» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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war on terror simply because the Jews own the U.S Congress and the House of Representatives.

In 1990, after returning to Israel and after being Israel’s UN ambassador in New York, and before the First Gulf War, Benjamin Netanyahu was in Jerusalem at Fink’s Bar – dining and drinking with high level U.S. Embassy staff and others. This is what Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel since 2009) said while sitting at the head of that private table in Fink’s Bar (transcribed from a secretly recorded audio of Netanyahu at that meeting – words that few Americans, Israelis or others have seen or heard):

“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So, it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf; and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of god, and America is big enough to take the hit; so, we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” (Confirmed by an “attendee” during a debriefing.) Germany and Hitler refused to be their slaves and look what happened to Germany.

Keep in mind that Israel has already spent six-trillion dollars of the average American’s money since 1965. Now they want to send more bills, more deaths, more casualties, and more disasters for their war against peaceful Iran. It is time for the American people to say ‘enough is enough, we must distance ourselves from Israel’.

A simple calculation shows that every single American family pays Israel well over $40 annually, and that every Israeli family receives $2500 every year.

“Most recently, some pundits, including myself, have been warning of an impending war with Iran. But what makes the war engine run is provided by American Jews who have taken upon themselves the onerous task of starting a war with a country that does not conceivably threaten the United States. They have been very successful at faking the Iranian threat, so much so that nearly all Republican and most Democratic congressmen as well as much of the media seem to be convinced that Iran needs to be dealt with firmly, most definitely by using the U.S. military, and the sooner the better. And while they are doing it, the issue that nearly all the Iran haters are Jewish has somehow fallen out of sight. There is zero evidence that any of them would oppose attacking Iran. And I would add a few more names, Mark Dubowitz, Michael Ledeen and Reuel Marc Gerecht of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies; Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum; John Podhoretz of Commentary magazine; Elliot Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations; Meyrav Wurmser of the Middle East Media Research Institute; Kimberly Kagan of the Institute for the Study of War; and Frederick Kagan, Danielle Pletka and David Wurmser of the American Enterprise Institute. And you can also throw into the hopper entire organizations like The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) and the Hudson Institute. And yep, they’re all Jewish, plus most of them would self-describe as neo-conservatives. And I might add that only one of the named individuals has ever served in any branch of the American military – David Wurmser was once in the Navy reserve. These individuals largely constitute a cabal of sanctimonious chairborne warriors who prefer to do the heavy thinking while they let others do the fighting and dying. So it is safe to say that much of the agitation to do something about Iran comes from Israel and from American Jews. Indeed, I would opine that most of the fury from Congress re Iran comes from the same source, with AIPAC showering our Solons on the Potomac with “fact sheets” explaining how Iran is worthy of annihilation because it has pledged to “destroy Israel,” which is both a lie and an impossibility as Tehran does not have the resources to carry out such a task. The AIPAC lies are then picked up and replayed by an obliging media, where nearly every “expert” who speaks about the Middle East on television and radio or who is interviewed for newspaper stories is Jewish”. We don’t need a war with Iran because Israel wants one and some rich and powerful American Jews are happy to deliver. Seriously, we don’t need it”, - Philip Giraldi - former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency.

“As Israel accumulates more power in the region, expanding its colonization of Palestinian territory, it looks eastward toward destroying the last remaining obstacle to its colonial policies: Iran. For at least two decades, Israel has directed its overseas agents - (ZPC, Zionist power configuration) – to destroy the government of Iran by destabilizing its society, assassinating its scientists, bombing its military establishments and laboratories and strangling its economy. Lacking military capacity to attack Iran on its own, Israel directed its agents to manipulate the US government to start a war with Teheran. The militarist leaders in Tel Aviv have unleashed their political assets (ZPC) throughout the US to work to destroy Iran – the last formidable adversary to Israel supremacy in the Middle East. The Israeli-ZPC strategy is designed to set the stage for a US confrontation with Iran, using its agents in the Executive branch as well as its ongoing corruption, bribery and control of the US Congress”, - James Petras, from the book’ The Power of Israel in the United States’.

The buffoon President Trump is at this moment March 2018 trying to put together his war cabinet for the Jews war against Iran. Trump is being controlled by the Jewish Neocons to remove anyone in his administration who is against the war with Iran. For instance Rex Tillerson who was in favour of the nuclear treaty with Iran has been replaced by Rothschild globalist stooge Mike Pompeo and the worst decision ever made is that warmonger of the first degree John Bolton has been made national security adviser. Bolton advocated the destruction of Iraq long before 9/11 and wanted to strike North Korea and Iran and ask questions later. He is a danger to the security of not just the United States but to the world.

“A close look shows Bolton is genuinely one of the most extreme, irresponsible, and dangerous voices in the country,” said Adam Mount, a senior fellow and nuclear weapons policy expert at the Federation of American Scientists.

