» History » TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1), Luke Kubiak [free ebook reader for iphone TXT] 📗

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the picture. I just, I just don’t know how she’ll react to a lower class passenger.
-Gerald nods in agreement.
Alright, come on.
-Gerald looks at John.
I didn’t get your name.

-John chuckles.
My apologies sir, my name is John Hudson.
-Gerald holds out his right hand towards John as if he was going to shake with him.
-John looks at Gerald’s hand then shakes 3 times.
Nice meeting you Mr. Hudson. My name is Gerald Clarence.
-John smiles at Gerald.
Nice meeting you Mr. Clarence. And please, call me John.
-Gerald chuckles.
Alright, please call me Gerald.
-John nods in agreement.
Sure thing Gerald, now could you please introduce me to that woman?
-Gerald chuckles.
Alright, come on.
-Gerald walks away.
-John follows.
-Gerald and John are walking towards Hazel and Trevor.
-Gerald stops with John and smiles.
Ms. Flynn. It’s lovely seeing you here.
-Hazel turns around and looks at Gerald.
Hello Mr. Clarence. I was just here with Trevor, watching the horizon.
-Gerald smiles at Hazel.
Well, I want you to meet a new friend I just met.
-Gerald looks at John.
-John smiles at Hazel.
Um, hello, my name is John Hudson.
-She smiles at John.
Hello Mr. Hudson. I would like you to meet my fiancé, Trevor.
-Hazel smiles at Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Hello Mr. Hudson. It’s a pleasure meeting you.
-John smiles and shakes hands with Trevor.
It’s a pleasure meeting you as well Mr. Trevor.
-John looks away.
-Gerald whispers.
Mr. Long.
-John looks at Trevor with sudden.
Mr. Long.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Well, it’s pretty clear you’re not from around here Mr. Hudson. Steerage tickets?
-John looks at Trevor, confused.
-Trevor looks at John mysteriously.
Did you buy steerage tickets?
-John looks at Trevor, confused.
-John then looks at Gerald.
-Gerald looks at John.
He means third class.
-John looks at Trevor.
Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Long. No, I’m in second class. I’m not in third class.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Well good to know Mr. Hudson.
-John chuckles then smiles at Trevor.
Please, call me John.
-Trevor looks down.
Well do.
-Hazel looks at John.
So what are you doing here?
-John looks at Hazel.
Oh, I’m just, I’m just traveling. Honestly, I joined this voyage to escape my father. I also took my little brother, just to save him.
-Trevor looks at John and chuckles.
Well good for you John.
-Gerald looks at John.
I can tell you’re into this conversation John.
-John smiles at Gerald and then looks at Hazel and Trevor.
Yes, I am. I really am. Well once again, it has been a pleasure meeting you.
-He smiles at John.
Thank you John, it’s been a pleasure meeting you as well.
-John chuckles and looks away.
Alright, well. It’s best if I should be getting back to my cabin right?
-He looks down.
-He smiles at John.
Nonsense John, would you like it if I gave you a grand tour of first class?
-John looks at Gerald.
Thank you sir, but I don’t really belong in first class. My tickets aren’t appropriate.
-Gerald puts his right hand on John’s left shoulder and smiles at him.
Come on John. Are you interested?
-John smiles at Gerald.
Well, it would be an honor to get a tour around here.
-He smiles at Trevor.
Would you like to join us?
-Trevor nods in disagreement.
-Gerald smiles at John.
So when do you want a tour?
-Trevor looks at Gerald.
Actually, let us all tag along.
-Trevor looks at Hazel.
-She looks at Trevor.
Alright, I’ll join you men.
-Trevor kisses the top of Hazel’s head.
See? I knew you would tag along dear.
25 INT. Charlie and Ben – Titanic – Morning
Charlie and Ben are sitting at a table across from each other, reading books at the second class library. On their right side, there are 2 cups of tea.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
You have found the book you were looking for?
-Ben flips his book to see the cover and then flips it back and smiles at Charlie.
Indeed. I found the book I was after.
-Charlie smiles at Ben and then looks down at his book.
Well, I’ll be reading now.
-Ben flips a page and begins to read.
-Both are reading.
26 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
John is given a personal tour by Trevor, Hazel, and Gerald. They stop by every detail to show how luxurious first class is.
-Gerald walks to the railing and then smiles at John.
And here’s a good sight.
-John walks up next to Gerald.
Here you can look at the horizon, turn around and watch the funnels, or just walks up these stairs and lounge on the deck beds, pretty relaxing huh?
-John smiles at Gerald.
Well, it is a pretty sight. I’m impressed.
-He puts his arm over Hazel’s neck and smiles at John.
You can also socialize in the smoking room. You should really take a look. The band is playing, the air is clean with a fireplace. It’s luxury. Do you smoke John?
-John smiles at Trevor.
Yes, yes I do.
-Trevor takes his arm off of Hazel’s neck and looks at John.
Come with me.
-Trevor walks away with John following him.
-Hazel looks at Gerald.
They really enjoy smoking, don’t they?
-He smiles at Hazel and nods in agreement.
Yes. I am only saying that smoking and men do not really go well together.
-Colonel Archibald Gracie walks by, noticed by Gerald and Hazel.
-Gerald calls out to Archibald.
-Archibald turns around and smiles at Gerald, saying with excitement.
Well Mr. Clarence, good to see sir!
-Archibald looks at Hazel.
And you Ms. Flynn.
-She smiles at Archibald.
Thank you Colonel.
-Gerald looks at the horizon and then smiles at Archibald.
Where were you headed to Colonel?
-He smiles at Gerald.
I was heading to the Grand Staircase to meet with Mr. Astor.
-Gerald walks closer to Archibald and smiles at him, interested.
Mind if we join you sir?
-Gerald looks at Hazel.
-He chuckles and then smiles at Gerald.
Why not Mr. Clarence, the more the merrier, come along.
-Gerald and Hazel walk with Archibald.
27 INT. Smoking Room – Titanic – Morning
The band is playing and the room is filled with many people. The camera moves to Trevor and John sitting at a table, smoking cigarettes.
-Trevor puts his cigarette on an ash tray and looks at John.
So you’re in second class?
-John nods in agreement while looking at Trevor.
Yup, it’s very fancy there but not as fancy as in here.
-John looks around.
I mean look at this place. I say, this is luxury.
-Trevor looks down and smiles.
Around here, manner is held a responsible way.
-John turns around and looks at another table and then looks at Trevor.
Everyone is fancy.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at John.
Why yes of course. This is the fine side of this ship. It is far more luxurious than any Ocean Liner.
-John looks at the band members playing their instruments.
Neat culture and music. I didn’t know first class provided the passengers with music.
-Pierre Francis walks up to Trevor and looks down at him.
-Trevor looks up at Pierre with an awkward look.
Francis, Mr. Francis, you’re supposed to keep an eye out for Hazel. I don’t want Mr. Clarence trying anything funny.
-Pierre pulls the chair and sits down on it then looks at Trevor.
Mr. Clarence? He’s completely trust worthy sir.
-John looks at Pierre.
I’d give my hopes up for Mr. Clarence.
-Pierre looks at John.
He’s a nice and trustworthy guy.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
Who is this lad?
-Pierre looks at John, John looks at Pierre.
-Trevor looks at Pierre.
Well that’s Mr. Hudson, or as I should pronounce him John.
-Trevor looks at John.
I’m giving him a personal tour of the ship.
-Trevor looks at Pierre.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
You know you shouldn’t be doing this to lower class passengers because you’re not a crew member. Yesterday, I gave him a smoke.
-Pierre looks at John.
-John looks down uncomfortably.
Gentlemen, I think I should just go.
-John slides the chair backwards.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Aw, come on John. What could possibly be wrong, you know we’d love to hear more from you.
28 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
Gerald and Hazel are walking around the promenade deck, side by side, along with other passengers walking around as extras.
-Gerald smiles at Hazel.
So, starting all over in New York?
-Hazel looks down and chuckles.
No, Trevor just wanted this to be a honeymoon. Since England was our birthplace, we should go back to England within a few weeks.
-He looks at the horizon to his right and whistles then looks down and chuckles.
Why would Trevor want to have a honeymoon in New York? I mean it’s New York, there’s not a lot of job opportunities.
-Hazel looks at Gerald.
Well he has his business company, and his men said they can move it to New York up until he returns back to England. Now, are there anymore questions Mr. Clarence?
-She smiles at Gerald.
-Gerald looks at Hazel with wonder and then looks down and continues to walk with her.
No, not at all Ms. Flynn.

