» History » TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1), Luke Kubiak [free ebook reader for iphone TXT] 📗

Book online «TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1), Luke Kubiak [free ebook reader for iphone TXT] 📗». Author Luke Kubiak

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Alright, alright, let me finish the story.
-Charlie sits down on the floor and looks up at John.
Alright, finish your story.
-John looks down at Charlie awkwardly.
Alright, well there I was, talking to a first class passenger. His name was Mr. Clarence and he had a friend which gave me a little tour of the smoke room up at first class. I then wandered off because I thought Mr. Long’s friend hated me. I then, somehow, got into a staircase, but not just any staircase. That staircase that I saw was beyond luxurious, and it was like rubbing gold into my eyes. I felt so alive at that moment. But then, some crazy guy approached me and kicked me out.
-John looks away and swallows hard.
I think he worked on this ship.
-Charlie and Ben look up at John speechlessly.
-John looks down at Charlie and Ben, clueless.
-Charlie looks down at the floor and chuckles.
There’s no way.
-Charlie looks up at John.
There’s no way you saw such an amazing sight.
-John sighs and then looks down at Charlie.
Charlie, I swear I did. We just will not see it though.
-Ben stands up and looks at John.
That’s bogus John. This is just a ship, big, yes, gold, no.
-John looks at Ben.
Ben, I never said it was go--
John. If it’s located up in first class, let’s just go.
-Charlie looks away.
-John looks at Charlie.
I was grabbed and kicked out by an aggressive ship owner. It won’t do Charlie.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Ben, are you interested?
-Ben rubs the back of his neck with his right hand and looks down, smiling partially.
Well, since John said it was the best thing he’s seen, I say we go.
-Charlie takes a glimpse at John and then looks at Ben.
He never said it was the best thing he’s seen.

-Ben looks at Charlie.
It’s just a staircase. I can always go out of this cabin and make a turn then see a staircase.
-John looks away.
Yes, I white one.
-John looks at Charlie.
But I mostly want to go there because I saw a woman. But not just any woman, I’ve seen a woman filled with beauty. She has a fiancé though.
-John looks at Ben.
But there is a lot of beauty and majesty all over the women up in first class.
-Charlie looks at John.
John? Let it go. You’re a lower class passenger, relationships from this never happen.
-Ben looks at John.
He’s right John. Chances of her loving you are… Well, consider them low.
-John looks away.
You never know Ben. And I never said I love her. She’s just really interesting to me.
-Charlie sits down on the lower bunk then looks up at John.
You could try. But the result will be a fail.
-Ben chuckles.
-John sits down next to Charlie.
Yeah you’re right. Who am I kidding; I can’t just love a woman who already has someone she already loves with all of her heart.
-Ben looks down at John.
How would you know? Give it a shot.
-Ben leans against the wall.
-Charlie looks up at Ben.
Ben, he can’t love someone else who already has a fiancé.
-John gets up and then looks at Charlie.
Alright Charlie, just stop it. Please. I never said I loved her, and I will try. So thank you very much for supporting me.
-John opens the door and leaves the cabin, closing the door behind him.
-Ben looks at the door for 3 seconds quietly.
That didn’t make him very happy.
-Charlie looks up at Ben and then lies down on the lower bunk.
You got that right Ben, you got that right.
31 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
John is walking on the promenade deck and he looks as if he was looking for someone. He is looking everywhere to find Hazel or at least Gerald. John then walks down towards the bow and looks around, but he can’t find Hazel or Gerald anywhere. He then walks away from the bow and walks towards the first class entry, leading to the Grand staircase. He looks at the sign and swallows heavily, and then he takes a deep breath and enters first class. He’s in the grand staircase and looks around. The music is playing calmly. He then walks around and begins to look for Hazel or Gerald. Meanwhile, a first class passenger, Daniel Warner, stops in John’s way and smiles at him.
-John looks at Daniel awkwardly.
Excuse me.
-Daniel smiles at John.
How are you mate?
-John looks past Daniel’s right shoulder then looks at him.
I’m fine sir. Now if you could please move, I am looking for someone.
-Daniel smiles at John interested.
Oh yeah? Who mate?
-John walks around Daniel but Daniel runs up to John’s way again and smiles at him.
I don’t have time for games sir, I really need to go.
-Daniel looks away then looks at John.
Yeah, well maybe you’re in the wrong part of this ship. As you can see, your kind does not belong here, you’re poor. And obviously, this section is for wealthy people. Now go away.
-John looks away and then looks at Daniel.
Look, sorry if I’m invading your space but I need to talk to someone…
-John walks past Daniel and looks around.
I just really need to find them.
-Daniel runs back into John’s way again.
-Daniel smiles at John.
Really? Well who’s so important?
-John nods in disagreement as if Daniel was dumb.
You don’t really know them, I can assure you that. And now, if you can please just let me—
Why won’t you go back to the bottom of the ship? You’re not allowed to wander around like this.
I’m not wandering, I’m just—
You’re just looking for the rich. You’re not allowed near any of them, especially me. Out you go.
-Daniel grabs John’s arm and starts walking towards the first class exit.
-John breaks free and looks at Daniel.
Listen, if you let me look for the person I need to see, I won’t bother you.

