» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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and they said: “Well, we performed our part of the agreement. Let's have something in writing that shows that you are going to keep your bargain and give us Palestine after you win the war.” Because they didn't know whether the war would last another year or another ten years. So they started to work out a receipt. The receipt took the form of a letter, and it was worded in very cryptic language so that the world at large wouldn't know what it was all about. And that was called the Balfour Declaration.

The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain's promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war. So this great Balfour Declaration, that you hear so much about, is just as phony as a three dollar bill. And I don't think I could make it more emphatic than that.

Now, that is where all the trouble started. The United States went in the war. The United States crushed Germany. We went in there, and it's history. You know what happened. Now, when the war was ended, and the Germans went to Paris, to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, there were 117 Jews there, as a delegation representing the Jews, headed by Bernard Baruch. I was there: I ought to know. Now what happened?

The Jews at that peace conference, when they were cutting up Germany and parcelling out Europe to all these nations that claimed a right to a certain part of European territory, the Jews said, “How about Palestine for us?” And they produced, for the first time to the knowledge of the Germans, this Balfour Declaration. So the Germans, for the first time realized, “oh, that was the game! That's why the United States came into the war.” And the Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered this terrific reparation that was slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and they were determined to get it at any cost.

Now, that brings us to another very interesting point. When the Germans realized this, they naturally resented it. Up to that time, the Jews had never been better off in any country in the world than they had been in Germany.

You had Mr Rathenau there, who was maybe 100 times as important in industry and finance as is Bernard Baruch in this country. You had Mr Balin, who owned the two big steamship lines, the North German Lloyd's and the Hamburg-American Lines. You had Mr Bleichroder, who was the banker for the Hohenzollern family. You had the Warburg’s in Hamburg, who were the big merchant bankers -- the biggest in the world. The Jews were doing very well in Germany. No question about that. Now, the Germans felt: “Well that was quite a sell-out.”

It was a sell out that I can best compare -- suppose the United States was at war today with the Soviet Union. And we were winning. And we told the Soviet Union: “Well, let's quit. We offer you peace terms. Let's forget the whole thing.” And all of a sudden Red China came into the war as an ally of the Soviet Union. And throwing them into the war brought about our defeat. A crushing defeat, with reparations the likes of which man's imagination cannot encompass.

Imagine, then, after that defeat, if we found out that it was the Chinese in this country, our Chinese citizens, who all the time we thought they were loyal citizens working with us, were selling us out to the Soviet Union and that it was through them that Red China was brought into the war against us. How would we feel, in the United States against Chinese? I don't think that one of them would dare show his face on any street. There wouldn't be lampposts enough, convenient, to take care of them. Imagine how we would feel.

Well, that's how the Germans felt towards these Jews. "We've been so nice to them"; and from 1905 on, when the first Communist revolution in Russia failed, and the Jews had to scramble out of Russia, they all went to Germany. And Germany gave them refuge. And they were treated very nicely. And here they sold Germany down the river for no reason at all other than they wanted Palestine as a so-called “Jewish commonwealth.” - Benjamin Freedman before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington.

To anyone who says this is a conspiracy theory then listen to the words of Jew Chaim Weizmann who served as secretary of the World Zionist Organization and later as the first president of Israel,

“The only way (which proved so to be) to induce the American President to come into the war was to secure the cooperation of Zionist Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in favour of the Allies on aquid pro quo contract basis”.

"Israel won the war (WW1); we made it; we thrived on it; we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." (The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London, Count Mensdorf, 1918).

“That is how they got us into World War I, while we all slept. They sent our boys over there to be slaughtered. For what? So the Jews can have Palestine as their “commonwealth.” They’ve fooled you so much that you don’t know whether you’re coming or going”, Benjamin Freedman.

“We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest Great War but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.”, Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish author, quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine.

Britain accepted the Jewish deal and 6 months later they got America into the war.

So the Jews got America into the war which was the reason that Germany was defeated. This is just one of the reasons why Hitler and many Germans disliked the Jews and who can really blame them for that after what they brought down on to Germany. Also the might of Britain, France and Russia would never have defeated the Germans by themselves.

The Versailles Treaty Swindle

Unbelievably Germany was to be blamed for starting the war and blamed for all the death and destruction and would have to pay all the victorious nations money to cover their costs. Britain’s starvation blockade was set up until Germany signed a document accepting responsibility for the war.

The American President Woodrow Wilson set 14 points as the terms for a peace treaty to end the war. Germany agreed to the armistice on good faith that these 14 points would be carried out. But once the Paris Peace Conference was set up in 1919 France and Britain would ignore these 14 points and instead they came up with the barbarous Versailles Peace Treaty which was set up to financially and economically crush Germany so that it could never rise again. This was the secret elite’s objective from the beginning.