29 INT. The Grand Staircase – Titanic – Morning
John makes his way into the first class grand staircase. He looks around with joy and a smile. He’s amazed by the beautiful looks of the staircase. But shortly after John’s look around, a steward approaches John, John looks at the Steward.
May I help you with something?
The Steward
-The steward looks at John’s jacket then looks back at John normally with suspense.
Why are you here? Where are you from?
-John looks around then looks at the steward for 3 seconds before an answer.
I’m here to have a look around?
The Steward
What was your ticket number sir?
-The steward looks at John with wide eyes.
-John looks at the steward, confused.
I don’t know. Could you please not stare at me like this?
The Steward
-The steward grabs John’s left forearm and walks for the exit door.
Come along you.
-John tries to pull his arm away from the steward.
Come on, let go of me!
The Steward
-The steward opens the exit door and pushes John out.
Stay out you third class filth!
-The steward then slams the door in front of John.
-John grabs his left forearm with his right hand and looks at the door, disgusted.
-John walks away.
30 INT. John’s Cabin – Titanic – Morning
Charlie and Ben are sitting on the floor playing poker. John enters the cabin and looks down at Charlie and Ben. Charlie and Ben look up at John.
I thought you 2 were in the library?
-Charlie looks away.
Not anymore. We just decided to play poker instead since we seen a book about poker, it inspired us. So here we are. And how about you John?
-John looks down at Ben and then Charlie.
Everything is alright. I was just kicked out of first class.
-Charlie gets up and smiles at John.
You were in first class?! How? You can only be around here.
-Charlie looks at John, interested.
-John looks at Charlie,
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