Of course Saddam Hussein was the new Hitler when they wanted to remove him and then Gaddafi was. The evil empire of AmericaNATO and Israel use the same formulae to destroy countries and change their leaders and that is to demonise the leader with Propaganda in their controlled mainstream Jewish media.

“If the Zionist controlled Congress succeeds once again in destroying the negotiations between the US and Iran via new war-like resolutions, we, the American people, will have to pay an enormous price in lives and treasure. The time to act is now. It is time to stand up and expose the role played by the Israeli PACs, Super PACs and the 52 Major American Jewish Organization in corrupting Congress and turning “our” elected representatives into flunkeys for Israel’s wars. There has been a deafening silence from our noted critics –few alternative media critics have attacked Israel’s power over the US Congress. The evidence is openly available, the crimes are undeniable. The American people need real political leaders with the courage to root out the corrupted and corruptors and force their elected members in the House and Senate to represent the interest of the American people”, - James Petras, from the book’ The Power of Israel in the United States’.

“Israel – not Russia – is the one foreign country that can interfere with impunity with the political processes in the United States yet it is immune from criticism. It is also the single most significant threat to genuine national security as it and its powerful domestic lobby have been major advocates for the continuation of America’s interventionist warfare state. The decision to go to war on false pretenses against Iraq, largely promoted by a cabal of prominent American Jews in the Pentagon and in the media, killed 4,424 Americans as well as hundreds of thousands Iraqis and will wind up costing the American taxpayer $7 trillion dollars when all the bills are paid. That same group of mostly Jewish neocons more-or-less is now agitating to go to war with Iran using a game plan for escalation prepared by Israel which will, if anything, prove even more catastrophic”, - Philip Giraldi - former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency.

“It appears that the Neocon Zionist warmongers are pulling out all the stops in an effort to wage war on Iran. They know that Trump will not be re-elected, so they are desperate to use him while he’s still in the White House. The Neocons don’t care that Trump will be prosecuted relentlessly the very day he leaves high office. All they care about is the fulfillment of the Greater Israel project. Bolton, Pompeo, Pence, Haspel, Abrams, Coats, Mnuchin, Kushner, etc. make for a full-blown War Cabinet. Each of these warmongering psychopaths was appointed by Trump to wage war against Israel’s enemies, especially against Iran. The series of transparently staged events concerning Iran during the month of June 2019 clearly proves that Trump works for Israel and takes direction from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His willingness to invade a sovereign nation that was falsely accused of bombings “in the Gulfs”, which were actually carried out by the U.S and Israel, reveals a POTUS who no longer works for the American people”, -

“We have the constant brainwashing bullshit coming out of the Jew spew media about how Iran is suddenly increasing their "enrichment" of Uranium isotopes to "make nuclear bombs".... I once again must point out that the Iranian enrichment facilities have been enriching Uranium to only about 5-10% purity so far, which is only good enough for fuel for nuclear reactors... Even if the Iranians do further enrich their Uranium to around 20% that is only good enough for medical isotopes... People need to understand that to achieve the level of enrichment needed to produce weapons grade Uranium, the Iranians would have to build facilities to enrich to some 95% purity! The Iranian government has again and again shown the IAEA inspectors that have full access to all of their facilities that they are NOT in any shape or form doing weapons grade enrichment, and that they are at least 5-10 years away from that capability if they actually started to build those enrichment facilities now.... The fact is that the Iranian government is NOT building nuclear weapons at all, and when anyone hears the hokum that the Iranians are '6 months away' from achieving nuclear weapons, it is absolute bullshit and pure propaganda to make people foolishly believe that Iran has to be attacked! I honestly am sick of the Iran bashing, for the real danger to the planet is never discussed at all... The psychotic state of Isra-Hell continues to be the driving force behind this "attack Iran now" rhetoric, as those monsters know that the nation of Iran is the only major obstacle left in place in the entire Middle East to their regional dominance and their continuing with the sick "Greater Israel" plan.... I am always repeating the same thing, but everyone has to understand clearly, that the psychos in Israel have indeed given their US slaves their marching orders already to have Iran destroyed. These psychos are hell bent on seeing the Iranian nation totally destroyed while the US bares the entire burden for that attack.... Thousands of American soldiers, both men and women, are slated to die very soon for the glory of the psychotic state of Israel only..... I do hope that the American military does get the message that they are only the cannon fodder for Jewish interests!” –

“It is apparent that apartheid Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and their American collaborators deep inside the seventeen intelligence agencies of the United States are responsible for the bombing of the tankers in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Along with the President, the two Mafia chiefs are determined on regime change all over the World. To support a war with Iran or Venezuela, Misters Bolton and Pompeo use all duperies and deceptions they can without the aid of Satan! I do not profess to be competent in establishing that there exists no God. Equally, I cannot determine that Satan is a fantasy. However, there exists ample proofs that Misters Bolton and Pompeo, along the foreign policy establishment in Washington DC are certified carnations of Satan!

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