» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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treated harshly by the Czech government and he thought the best thing that could happen would be the 3,200,000 Sudetenland Germans to join with Germany and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed with him. Of course the warmonger Winston Churchill said Hitler wanted to take over Europe and the world and advocated war against Germany if they united with the Sudetenland Germans. The Sudetenland Germans demonstrations against the Czech government were violently opposed by the Czech soldiers and Police and atrocities against Sudeten Germans were carried out. Hitler then threatened to send in the army to defend them.

Neville Chamberlain then asked for a meeting with Hitler and the leaders of France and Italy to make a decision on the matter once and for all. On September 29, 1938 at Munich they met for a conference and an agreement was reached that ceded Sudetenland to Germany, and so 3,200,000 Germans were incorporated into the German Reich. But not only that Hungary received 12,000 square km of Czech territory that had Hungarians living there and Poland received the town of Tesin which had Polish people living there. I say this was a civilised agreement were no shots were fired and no war was started and we had Churchill who wanted war to solve this dispute, but he only wanted war with Germany and not Poland who took over Tesin or Hungary who took over parts of Slovakia. Hitler made it plain from the start when he came to power in 1933 that he wanted to re-claim German territory that was took of them with the Versailles Treaty. But Churchill tried to convince the world that Hitler wanted to conquer Europe and the world but the evidence points to Churchill being the warmonger and not Hitler. Unfortunately for millions of people when the next dispute happens in Poland Churchill gets the war that he desperately wants.

Below the Munich agreement, Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler and Mussolini

The new president of Czechoslovakia was Emil Hacha as Edward Benes had resigned and fled to Britain. Hacha was worried about the rest of Czechoslovakia (Bohemia and Moravia) and he thought it was open to being taken over by the large Jewish Communist Party in Prague. Hitler invited Emil Hacha to Berlin for talks and Hacha agreed that Bohemia and Moravia would be a protected by Germany so Hitler sent in the soldiers without firing a shot to accomplish this.

When the war was over in 1945, the Czechs took an ugly revenge. According to estimates, anywhere between 100,000 and 200,000 Sudeten Germans suffered a violent death in the process. Edward Benes granted immunity to Czech citizens for expelling Germans and confiscating their property without compensations, and the rape, theft or even murder of a German adult or child was legal under Czech law. 3,000,000 Germans had their homes took of them and were sent out of Sudetenland into Germany.

Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)

Jewish Propaganda against Germany was a huge weapon that was used to turn public opinion in America and Britain against Germany. Everything that Hitler and his regime did was blown up negatively out of all proportion to blacken the Hitler’s regime. Let’s look at the true reality of what happened on that day in November 1938. Feelings against the Jewish people was already running high in Germany because of the Jewish declaration of war against Germany in 1933 which we have already seen if you have read that section. Also the German leaders new and most German people new that German Jewish Zionists had helped to bring America into WW1 which brought about the defeat of Germany plus the massive reparations that they had to pay. If the Jews had declared an economic war against Britain in 1933 and forced other countries not to sell British goods how would the British people feel towards the Jews?

The German NSDAP Party leader in Switzerland in 1936 was Wilhelm Gustloff. In February 1936 Jew David Frankfurter turns up at the house of Wilhelm Gustloff and asked to speak to Wilhelm Gustloff and Gustloff’s wife then lets him into the house. Frankfurter then shoots Gustloff 4 times and he died in front of his wife.  

The League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICA) was a Jewish militant organisation in Paris which was created by Jew Bernard Lecache in 1933. 17 year old Jew Herschel Grynszpan did not have a permit to stay in Paris and he was on the run from the French Police and he was without any money. It is believed that LICA financed Grynszpan to buy a gun for the assassination that was to follow. Then on 7th November 1938 Polish-German Jew Herschel Grynszpan went to the German Embassy in Paris and asked to speak to a German diplomat. When 29 year old German Diplomat Ernst Vom Rath came to the door Grynszpan shot him in cold blood five times. France's most famous lawyers, Moro Giafferi turned up at the Police station to defend Grynszpan and despite being questioned by the German authorities no trial took place and Grynszpan returned to Paris after the war and was given new identity papers and a new name. Moro Giafferi was the legal counsel for LICA and was also defence counsel for David Frankfurter who shot Wilhelm Gustloff in 1936. Clearly this LICA was behind the murders and possibly behind the plan to attack the Jews in Germany on Crystal Night with the attention of getting world opinion against Germany. Well it certainly worked.

Ernst Vom Rath was given a state funeral in Dusseldorf in which Hitler and Ribbentrop attended.

