» History » TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1), Luke Kubiak [free ebook reader for iphone TXT] 📗

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happy we can help him and make him happy for being his friends.
-John smiles at Charlie then looks at the dark horizon.
Yeah, me too Charlie. Me too.
20 EXT. Captain Smith – Titanic – Morning
It’s a beautiful morning with the sun out. Captain Edward J. Smith is standing on the bridge and smiling at the bright horizon. Officer Lightoller walks up to Captain Smith and hands him a cup of warm tea. Captain Smith takes it from him then continues to look at the horizon.
Officer Lightoller
-He looks at Captain Smith.
He you are sir.
Captain Smith
Thank you Mr. Lightoller.
Officer Lightoller
-He looks at Captain Smith.
Would that be all sir?
Captain Smith
-He takes a small sip from the cup.
No thank you sir. That would be all.
-Captain Smith smiles at Lightoller.
-Lightoller smiles back then walks back to the wheelhouse.

21 INT. First Class Dining Saloon – Titanic – Morning
The Titanic and is playing, and every first class passenger is eating breakfast. There are smiles, laughters, and enjoyments filling the saloon. Waiters are walking around, and everyone looks like they’re having fun. The camera shot moves to Trevor and the others.
-He looks at Hazel.
What’s wrong dear?
-Hazel looks at Trevor and smiles.
I’m sorry. How will you get your business back in America?
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel.
Don’t worry Hazel. Everything is fine. My boss called New York and asked about the business job. He said everything will be fine.
-Trevor looks at the ring on Hazel’s finger.
The money that I’ll get in America will be all for you.
-Hazel smiles. Then Trevor and Hazel kiss once.
-He smiles at Trevor.
Take it back to your cabin Mr. Long.
-Trevor smiles back at Gerald.
I’m sorry Mr. Clarence.
-Trevor looks at everyone at the table.
May I please have your attention for a moment?
-Trevor holds his glass of juice up slightly.
I want you all good people to be at our marriage when we arrive at New York.
-She smiles at Hazel.
You have a very nice fiancé there Hazel. This relationship between you both should really be kept forever.
-She smiles at Margaret.
-He looks at Trevor.
Well, after the marriage, we all will be going our separate ways.
-Everyone at the table chuckle.
-He smiles at Archibald.
Oh Colonel. You always have something humorous to say.
-He smiles at Gerald.
But it’s alright; his humor brings joy to everyone present here.
-He smiles at Pierre then looks down at his plate.
I couldn’t agree more sir.
-She smiles at Trevor.
Mr. Long, I believe there’s a dance today after dinner.
-Trevor looks at Mabel, interested.
Is that so Mrs. Fleming? Well.
-He smiles at Hazel.
I could take my love out to a beautiful ballroom dance after dinner.
-Hazel chuckles and smiles at Trevor.
Aw, thank you Trevor.
-She smiles at Mabel.
Isn’t he a gentleman or not?
-Trevor smiles at Mabel.
I do my best.
-Everyone at the table chuckle.

22 EXT. Bow – Titanic – Morning
People are lounging and relaxing on the bow of the ship. It’s still a nice and shiny morning.
-John puts down a poker card on Charlie’s right lap.
This is my solid evidence that I played poker.
-He looks at John, confused.
A simple card will not convince me to actually think you gambled.
-Ben looks at John and Charlie arguing.
-He looks down at the card.
But it’s solid evidence. Where else would I get cards from?
Father’s closed box.
-John looks away.
I never even got to open his box. And maybe we should focus on how we’ll survive in America. Forget about father.
-Charlie looks at John.
Easy for you to say, you’re the oldest one here, make the rules.
-John nods in agreement.
Alright. My first rule is to forget about father.
-Ben chuckles.
You guys are funny, especially when you two argue. It’s priceless.
-Charlie chuckles.
-He smiles at Ben.
Thanks Ben.

-He looks away and then chuckles.
I still can’t believe you two ran away from your father. You’ll probably never even see him again.
-John smiles then looks down.
Eh, I’ll get over it.
-Ben looks at Charlie.
-Charlie is looking down with his mouth against his right hand.
From the looks of it, your little brother won’t.
-John looks at Charlie.
What it is Charlie?
-Charlie looks at John with concern.
It’s just… It’s just wrong that we ran away from father.
-John looks away and rests his left hand on Charlie’s right shoulder.
Charlie, our father was abusive. He never gave a shit about us, and yet you feel like you did the wrong thing. Who knows, if we would’ve never came on this voyage, father maybe would’ve just gave us each a black eye. Think about it Charlie, you should get over it and just meet newer people. You’ll get the hang of it, trust me.
-Charlie smiles at John.
Yeah, you’re right. I should just enjoy every second of this voyage.
-Ben smiles at Charlie.
This once in a life time voyage.
-John looks at Ben.
-Ben looks back at John, clueless.
What, this ship is something that can’t be missed.
-Charlie chuckles. Charlie then looks over John and Ben and sees first class passengers coming to the bow.

