising happened in 2011, and was violently squashed by the government.

Assad is a brutal dictator, and is illegitimate.

The Syrian government and its armed forces are deliberately killing their own people.

The US-NATO and Gulf-backed armed ‘rebel’ opposition is legitimate.

Syrian and Russian Airforce are only killing civilians, and not militant and terrorists.

Terrorists do not exist in Syria, only “moderate rebels” and Syrians ‘fighting for freedom’.

Therefore, Assad must be removed from power and replaced with a US-approved government.

Watch the videos below which proves that the ‘White Helmets’ where not in Syria to help the civilians as claimed but were there to help the terror organization’s such as Al-Nusra when the Nusra fighters got injured

Another group which has been exposed as a fraudulent, propaganda Western backed group is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is quoted as though it were the most authoritative source of information to be found in Syria. Such “luminaries” as the Huffington Post, VICE, Reuters, CNN, Fox and nearly all of the mainstream media have been caught citing this website precisely, without so much as questioning the reliability of this singular source.

Abdel Rahman is the “director” of the SOHR, though it is quite uncertain if he actually has anyone to “direct” as nobody else is known to work for/with him. Most people expected this SOHR to be working within Syria but unbelievably we now know he works from his two-bedroom Coventry home in the UK; this is why you keep seeing the Mainstream media call him a “London-based monitoring group“. It’s quite funny, really, calling this one man a “London-based monitoring group” in the same vein as The Red Cross. How can he possibly know what is really happening in Syria from Coventry?

One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet for the past two years, his "Observatory" has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media. Perhaps worst of all, is that the United Nations uses this compromised, absurdly overt source of propaganda as the basis for its various reports - at least, that is what the New York Times now claims in their recent article, "A Very Busy Man behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count."

Abdul Rahman has direct access to the Foreign Secretary William Hague, who he has been documented meeting in person on multiple occasions at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. The NYT in fact reveals that it was the British government that first relocated Abdul Rahman to Coventry, England after he fled Syria over a decade ago because of his anti-government activities. Abdul Rahman is not a "human rights activist." He is a paid propagandist for the Western governments.

As you can see what you are fed in the western media by the same old ‘fake news’ propagandists the BBC, ITV, CNN, ABC etc. are lies just like they were about 9/11 and 7/7, the war on terror and now Syria which is all for the cause of Zionism. As noted earlier all these lying media outlets are Jewish owned.

The question is why would Britain and the USA want to remove Assad in Syria who is thousands of miles away. What could it possibly benefit them? They do it because the hidden hand that controls these countries has a vested interest in removing Assad in Syria and that hidden hand is the Rothschild Zionists and Israel. The Zionists main aim is to destroy Iran but they can’t do that if Iran’s main allies in the region Syria, Lebanon and Yemen are still functioning to support Iran, so they are trying to destroy the allies of Iran first with only Russia prepared to stop them. I say well done President Putin, one of the best leaders in the world today.


“The overthrow of the legally elected government of Ukraine was not only supported by U.S. and EU governments — much of it was actually planned by them,” former congressman Dr. Ron Paul said.

The U.S. State Department played a vital role in the violence and chaos underway in Ukraine but was also complicit in creating the coup that ousted Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanuyovch.

The U.S. intelligence agencies alleged that Russia personally directed efforts to intervene in the U.S. election process by hacking the Democratic Party system which had classified Hillary Clinton presidential election data but isn’t that a bit hypercritical when it is well known that Victoria Nuland was behind the Ukraine regime change and she was the official spokesperson and assistant secretary to Hillary Clinton.

Victoria Nuland (Jewish) is the wife of Robert Kagan (Jewish Zionist Neocon). Robert Kagan is co-founder with William Kristol (Jewish Zionist Neocon) of the Project for the New American Century which advocates for total U.S global military domination which means Rothschild Jewish Zionist domination because they control the U.S.A. Kagan was a prominent supporter of the war against Iraq and he also supports the campaign against Iran.

“Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs “Toria” Nuland was the “mastermind” behind the Feb. 22, 2014 “regime change” in Ukraine, plotting the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych while convincing the ever-gullible U.S. mainstream media that the coup wasn’t really a coup but a victory for “democracy, “In Ukraine, Nuland and her neocon and liberal-interventionist friends saw the chance to poke Putin in the eye by encouraging violent protests to overthrow Russia-friendly President Yanukovych and put in place a new regime hostile to Moscow. ” media columnist Robert Perry

US President Barack Obama’s 2015 interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakiria revealed the United States’ involvement in the Ukrainian crisis.

“Obama’s statement is reiterating something that the world public opinion already knew — the US was involved in the coup of ex-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych from the start”. Independent researcher and writer Timothy Alexander.

In his weekly column posted Sunday, Dr. Ron Paul blamed western interventionism for the death and destruction in Ukraine’s ongoing civil war.

“Looking back at the events that led to the overthrow it is clear that without foreign intervention Ukraine would not be in its current, seemingly hopeless situation,” he wrote. “By the end of 2013 [before the coup], Ukraine’s economy was in ruins. The government was desperate for an economic bailout and then-president Yanukovych first looked west to the U.S. and EU before deciding to accept an offer of help from Russia.”

That led to division within the country, but as Dr. Paul states, if it wasn’t for western intervention, the problem may have solved itself eventually instead of escalating into a full-blown civil war.

“The protests at the end of 2013 grew more dramatic and violent and soon a steady stream of U.S. and EU politicians were openly participating, as protesters called for the overthrow of the Ukrainian government,” Dr. Paul added. “Senator John McCain made several visits to Kiev and even addressed the crowd to encourage them.”

Imagine if a foreign leader like Putin or Assad came to Washington to

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