» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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France and many other western nations allow this to happen.  If the English were doing this to the people in Scotland or Wales would it be allowed? The answer is no, it would not be allowed.

Robert Fisk is the multi-award winning Middle East correspondent of The Independent, based in Beirut. He has lived in the Arab world for more than 40 years and he gave this report about the Israeli massacre at the Qana refugee camp in 1996. Fisk stated:

“When the world heard that Shimon Peres had died, it shouted “Peacemaker!” But when I heard that Peres was dead, I thought of blood and fire and slaughter.

I saw the results: baby’s torn apart, shrieking refugees, and smouldering bodies. It was a place called Qana and most of the 106 bodies – half of them children – now lie beneath the UN camp where they were torn to pieces by Israeli shells in 1996. I had been on a UN aid convoy just outside the south Lebanese village. Those shells swished right over our heads and into the refugees packed below us. It lasted for 17 minutes.

Peres announced that “we did not know that several hundred people were concentrated in that camp. It came to us as a bitter surprise.”

It was a lie. The Israelis had occupied Qana for years after their 1982 invasion, they had video film of the camp, they were even flying a drone over the camp during the 1996 massacre – a fact they denied until a UN soldier gave me his video of the drone, frames from which we published in The Independent. The UN had repeatedly told Israel that the camp was packed with refugees.

This was Peres’s contribution to Lebanese peace.

When I reached the UN gates, blood was pouring through them in torrents. I could smell it. It washed over our shoes and stuck to them like glue. There were legs and arms, babies without heads, old men’s heads without bodies. A man’s body was hanging in two pieces in a burning tree. What was left of him was on fire.

On the steps of the barracks, a girl sat holding a man with grey hair, her arm round his shoulder, rocking the corpse back and forth in her arms. His eyes were staring at her. She was keening and weeping and crying, over and over: “My father, my father.” If she is still alive – and there was to be another Qana massacre in the years to come, this time from the Israeli air force – I doubt if the word “peacemaker” will be crossing her lips.

There was a UN enquiry which stated in its bland way that it did not believe the slaughter was an accident. The UN report was accused of being anti-Semitic by Israel”.

I wish Israel would stick anti-Semitism up their backside where it belongs.

Below is a photo of what real Jews think about the Rothschild Zionists that control Israel.

In 2013 Cynthia McKinney had joined with a group of human rights activists who tried to deliver medical supplies to the people of Gaza but the Israeli Military stopped them. While in international waters, an Israeli Defence Forces warship rammed the pleasure boat and totally destroyed the boat. Neither the medical supplies nor the volunteers reached Gaza. Six months later they tried to deliver the supplies again but this time they were stopped by the Israel Defence Force and Mrs McKinney was through in prison for 7 days just for trying to help people who had just been bombed by Israel.

Mrs McKinney describes what she witnessed after another Israeli bombing

“Another stop on my tour of the effects of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead was a neighbourhood school, not nearly as big and grand as the American School. There, I could see the path of one missile that blew a hole clear through several walls of the school. There were markings on the chalkboard, including the Star of David. I saw several cans of peanuts on the floor. It is written in Hebrew. The Israeli soldiers blew up the school and then sat down in its ruins and enjoyed peanuts and drew religious and political markings on the chalkboard”.

Israel also gets the latest and most advanced US arms and technology, unrestricted US market access for its products and services, free entry of its immigrants, unconditional support for its aggressive wars and colonization of the Palestinians and South Lebanese, and guaranteed US vetoes in the Security Council against all UN resolutions unfavourable to its interests. It's also able to get prominent Washington officials and the dominant corporate-run and funded media to label all criticism of Israel anti-Semitic.

Professor James Petras is Emeritus of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York and his book is titled The Power of Israel in the United States. It documents the enormous influence of the Jewish Lobby on US policy in the Middle East. Petras calls the Palestinian genocide "Israel's Final Solution" or the "Palestinian Holocaust," and it's focal point is in Gaza which even unoccupied is the world's largest open-air prison for its 1.45 million people in the most densely populated space of its size in the world. Today the Strip and the West Bank are Israeli-directed killing fields targeting Palestinian civilians helpless to stop it beyond their courageous acts of desperation with crude weapons and their bodies against tanks, F-16s, helicopter gunships, and illegal and immoral terror weapons like white phosphorus bombs and shells, cluster bombs that never stop killing and maiming, and experimental new weapons that don't have publicly-known names yet.

We are repeatedly told that the Palestinians are terrorists while Israel is simply defending itself despite the reality that the overwhelming majority of those killed and displaced are Palestinians. We never hear US, Canadian, British political leaders (except George Galloway) or the mainstream media accuse Israel of perpetrating state terrorism. It just shows that these Politicians are bought and paid for by the Jewish organisations ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and the JDL in America and the Conservative Friends of Israel lobby group in the U.K

And yet, despite the military and humanitarian reality of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, our political leaders and the mainstream media repeatedly portray Israelis as the victims. Which is exactly what happened in World War 2 were Germany was portrayed as the Villain and the Jews were the victims but the German people were the actual victims and you will know this if you have read my first book.  But these are the biased accounts you get when the Jews own the western media.

