» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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just in the same way as any man." -
Adolf Hitler- Paris Soir, January 26th 1936.

Below Excerpted from the book -The Hitler We Loved and Why by Christof Friedrich and Eric Thomson:

‘At no time in recorded history has a leader, a wielder of power in human terms, not as popular figurehead or celebrity, had such a closeness to his followers, his entire people, as did Adolf Hitler. It can only be called a love relationship.

What, other than love, can explain the German people's glad welcome of this humble, but thoroughly dedicated savior from the Eastern Marches? What, other than love, can explain how the people of greater Germany remained with him in bad times and in good, for better or for worse? What, other than love, can explain the fact that those who remember him love him still?

We loved him because he stood for the best that was in us, and as our Leader, demanded of us our best. It was never Hitler's Germany. It shall always be: Germany's Hitler, the man loved by his people.

This is why we loved him...

We loved him because he loved us and our children.

We loved him so much that we, the young and not so young, made pilgrimages to his home in the Alps - not to ask him for favors, but merely to catch a glimpse of him and to be near him.

We loved him because he was a good listener and lived simply.

We loved him because he was honest. He did not expound the supposed virtues of democracy and then corrupt the process with purchased votes.

We loved him, not because he was a "great dictator", but because he was a great teacher, a living example of the order he preached. Without order, nothing can exist. How well we who had suffered knew this lesson! But when there is no basis for instruction, no racial pattern, no heredity, the lesson of order cannot be learned, no matter how brilliant the instructor. He taught us this all-important truth of Race. Hitler's inspiration kindled our racial potential for construction and creativity. His order was not imposed upon us. It came from within.

We loved Hitler because he was a White Man. He practiced our White virtues of forthright honesty and his actions matched his words. If something was filth, he disposed of it as filth with sanitary thoroughness. He did not enshrine the excrescence of sick minds. He was not ashamed to burn shameful enemy propaganda which was aimed at the destruction of our souls.

We loved him because he defended us against the racial enemy's campaign to spread perversion among us. He knew that sexual perversion was poison and that enough of it could kill any race.

We thanked him for removing from circulation the many Jew smut publications which championed all manner of sexual deviation, including abortion, in the name of "freedom of the press."

We loved him because he removed our alien dominators and place them back among their own kind.

We loved him because he freed us from those corrupted by gold and replaced them with able and incorruptible men.

We loved him because he did not surround himself with persons who sought idle privilege, but who sought instead the privilege of serving us. No means of helping our people was too humble for our "high and mighty" leaders. We contributed freely, for we loved our leaders almost as much as we did our Leader.

We loved him because he did not persecute our enemies, but prosecuted them. Without fear or favor, according to law -- our law.

We loved him because he saved us from the alien invaders who promoted the extinction of our Race, the White Race.

We loved him because he kept our entertainment media free of the perversion of race-mixing and race suicide.

We loved him because he used the entertainment media to educate us about life and true values. The themes were uplifting in ways which were never dull. Best of all, they were OUR plays and films, by OUR people.

We loved him because he taught us the truth about Race and proved, even to skeptics that the White Race is the founder of all great cultures and civilizations and that race-mixing is the great destroyer.

We loved him because he hid nothing from us. He was confident in our strength to face the worst atrocities our enemies had to offer -- and surmount them with courage and determination.

We loved him because he taught our Fellow White men, the Poles, the truth about their Jewish Soviet "liberators." He showed the world the ghastly face of communism by revealing the Katyn Forest Massacre of the Polish officer corps and by proving forever the guilt of the Soviet system.

We loved him because he had bold plans which benefited man and harmonized with nature.

We loved him because he gave us the best roads in the world, envied and emulated by other people ever since. Not only did he give us roads, but a cheap, practical car to run on them, the Volkswagen: the People's Car.

We loved him for giving us honest money and thereby saving our jobs, our homes and our industry. He made our lives not only bearable, but fruitful.

We loved him because he did the Work of the Lord, by driving the money-changers out of our country. He taught us that true wealth is not based on gold nor upon credit. But upon the productivity of our land and people. Honest money is only possible with honest men. No system of law or gold can protect us from criminals in government. There is no substitute for honest men.

We loved him because he wrested the creation of our money away from the Jews, like his American predecessor, Abraham Lincoln. He restored our economy to peacetime prosperity. It was not preparation for war that ended our depression. Where the Jews retained their money power, the depression worsened. Unemployment rose drastically in America and Britain at this time. As the British military strategist, Liddell Hart, maintained: The last thing Hitler wanted was war. But war came at last and none too soon for the Jewish bankers! War was declared by Britain in 1939, but little fighting occurred. Britain announced Jewish terms for ending the war: Kill Hitler and return to the international gold standard. For Germany, the choice was certain death by starvation or possible death in battle.

The Jewish bankers had created massive unemployment in our country, just as they had done in England, France, America and throughout the world. They did this by decreasing the supply of money, which our racial renegade governments had allowed them to control entirely.

