» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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capability range of over 500 miles. Up to that distance the Liberty could intercept virtually any form of wireless communication, including military and diplomatic traffic, telemetry data, rocket guidance and satellite control, among others. It could then decode and process the intercepted messages and relay them back to the NSA in the U.S. At the time, the ship was in international waters about 25 miles northwest of the Egyptian town of Arish. President Johnson gave the green light for Israel to start the 6-Day war against Egypt and made it clear that Israel could not move this war into Syria or Jordan for fear of reprisals from the Soviet Union. So the listening ship the USS Liberty was sent into Egyptians waters to listen into troop movements of the Israeli military.

Without any warning, Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on the USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking the USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began an attack and five torpedoes were launched with one hitting the Liberty. The torpedo boats then went up and down the ship firing on it with cannon fire.

A brief distress signal was sent by the Liberty which was picked up by the USS Saratoga and USS America and each launched aircraft to come to the aid of USS Liberty. Israeli attack helicopters then arrived on the scene with soldiers on board ready to board the Liberty but the Israeli’s knew these aircraft were heading in the direction of the Liberty so they called of their attacks. A 40 million dollar state of the art ship had now been destroyed with 34 Americans dead. Israel said it was mistaken identity even though there was a massive American flag flying on the Liberty and the incident was swept under the carpet by the US administration. If it was the Arabs that had attacked the Liberty it would have been all over the media and Israel would have pressured the U.S for revenge but because it was Israel it was all hushed up.

There are some people who think this may have been another false flag attack by Israel. The reasoning is the Israeli attack helicopters would have lowered men onto the Liberty to kill all survivors and then leave some evidence to blame it on the Egyptians and then that would enable the United States to fight on the side of Israel in this war with Egypt. But when the attack helicopters found out that U.S aircraft were heading in their direction they called of the attack.

America gives Israel $3 billion per year just for its military budget and at the time of this attack it was receiving about $300 million per year from America. Israel then uses this money to kill Americans. The Jews will stab anyone in the back for political gain they did it to Germany during WW1 when the German Jewish bankers got America into the war on the promise of Palestine from Britain.

Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, provide authoritative analysis. "I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity," Admiral Moorer has said. "What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they [the Israelis] could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry. I have to conclude that it was Israel's intent to sink the Liberty and leave as few survivors as possible."

"Israel's premeditated, sneak attack, on the USS Liberty was a direct attack on America," says Phillip Tourney, a crewman wounded in the attack. Fifteen years after the attack an Israeli Pilot who was ordered to participate in the attack came forward, approaching Liberty survivors and former Congressman Paul N. McCloskey. The pilot relates that he identified the ship as American and informed his superiors, but was told to proceed with the attack. When he refused to do so, he was arrested on returning to base.

“Israeli messages intercepted on June 8, 1967, leave no doubt that sinking the USS Liberty was the mission assigned to the attacking Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats as the Six-Day War raged in the Middle East. Let me repeat: there is no doubt – none – that the mission of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) was to destroy the USS Liberty and kill its entire crew.” – Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern.

“I don’t give a dam if everyone on the liberty sinks, we are not embarrassing Israel” U.S President Johnson.

So it does not matter if many Americans die as long as Israel in not embarrassed. Again it just shows how controlled these Presidents are by the Jewish Zionists.

This is the only U.S ship that has been attacked were no investigation has taken place and Israel has never been held accountable. It just shows how much control the Rothschild Zionists had of the U.S Administration even in the 1960’s.

