» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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license was revoked by the Police after they searched his store while he was not there. The police had no credible proof at all that Bryant fired either weapon at Port Arthur; they had no ballistic cross-matches between the weapons in question and the bullets found in the victims; they had no fingerprints proving an association between Bryant and the weapons, or between Bryant and the Broad Arrow Café. They had to prove that someone gave Bryant the weapons and ammo used and this they could not do.

It is clear that the DNA evidence would have cleared Martin. So would blood splatter tests on his clothing? Witness identification of Bryant would have convinced most but the Prosecution Service used none of this evidence and instead relied on this ridiculous video that proves nothing. The only thing that convicted Martin Bryant was his coerced "guilty" plea. Somewhere there are people who planned a massacre and blamed an unfortunate intellectually handicapped man for the terrible crimes that took place. Martin Bryant was jailed without a proper trial, without evidence and without witnesses.

Wendy Scurr was the first person into the broad arrow cafe after the Port Arthur massacre and said she was not saying that there was a, conspiracy but something was "very badly wrong" with the official version. In fact, Wendy tours Australia on speaking tours telling all that the "official" version is fiction. Wendy and Graeme Scurr have contacted dozens of key witnesses present at Port Arthur on the day, neither had managed to find a single witness prepared to state that he or she could positively identify Martin Bryant either carrying or firing a weapon of any kind at Port Arthur on the 28th April 1996.

Joe Vialls an investigative journalist with 30 years experience has written a book 'Deadly Deception at Port Arthur' detailing numerous flaws in the official version. Vialls said:

“On 28 April 1996 at Port Arthur in Australia, some of the best combat shooters in the world used a total of only 64 bullets to kill 35 people, wound 22 more, and cripple two cars. The first 19 victims in the Broad Arrow Cafe each died from a single 5.56-mm bullet to the head, all fired in less than 20 seconds from the right hip of a fast-moving combat shooter. This awesome display of marksmanship was blamed on an intellectually impaired young man called Martin Bryant, who had no shooting or military experience at all”.

Journalist Vialls claimed that this case was an Israeli operation carried out by Mistaravim (Mista’arvim is the name given to those counter-terrorism units of the Israel Defense Forces in which soldiers are specifically trained to disguise themselves as Arabs). The gun used was a rare Israeli commando model, a Colt AR-15 SP1 Carbine

You see Joe Vialls was also at one stage known as Ari Ben Menashe, and even wrote a book titled ‘Profits of War’ under that name. What this book was about, was the supposed autobiography of the author, Ari Ben Menashe, or Joe Vialls if you prefer, and his involvement in certain Mossad and other Israeli covert operations throughout the world. In other words Ari ben Menashe boasted of his exploits as an Israeli intelligence agent, prior to his settling in Australia as a last point of refuge. Ari ben Menashe then becomes Joe Vialls.

Martin Bryant was befriended by two Mideast types in the month before. That day they took two cars to Port Arthur. One drove Bryant’s Volvo to the cafe and slaughters the 35 and then made his way back to the cottage. There they killed the elderly couple and give Bryant a drug mixture (psychotropic drug cocktails) containing amphetamines and benzodiazepine (Used by Mossad on Arab suicide bombers.

Mossad and the Jewish Lobby groups work together and were deeply embedded in Australia and could easily of pulled of an operation like this for the Zionist ‘New World Order’ to confiscate the guns of the ‘white’ people. A similar think happened after the Dunblane shooting in the U.K were strict gun laws were brought in and Dunblane happened just 2 weeks after the Port Arthur shooting.

If you think that Israel and the Jewish Lobby groups only had control of Politicians in the USA and the U.K you would be mistaken. They have this control in nearly every Western country especially Australia and Canada.

Former Australian foreign minister Bob Carr has published private text messages between himself and colleague Julia Gillard to reveal the "extraordinary" level of influence the pro-Israel lobby had on the former prime minister's office.

In a remarkable disclosure of private conversations, Mr. Carr said he chose to publish the text messages in his book – Diary of a Foreign Minister – without getting Ms. Gillard's permission, because to do so was in the national interest. He also describes Israel's former ambassador as "cunning" and reveals his fights with the pro-Israel members of his government that includes Jewish MPs Mark Dreyfus and Michael Danby. "The public should know how foreign policy gets made, especially when it appears the prime minister is being heavily lobbied by the Jewish Lobby group with a stake in Middle East policy." Carr said.

According to Jim Dean, the managing editor of Veterans Today: Australia is a Mossad base.

1. The Australian authorities "have been letting Israeli Intel recruit Aussies, both to recruit other spies amongst the many foreigners living there, but also to do the domestic spying operations against Australians."