Israel is the real terrorist state. It has breached dozens of United Nations resolutions. Israel was founded on the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians. It has consistently waged wars of aggression and conquest against the Arabs in the Middle East. The first war was the 6-Day War (1967) against Syria, Egypt and Jordan in which Israel stole much of their land including the Golan Heights. On three separate occasions it has invaded and occupied Lebanon and when Lebanon (Hezbollah) defends itself Israel calls them terrorists. But I think it is obvious who is doing the real terrorising in the Middle East. The Jews then use words like anti-Semitism which is used as a trump card to stop anyone criticizing Israel over its slaughter of the Palestinians.

It is all about control. Mind control. Propaganda. As long as you can define yourself as a victim (holocaust), they have the moral high ground. They will then find that, for the most part, they can tell any lies they want to, completely unchallenged. They will have carte blanche. No-one would dare challenge them, the poor victim.

In an interview on Press TV Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett gave his take on what Israel is trying to really get out of the Syrian conflict?

Kevin Barrett: “Well, they’re of course pursuing the Oded Yinon plan for dismembering their neighbouring countries. This has been the Israeli long-term strategy since the 1970s, when Oded Yinon published it. They’ve argued that they need to break up surrounding countries and balkanize the region on ethnic and sectarian lines, create chaos and civil war, and make sure that none of the surrounding countries are stable and strong enough to apply pressure on Israel to give the Palestinians justice and to withdraw from the territories that were so blatantly illegally occupied in 1967. Of course, the territories they stole in 1948 are also occupied territories. But the whole world supports the Palestinian position that the Israelis must withdraw from all of the territories they occupied in 1967. The Israelis have no interest in doing that. And so they are essentially taking down the whole region. They blew up the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 to get the Americans into the Middle East to destroy their enemies and pursue this Oded Yinon plan for the destruction and balkanization of the Middle East. And that’s why they’re the major players behind the destruction of Syria”.

Trump’s foreign policy toward the Middle East has been perfectly aligned with the joint Israeli-Saudi scheme known as the Greater Israel project (GIP). This clandestine project is fully backed by the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and the other major military members of NATO who are puppets of Israel.

Below a map of Greater Israel.

Palestinians are human beings and they should have a right to have their own country but the Rothschild Zionists under prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu continuously keep taking over Palestinian land and they will do so until Palestinians exist no more and the shameful Western Governments who are controlled by theses Zionists are too scared to do or say anything against it. One final thought, what if the 750,000 Palestinians who were removed from their homes and land were Jews? Would the world have watched if 750,000 Jews were kicked out of their home and slaughtered along the way? I don’t think so.

If you want to understand more about the Palestinian conflict then you really need to see the documentary that came out in 2017 titled ‘The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relation War in The United States’.

There is no doubt that the American people are bombarded with an unfair view of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict which favours Israel and that is simply because the Jews own the media in America and Congress is controlled by AIPAC as already mentioned. The Jewish owned Media in America and Britain twists the story so that the Palestinians are the terrorists and Israel are the victims but the actual opposite is the truth.

Roger Waters is the narrator of The Occupation of the American Mind. He is an English rock musician, singer-songwriter, and composer. He is best known as the bass player, co-lead vocalist, lyricist, and principal songwriter in the rock band Pink Floyd. Over the last few years, he has emerged as a prominent advocate for Palestinian human rights.

Below is a link to the company that made the film with details about how to view it.

Below is just 3 reviews about the film ‘The Occupation of the American Mind’.

“One of the most brilliant and important documentaries I have ever seen. If a student wishes to understand how powerful interests manipulate the news and politics in a 'free' society, and have turned the Palestinians into a non-people who have no rights and deserve no justice, this powerful film is mandatory viewing. It will change the way you understand the world.” —Robert W. McChesney, co-author, People Get Ready: The Fight against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy

“Amazing! Brilliantly exposes how American media is an active partner in the ugly and illegal occupation of Palestine. By promoting inaccurate narratives of self-defence and disguising the true stakes of the crisis, the State of Israel is able to garner sympathy and solidarity at a moment where it deserves outrage and critique. This is a must-watch documentary for anyone interested in understanding the truth of the Occupation and the failures of Western journalism.” —Marc Lamont Hill, CNN political analyst and host of HuffPost Live

“One of the most compelling and important documentaries in recent years, because it helps us make sense of the lies, mayhem, and injustice in the heart of the Middle East: Palestine. Never has propaganda, or 'public relations', been such a lethal weapon as it is in the hands of Israel, its apologists, and manipulators. To reach behind the facade that is 'news', watch this film.” —John Pilger, author, journalist and filmmaker.

“We made this film for a very simple reason: because we believe government officials and mainstream media elites are denying the American people the basic information they need to make sense of one of the most consequential conflicts in the world. Regardless of where the American people stand on this conflict, we believe they deserve better. We believe American democracy deserves better. And we believe in the democratic imperative of holding our political leaders — and our news media — accountable. Given the huge stakes in the region, and the sheer amount of military, economic, and diplomatic support the United States gives Israel, we believe the American people have a right and a responsibility to make up their own minds about this conflict”,

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