» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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Mossad strikes Argentine

The two worst terror attacks in Argentine history occurred in 1992 and 1994 which were the bombings of first the Israel’s Embassy and then the AMIA Jewish Mutual building. The first took place in March 17th 1992, and completely demolished the Israeli Embassy, with 29 people dead. The second one similarly brought down the headquarters of the AMIA Jewish Mutual Association in July 1994, and killed 86 people. Under pressure from both USA and Israel the Argentinians laid the blame on Hezbollah and Iran.

There is every reason to believe that the entire Argentine investigation was essentially a cover-up that protected the real perpetrators which were more than likely Mossad. This is how Mossad works by deception, kill civilians and plant evidence to try and blame your enemies, another carbon copy of their upcoming 9/11 event.

Argentine investigations into both terror attacks have been riddled with two decades of corruption under successive “democratic” governments, beginning with Carlos Menem who was president when both attacks took place, and up to the present Administration.

The attack against the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, which caused 29 dead and 242 wounded, was instantly blamed on Hezbollah suicide bombers who used a truck bomb. But the judge in charge of the investigation revealed pressures from the US and Israeli delegates and manipulation of evidence and false testimony to lean the investigation toward the theory of a truck bomb, while facts indicated that the explosion came from inside the building. When the Argentine Supreme Court upheld this argument, the spokesman of the Israeli embassy accused the judges of anti-Semitism.

The Argentine National Academy of Engineers society undertook research and they concluded that the explosion was from the inside the embassy building and not from a car bomb. When then Supreme Court Judge Adolfo Vazquez quite reasonably accepted its report, he was publicly rebuked and even insulted by Mr. Ram Aviram, Israel’s ambassador to Argentina. To confirm this even more a passer-by had filmed from several blocks away the mushroom cloud that rose from that explosion, a characteristic effect that also pointed to an internal explosion. Why would the Israel’s ambassador accuse a judge of being anti-Semitic just because he wanted to agree with expert advice that the explosion came from inside the building. It’s as if Israel wanted the world to believe it was a car bomb so they could pin the blame on Hezbollah or Iran.

You see for the falsified story to work Israel, Mossad and the Zionist network which includes the CIA have to put the blame on a car bomb because otherwise that means Arab terrorists would have to have gotten inside the building to plant the bomb. Of course they would not have any evidence of Arab terrorists entering the building through CCTV and so forth but there is more than likely evidence of Mossad agents been allowed into the Israel embassy to plant the bombs.

Every time there is an attack with real car-bombs, you always find large parts of the vehicles used by the terrorists. In these two attacks, however, nothing was found of either of the alleged bomb-carrying vehicles except for false evidence apparently planted by Israeli Intelligence officers.

The AMIA bombing was an attack (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building. It occurred in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds. The AMIA Mutual building also housed the powerful DAIA – Delegation of Israeli Associations in Argentina – pro-Israel lobby.

President Carlos Menem officially requested the assistance of the FBI and CIA from the United States and the Mossad intelligence service and the armed forces of Israel.

Almost immediately, those same Israelis “luckily” found a piece of the alleged car-bomb – a white Renault van – that “luckily” just happened to have the manufacturer’s serial number on it. This was reminiscent of other highly unlikely but “lucky” finds, such as the FBI’s locating one alleged suicide bomber intact passport in the rubble of the World Trade Center just after 9/11!

This evidence was finally rejected by the Court when it became so flagrantly obvious that it had been planted at the scene of the crime by Israeli agents. They then came up with several other pieces of the car-bomb van, which, when sent to the local Renault plant for verification, turned out to belong to two different vehicles, one of which apparently didn’t have a fuel pump installed, so it could have hardly gone anywhere!

Obviously this planting of evidence by Israeli Mossad agents was to try and convince the Argentine authorities that a car bomb was used but in reality bombs were planted in both building by Mossad for reasons I will go into later.

Of 200 initial eyewitnesses to the bombing, only one claimed to have seen the white Renault van that was supposed to have been the suicide car. And the testimony of that one witness was contradicted by her sister, who said that she had seen only a black and yellow taxicab.

One judge on the AMIA case – Juan Galeano, since impeached – even allowed the then president of DAIA Ruben Beraja (Jewish and later jailed for the fraudulent collapse of his bank, Banco Mayo) to bribe a shady car dealer named Carlos Telleldín to the tune of $400,000 so he would falsely accuse a non-existent “Syrian Connection” that would in turn lead to an “Iranian connection…”

Can you imagine a Federal Judge authorizing that a jailed criminal be given a kick-back to falsely incriminate Arabs and thus mislead the entire case? On top of it, the money for the kick-back was provided by the president of AMIA’s sister organization DAIA! Let’s face it that is how the Jews and Mossad work by deceit, lies and bribery.

In the case of the AMIA bombing, the Court asked a Border Police surveyor to give an official opinion about the alleged car-bomb van and this person, by the name of Commander Osvaldo Laborda, officially said that no more parts were found “because the explosion buried it deep under the entrance to the former AMIA building”, if you can believe that.

