» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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on fire, and had actually succeeded in setting on fire the House of Commons and gutting this national shrine! Your Government would have acted just as I have acted." - Interview with Sefton Delmer, Daily Express correspondent, March 3rd 1933.

The Night of the Long Knives

The greatest threat to Hitler surviving the early years of power came from the SA, the Brown shirts which was over 3 million strong and their leader was Ernst Rohm. The German military and industrialist despised and feared the SA because it was no secret that Ernst Rohm believed he and the SA could be at the head of the German military. The Germany citizens also disliked the SA because of their violent behaviour. President Paul von Hindenburg also advised Hitler that Rohm and the SA could not be trusted. Hitler decided he had to act before the SA and Rohm attempted a coup. So between June 30th and July 2nd 1934 Operation Hummingbird was carried out and 85 SA members were executed including their leader Ernst Rohm. The Jewish press then came up with the term ‘The night of the long knives’. We continually here about this event on Hitler’s rise to power but let’s put things into perspective about 1.5 million innocent people were sent to the Soviet Gulags in Stalin’s great purge of 1937-38 and an average of 1500 a day were shot.

In suppressing the attempted coup by Rohm the President of the Reich, Field-Marshall
von Hindenburg telegraphed Hitler: "From the reports presented to me I realise that through your determined action and through the courageous intervention of your own person you have nipped in the bud all treasonable plots. You have saved the German people from a grave danger. For this I express to you my profound thanks and my sincere recognition. With best greetings – von Hindenburg. 2nd July 1934."

"The National Socialist State is neither prudish nor mendacious. But there are definite moral
principles which must be maintained in the interests of the biological health of the nation; violations
of these principles we will not permit. Pederasty or offences against children will be punished by
law in this State whoever commits these crimes. Five years ago when leaders of the National
Socialist Party were guilty of these crimes, they were shot. (Ernst Rohm and his fellow-conspirators
were discovered engaged in homosexual activity with youths). If other persons, whether in private or
public life, or even if priests commit these offences, they will be punished according to law either
with imprisonment or penal servitude." – Adolf Hitler - Reichstag, 30th January 1939.

Propaganda against Hitler

It was the Jewish media who made Hitler out to be a madman, atheist, occultist, into pagan rituals amongst other things. This media never showed pictures of Hitler smiling or with children or animals because they wanted to paint a picture of Hitler as a monster. The History channel is full of pathetic documentaries like this. It is only because he wanted to remove Jewish influence from Germany because they are God’s chosen people and you can’t do that to them. Where are the documentaries about the real monsters of the 20th century such as Pol Pot (murdered 1.5 million of his own people), Joseph Stalin (murdered at least 20 million of his own people), Mao Zedong (murdered 45 million of his own people) and Leopold 2nd of Belgium (murdered 10 million Congolese). Still to this day 70 years after he died all they do is pummel Hitler on the History documentary channels. You will say, yes but he gassed 6 million Jews but the evidence for this says otherwise as you will see when you read the Holocaust Myth section. You might then say but he started World War 2 in which 70 million died but again the evidence points to warmonger Churchill and the Jewish bankers who wanted the war as Hitler offered them peace on more than one occasion.

Propaganda against the German Leaders

The other German leaders suffered the same hateful Jewish propaganda as Hitler and were made out to be brutish, lower class and uneducated thugs. But let’s take a look at reality.

Hermann Goering came from a well of, aristocratic family and was the son of a judge. He was a WW1 flying ace who was commander of the Red Baron squadron.

Rudolf Hess was the son of a wealthy German merchant and he was deputy leader of the NSDAP party. He was a lieutenant in the First World War. He studied history and economics at Munich University. Joseph Goebbels once described Hess as "the most decent, quiet, friendly, clever, reserved and kind fellow”.

Joachim Von Ribbentrop was educated at a boarding school in Switzerland and spoke fluent German, French and English. He served as Germany’s ambassador to England and then later as Hitler’s Foreign Minister.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels received a Ph.D. from Heidelberg University in 1921. He wrote novels, plays and poems and studied art and philosophy. He was Hitler’s propaganda minister.

Reinhard Heydrich was head of the SD which was the intelligence and security body of the SS. He was a former naval officer and violinist and fencer. His father was a musician, opera singer, and composer and was Jewish.

Heinrich Himmler received a degree in agriculture from Munich Technical College and spent some of his time working on a farm in Fridolfing. In 1923 he joined the NSDAP party and was given the leadership of the Schutzstaffel SS in 1929.

