» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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along and remove the Versailles treaty that is strangling the German people?

On a slight side note a certain soldier came out of the war that would end up being that man.

Adolf Hitler was 25 when he volunteered to fight for Austria in World War 1. He served with great distinction, and was promoted to Lance Corporal after being awarded the German Iron Cross 2nd Class for bravery. In 1916 he was badly wounded and was sent to a military hospital. He could have went home but volunteered to go back and return to the front line. In 1918 he was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class and later was temporarily blinded by a British poison gas attack.

From this information it is easily understood how the world has been deceived about the role of the Jewish Zionists in World War 1. But this is how the Illuminati work, causing the destruction but blaming someone else and in this case that someone else was Germany.


To find out the truth about World War 2 we need to look at Communism which was trying to overthrow many European nations, including Germany.

“There exists a world Communist movement which, in its origins, its development, and its present practice, is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any other means deemed necessary, to establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in the countries throughout the world through the medium of a world-wide Communist organization”, - ADRIEN ARCAND, Canadian political leader in New York Speech, October 30, 1937

“The “New World Order” is a phrase first uttered in public, which is to say outside of Jewish circles, by George Bush Sr., a Skull and Bones (founded in 1832 at Yale University as a black lodge of freemasonry) secret society member in 1990 to a joint session of Congress. A phrase we have heard repeated by every president since, that is until Trump. You have seen it in numerous quotes to this point but what does this phrase mean exactly? Knowing what we now know of the Jewish agenda and motivation we can develop a general outline of their plan and its purpose. They want to establish a single world government under Communism with central banks owned by Jews with Jews in charge of and owning everything. It is the continued agenda laid out by the Illuminati they tried to accomplish during the Russian revolution, which is to say turn the entire world into what was the Soviet Union, lucky for us Hitler knew their plans and bought us some time. After the Second World War Communism became a dirty word in western nations so the “left” simply changed the name and now push their agenda under the label “progressive”, which to this point had operated under the guise of a liberal movement”, - Daniel Estulin, Author ‘Communism’ and ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group’

Over the last 120 years Communism has killed over 100 million human beings in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Germany, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and North Korea.

This will be a bitter pill for some who believe their hoax that they are God’s chosen people but facts prove that the Jews created, promoted, and perpetuated Communism.

Moses Mordecai Marx Levi (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883), better known as Karl Marx was a 19th century Jewish political theorist and ideologue. Marx was born into a family of Jewish rabbis a decedent of Rabbi Meir ben Isaac Katzenellenbogen. Karl Marx was Jewish! Since Karl Marx's mother was Jewish, and in Judaism one's religion is based on one's mother's religion, then that makes him also Jewish. Marx is best known as the father of Communism. His Communist Manifesto and later Das Kapital formulated the core ideology of Bolshevism the ideology that Lenin used to seize Russia in 1917. Lenin’s Jewish Bolshevik regime murdered in excess of 66 million ethnic Europeans.

“The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way. They must perish in a revolutionary holocaust” – Karl Marx

In the manifesto, Marx said, “The ruling classes shall tremble before the coming Communist Revolution! We can only reach our goals by violently overthrowing the entire established order. We are merciless and do not demand any clemency. When it is our turn, we will not hide our terrorism”.

Also Moses (Moshe) Hess (June 21, 1812 – April 6, 1875) was a Jewish philosopher, international socialist, and one of the founders of Zionism.

"The Communist Manifesto," originally known as "The Manifesto of the Communist Party," was published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848, and is one of the most widely taught texts within sociology. The text was commissioned by the Communist League in London and was originally published there, in German. While at the time it served as a political rally cry for the communist movement throughout Europe. The communist Jews main plan was to overthrow Western Christian civilizations and that plan is nearing its end with the immigration of non-whites into Western Countries which will make the white people a minority in their own countries America, Europe and Canada in 50 years.

When WW2 was over Communism took over all of Eastern Europe and Jews were placed mostly at the head of these Communist governments.

After Communism finally caught shape in troubled Russia in 1919, the ideology of communism was spread throughout Europe by activists who were usually Jewish, e.g. Karl Radek in Germany, Bela Kun in Hungary and Ana Pauker in Romania.

Let’s take a closer look at the Jewish revolutionaries who tried to take over most of Europe in the early 20th century.

Rosa Luxemburg – Jewish Polish Marxist theorist, economist and revolutionary; she co-founded “Spartacus League” which eventually became the Communist Party of Germany; after she became a German citizen, she became a member of the party.

Bela Kun (Cohen) – Jewish communist revolutionary who led the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919. The Romanian Army removed him from the government in the same year. Killed over 100,000 in Hungary.

Israel Epstein (Jewish) – born in Poland, he moved to China where he worked as journalist and author. Member of the Communist Party of China, he became minister of appropriations in the communist government.

Ernest Gero – Jewish – a member of Comintern in France in 1930’s; First Secretary of the Communist Party in Hungary.

Gabor Peter (Jewish - born Benjamin Auschpitz) – head of the Hungarian secret police (AVH), which was notorious for its brutality even by Soviet standards.

Maurice Levitas - Jewish – Irish academic and communist. In 1931 and joined the Communist Party of Great Britain. He participated in the Spanish Civil war, as did many communist activists who saw war as tool to create a revolution and implement their ideology.

Matyas Rákosi (Jewish born Rosenfeld) – de-facto ruler of Communist Hungary. He was part of Bela Kun’s government in 1919; fled to Russia after Soviet Hungary’s collapse. Became Comiterm leader. Returned to Hungary as ruler enforced by Joseph Stalin when Hungary fell under communism after WW2.