-Charlie points at the first class passengers.
Who are they? And why did they come so suddenly?
-John leans back on the bench with comfort and looks at Charlie.
They’re first class passengers. The bow of the ship is really reserved for them, not for us.
-Ben looks at John.
But we’re second class passengers, there’s really no difference.
-Charlie points at Ben.
-John looks at Ben.
Yes, but it doesn’t matter. I mean, look at the way they’re dressed, it’s their free little world on this ship. They technically have the right to own this part of the ship. It’s reserved for them, like that play we saw a few years ago.
-John looks at Charlie.
The play that had reserved seats for us, remember?
-He looks at John, confused. Then suddenly remembers.
Oh right! I remember. Good times john. Good times.
-John claps once and smiles at Charlie.
You said it.
-Ben looks at John then Charlie and smiles.
What play did you see?
-He looks at Ben, confused.
I don’t remember. Wasn’t it at the Globe Theater John?
-Charlie looks at John.
-John looks at Charlie.
You wish. I don’t remember. But the play was about some old guy building a time machine.
-Ben swallows heavily.
A time machine?
-John looks away.
Yes, it was rather silly than scary.
-Ben chuckles.
It was supposed to be scary?
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Yes. But, the play was pretty boring I’d say.
-He looks down and chuckles.
This talk about plays got me interested into reading a book.
-Charlie smiles at Ben and points at him.
-Ben smiles at Charlie and nods in agreement.
Count me in.
-Charlie and Ben stand up.
-Charlie looks down at John.
John, are you coming?
-He looks up at Charlie then looks at the horizon.
No thanks. I’ll be here if anything.
Well alright.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Come on.
-Charlie and Ben leave the scene.
-John looks at Charlie and Ben walking away then looks away.
23 INT. Trevor and Hazel – Titanic – Morning
Hazel and Trevor are in their cabin. Hazel is digging through a drawer, looking for something with concern while Trevor is sitting in a chair behind her, drinking a glass of wine.
-Trevor stands up and takes a small sip of wine.
Is everything alright Hazel?
-She turns around and looks at Trevor.
No. No, I’m fine.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel.
Well you look concerned. Is there something bothering you?
-She looks down.
No, nothing is. I just need some fresh air. I’ll be at the bow.
-Trevor takes another small sip and swallows heavily.
Alright, Pierre will be around if anything.
-Trevor hugs Hazel. Be alright.
-Hazel then kisses Trevor quickly then leaves the scene.
24 EXT. Bow – Titanic – Morning
People are still lounging and relaxing on the bow. The weather is beautiful. Meanwhile, John is sitting on the bench and looking at the horizon, minding his own business. Gerald then walks up to John.
-John turns around and looks up at Gerald, awkwardly.
-He looks down at John.
You don’t look like a first class passenger.
-John looks up at Gerald, confused.
I… I’m not.
-Gerald takes a quick glimpse at the horizon and then looks down at John.
Look, this side is for first class passengers only. What are you doing here anyway?
-He looks at the horizon.
Oh, I figured. Anyway, I’ve been sitting here for awhile now sir and no one said a word.
-Gerald looks away.
Maybe because they thought you were in first class?
Then how did you know I wasn’t in first class?
-Gerald nods in disagreement and looks down at John.
I know how people dress around here. Look at me, I’m in first class and I’m not dressed like you.
-John leans back on the bench then looks up at Gerald.
Alright fine, maybe I’m not in first class and maybe I don’t dress like a wealthy man, but I was minding my own business sir.
-Gerald chuckles and then looks down.
I was just helping you, so that a crew member won’t bother you and kick you off this side of the ship.
-Gerald looks down at John.

-John looks away then smiles up at Gerald.
Alright, I’m sorry for not listening.
-John stands up and looks at Gerald.
There, I’m up. I’ll go now.
-Gerald nods in agreement.
Farewell. Oh, they’re also restricted about the grand staircase. I believe the stairs are only for first class passengers.
-He looks away then slightly smiles at Gerald.
Alright fine.
-John shakes hands with Gerald.
I’ll be on my way now.
-John starts walking away.
-Gerald looks at John walking away then calls out to him.
-John turns around and looks at Gerald.
You earned my respect, I’m sorry for bothering you.
John nods in agreement.
Look, you could stay on this part of the ship. But if a crew member asks, just say you’re borrowing clothes from the rag shop. This excuse seems to work all the time.
-John nods in agreement.
Sure. Thanks.
-John walks up to Gerald.
And also…
-John looks over Gerald’s left shoulder and sees Hazel, looking at the horizon with her fiancé, Trevor. John is speechless.
Are you alright sir?
-John looks at Gerald.
Yeah, I’m sorry. I can tell that first class is full of beauty.
-Gerald chuckles then smiles at John.
Yes, yes it is. I myself, see many.
-John nods in agreement.
Well, um.
-John fakes a cough then looks at Gerald.
Who is that?
-John points at Hazel in the distance.
-Gerald turns around and looks at Hazel and Trevor.
Oh, over there? That’s Ms. Flynn and her fiancé, Mr. Trevor.
-He looks at Hazel in the distance.
She’s beautiful.
-He taps John’s right shoulder twice and looks at John.
She is engaged to her fiancé.
-John looks at Gerald.
Could you, could you introduce me to her? I mean I don’t want to seem like I am trying to push her fiancé out of
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