Let’s have a look at a rare interview with Heinrich Himmler by one of America’s famous writers.

During his lifetime Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950) was one of America’s most influential writers. He earned a doctorate from Harvard, and was the author of 15 books. He wrote numerous articles and essays, and was an editorial writer and foreign affairs expert for The Washington Star. Shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe, Stoddard went to Germany on behalf of the North American Newspaper Alliance to report first-hand from the Third Reich. During this visit he conducted interviews with such key figures as Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels. Stoddard compiled his observations and interviews in a 300-page book, Into the Darkness.

In an excerpt from Stoddard’s book he states his opening words to Himmler were, “Perhaps you know that, in America, we hear rather terrible things about the Gestapo. Indeed,” I added with a smile, “it is sometimes compared to the Russian Cheka, with you yourself, Excellency, as a second Dzerzhinsky!” Himmler took this in good part. He laughed easily. “I’m sure our police organization isn’t half as black as it’s painted abroad,” was his reply. “We certainly do our best to combat crime of every sort, and our criminal statistics imply that we are fairly successful. Frankly, we believe that habitual offenders should not be at large to plague society, so we keep them locked up. Why, for instance, should a sex-offender who has been sentenced three of four times be again set free, to bring lasting sorrow to another decent home? We send all such persons to a detention-camp and keep them there. But I assure you that their surroundings aren’t bad. In fact, I know they are better fed, clothed, and lodged than the miners of South Wales. Ever seen one of our concentration-camps?”

That was all very fine, but I felt that Himmler was hedging a bit. So I proceeded: “You refer there to criminals in the general sense of the term. But how about political offenders – say, old-fashioned liberals? Is any political opposition tolerated?”

“What a person thinks is none of our concern,” shot back Himmler quickly. “But when he acts upon his thoughts, perhaps to the point of starting a conspiracy, then we take action. We believe in extinguishing a fire while it is still small. It saves trouble and averts much damage. Besides,” he continued, “there isn’t any need for political opposition with us. If a man sees something he thinks is wrong, let him come straight to us and talk the matter over. Let him even write me personally. Such letters always reach me. We welcome new ideas and are only too glad to correct mistakes.

“And now, Excellency,” I went on, “a few words, if you will, about your resettlement policy?”

“That policy,” replied Himmler, “can best be expressed in the words of our Führer: ‘To give lasting peace to our eastern borders.’ For centuries, that region and others in Eastern Europe have been chronically disturbed by jarring minorities hopelessly mixed up with one another. What we are now trying to do is to separate these quarreling elements in just, constructive fashion. We have voluntarily withdrawn our German minorities form places like the Baltic States, and we shall do the same in northern Italy. We are even marking out a place for the Jews where they may live quietly unto themselves. Between us and the Poles we seek to fashion a proper racial boundary. Of course, we are going about it slowly – you can’t move multitudes of people with their livestock and personal belongings like pawns on a chessboard. But that is the objective we ultimately hope to attain.”

You may well have heard of Dr. Joseph Mengele who we are told by Jewish documentaries and Jewish Hollywood that he was some evil monster who experimented on Jewish twins in Auschwitz with Frankenstein type experiments. Of course these claims are thrown about but there is no evidence of this just as there was no evidence of Jews turned into shrunken heads and soap made from their skin. Mengele's research was limited to behavioral and observational studies only. In fact two of the twins he supposedly experimented on Jiri and Josef Fiser survived and now make money from telling their tales as did many others. These Jewish tales might make money spinning movies like ‘The Boys from Brazil’ (about Mengele) but they are not based on reality.

More evidence to suggest that what we are told about Mengele is lies is the book by Museum of Jewish Heritage director David G. Marwell, titled “Unmasking the ‘Angel of Death’,”

Marwell’s work is considered the most well researched mainstream biography of Mengele to date. In it, he cross references witness testimony from “survivors” with hard evidence and primary sources, only to conclude that their “memories” were “unreliable.” In other words, they are lying.

Stitching together humans to create Siamese twins, smashing babies against train cars, attempts to transform boys into girls – all of the barbarism etched into the everyone’s mind about Mengele, Marwell concludes, is nothing but a pack of atrocious hoaxes.

The twins and dwarves he studied were treated kindly. By and large, the book admits that what is commonly known about Mengele is fiction constructed by rumors, novels and Hollywood which have been

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