Before Hitler came to power, 7 million Germans were unemployed and over 6 million only partially employed. In the four bleak years from 1929 to 1933, despair and hopelessness caused the death by suicide of some 250,000 of our people.

We loved him because he freed us from dire dependency on the whims and vagaries of foreign suppliers of domestic necessities. He taught us that political independence was possible only with economic independence.

In 4 years, from 1933 to 1937, he made us virtually self-sufficient in the production of steel, aluminum, chemicals, petroleum and general industrial production.

We loved him because he had a deep reverence for our past. A people whose roots are strong cannot be toppled by gusts of fad, fashion and foolish innovation.

We loved him because he was a deeply spiritual man who did not allow the Jews to confuse Christian teachings. The Christian churches loved him. Over 40% of the SS were Catholics.

We loved him because he built churches for us. Christian churches. In the name of Christianity, our enemies destroyed these churches, later bragging about the "precision" of their bombing raids. Today, Rabbis lecture in "Christian" schools. The Talmud of the Jews, their "holy book." describes non-Jews as "beasts of the field" and "cattle." The Jews have not changed. Why have the Christians changed?

We loved him because he reaffirmed the goodness and the wisdom of wholesome work and wholesome food.

We loved him because he trusted his people. He did not find it necessary to restrict firearms ownership. No true Leader need fear the armed members of his Race.

We loved him because he taught us to appreciate beauty by creating it with our own hands. Perfection and excellence were our goals. As we worked to master our medium, we learned to observe Nature and to apply Her Laws. Thus did we become artists and also National Socialists, for National Socialism is simply the application of Nature's Laws to politics.

We loved him because he honored our heroes. A Race without heroes is a dead or dying Race. Our White heroes are brave, forthright, strong and kind. The "heroes" of our racial enemy are cowardly, devious, weak and cruel. A Race is known by its heroes, because heroes are examples to cherish and to emulate. Thus do we differ from our racial enemy, the Jew?

We loved him because his spiritual presence prevented our sufferings and sorrows from overwhelming us.

He was adored like no other mortal, before or since.

Today, his spirit soars beyond the shores of the White Man's home in Europe. Wherever we are, he is with us’ – by Christof Friedrich and Eric Thomson.

Adolf Hitler was also a skilled painter. He produced hundreds of works and sold his paintings and postcards to try to earn a living during his Vienna years. A number of his paintings were recovered after World War II and have been sold at auctions for tens of thousands of dollars. One painting fetched $161,000 in 2014. Let’s face it no matter what the Jews say not many of the general population could produce the works of art that Hitler produced below.

You should listen to the honest words below of Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat who said the following statement on video about why Hitler disliked the Jews. The links to his video are at the bottom of this statement.

“I will clarify things we did not receive in school. We didn’t receive in the curriculum. We didn’t teach then in even high education. Why did Hitler really hate the Jews? What did he want from them? How did they bother him? But it’s all written here in Mein Kamp. Hitler claims in his book that ‘the Jews are Communists and they made the Russian Revolution. They killed there 30 million Russians, all the intelligent ones in a cruel and horrific way and that’s their plan for the entire world. The next country in line is Germany. They founded the German Communist and Socialist parties’ and it’s true. Hitler said if we don’t defeat them now they will eliminate us and they will slaughter another 20 million, all the intelligent ones. And that’s how they went from country to country, so eventually the only intelligent ones remaining would be the Jews. Hitler repeats this many times. Make no mistake Hitler is right, the Russian Revolution was made by Jews. The Russian army was made by Trotsky who made the Jewish Division of the Communist party. Who founded the KGB, the Jews? So everything is clearly written in Mein Kampf he did not hate Jews for no reason, he hates them because they are Communists and he writes it clearly, the Jews destroyed religion and faith, they spread in Germany the heresy in God. Now why don’t they teach this in school because who writes the curriculum, them same leftists, of course they will not write he wanted to kill the Jews because they were the forefathers of the left and the forefathers of Marxism, Communism and Hellenism. But that’s what he writes. The Torah observant Jews destroyed all the values, poisoned literature and the German theatre. Out of nine large German newspapers, seven were owned by Jews. There was one of the greatest composers in the world, Wagner. Whose pieces are still forbidden to be played, up until now he is banned because he was an anti-Semite long before the Nazi era? And I was very interested in what he really said. I’ll tell you what Wagner said ‘I don’t like the Jews, the religious one I don’t like them. The Jews who left the Torah and the Mitzvoth and look like the gentiles I hate because they merge into our society and destroy our culture and poetry and the German being, those who converted to Christianity I see them as fifth column traitors, traitors that are going to destroy the German nation. If we don’t defend ourselves of them from now, they will finish us because they are disguised as Germans, but they are not Germans they are Jews’. So do you see why it is forbidden to teach about Wagner and what he says?” - Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat is a leading Sephardic yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel.

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