Defence lawyer Juan Gabriel Labake, who represented two Argentine citizens of Syrian descent who have been falsely accused of involvement. (After 15 years, not a shred of evidence has been brought against them.) Since the case against his clients and against Iran hinge on that elusive car-bomb van, Dr. Labaké asked Special State Prosecutor Alberto Nisman to dig four meters under the entrance to the former AMIA building in order to determine, once and for all, if the remains of that vehicle exist. Prosecutor Nisman refused to do so, which is not surprising when you consider that he tours the world spreading a fanatically pro-Israel and anti-Arab message regarding the AMIA attack.

At the end of 2007, for example, Mr. Nisman was a special guest at the Annual Meeting of the American Jewish Congress. In March 2009, he gave a presentation at the Queensborough Holocaust Library in New York City. At the end of 2008 he personally submitted a full report on the status of this case to the Supreme Court - not of Argentina, as you might expect, but of Israel in Tel Aviv. Clearly, Mr Nisman acts as Special Prosecutor not on behalf of Argentina but of the State of Israel!

George W Bush’s Jewish NeoCons were desperately seeking to still blame Iran for the AMIA bombing. When Argentina’s then president Nestor Kirchner was in New York City in September 2006, they had him whisked to a secret meeting in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel with eight powerful Zionist organizations that convinced him, his foreign minister Jorge Taiana and then first-lady, national senator, and soon-to-become president Cristina Kirchner that they must accuse Iran of masterminding the AMIA attack. Clearly, the Kirchners were made an offer they couldn’t refuse as they immediately named local fanatical Zionist Jew Alberto Nisman as Argentina’s federal prosecutor on the AMIA case. He immediately visited Washington DC from where he returned with “proof” that former Iranian president Ali Rafsanjani and eight of his ministers masterminded, financed and organized the AMIA attack through Hezbollah.

All these allegations are based exclusively on blatantly false intelligence provided by the CIA and Mossad. Can anyone actually believe that these two intelligence services are impartial and objective?

One need only look at the timeline of milestones taking place in Israel at the time of both terror attacks, especially after Israeli Labour Party’s Yitzhak Rabin became prime minister in 1993 and genuinely tried to strike peace with the Palestinians, which, however, would have meant stopping and dismantling a good part of the illegal settlements set up by the fanatical fundamentalist ultra-right wing Zionists.

Rabin and his Labour party tried to move forward with the peace process and, in September 1993, we saw Rabin shaking hands with Yasser Arafat overseen by Bill Clinton in the White House.

Yitzhak Rabin then reached out to Syria to arrange final peace terms over the Golan Heights.

On 1st July 1994 Rabin allowed Yasser Arafat to return to Palestine from exile, angering the right-wing Zionists who were against this.

Two weeks later, on 18th July the pro-Labour, pro-Rabin AMIA building was bombed in Argentina by Mossad as a warning by the Zionists not to go ahead with these peace deals with the Palestinians and Syrians. Of course they try to set it up so that Hezbollah and Iran would be blamed.

It seemed to the Jewish Zionists that Prime Minister Rabin, did not “get the message” and so on 4 November 1995 - just 16 months after the AMIA attack - Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was gunned down, JFK-like, on the streets of Tel-Aviv, not by an Islamic Fundamentalist, but by one Ygal Amir, a young ultra-right-wing student member of the settler’s movement linked to the Israeli internal security service Shin Beth.

Shimon Peres then stayed on as prime minister for a while, but when elections were finally called, the peaceful Labour Party was swept away and the right-wing Zionist won the day, when Benjamin Netanyahu was ushered in as prime minister in 1997. These Zionists have been in power ever since, with Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert and now, once again, Netanyahu. All these Zionist have done is bring death and destruction to the Palestinians and the world with their biggest false flag to date coming up in 4 years’ time.

The Argentine Courts have spent 15 years searching for proof of an “Iranian - Hezbollah Connection”, which they have never found, for the simple but powerful reason that such a link does not exist. However if they spent a bit of time looking for a Mossad connection they will be sure to find it but they will be named as anti-Semites if they do so. The Jews have such a powerful presence in Argentine that this is unlikely to happen.

“The Jews wield decisive power, not just over foreign policy, as we see in the case of the AMIA, but over our media, banking, government, universities, NGO’s, cultural and social life. Yet, official Jewish sources indicate that there are a mere 200,000 Jews living in Argentina - just 0.5% of our population of 40 million people. Either they are truly a superior ethnic group, which would warrant their being so very heavily over-represented in Argentina’s social life, or maybe - just maybe - they are abusing their well-known economic wealth and international support from Zionist organizations and the global power network to which I have I referred, which is fully aligned to Zionist objectives and interests” Adrian Salbuchi of Argentina, founder of the Argentine Second Republic Movement He is author of several books on geopolitics, that include (“The World’s Mastermind: The Hidden Face of Globalization”)

Port Arthur Massacre, Australia 1996
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