» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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Hitler wanted to Transfer the Jews

Hitler’s final solution was not to gas the Jews but to move them out of Germany. Hitler wanted to remove the Jewish influence on German life and to help with this he had an agreement with the Zionist Jewish leaders to transfer the Jews from Germany to Palestine. This was called the Haavara Agreement and lasted from 1933 until it had to stop because of the war in 1942. Jews were allowed to transfer all their money from Jewish banks in Germany to banks in Palestine and they could take all their house old belongings with them. This was to the advantage of the Jewish leaders as they wanted as many Jews as possible to immigrate to Palestine so they could have a homeland of their own. Of course this had a detrimental effect on the Arab population in which 750,000 were unlawfully forced out of their homes in the decades that followed. I go into this Haavara Agreement a bit more in the Holocaust section of this book.

The “Final Solution“, spoken of in the German documents was a program of evacuation, resettlement, and deportation of Jews with the ultimate objective of expulsion from Europe. During the war, Jews of various nationalities were being moved east, as one stage in this Final Solution.

In a memorandum that later became Nuremberg document NG-2586-J, Germany's Undersecretary of State Martin Luther gives a report on what had been accomplished diplomatically as of August 1942 in terms of the "total solution" of the Jewish problem. It was Luther's job to persuade governments to cooperate in this project. At the time, the project was encountering less than complete cooperation from Hungary and Italy, some resistance due to the influence of Jewish money, and some interference from Catholic clergy in Slovakia. In Italy's case, perhaps despairing at the lack of cooperation, Luther suggests the compromise of asking Italy keep its Jewish citizens within its own borders. The memorandum concludes with a request for permission to continue negotiations.

The "total solution" of the Jewish Problem in this document means getting the Jews out of the heart of Europe, and eventually out of Europe altogether. This is consistent with statements attributed to Hitler.

Luther narrates how the policy changed in response to circumstances, but at its core remained essentially the same. At first, it was a matter of encouraging Jews to leave Germany:

"The principle of the German Jewish policy after the seizure of power consisted in promoting with all means the Jewish emigration. For this purpose in 1939 Marshal General Goering in his capacity as Commissioner for the Four Year Plan established a Reich Control Office for the Jewish emigration and the direction was given to Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich in his capacity as Chief of the Security Police."

In June 1940 when Germany suddenly achieved continental hegemony, the continent as a whole became Germany's concern. Instead of Jewish emigration from Germany, Jewish emigration from Europe was now sought:

"The fact that the Fuehrer intends to evacuate all Jews from Europe was communicated to us as early as August 1940 by Ambassador Abetz after an interview with the Fuehrer.... Hence the basic instruction of the Reich Foreign Minister to promote the evacuation of the Jews in closest cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsfuehrer-SS, is still in force and will therefore be observed by D III."

It was always a matter of "evacuation." The only thing that changed was the destination. In 1940, Madagascar seemed an opportune location for a Jewish homeland, because it was among the prospective sites mentioned by the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, and it just happened to belong to France. Since France was under Germany's thumb at this point, it was a fait accompli, if only Britain, which controlled the sea between Europe and Madagascar, could be persuaded to make peace.

In a letter of 24 June 1941, two days after the commencement of Operation Barbarossa, Heydrich informs the Reich Foreign Ministry that a "territorial final solution" has superseded the Madagascar Plan. If Barbarossa had succeeded, as seemed unquestionable in the first weeks, it would have placed large expanses of sparsely populated land at Germany's disposal. On 31 July 1941 (a time when Germany's forces were advancing rapidly into Russia) Goering tells Heydrich to make preparations for the deportation of the Jews in that direction. Thereafter Heydrich arranges the Wannsee Conference (20 January 1942) for the coordination of all agencies involved in the project.

"In the conference Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich explained that Reichsmarschall Goering's assignment to him had been made on the Fuehrer's instructions and that the Fuehrer instead of emigration has now authorized the evacuation of the Jews to the East as the solution...."

The Wannsee Conference was called because there was now the imminent expectation of a simpler alternative to the Madagascar Plan for separating Jews from European society. Luther gives more detail about the new plan in the penultimate paragraph:

"The deportation to the Government General is a provisionary measure. The Jews will be moved on further to the occupied Eastern territories as soon as the technical conditions for it are given."

Although Luther eight months earlier had attended the Wannsee Conference, where, it has been alleged, the destruction of all European Jews was planned, killing is neither mentioned nor implied anywhere in this document: it says the opposite.

So in summary let us go over the main points of why Hitler and his NSDAP party wanted Jews out of Germany and Europe if possible.