Attack on the U.S.S Cole, Yemen 2000

In October 2000, the USS Cole was allegedly attacked by suicide bombers, while in port in Aden, Yemen. The explosion ripped a hole in the hull of the ship, killing 17 U.S. sailors. Thirty-nine others were injured. The attack was attributed to Al Qaeda. However this was a similar attack to the USS Liberty which we know was carried out by Israel. Look at the two photos below of the USS Liberty and the USS Cole, the damage is similar. A former CIA agent who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially-configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Probably the same type of missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Israeli tests of the missile in May 2000 in the waters off Sri Lanka demonstrated it could hit a target 930 miles away. The ex-CIA agent also stated that Ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine (Jewish) threw (FBI investigator) John O’Neill and his team out of Yemen because their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile. FBI investigator John O’Neill had his investigation thwarted. He was not permitted to interview Yemenis who witnessed the Cole explosion and was not permitted to examine the hat worn by one of the bombers in the boat. John O’Neill had been with the FBI for 20 years, and was involved in investigating a number of terrorist cases, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He was considered the FBI’s top man on terrorism. In the late 1990’s, he became very attuned to Israel’s involvement in many terror operations. In fact Abu Nidal was the leader of the infamous Black September terror organization, and spent 30 years hijacking jets and planting bombs for Israel intelligence. O'Neill suspected Abu Nidal was a Mossad operative and talked openly about it with other field agents. The Jewess Bodine started an intense political battle to oust O’Neill from the Cole investigation. Bodine and Madeleine Albright (Jewish secretary of Defence) finally went to the Zionist Jewish FBI Director, Louis Freeh, to remove John O'Neill from Yemen. O’Neill was sent from Yemen and was not allowed to return. In July 2001, O’Neill resigned from the FBI. See how the Jews stick together to cover up Jewish crimes.

John O’Neill was given a job by the Jewish Larry Silverstein (Twin Towers owner) in security at the World Trade Centre for a Jewish security firm Kroll Associates and his first day on the job was 9/11/01 and unfortunately he was one of the victims. Was he intentionally given that job so that he would be silenced? Yes of course he was 100%. The Jews silenced him, he knew too much.

The former CIA agent said the reason for the Israeli attack was to further galvanize U.S. public opinion against Al Qaeda and It was also used to install the Al Qaeda group into the minds of the American public because a year later they would be blamed for 9/11.

Yemen’s Interior Minister Hussein Mohammed Arab made a statement that there was no evidence linking the Cole bombing to Al Qaeda “Investigations have not so far proved, either to us or to the Americans, any link between Osama bin Laden and the Cole bombing”.

So again here we have Jews killing Americans and blaming it on the Arabs, just like the USS Liberty, the Lavon Affair and the King David Hotel as we will now discover.

Below a photo of the U.S.S Cole.

Below a similar hole in the U.S.S Liberty which we know was carried out by Israel.

Jews bomb the King David Hotel

The King David Hotel in Palestine was the home in 1946 of British military command and the British Criminal Investigation Division. It was bombed by the Israeli terrorists Irgun and the attack killed 92 people, most of them civilians. It was organised by Irgun leader, Menachem Begin, who went on to be twice prime minister of Israel. The Jewish motive was to destroy all evidence the British had gathered proving that the terrorist crime waves in Palestine were not merely the actions of “fringe” groups such as the Irgun and Stern Gang, but were committed in collusion with the Haganah and Palmach groups and under the direction of the highest political body of the Zionist establishment itself, namely the Jewish Agency. That so many innocent civilian lives were lost in the King David massacre is a normal part of the pattern of the history of Zionist outrages. In a 2002 BBC documentary called “Age of Terror,” the Zionist bombers admitted to disguising themselves as Arabs as they carried out the attack. Not that last sentence well because the Zionist Jews would do a similar thing on 9/11, that is carry out the attack themselves and blame Arabs.

Israel and the Lavon Affair, 1954

Israel initiated another false flag deception in 1954, this time in Egypt. Egyptian Jews who had been
recruited by Israeli intelligence planted firebombs in British and American-owned cinemas and other
buildings in Cairo and Alexandria. The attacks were designed to frame Egyptian Muslims and thereby
poison relations between Egypt and the West. Codenamed “Operation Susannah,” the plot was foiled
after one of the Zionists’ explosives detonated prematurely in his pocket, leading to the capture and
confessions of all the Zionist conspirators. The incident was later

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