» History » TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1), Luke Kubiak [free ebook reader for iphone TXT] 📗

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She is not sure which one to wear before John showed up. Suddenly Trevor enters her cabin and looks down at her.
-Hazel turns around and looks up at Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at her and looks down at her finger, which is where she’s wearing a ring.
You love that ring, don’t you?
-Hazel looks down at the ring on her finger.
Yes Trevor. It’s…
-Hazel looks up at Trevor.
It’s beautiful.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel.
Yes, I suppose.
-Trevor walks over to her right side and smiles at her through the mirror.
It shows my feelings for you. Doesn’t it?
-She glares up at him. He looks back down at her.
Don’t be silly, of course it does.
-Hazel looks down at the ring.
-Suddenly, there are 3 knocks on the other side of the door. Hazel looks at the door quickly.
That must be John.
-Hazel looks up at Trevor and stands up then walks for the door.
-Trevor looks at Hazel reaching for the door and swallows heavily. Hazel opens the door and smiles at John.
-John looks up at Hazel and smiles at her.
Hello Ms. Flynn.

-Hazel turns around and looks at Trevor.
I’ll be back, Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at Hazel and walks away without a word.
44 EXT. John and Hazel – Titanic – Afternoon
John and Hazel are wandering and socializing around the decks of the ship. Clearly on the outside, since John’s ticket is not appropriate for first class. The weather is cool, and the sky is not dark but not light.
-John looks at Hazel and smiles as he walks with her.
You’re enjoying this ride? Aren’t you?
-Hazel chuckles as she walks with John.
Yes, Trevor and I have been keeping up since this is our honeymoon.
-John takes a quick glimpse in front of him then looks at Hazel.
Your honeymoon?
Well yes, but this is a bit absurd. Trevor booked this voyage as a honeymoon, yet we’re not married.
Well you’re engaged aren’t you?
-John looks down and continues to walk forwards, waiting to hear Hazel.
-Hazel looks at John then looks towards her.
Well I suppose. He gave me a ring.
-Hazel shows John her ring.
-John looks at the ring.
Whoa, how’d you get this?
Trevor gave it to me, as an early gift of marriage.
-Hazel puts her arm down.
-John looks at Hazel.
So, how long were you with him?
-Hazel looks at John confused and then looks down whilst walking.
I’ve been with him for… 2 years.
-John looks up.
2 years. Wow, that’s a way to start a great marriage.
-Hazel sighs in relief.
I know, I know.
-Whist walking with Hazel silently, John takes a quick glimpse at her then looks ahead.
You know, I’m not a married man, nor am I man—
-Hazel looks at John and interrupts.
-John looks at her.
-John nods in agreement.
Yes, I’m a boy. Anyway, like I was saying, I’m not in a relationship but I do have a close brother, a younger brother. His name is Charlie.
-Hazel looks at John then looks away.
Right, I always wanted a brother. I never did. I never had one.
-John looks at Hazel, depressed.
Oh I’m sorry.
-Hazel looks at John and smiles.
-Hazel chuckles and looks away.
Nothing, John. I’ve just never heard Trevor say I’m sorry. You’re sweet.
-John chuckles and looks away.
Why, if it’s any of my business miss.
-She sighs and looks at the horizon.
I don’t know. It’s that, Trevor might not be much of a loving person.
-John looks at her awkwardly.
Why is that?
-Hazel sighs again and looks away.
Well, I felt mostly appreciated by him whenever he asks me for my money. But that couldn’t be it.
-John looks away.
So, Trevor doesn’t use you for money?
-Hazel quickly stops and looks at John, shocked.
John! That’s just absurd.
-John looks at Hazel, worried.
You’re right, I’m sorry. Things tend to slip out of my mouth whenever I talk to women.
-Hazel looks at the lights coming from the first class passage.
I have to go. Dinner is almost…
-Hazel looks down.
-He nods in agreement and looks at her.
Yes. Go on. It was nice talking to you.
-Hazel walks to the first class entry door then turns around to John.
Goodnight John.
-Hazel leaves.
-John turns around and looks at the horizon then quickly looks over the railing, staring the water.
45 EXT. Charlie and Ben – Titanic – Afternoon
The 2 boys are on the stern of the ship. They’re both playing with a ball.

Now here’s a good one!
-Charlie throws the ball underhand to Ben.
-Ben catches the ball and smiles at Charlie.
No, Charlie, it must bounce before I catch it.
-Ben throws the ball at the floor, bouncing once to Charlie.
-Charlie catches the ball with his hands.
Got it.
-John walks up behind Charlie.
Hey, Charlie. Hey, Ben.
-Charlie turns around and looks at John and smiles.
John, where were you? I never see you.
-John walks over to Charlie.
Yes, I was caught up. Um, I upset a woman, I recently met.
-John swallows heavily and looks at Ben.
So, what are you guys playing?
-Ben looks at John.
We’re playing with a ball, little game from New York.
-He chuckles and smiles at Charlie, whilst holding his hands as if he was going to catch something.
Charlie, toss it over here.
-Charlie tosses the ball to John. John catches it.
Alright, let’s play triangle.

46 INT. First Class Saloon – Titanic – Evening
Music is playing and the saloon is filled with many people from first class, as the camera rolls over to Trevor and the others at their table.
-Pierre raises his glass of wine slightly up in the air, whilst looking at the people at the table.
I’d like to make a toast to the son of the man who has given me everything I ever needed, Mr. Trevor Long.
-Everyone at the table claps.
-Pierre smiles at Trevor.
Congratulations on the behalf of your engagement.
-Everyone at the table claps.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre. He then kisses Hazel.
-She smiles at Trevor.
You both should have a happy marriage, right?
-Trevor looks at Margaret and chuckles.
Oh please, we’re not married yet. We long to marry after this voyage.
You couldn’t do it before this voyage?
-Gerald chuckles.
-Margaret looks at Gerald then smiles at Trevor.
I couldn’t agree anymore.
-Trevor looks down at the table then to Margaret.
I wanted something interesting before the marriage.
-Gerald smiles at Trevor.
You 2 are just free to do anything you want.
-Gerald looks at Hazel.
Have a happy and safe marriage.
-She smiles at Gerald and puts her left hand over her left chest.
That was a great way to wish someone a great marriage.

Text: Luke Kubiak
Publication Date: 02-17-2012

All Rights Reserved

James Cameron has inspired me to write this script and use it to become a director one day!

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