German Jewish leaders and bankers persuaded America to join in WW1 which enabled Germany’s defeat (Balfour Declaration)

At the Paris Peace Conference (1919) the leaders of America, Britain and France all had Jewish advisors all advising the terms of the Versailles Treaty which crippled Germany.

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia claimed the lives of about 40 million Russian Christians and this revolution was financed, managed and ran by Jews who hated the Czar and the Russians. Hitler knew this and mentioned it in Mein Kampf.

The Weimar Republic in Germany debased German life with its immoral themes and financial swindling and the Weimar Republic was totally ran be Jews.

Jews such as Rosa Luxemburg and Kurt Eisner created communism and the communist party in Germany which tried to overthrow Germany after WW1 and turn it into the Bolshevik Revolution part 2.

Jews owned nearly everything in Germany after WW1 and prospered. Unlike many Germans who starved, lost their homes to the Jewish bankers and committed suicide in their thousands.

Jewish bankers and Jewish elitists declared economic war against Germany in 1933 and called for its destruction.

Jewish communists assassinated two German diplomats: NSDAP Party leader Wilhelm Gustloff and German Diplomat Ernst Vom Rath. Killed by Jews David Frankfurter and Herschel Grynszpan.

Now if you change the word Jew or Jewish from the points above to Chinese, I am sure Hitler and his party and the Germans would be anti-Chinese and would want the removal of the Chinese people from Germany. But they were not Chinese they were Jews. But we are told that Hitler was a racist and hated Jews for no reason. What a load of bollocks.

“Many German activist free-thinkers strongly resented the powerful and detrimental influence of Jews on the German economy, politics, culture, domestic and foreign policy, judicial system, media, entertainment, publishing, etc. The many Jewish-German communist organizations such as the Spartakusbund (Spartacus League) and the International Jewish Labor Bund were singled out as being the cause of Germany’s social and economic ills” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

“On this basis of their similar ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Zionists worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interest. As a result, the Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-1941, when the Second World War prevented extensive collaboration. In an interview after the war, the former head of the Zionist Federation of Germany, Dr. Hans Friedenthal, summed up the situation: "The Gestapo did everything in those days to promote emigration, particularly to Palestine. We often received their help when we required anything from other authorities regarding preparations for emigration", Mark Weber, Revisionist Historian.

Crimes of Stalin are Ignored, Why?

Between the years 1930-33 Joseph Stalin the leader of the Soviet empire murders or starves to death 9 million Ukrainians because they will not give up their farms to Stalin. Many people resorted to eating grass or even each other as Stalin imposed a ring of steel around the Ukraine. This did not receive much coverage in the Jewish press in America and Britain but make-believe offences supposedly carried out by Hitler continually featured on the front pages. Stalin attacked Finland, Latvia and Lithuania and took over eastern Poland but no declaration of war against Stalin, only Germany. Stalin then moved millions of the civilians from these countries to the Soviet Gulags.

Roosevelt and Churchill then joined sides with this monster Stalin and called him their ‘uncle Joe’.

Churchill, the Warmonger

Don’t believe the hype about Winston Churchill as the saviour of Great Britain during World War 2. He was a disaster for the British Empire, Europe and western civilisation and practically handed Stalin Eastern Europe on a plate after WW2. Winston Churchill was a warmonger of the first order. He loved war and thought himself a brilliant tactician. But the truth is his bumbling decisions made during war or to start a war cost the lives of millions of human beings. He bankrupted Great Britain during WW2 and thereafter owed millions to America.

Killing civilians meant nothing to Churchill. In 1919 Churchill had the navy force a hunger blockade on Germany for 8 months after the war had finished which led to the deaths through hunger and malnutrition of up to 2 million German civilians mostly of which were women and children. He also had a hand in the sinking of the Lusitania as you will know if you read the WW1 section.

During WW1 the Turkish Ottoman Empire was allies with Germany and Churchill believed that knocking the Ottomans out of the war would weaken Germany. The Dardanelles is a 60-mile-long strip of water that divides Europe from Asia. It was Churchill’s plan to attack Constantinople (now Istanbul), the capital of the Ottoman Empire through the Dardanelles and a ground invasion at Gallipoli. So in February 1915 the British and French began the assault. It was a disaster. Britain lost 205,000 (8700 Australians) the French 47,000 and the Turks lost about 250,000. Churchill resigned his position with the admiralty after being demoted.

Churchill had no principles and on entering politics in 1900 he joined the conservatives as his father was a Tory. Then in 1904 he left the Tories and joined the Liberal party and when they went into decline he joined the Conservatives again. Churchill hated communism, especially Bolshevism in Russia and spoke out against it many times but when World War 2 came along he jumped onto the side of Communist Russia and Stalin to destroy Germany and helped bring communism to Europe.

While Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister

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