» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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and those who are profiting now are the international financiers, the Jews. Gather together the fifty wealthiest financiers, the men who create wars for their own profits, control them and you will put an end to it all”, - Henry Ford (Business magnate and the founder of the Ford Motor Company), author – ‘The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem’ - 1921.

"I know who caused the war (World War I) - the Jewish bankers! I have the evidence here. Facts!" by Henry Ford 1921

World War 1 was started by the Illuminati with the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by the Jewish Freemason group the ‘Young Turks’ of which Gavrilo Princip the assassin that fired the fatal shots was a member.

It was revealed during the trial of Gavrilo Princip the assassin of Franz Ferdinand (the heir to the Austrian throne), that the French Masonic organisation Grand Orient was behind the assassination plans and not the Serbian nationalist organisation the Black Hand. Nedelko Cabrinovic revealed in court how the freemasons had sentenced Franz Ferdinand to death. Princip was also Jewish and a freemason. Nedeljko Cabrinovic was a Bosnian Serb member of the pro-Yugoslav Young Bosnia movement and one of seven young men of a secret society known as the Black Hand who conspired to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria during his June 1914 visit to Sarajevo. The Zionist newspaper Peiewische Vordle wrote on the 13th of January 1919: "The international Jewry... believed it necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world”.

But why should 880’000 young British men die (20 million total deaths) because Serbian Revolutionaries murdered an Austrian Archduke. The world is run by psychopaths, that’s why. The Secret Elite then used this assassination to stir up the flames of war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia which ultimately led to the countries in the alliances and agreements to go to war. The ultimate aim was to get Germany involved in the war so that it could be crushed.

World War 1 was started for the following reasons:

To crush and break apart Germany

To break up the Turkish Ottoman Empire because they controlled Palestine.

To create the state of Israel by stealing Palestine

To create a League of Nations (the start of their one world government)

To make a huge profit for the Illuminati Jewish bankers who funded all sides. That profit would double with America’s entry into the war because they now controlled America’s money supply with the Federal Reserve which just happened to be created just before the war started in 1913.

Germany was to be destroyed because it was starting to become a stronger trading entity than the British Empire. The Illuminati had to combine the might of Britain, France, and Russia and for the last 6 months of the war America to defeat Germany. Germany was then blamed for starting the war and for all the destruction and mayhem, a big lie. The Versailles Treaty was put in place to break Germany up so that it could no longer be a trade or financial rival to the British Empire. Germany had parts of its country stolen from it and given to the newly created Poland and Czechoslovakia

The Rothschild’s failed to establish a world government at the Congress of Vienna in 1814 and 1815, but they established the League of Nations on April 28, 1919, during the Versailles Peace Conference. While it existed, the future president of the World Zionist Congress, Nahum Sokolow, admitted, “The League of Nations is a Jewish idea. We created it after a fight of twenty-five years.” “For the peace of the world a League of Nations let us have by all means; but for the Humanity of the World, to give justice to the Jew.”

In November of 1917, the Balfour Declaration was made by Baron Rothschild. Lord Rothschild was a leading member of the British Zionist Federation. It was established in 1899 to create and advocate for a permanent homeland for the Jewish people. The Jewish people were just a cover so that the Zionists could control the Middle East. The Rothschild family controlled Britain, and also pushed the Mandate for Palestine. The Mandate for Palestine was set up by the British to include a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. All of these mandates, and all of these laws were created out of thin air to impose a political movement called Zionism, to remove inhabitants from their land.

A large portion of the planet’s population has been made to believe that Zionism is a race, including a large portion of the Jewish community. Zionism is not a race, it is a political organization that has had an agenda with regards to Palestine. A large majority of Jewish people are fundamentally opposed to Zionism.

Benjamin Freedman’s World War 1 Statement

Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. In his speech below he suggests that it was the Jewish Zionists who caused the defeat of Germany in World War 1.

Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.

Mr Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over America. Mr Freedman was personally acquainted with Jew Bernard Baruch, Jew Samuel Untermeyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.

This speech below was given by Benjamin Freedman before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington.

“The reason is that here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government. For many reasons too many and too complex to go into here at this -- time I'll be glad to answer questions, however, to support that statement -- the Zionists and their co-religionists rule this United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country.

Now, you say, 'well, that's a very broad statement to make', but let me show what happened while you were -- I don't want to wear that out --- let me show what happened while we were all asleep. I'm including myself with you. We were all asleep. What happened?

World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. Nineteen-hundred and fourteen was the year in which World War One broke out. There are few people here my age who remember that. Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. What happened?

Within two years Germany had won that war: not alone won it nominally, but won it actually. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean, and Great Britain stood there without ammunition for her soldiers, stood there with one week's food supply facing her -- and after that, starvation.

At that time, the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. They were picking up their toys and going home, they didn't want to play war anymore, and they didn't like the Czar. And the Italian army had collapsed.

Now Germany -- not a shot had been fired on the German soil. Not an enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet, here was Germany offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: “Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started.”

Well, England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that. Seriously! They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and -- I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn't believe what I'm saying is at all possible -- the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”

The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.”

In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.”

Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain -- that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine -- should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war.

However, they made that promise, in October of 1916. October, nineteen hundred and sixteen. And shortly after that -- I don't know how many here remember it -- the United States, which was almost totally pro-German -- totally pro-German -- because the newspapers here were controlled by Jews, the bankers were Jews, all the media of mass communications in this country were controlled by Jews, and they were pro-German because their people, in the majority of cases came from Germany, and they wanted to see Germany lick the Czar.

The Jews didn't like the Czar, and they didn't want Russia to win this war. So the German bankers -- the German-Jews -- Kuhn Loeb and the other big banking firms in the United States refused to finance France or England to the extent of one dollar. They stood aside and they said: “As long as France and England are tied up with Russia, not one cent!” But they poured money into Germany, they fought with Germany against Russia, trying to lick the Czarist regime.

Now those same Jews, when they saw the possibility of getting Palestine, they went to England and they made this deal. At that time, everything changed, like the traffic light that changes from red to green. Where the newspapers had been all pro-German, where they'd been telling the people of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies' hands. And they were no good.

Well, shortly after that, Mr Wilson declared war on Germany.

The Zionists in London sent these cables to the United States, to Justice Brandeis: “Go to work on President Wilson. We're getting from England what we want. Now you go to work, and you go to work on President Wilson and get the United States into the war." And that did happen. That's how the United States got into the war. We had no more interest in it; we had no more right to be in it than we have to be on the moon tonight instead of in this room.

Now the war -- World War One -- in which the United States participated had absolutely no reason to be our war. We went in there -- we were railroaded into it -- if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into -- that war merely so that the Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. Now, that is something that the people in the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War One. Now, what happened?

After we got into the war, the Zionists went to Great Britain

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