These were the main points of the terrible Versailles Treaty.

1. Germany must accept 100% responsibility for the war. (It was not responsible at all)
2. German armed forces restricted to 100,000 men.
3. The industrial German Rhineland will be occupied by French troops for 15 years.
4. Kaiser Wilhelm II (safe in Holland) should be tried for "offenses against international morality". (He did nothing wrong)
5. The German region of West Prussia is given to the new nation of Poland. (Would be used to start World War 2)
Two million West Prussians are forcefully expelled from their homes, and East Prussia is left
isolated from the rest of Germany!
6. The German Sudetenland (3 million Germans) region is put under the rule of the new nation of ‘Czechoslovakia’.
7. The new state of Austria is forbidden from uniting with their brethren in Germany.
8. Germany is stripped of African colonies, Cameroon, Namibia and Tanzania. Britain, France, & Belgium take them.
9. The coal-rich Saar region of Germany is placed under League of Nations control for 15 years.
During this time, its coal is to be shipped to France.
10. The Baltic Sea port city of Danzig is separated from Germany and declared a "free city."(This port would be used to start World War 2)
11. Germany is forced to pay massive war reparations in the form of money and natural resources.
The crushing debt payments (equal to 1 Trillion dollars in modern currency) will devastate the
German economy and soon cause a hyperinflationary monetary collapse.

No country in the history of the world that has ever lost a war has had such nefarious conditions placed upon it. Any serious historian knows that if Germany won the war they would not have placed the same conditions and reparations on Britain. Do you really think Germany would have took all overseas territories of Britain, Stolen her coal mining, removed her navy and air force and took away Scotland and Wales. No I am sure that would not have happened but Britain was prepared to do this to Germany and that was the plan from the very beginning.

In 1919 President Wilson heads to the Paris Peace Conference but who did Wilson appoint to head the American delegation to the peace conference? The Jewish Paul Warburg – who he’d also named vice chairman of the Federal Reserve! How could Warburg – a recent immigrant – be the only person qualified for these critical positions? Who did Wilson bring to Paris as his chief economic advisor? Again we find the Jewish banker Bernard Baruch, to whom he made his campaign pledges. Wilson did not invite any leading Democratic Party members to travel with him to Paris – not a single Senator or congressman accompanied him; only the Jewish bankers and their entourage.

The Jews had a huge representation at the Paris Peace Conference. The following leading Jews were there to advise America, Britain and France: Lord Walter Rothschild, Lionel de Rothschild, Sir Phillip Sassoon, Moses Montefiore, Felix Frankfurter, Jacob de Haas, Paul Warburg Bernard Baruch Jeroboam Rothschild and many more. But you might say why the Jews should be there at all, they were not the leaders of any country. The Jews normally get Christian soldiers to fight there wars and then reap the benefits. It just goes to show you the power the Jews had on the presidents and prime ministers and I would suggest they had a huge say in laying down some of the Versailles treaties main terms which were to crush Germany. Yet it is still a great puzzle to some people why some Germans disliked the Jews, I don’t understand why that might be.

To sum up the Secret Elite in London and its Allies wanted to crush Germany and reduce its size and economy and this is exactly what happened. They brought this about by falsely blaming Germany for starting the war and for all the death and destruction, which was just nonsense and lies. The Jews also had a hand in Germany’s downfall with their action in getting America into the war.

A million Germans, mainly women, children and the elderly, starved to death as the result of the Royal Navy’s food blockade which was controlled by Winston Churchill. This blockade was kept for 8 months after the war until Germany signed the treaty and accepted all these conditions. This treaty was the only reason that World War 2 broke out.

In his book, "Propaganda for War", Prof. H.C. Peterson wrote: "By 1918, approximately 763,000 Germans had died of malnutrition and sickness resulting from the blockade." These Germans were children, women, and old men, the weakest members of society.

“At the end of the First World War, Germany was essentially tricked into paying massive reparations to France and other economic competitors and former belligerent countries by the terms of the iniquitous Treaty of Versailles, thanks to the meddling of liberal American President Woodrow Wilson, himself acting under Jewish advice”. [See Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World (1983), p.24; and H. Nicholson, Peacemaking, 1919 (1933), pp. 13-16]

Germany was declared to be solely responsible for the Great War of 1914-1918 in spite of the fact that “Germany did not plot a European war, did not want one, and made genuine efforts, though too belated, to avert one.” (Professor Sydney B. Fay, The Origins of the World War (Vol. 2, p. 552).

They must have known that Germany could not accept or live under these conditions forever. Any country with any self-respect would try their hardest to remove these restrictions placed upon them. Who knows maybe some man or organisation will come

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