-Daniel nods in disagreement and reveals his handgun to John by opening the side of his coat.
Now, you should run off to where you belong before you start a problem.
-The steward that kicked John out earlier sees John and walks up to him.
The Steward
-The steward looks at John strangely.
What do you think you’re doing? You’re not allowed up here, this is first class property!
-Daniel holds a 5 dollar bill towards the steward.
Sir, please escort this man out of first class and make sure he does not come back.
The Steward
-The steward looks at Daniel and takes the dollar and puts it into his right pocket.
-The steward then looks at John.
Come now.
-The steward grabs John’s arm and leads him into the first class exit.
-While John is exited out, he looks at Daniel, mad.
32 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
John is pushed out of the first class entry. The door closes behind him, although some first class passengers enter it. John turns around and looks at the entry then walks away. While John is walking away, he sees Gerald. John walks toward Gerald.
-John looks at Gerald.
Mr. Clarence?
-Gerald turns around and looks at John then smiles at him.
Hello John.
-John walks up to Gerald closer and looks at him.
Am I even allowed in first class?

-Gerald looks at John, uncomfortably.
Well, sorry if you have to hear this but no, anyone lower than first class isn’t allowed in first class sections, such as the promenade deck.
-John looks away.
That’s not too good then.
-John looks at Gerald.
Anyway, do you know where Ms. Flynn is?
-Gerald looks away.
Actually, I really don’t.
-He then looks back at John.
But I do believe she’s in her cabin with her fiancé.
-John looks away.
Damn it.
-Gerald looks at John, interested.
Why do you need her so suddenly? I mean she is with her fiancé right now at this moment. You know what, she’s at her cabin. Of course, I don’t think you can check. You know how strict they are about lower class passengers.
-John looks away.
That cop, ugh, tell me about it. Anyway, do you know when she’ll be out?
-Gerald looks at John, confused.
Why do you need to talk to her? You can’t just steal her away from Mr. Long, that’s not right.
-John looks down and takes a deep breath then looks at Gerald.
You’re right Mr. Clarence. What was I thinking? Times like this lead to trouble. You’re right, I should just forget about her. Silly me, thank you anyway Mr. Clarence.
-John starts to walk away.
-Gerald looks at John walking away.
Wait a minute.
-John stops and turns around then looks at Gerald.
First of all, call me Gerald.
-Gerald smiles at John.
-John smiles back at Gerald.
Second of all, you shouldn’t feel blue. You’ll be in America within a few days; you’ll find plenty of women there. Trust me.
-John looks away then smiles at Gerald.
You’re right Mr. Clarence. Thanks.
-Gerald smiles at John and points at him playfully.
Ah, ah, ah. Address me as Gerald now. I can accept the fact that we’re possibly friends now, and you should feel the same way.
-John chuckles and continues to smile at Gerald.
Alright, Gerald, thank you anyway. I’m going to be heading back to my cabin now.
-Gerald raises his right hand up slightly then puts it down. He looks at John walking away.
Take care.
33 INT. John’s Cabin – Titanic – Morning
Charlie is sleeping on the lower bunk and Ben is sleeping in his own bed. The environment in the cabin is peaceful and silent. Both of the boys are sleeping, with no interruptions. In a bit, John opens the door and enters the cabin, closing the door behind him. He then looks at Charlie and Ben sleeping, so he smiles and throws his jacket to the other side of the room.
-Charlie opens his eyes and looks at John. Charlie whispers.
-John quickly looks at Charlie.

-Charlie whispers.
I don’t want you waking Ben up john. Whisper.
-John whispers.
Alright, how did you 2 fall asleep?
-Charlie sits up and looks at John then whispers.
It’s a long story. So how did your talk with your secret admirer go?
-John sits on the lower bunk and looks at Charlie and whispers.
Not so well. I mean, I didn’t even talk to her.
-Charlie smiles at John and whispers.
You know the point of this trip wasn’t about winning a woman’s heart. It’s for adventure, a new life in America.
-John sits up and whispers while looking at Ben sleeping.
You have a point there Charlie.
-Charlie lies back down and looks up at John.
Alright, well…
-Charlie yawns and closes his eyes.
It’s still morning, I’ll take a nap and you go do whatever it is that you need to do.
-John looks at Charlie sleeping and gets up and heads for the door.
-John opens the door and leaves the cabin, closing the door behind him.

34 INT. Trevor and Pierre – Titanic – Morning
Trevor and Pierre are in the first class smoke room, smoking cigarettes and talking
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