2. An AIPAC operative lectured students on "how they were going to stop Israel divestment resolutions on campuses, by taking over the student governments..."

3. Mossad "spends years infiltrating and gaining influence in all major parties so no matter who is in power they have their hooks in deep with both." They use money and blackmail.

4. Australia's Attorney General is the Zionist Mark Dreyfus. The Zionists always infiltrate justice departments because they want to be able to block investigations into Israeli espionage.

5. New Matilda (online magazine) spoke to a former senior Australian ambassador who said that ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organization) and ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service) work hand in glove with the Israeli government, including the assistance of grooming potential spies on Australian soil at universities such as Monash in Melbourne and military academies like Duntroon. Canada is in worse shape than Australia in this regard, but both are Mossad bases for Israel’s extensive international espionage.

Ted Serong, former head of Australian Forces in Vietnam and one of the world's leading experts on counter-terrorist techniques gave an interview in the Sydney Morning Herald on 10 April 1999 in which he said:

“There was an almost satanic accuracy to that shooting performance. Whoever did it is better than I am, and there are not too many people around here better than I am. Whoever did it had skills way beyond anything that could reasonably be expected of this chap Bryant... if it was someone of only average skills, there would have been many less killed and many more wounded. It was the astonishing proportion of killed to wounded that made me open my eyes first off. More than one person was involved and the mass murder at Port Arthur was a terrorist action designed to undermine Australian national security. It was part of a deliberate attempt to disarm the population”.

Whenever we are confronted with so called "conspiracy theories", it often helps to ask the question, "Who gains?" In the Port Arthur massacre, it was the desire to bring in gun legislation. They knew Australians inherited the right to keep and bear arms from the Bill of Rights 1688 and they can't change it. However, they also knew that if they had a good excuse a large number in the population would forego one of their basic rights to try to protect themselves from a similar incident in the future. Without the Port Arthur massacre the people of Australia would never have allowed the governments to take away one of their most precious rights and they are now trying to remove the guns from Americans with similar false flag shootings in American schools.

Jewish Mossad bombs own Embassy, London 1994.

Israel’s Mossad blew up its own embassy in London to get the U.K to sympathise with them against the Palestinians. The miscarriage of justice occurred in the 1990s when two Palestinian students and a young woman called Samar Alami were both wrongfully convicted of conspiracy to bomb the Israeli embassy in London in July 1994. This was one of the cases that former MI5 officer David Shayler blew the whistle on during the 1990s. He revealed the existence of two relevant documents that should have been disclosed to the defence but, for some reason were not. The first, an agent report from a credible and trusted source, pointed to a non-Palestinian group planning the attack before it had even occurred. This report was not acted upon by the MI5 officer responsible, who then tried to cover up her mistake. The second one written by the senior MI5 officer who oversaw the post-incident investigation. His view was that Mossad, the external Israeli intelligence agency, had carried out a controlled explosion outside its own embassy (the shadowy and unidentified Reda Moghrabi being the potentially crucial missing link) in order to acquire the long-demanded additional security protection around Israeli interests in the UK, and also to shatter the Palestinian support networks in London – a long-term objective of Mossad. It emerged during the appeal hearing that no fewer than seven people from a variety of police and intelligence organisations had failed to disclose the relevant documentation to the defence. In reality it was a cover up. As a result Jawad Botmeh and Samar Alami, ended up serving their full sentences, despite the overwhelming body of evidence proving their innocence, and were finally released in 2008 and 2009. Annie Machon, a former official of British intelligence MI5 has said that the Israeli Mossad security agency carried out a 1994 bombing at the Israeli Embassy in London to shatter support for Palestinians in the United Kingdom.

Israel behind the East Africa Embassy Bombings, 1998

On 7th August 1998 two simultaneous truck bombs exploded at the U.S Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. We are told that 223 people are killed and over 4000 are injured in the joint attacks. However there is evidence that Mossad were involved in the bombings. Officially we are told that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were guilty but there is no real evidence of that. Serious investigators of 9/11 know that Bin Laden was framed for the events of 9/11 so we can assume he was for this also. These bombings and the USS Cole bombing would be used as propaganda to install in the minds of the public the name of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda as terrorists. Bin Laden is nothing more than a Patsie for the Mossad Zionist crime network. The bombings in East Africa were just part of the setup for Bin Laden to take the heat for the events of 9/11.

This is what former Pakistani Intelligence Chief Hamid Gul had to say in an interview.

“Mossad is strong in both countries. Remember the Israeli operation to free hostages in Entebbe (Uganda)? Both Kenya and Tanzania were part of the logistical tail. A so-called associate of Osama was framed at Karachi airport. The incidents took place on Aug. 8, 1999, and on the 10th a short, clean-shaven

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