To many Germans that was the last straw in this Jewish hate, slander, propaganda, economic boycotts and murder against them and a spontaneous outburst of anger resulted. Some German citizens or agents of LICA then damaged Jewish shops and burnt or damaged some 180 synagogues out of about the 1400 synagogues that were in Germany. The international Jewish press then suggested that it was all planned by Hitler and Goebbels, but of course this was nonsense because Hitler and his leaders gained nothing from it. In fact Hitler was furious and he ordered a telex message sent to all Gauleiter offices. It read: "By express order from the very highest authority, arson against Jewish businesses or other property must in no case and under no circumstances take place" and Goebbels went on the radio and ordered those involved to immediately stop all aggression and violence against the Jews and many people were arrested for the violence against the Jews.

From then on the world’s media waged a lengthy anti-German campaign. The question that needs asking is, who benefitted from Kristallnacht it certainly was not Hitler and Germany as it received so much negative publicity. The people (International Jewry) who hated Germany and wanted war against it were the only ones who benefitted. The truth of the matter is that a secret organisation such as LICA was probably behind the attacks that night with the intention of getting world opinion against Hitler and Germany. Also a fact is that not well known is that in many cases Jews and their German neighbours fought together against the attackers that night. There are even reports that disturbances against the Jews started to take place before Vom-Rath had died.

Jews in Germany actually protested against ‘international Jewry’ about the fictional stories of persecution. In fact Dr. Loewenstein, chairman of the Reich League of Jewish Front-line Soldiers criticized the foreign “Jewish so-called intellectuals” who were waging an exaggerated, “irresponsible campaign of hatred” against Germany. On March 24, the Reich League issued a statement to the front-line soldiers of the world, reiterating that the atrocity propaganda was false. The League of Red Cross Societies received a report from the German Red Cross, which said, “The reports of atrocities which have been spread abroad for reasons of political propaganda are in no way in accordance with the facts”. Central Union of German Citizens of Jewish Faith issued a statement, saying, “All such reports are pure inventions. The Central Union states emphatically that German Jewry cannot be held responsible for these inexcusable distortions which deserve the severest condemnation”.

Many hate crimes and atrocities were committed against the black people in America at the time especially in the deep southern states but I don’t see anyone who wanted to boycott American goods or wage war against it because of this.

So if you are a History teacher in school I wish you would tell the truth about this event and not the fabricated and distorted version that is widely told.

Polish Corridor

Hitler came to power in Germany with two main aims, the rectification of the unjust provisions of the Versailles Treaty, and the destruction of the Soviet/ Communist threat to Germany.

Hitler stated many times that he wanted to re-claim German territory that was taken away from them after World War 1. It was no secret he even stated this in the 25 points of the NSDASP’s party when it was created in 1921. But the warmonger group led by Churchill and Lord Halifax insisted that Hitler wanted to conquer the world and taking over the Rhineland, Austria and the Sudetenland was part of this mad plan. But this was all lies and nonsense and any sensible person who studies the facts can plainly see this.

First I will say that in 1982 the Argentinians invaded the Falklands which were supposedly British and the British immediately sent the armed forces to get the Falklands back. It was the same with Germany who had parts of its country taken of it by the Polish in 1919. But Germany could not take its territory back immediately because due to the Versailles Treaty it was stripped of its army, navy and air force. It had to wait until it threw of the shackles of the Versailles Treaty and it had a strong enough armed forces. But Hitler did not want to take it back by force he tried negotiations first.

A huge setback for Hitler’s negotiations with Poland over the Corridor was with the death of the leader of Poland, Josef Pilsudski in 1935. Hitler was on good terms with Pilsudski and they had signed the German-Polish non-aggression pact in 1933. All this was to change when warmonger of the first degree Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly took charge of Poland and led them to disaster. Hitler was to talk about this setback in a speech at the Reichstag on September 19th 1939.

Ok let us look at the facts and see what is myth and what is reality. After WW1 the so called victorious nations created a new country called Poland and they stole land from Germany and gave it to Poland. To give Poland access to the sea they gave Poland a piece of land which cut right through Germany. East Prussia was then separated from Germany and so was Danzig (Gdansk). Danzig was placed under the supervision of The League of nations and was classed as a free city. The population of Danzig was 96% German and Danzig had been part of Germany since 1793. German people who wanted to travel from East Prussia to Germany now had to sail by ship to get there because they were not allowed to cross the Polish Corridor. Around 1.5 million Germans now lived in a country and persecuted as a

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