Aleksandr Orlov (Jewish-born Leiba Feldbin) – General in the Soviet secret police and NKVD during the Spanish Civil war. Worked closely with Genrik Yagoda. He secretly transported the entire gold reserve of the Spanish Republic to the USSR. Just like the Romanian National Treasure, the Gold was never returned.

Gheorghe Stoica (Jewish-born Moscu Cohn) – one of the founders of the Romanian Communist party. He participated in the Spanish civil war against Franco. Franco was trying to defend Christian Spain from a Jewish Communist takeover and that is why Hitler helped him.

Mihály Farkas (Jewish - born Loewy) – Hungarian politician, converted to communism in 1930’s, fought in the Spanish Civil war, lived in Soviet Union. Arrived in Hungary in 1944 as a secretary the Hungarian Communist Party; later became Minister of National Defense.

Michael Farkas (born Wolf) – Hungarian defense minister in the first communist government formed after World War 2.

Joseph Revai – Jewish - one of the founders of the Communist Party of Hungary in 1918. Became minister of propaganda in the first Hungarian communist government formed after World War 2.

Boleslaw Bierut – Jewish Polish Communist leader, NKVD agent and President of Stalinist Poland after the end of World War II.

Salomon Morel – Jewish commander of NKVD set-up Polish concentration camp after the end of WW2; colonel in Poland’s political police; commander of Katowice prison. In 1994, Poland indicted him for crimes against humanity. Morel fled to Israel, who refused to extradite him despite repeated requests by Poland.

Lavrentiy Beria – Jewish Soviet politician, Marshal of the Soviet Union and state security administrator, chief of NKVD during World War II, and Deputy Premier in 1946–53.

Yakov Yurovsky – Jewish - Bolshevik revolutionary and Marxist; during the Bolshevik takeover of Russia, he executed the imperial Romanov family.

Sidney Rittenberg – American Jewish journalist and scholar who worked closely with leader Mao and statesmen of Communist China. As a prominent media leader in China, being the head of the Broadcast Administration, he promoted the Cultural Revolution in China (pro-communist movement). Mao killed at least 40 million of his own people under the Communist flag.

Grigori Voitinsky – Jewish member of Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he took part in the pro-Communist revolution in Siberia and the Far East. As a Comiterm official, he was sent to China as an adviser and he helped the formation of the Communist party of China.

Mikhail Borodin (Jewish - born Mikhail Gruzenberg) – a prominent Comintern (Communist International) agent, and later a Chinese government adviser of Communist leader Mao. He joined the Bolshevik party in 1903 and became an associate of Vladimir Lenin. He worked in Mexico, the United States and the United Kingdom as a Comintern agent.

Artur London – Czech communist Jewish politician, part of the first communist government as foreign prime-minister in late 1940’s.

Andrei Loukanov – the last Jewish communist prime minister of Bulgaria. His family moved from Moscow to Bulgaria after the 1944 communist takeover.

Max Goldstein – communist activist and terrorist in Romania, supported by Soviet Cheka. In 1920, together with 2 other Jewish communists –Leon Lichtblau and Saul Ozias, he committed 2 bomb attacks against Romanian government officials who were opposing communism. The first attack failed, the second one killed the minister of justice and 2 senators.

Jakob Berman – prominent Jewish communist in prewar Poland; member of the Soviet-formed Polish United Workers’ Party. Leader of the State Security Services Urząd Bezpieczeństwa – the largest secret police in Polish history. He was considered Stalin’s right hand in Poland.

Salvador Allende Gossens – Jewish senator, deputy and cabinet minister and eventually president of Chile (South American) in 1970’s. He applied Marxist policies (nationalization, collectivization) which proved to be unpopular among Chileans. He was removed from presidency through a coup d’etat, after which he committed suicide.

Avram Bunaciu (Jewish - born Abraham Gutman) – Romanian minister of Justice and Foreign minister in the new communist government formed after World War 2.

Alexandru Nicolschi (Jewish - born Boris Grunberg) – Romanian communist activist, Soviet officer, NKVD spy, and Securitate chief (Romanian Communist secret police). When sent as spy in Romania during the war, he was arrested; he was liberated by the Red Army and became the head of the most violent structures in communist Romania.

Vladimir Herzog - Jewish – emigrated from Europe to Brazil. A journalist and Communist activist, he was active in the civil resistance movement against the government of Brazil in 1970’s. He was member of the Brazilian communist party, which was deemed illegal.

Idel Jakobson – Jewish-NKVD investigator in Estonia. According to the official reports of the Estonian Internal Security Service, Jakobson sentenced 1.200 people to death and persecuted 2.000 people. Arrested for subversive activities directed against Estonia in 1931, he returned when communists took power after the end of WW2.

Rudolf Slánský – Jewish Czech Communist politician who lead the creation of Communist rule in Czechoslovakia. Was General Secretary of the Communist Party after World War 2?

"The Rulers of Russia, then, are Jewish Politicians, and they are applying to the world the doctrine of Karl Marx (Mordecai). Marx, was a clear and lucid Talmudist...full of that old Hebrew materialism which ever dreams of a paradise on earth and always rejects the hope held out of the chance of a Garden of Eden after Death." (Bernard Lazare, L'antisemitisme, p. 346; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 47)

Jewish supremacist, Rabbi Harry Waton, admitted not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation

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